HomeMy WebLinkAbout919247 . --.- .~---- - -......". __I ......__.. __ hf'l(1S69' fj u '. Affidavit of Distribut.ee for Transfer of Wyoming Corti'ftcato of Title r, ittl, <I Elk ~ ,being fu,t doly swn>n and opon my o,m, SlAt, dte rnUowing: , tM'" Afkd~ Zðòþ 1. TbnttlH~ dMcden§' /.-4 T2di ~tLVI1 /::;dðn ,died olUllo :Jay ¡~, Z3' 2tJ£JS of ~. 20__-r-' (Il ccrtlfic:d copy of dCIlÚl cr.rtificlltc must he 3ttJ\~htd to this form) / 2. -/"7-14J 3, Tllil[ the valuo of tho cntír~e61l\re ofthc decedent, whcnwer located, less liMS and cncurnbrances, docs not exceed One hundred fif1y~thouslu\(1 (150,000.00). 4. Thafmorc than tlrirty (30) day~ bave elapsed since the dnte of the decedent's òealh. 5. ~ Thllt po application for appointment. of n }lcrsonal rcprcsentll:tlvc is pc:ndiJlß or has been granted in ¡my juri6(l!clion. G. 'l'bat the abOVe-llJlnltd djgltlbntec(s) is/are entitled to pOYJI\ent or òc:llve1Y oftho deceQ/!;llts property and tbero Ilrc not other dl¡;lributocs of the decedent llaving Il right to succeed to tho propc[[)' \mdcr proù:ttc procccdiI1I~g· !\ 7. ï, hat t underslgned¡/: ues[ thatJhc fol1owlllg described propert)' be transferred ro:' I uí. (namcl:(s)] as s~g [rclhtlómhip(s) öf sard deallwF, Il,ud tbat rilles {(1 sni!l motar vehicles be trar1Gfarrcd into said nn.rno. (lide npplication must be tlUC¡{ out) 8. Propcrty descrlprion: Y car, n, ' \11\.kelStyJu l Color 19~9 "- he. ve C.e e.he~-I r' C~ I!. A ï . 20þ r.e Vehicle IdcnUficat10IJ Number ¡{I 0 C" I .,.... Iß/AvJc:;.$tRh rpfó.3;;> v DATED this da)' of SlGNA.TURE(S) Ol~ DISTRJ.ßUTIƒ(S) øt//~ ¿~ cf{~ 't~ St¡lt~ of Wyoming) l, CO\1ntyof l; (\CO\~ ) Bl'!.forc mc personally appea.red ~fll1 OrJ [110 HeJxJön :J I IJcing first duly swom by ~ou ¡is/her oath says that Ù1C facts alleged ;1\ tho foregoing in!!tnuncnt are ffilC. Witness my haud and . . CHRISTINA K. ALLRED· NOTARY PUBLIC ~eabOUNTY OF" STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSIÖN EXPIRES 04/30/2009 7< Notnry l'nùllt or Aisjgt~nt CO\lllt~r Clod, RECEIVED 6/12/2006 at 2:28 PM RECEIVING # 919247 BOOK: 622 PAGE: 869 :::::::;::::f:::::~:::::., JEANNE WAGNER ,;;~:;«'j_'.;i:;:;;!:r:!; ::,::;::::::::::~t::::: _ ~;~,¡~>r"1;>:;-¡!~¡i;W . - LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMM"::j\:2't'(:;:'WY - --.------------" II'I!.'~- ~ I""', ..' ~ ~";¡;.,, ..~, ,,;~\~ ~~ri. I'I!'J" . ''(I'', ·{jf~~ :0:: :; ~ ~ m~ 1.\1",",', I~À\~ ~~~ '~'it ¡(¡¿~ ,; ~ ~ ~i i\~( I~~ j~f ,~~ fí{1¡,~ it ,~ ~ ~ ~ M\i;t ~.~\! .\\1~, r~t '&:,J.¿ ~tl~ I; ~ ~'i' lt~ .~ ID~ ~\i~~ \~à\1: ;~!f¡ ,t}ff 1!ltt Imi,".,' f!¡i¡! ~~ ; ~] j"W'¡ ,'Ii, ~~ t¡~ IÆ~ il/h ~ ~ ~ ~. ~,:~ 1\:")' ~ ~ j: I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~ ..t s I ~ ê:.'.í "" ¡¡1 ~~ ~ tj ~ ~ , E~ I j I I ti ~ I