HomeMy WebLinkAbout919214 JUN. 1.2006' 4:21PMI .. , . ---- - ___..~r .. '------- -----__.-'-. ·NO.997 P.l RECEIVED 6/12/2006 at 10:27 AM 1000L-4.-r' .~", ... RECEIVING # 919214 BOOK: 622 PAGE: 747 GO G 74 7 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY MAINTENÁl'ÌCE ..A..G&EE~NT AEROBIC WASTEWATER. TREATMENT Dl'-{IT "I .......... " ,. .... '. TmS MA.JNTENANCE AGRE¡¡1vŒNT (!gb "rent") is mad. this m day of ~)\..J 1-;::;:' ,20Q(ó~ by and between Rr{2.01-.:.t:. ~ßá',~ ,".'hose.addressis ~~, S10\...fhJD ~ R\~'~ ~ ~e.re.iJla.ftßr referred to ~ '~wner") and Linc.oln Cm.:t.1lTY, Wyo:t:ning (b=-eina.ftor ,tofened to 2$ ~e I<Co~tyl-). RECITALS: A. O,",rner ia the owner ofre~ propeny lQca.t~ in Linc::om County, Wyoming, '!Dore particul/3!'ly d.escnlJed 'bðlow (1:he "Pro'p~"): Su.bdìvisio~: 'fy\",~ Q\ D h¿:- Ç\.;StiT@:L~ 'Lot #: '" "'"? (or legal desoriptiQn): ./ 3) . . E,. The ~roport)r b S1.1cl1 tba.t e.n Enhan~ed Wß.$tewater Treatment SystðtO (the CTroa.'b¡¡ent System") must be installed in,6tdertc me~tthe req\.1irtmellts of the Linco'ln CO'IJnty, 'Wyomir¡.g Zoning R~Qluûo:c. and/or the Lincoln County. Wyoming Subdivision Rcsolu.ûoIJ" Or the OWner has ,'ohmtarily chason to M.'',IE: an e'Dhanced wastewater trea.tIne;nt s}rst~ ins~ed. /" " - -_ '. ~,..... C. In order to campJy with '''Wyomitlg Department QfSD.vU-Otlm~ta1 QualitŸ~' , ': I; .., .Regu1a.'tiO:tls~ t:J:ie OWn~J' sha.U pro,n.de. for the. ongoing iDspe~1io~ sampling " ~ anò ~aintenance of tbe:r'r~atment S)'steµ;J.,. -. - , . ~';:. _ . ,:_.." -",.,1 . \ \ ,;, "". '. /;:~;~ D. As tbe. Small Wastewater Facility delega.t~d·llu~ority. tlle. CoUDty alsó . ""'~? ~"~ ,",:,.:,:..->' 'req~iies thf- OWll~ to agrf:;¡?, '!.A:; provide fer the () lg~jng in$p ecti.on, sampling -,-, '''~~'i ~.S~-:f:~' and tIlaint/Wa.nce oftb.e Trca :ment S)1st~ ". ~:'~;~~\('.,~' ." NOW. THEREFORE.. O"'rJlér agree$ as fo~lQw$: 1. Upon insta11atlQJ¡ of the Trea.tment S)rste.µ1 aud the 'ro:eC'lltioD of this Agre.emen't.¡ OVt'Pe¡" $1;¡all provide ~'4al evide.nce of ongoing Tn:(1.t:I:O.en.t S)'Ste:m. ~aintc:m.¡q¡ce i;¡ the fornl of sampling ¡-esults AND a cop~ of se;rvice COJ:ì.tra.ct fer the fallOWing )/e.ar with a pro,'id.er ð,1l.tb.otizfþ:i þy the T re.a:tm.~n.t S)1stem' S 1J;lanufa.ctw'er. , 2. OV,71CI' i$ req'¡J1J:ed to k~e.p the Trea;!J¡¡,~t System Qn the ProperLY in good opmt.1cD., cODdition and repa.i.1:. SO¡'¡le. re.pair or re:plac.em.~\ c:.Qsts ma.~ not Pe. cov~ed by a St~:¡',ic~ co¡¡.tract O'~'n~ will be respOD.$iblé: to pay all costs not ceyer~d. . . ,,' , , -: \ -'2- ·k.,:~1·;"!-·)!:,:K~!oI';';:,';,h:'j;¡~'if¡;¡¡fÛ'·¡\'¡o.¡"_:Ó¥.oo;:Rii1.A'iii~<¡:''';:;:i~¡.:!..;/V{J:A-.g;.:jif:¡;.~;~¡m¡,~~:M&'~J~~~~¿1?·- ~!_,_ "';0;' > _::·:·'.~,l·.,:,;,~·;t;t;I;ø;Ji ;·i·¡';~~';!i·¡I~\;::'.~;~,','.~ '. . :~,·~.:tL..;:r.:~:j~;:~)i~i'.f¡f~k;:'"àt1F.~";'.~~t~~i.1"~ni!;t;r.M;r.tmGm.l~:t,,,;.,~,~,"';¡"$~t.;:.;-..?~:...~~ ~111m~!illi~l@ '::'~<:..:;;"". 