HomeMy WebLinkAbout919114 , ,'. ··.·.·I·.~J~r.,:. :,' :..' :'-':' ",' ... .......,...,.........,'..... ,.,..::y.,l\{äf:¡¡;,.:.:<.:;...-.~.,:¡;':;.!.;..,~ '.',' , .. -, \~ ". ~r¡~i'.H . ,. .:;. ,.', ".' . -""., -- . ,. :-.¡..., ...:~ ¡:\~ ,:I~" .;';',",',' 00488 .- l .. WARRANTY DEED. Harold F. Bateman and Eva M. Bateman, husband and wife, of Bedford, Lincoln County, Wyoming, grantors, for and in consideration of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00), and other vaJuabJeconsiderations. in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY and WARRANT to Alan L. Motzkus and Sharan Motzkus, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, grantees, of PO Box 4288, Bedford, WY 83112, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: c¡ ( é, t A portion of the NE1/4 of Section 33, T34N, R118W, 6th P.M,. Lincoln County, Wyoming, and the NW1/4 of Section 34, T34N, R118W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. as more particularly described on Exhibit A attached and incorporated herein by this reference. "1' . <~ ·....i EXCEPTING THEREFROM, the real estate described in that certain warranty deed dated August 29, 2003, between Harold F. Bateman and Eva M. Bateman, husband qnd wife, grantors. and Alan L. Motzkus and Sharan Motzkus, husband and wife, grantees, and recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on September 2, 2003, in Book 533 PR, page 355, Recording Number 893064. SUBJECT TO àll covenants, conditions, easements. exceptions, restrictions, reservations and rights of way of sight or record. WITNESS our hands as of this 2nd day of May, 2006. RECEIVED 6n/2006 at 10:56 AM RECEIVING # 919114 BOOK: 622 PAGE: 488 JEANN~ WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY -CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~f~ Harold F. Bateman "."" -..__...-.,-~--.-... -.-.. .-...-".---.---.-,--. .... -----. ----.. H____ .-.~..--.~ ... 7 / '0-d r . . -- ~-~---_. Eva M. Batema . 1 U.·.·.·4!··t·~.·.I~ ::::::::::~~:~:::::;I ~Ò~ill~i~ '1::::::*:::~: ;¡;. :~:~:~~~:!I~:~: ~:~:; <:Œ~~i~~m!ili~ ·.';'.1¡"'''M.~!.i.!..·i!.i·.·...,·~¡,;· ~~.~~\~~~£Ii4.~':i.:.·,:-,:':;::''';'',~A'':''S:'''~d!...''.!'ß'Ii:ti,~. ':; > .'~'. ;¡".,.,.;...,.;.,.:"i.;....t;....... .;. -.' '¡·;':.,'I:: -:'.: .·';!",,"r:;~40¡;¡.iEJæ.~W~~"""~.'i;;.t"'\;f!tt(;ft1I:'r'';:·j:'":''.:''~'.'.·'''·''' ..:';.~.;,~:,.,~...,~~I.I!.:'v.J<ò:i:¡;¡ ·~.i.t',·":·: ~"';". "ô'.';'~,;,.:.,.. 0919114 C00489 STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing Warranty Deed was acknowledged before me by Harold F. Bateman and Eva M. Bateman, husband and wife, this I g day of May, 2006. Witness my hand and official seal. CLAUDIA ANDERSON· NéJfARY PUBLIC CaUNTY OF LINCOLN STATE OF WYOMING &audtt'f' a~ ~ NOTARY PUBLIC ~y COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 25, 2006 My commission expires: $ ~ó7 s -.;1- ðð Ço , .' -.-.. "-"'.'-"~"'--_..- -.---- ...._,--.~,-_...-......._,._.... ..... ..-. ¥"_._._..."...___._ u_ ._., .. ....' -......-.--...--.....'¥...-...... - .-.,. __...._. ~".m__...._.__....__... __ 2 ·'·t·,·i.,·...!.!,;.,...,.,...,......,'.·,'··, '·.i'·~"_;-.~~-..~:::~.,.". :'r~' ,'. . ,:.';"·~_::...C.-:-'-"..·.-<.,::-:,.·t·~~T;'· ,'. .' .''''j' " " .'. ·.·.·4·.~.·.·.·.·.·.!'.·...... ~".~~\.':~it9'.\.i. ..:~.~:'..,,'~·...;l"· -d'!~' -"~""";"':l " '. . ;~J~'.';.¡~¡:~.,'f:'.'; ,:,'...;.;\¡.. \:..~, "~':. " ',':" .-.' ·.·.:0.;1"..17\:.;';., 0919114 The Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of Section 33, T34N, R118W, 6th P.M., E h' b' A Clncoln County, Wyoming, together with appurtenances and water rights, p:g~ ~ t EXCEPTING THEREFROM, the following two tracts of land: CÇ0490 --'-' ..--..------.-".-.-..-....-...-.-.... ...~... .--.----.---- -_..~ .~..- ~._~..' '---_.n__~____n_ _._.___ _.......__.... _..___.~_~_ _ _~._.'