HomeMy WebLinkAbout919133 ~ ~!r ~~ ·~ð Jšco~ {¡!\ ';;:;I ,.,.. j ~ ! Request is hereby made that a copy of any Notice of Default or Notice of Sale undçr the Mortgage ~ ~~. or Trust Deeds or other instrument set forth below, and any other Mortgages that may hereafter be "'(" 85 recorded, affecting the property known as and described more particularly as follows: .~1 t/j .~ 'Vf'i ~ . .~ Jj'1!, ~l: ·H 0., / /'. 1/) IV ty WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: Mountain West Small Business Finance -------- OC51.9 RECEIVED 6/7/2006 at 3:59 PM RECEIVING # 919133 BOOK: 622 PAGE: 519 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 2595 East 3300 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Request for Notice of Default and Sale See Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and made part hereof by this reference. be mailed to the Mountain West Small Business Finance at 2595 East 3300 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84019 and the Small Business Administration at 100 East B Street, #40Ò1, P.O. Box 2839, Casper, Wyoming 82602-2839. MORTGAGE Mortgagor: Amount: Mortgagee: Dated: Recorded: Scott L. Carlisle and Cherie L. Carlisle $669,230.00 The Bank of Star Valley March 2, 2006 March 3, 2006 Entry No: 916416 Book: 613 Page: 657 DATED June 1, 2006. ","- t<."t i;7 Mountain West Small Business Finance By: 'tv .', .. ...,."' ..;~;", . ',~ .' ':. .....:.~ .'.:";".'. ..... '!"'~':1:!.; . ,~i":¡"I:.·.>. .'.:. - '.- .-' .....'";.....~~.,, ~:I:,¡J'):I'UTo.lT=;?;".-c"'~~; . '.'~ -: ,-I '. , '"'.' ;....; ';':';".':1;';,; . . .,. '. -. '. ',' r " .,,~,. .....'1-;..'....>."1"" ,.." ,":,:>~'~.'; '. -f '....: ":1"-., .; l~t:.:I:t::t;';r~.L. IDri~m~I~i11¡i~R~'J :::~I!::!~:r~:¡::;:~;; ~i':«~'N'::~~ ,¡;r¡I;S!:Jir:1¡'í"',!;'i¡ i!l:t!;I,li!,t¡t,t'~I';I :! g~:·;,~~:~:~,~;:;:~g!~t ··,',',·.....·...·.... ·.·.·:·,·,·,·'·.·'·I·:·"'I.·t·~:IUKr!>'.II\.(·:'(>~r.u<n:~~:l:· .'!,;';.' ·,···..·.1,;.;;,-, ',::··.u.,:~-·-I'....../·:'., .-..,',.,'.',..:.,....,.................¡...¡. .... ". :¡!t-f·~....,;....,-"·,,.........,.';.!I~~I';~~.,··"I· ....... .- . ... '.',·;!.·.·.·f·(.l~.,.~'~,·,·I··.' .~.- """".' J.'..~.~.~..... STATE OF Wyoming COUNTY OF Lincoln ) :ss. } COC520 '. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this June 1, 2006 by William J. Frisby, Senior Vice President, Mountain West Small Business Finance. Notary Pub~:: JANEL BENTON 2595 E 3300 S Salt lake City, UT 84109 My Commission Expires October 25, 2008 State of Utah .., .' m~;~~1~~§~;~¡¡; ....".~..',....::>' "':"'.~~"'_:_:,,:,_. ,·!.·.~,·!',:·,¡·...".,õr.fi.....~.il,·,It~:¡··:-'.:;'þ: ~J~~~'lt'lP-':"j.,,¿~hr~4.-II¡¡'.:~s".:···.I.,.....~';'-t,,~:,t¡;Þ~"'·"i' . .. ," -",l!i:.f'J,it<,,,,,, ~':;:'t;.;I.·.,...,¿·.tit~'." ',·.·j . .. ...' ~:~." '~!' ." :'··':"";I:<,.I.~lt.Odat;:Q.q;¡:If"":~.ili!o."./;UV"''i''~I''.~1·;¡;:..:.f.'·'·: . ',~...,,<~.:J';~ >',~·~.~i~¡m¡w.IoÌJ;':;¡",,"~·,,, ".~:'" .~.; '"t.~ :¡~~.f"l·';'!I;I;¡ ", . ~. C00521 Exhibit A The land rl:fcrred to in this document is situated in the St.'\te of WyomÍ11g, County of Lincoln, and is described as follows: That part afLot 11 of the Schwab Addition to the Town of Afton, said addition being identical with Block 5 Lot 4 Original Townsite of Afton, being pm·t of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 122PR on page 705, described as follows: Beginning at the NOlihwest cornel' of said Lot 11, marked by n P·K nail in A split cedar post; thence South 88D14'04" Enst, 165.00 feet, along the North line of said Lot 11, to a bat hey; thence South 01 °45'56" West, 117.12 feet, along the East line of sa.id Lot 11, to a point; thence North 88D14',04" West,165.60 feet, parallel with the said North line, toa point on the West line of said Lot 11; thence North 01 °45'56" East, 117,12 feet, along s1\id West line, to the corner of beginning. ALSO Lot 3 of Bloc.k 5 to Afton Townsite, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. LESS AND EXCEPT any land contained in Warranty Deed recorded September 23,1966 in Book 75PR on page 530 ofthe records ofthe Lincoln County ClerIc"