'i_:·¡II'i·iW¡~!¡~¡S~ì!t..!:i~"i.'!~¡·i!i!r.~¡r..ifm¡';~~,'''.V¥'_> ;g,!"",,~·'·.E';:'.::-!"':!,·l'~~",y;,~~,;Ì'" C.' : 1;',::ldf' ,;!··~>-~.ijl~¡!j~""'!¡!?j~;~¡\~, '-~'.7')': ~ , ,~.. :,~¥.'~tr}'{;1i"l":"~~~iftJ~~:;£r_~?i;",*!m:-r.~W-~! :; ;:.,r:!;\~t{;.::m.~,:Ji",f)~~~3:~"I~!:H-~¡':\.~¡;;-'I:;.~N.~~:..:,¡f;!~li~.;.~.¡ '~.,: JUN. 1.2006 4:22PM LINCOLN CO CLERK \ ...""... NO. 997 P.2 .. ... '" . . 8..' ~ ,. Ò919214 000748 3. O"''D.er's obliga.tion to this Agreetnen.t shall oo:o.1¡nue 'l1Ii1ess a COnnf;Ctlon to a. CI:.j1tra1 sewer is obtained and/or the req~ire.ment is e:limmated by th~ County. 4. This ..I\.grooment ~d the. obliga.tions 'on th~ part of the. Owner her~under shall be peIpet:ual and shall run with ~t1e to the PropQ"ty ~.d shall be Þindlng upo:c Owner and OVl'D.ðrÞS hcir$~ ~c~essorsl assigns, transf.erees and. ~tees. This AgreemeI),t will be record.ed in the. Office. of the CO\.U:lty Clerk to provide. notice. of the obliga.'ê Ons of the' Owner and Owner's h~, s\)ccès$ors, ~signs, t:rans:ferees and grantðes to maintain the. . Trea1:I:Qent System, Owner a-grees to :c.atify the County of the; name of any !J.ew OVl'D.er upon ~e, transfer ofthe P;roperty, ' 5. Fri!ure to provide the County with evidence. of ~l.).31 eft1U~f sampling ANP ~0d.ence. of an o:c.gô;'¡¡g m~tcnance contract shall constitute a violatioD. of the County Smill 'W~la'tq Re~a.tio~s (Fe'orµa~,'Yì 1986). . 6. V'iolation of the provisiong of the. CountY ~:ma1l Wastcwater Regula.iions ~ebI'U~1'Yì 1986) shall be d~ed ~ misdemeanor. Ea~ a:Ild every da.y or pDrt1oIltherðOf d~ring which a:t¡y viola.tion of EJlY of the ;provisions Oftb6 reg\.lJa.tion is cOtDJnitt~ . COnM'1J.ed or permitted shall b~ considered a $epa.ra.te oft6nSc. Upon c.Qnyiction of any, . S'j.¡cl¡, viola.t;¡on~$uch a pe:rso:c. ma.y be. punished as :provided by law with a. fine ofup to $750.00 and 10 days i:c.jail p~ da~' of violation. ? OVi1!ler her!:.by grantS to tþ.e Coun1)') th~ servi¿e. co.ntract prOVider a:c.d the..ir agerrt.5 far the term of this Agreement, an ~seplent o~ over and ~QSS the Propert), 'to a.pßess~ inspect. maintajn, morU.~or and service the Trea' men.t System, including ann'llal ~ampJ.mg of e:ffi' ¡eJ:lt ~d periQdic sampling ofilia settled so1ids. ..'~ . IN WITNESS VlEERBOF, th~ OWNER has ~ign~ this A~!~ent to be effective the day and :rear fuost a.boye writte.n. . WITNESS my hand this.2n±:.. d~y of ~ Ù tv..~' , 200~t ~ m \~ t ~. . \~J.:l ~0·'··· .~£~~ (j) ðAQot-. ~$ (~..~" S';rATEOF , _ /' ). J cÞÞTn'lQ.{.ß~ ) SS. COUNTY OF :=J'!lìJQJl) ) "/ TI¡e a.boye and forl:gci.:Qg instrume,¡,'1.t was acþawled.ged before me by e:.AlÞL T ~ e.Ä/P en tµ'l- _ tJlis 7 day of .Jù ~ . ~\ 200~_ s: z 'nOS-ON Ç;~8'oæ . .)-;.-<3» ....~ 3 . ,.:3 0 \:I_.Õ .. n~ c",» ~ 0 IT 5!!. '!,!O=OI ãf~()~» O'~CD ()o~o ()0Q.~~ Ú>c=+;"'r- °:::::>0"'» ~-<~~I IVNN ~. " ,. I'. -, .r ~.. r .. W--'·. . L ~ J1" ,_ . f . __ n -\"'" ~-'''I' .4 ~~lmIilfm.¡~ 2---z-.-