. a. Beginning at a point which is the East Quarter Corner of . Section 33, T34N, R118W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence West along the boundary line between the NE1/4 and SE1/4 of said Section, 700 feet; thence in a Northeasterly direction approximately 750 feet to a point on the east boundary line of said Section 33 which is approximately 285 feet North from the point of beginning, thence South approximately 285 feet to the point of beginning, together with appurtenances and water rights. b. A portion of the NE1/4 of Section 33, T34N. R118W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the North Quarter corner of said Section 33, and running thence S89°50'1711E 660 feet along the North line of said Section 33; thence SQo03'40"W 1320.00 feet; thence N89°50'17"W 660 feet; thence Noo03'40"E 1320,00 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 20.000 acres of land, RESERVING UNTO seller a perpetual irrigation pipeline easement for the benefit of seller (Harold F. Bateman and Eva M. Bateman) and their assigns and successors in interest in the above-described 20-acre tract of land, over, across and along two separate twenty-foot (20') wide strips of land for the purpose of constructing and maintaining underground irrigation pipelines to provide Irrigation water to said 20-acre tract, tc? enter upon the lands situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, more particularly described as follows. to-wit: Easement No. 1 Beginning at the Southeast corner of the above-described 20-acre tract of land and running thence Soo03'40"W 12,63 feet, more or less, to the existing Central Bedford sprinkler main line; thence along said sprinkler main line in a generally west by southwest direction, 20. feet, thence Noo03'40"W. 13 feet, more or less. to the 80uth boundary line of the above described 20- acre tráåt of land: thence S89°50'17"E along said South boundary line, 20 feet, more or less to the point of beginning; provided that if said main line is ever moved, the above distances will be adjusted accordingly, ---~.._,_.__..- - .-...... .... -". -'.'- _..-- ----......--.-...." .~ -- -- - --- --.- -..--...-..---....-. Easement No, 2 Beginning at a point on the South boundary line of the above-described 20- acre tract of land which Is N89°50'17"W 320 feet from the Southeast corner of said 20-acre tract of land and running thence 80°03'40"\11/17 feet, more or less. to the existing Central Bedford sprinkler maIn line; thence along said m:G:,:~;~~t:¡¡;~ ¡~:1~~~~I~~1;i !: :I~I:'·"Á~:L¡.'I:!·:¡'" ",., ·:::~;';··;:,:..':'J:-'.;T.1,. c. .......;..:,:.._.:: '~'..' "";':';';"-'~~_';:,,...-., . .',' ··,·~·,,,,·.',·.·~~ó·.h·."ô·.·.·"·I·, ',:..'.' ' .' ·,:,j-"-'~..8.C'l"tfi1r.W.K-·'r;""'h<:Ui:"¡··.l¡,;r.:";·::", ....., ,,~,.;.. ,,:."': _", ", :,.' . :,".::. :".' i -n ..:",;. ";.,",' . ';"~ : ','.' "..':' :.:. '~_~:"':....'.' 091911~ sprinkler main line in a generally west by southwest direction, 20 feet, thence Noo03'40"W, 17 feet, more or less. to the South boundary line of the above described 20-acre tract of land; thence S89°50'17"E along said South boundary line, 20 feet, more or less to the point of beginning; provIded that If said main line Is ever moved, the above distances will be adjusted accordingly. Exhibit A page 2 000491 Seller and their successors and assigns are hereby granted the right to construct and maintain an underground Irrigation water pipeline over, across and along the above described 20-foot wide easements to such extent as is deemed necessary to construct, maintain and repair an underground Irrigation pipeline to carry irrigation water to the above described 20-acre tract of land. Seller agrees that after any maintenance they will re-seed the land and restore it to its previous condition as soon as possible and to the extent possible. 2. The Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section 34. T34N, R118W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, together with appurtenances and water rights. EXCEPTING and RESERVING unto the Grantors and all of their heirs, successors and ~sslgns. a 60-foot wide perpetual right of way easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a roadway for ingress and egress and for constructing and maintaining underground utilities from Public Road 126 to all of Grantors' lands located east of said NW1/4, more particularly described as follows: . Beginning at the NE Corner of said NW1/4 and running thence West along the North boundary of said NW1/4 400 feet, thence South parallel to the East boundary of said NW1/4 to a point 60 feet South of said North boundary line of said NW1/4, thence East parallel to the North boundary line of said NW1/4 400 feet, more or less. to a point on the East boundary of said NW1/4 which is 60 feet South of said NE Corner, thence North along said East boundary 60 feet to the point of beginning. , -'" _"__'__'_'V_"**_ _w. _.... ---_'-.'_-,",---' '.--'.--'--.- -." ,..-, .--...... -." _... -" .'... ..---....-.-...'.,..-..-.....- w..... _._. .___'"._____..._.._..__ _.._ . .-.."----..".--..---.-. /