HomeMy WebLinkAbout875975 When recorded, mail to Mail tax notice to: Jun J. Bunderson, Attorney Karl R. Becket 45 North First East 2723 South State Brigham City, Utah 84302 Preston ID 83263 PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S DEED THIS DEED, made by. KARL R. BECKER, as personal representative of the estate of ROBERT MORSE BECKER, deceased, Grantor, to KARL R. BEC[~[ER, Grantee, whose address is 2723 South State, Preston, Idaho ~.~..:, 263 . WHEREAS, Grantor j.~,:!i' the qualified personal representative of said estate, filed as P~!'obate Number 013100028, in Box Elde~ County, Utah; THEREFORE, for valuable consideration received, Grantor quitclaims, transfers, [.tnd conveys to Grantee the following described real property in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the ~,c:rtheast corner of the SE 1/4 NE 1/4 of Section 20, To~:.",~ ship 30 North, Range 118 West of the 6th P.M., Wyoming'a~nd running thence West 1452 feet to the East right-of~:ay of U.S. 89 Highway, thence South 9° 40' West 460 fe~?.t, thence East 1539 feet, thence North 450 feet to the point of beginning containing approximately 15 ac. res. Together with all appurtenances. Less that portion conveyed to the State Highway Co~ission of WyomJ:ng by deed dated December 21, 1996. EXECUTED this ~_ day of ~m~ 200]. { .:.... [.I~.~()0[..~~~E OF THE ESTATE OF ~, ROBERT MORSE BECKER, DECEASED STA~E OF UTAH ) COUNTY OF BOX ELDER )~ On the ~day 'cf -- 200~, personally appeared before me KARl_ R. BEC~, as personal representative of the estate of ROBERT MC~SE BECKER, and as signer of the foregoing instrument, who ~~~that he executed the