HomeMy WebLinkAbout919350 ¡i:;~m!m~m¡~~tf~~j Quitclaim Deed RECEIVED £/15/2006 at 2:08 PM RECEIVING1/! 919350 BOOK: 623 PAGE: 345 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY - _. ~ - KNOW AU MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Jim Sessions and Lynn r· r'I Sessions, husband and wife, of 1he County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, in ~ U 0345 consideration of the sum of Tim ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, have remised, released, conveyed and quitclaimed and by these presents do for 1heir heirs, executors and administrators, remis, release and forever quitclaim unto Jim Sessions and Lynn Anne Sessions, husband and wife, an undivided one-half (112) interest, and Lynn Anne Sessions, Trustee, or her successors in 1rust, under the Hudson Family Trust Living Trust, dated October 24, 2002, and any amendments thereto, an undivided one-half (112) interest, whose address is 1305 51h West Court, Kemmerer, WY 83101, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand, as they may have or ought to have, in and to the following described premises to-wit: A parcel of Jand being part of Tracts 72, 73, and 74 of 1he resurvey of T21 N, R116W, of the 61h P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and being more particularly Described as follows: Commencing at the W ~ Comer of Section 1 of the r-esurvey ofT21N, R116W of 1he 61h P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming wher-e is found a standard U.S.G.LO. brass cap; Thence S 0° 01' 39" £, 2641.47 feet to 1he southwest comer of said Section 1 where is found a standard U.S.G.LO. brass cap; Thence S 89° 57' 51" £, 1756.03 feet to 1he Point of Beginning of this description. Said point of beginning being a point on a curve to 1he right of way boundary of Wyoming State Highway 233 and being a point on a curve to the right. Said being monumented by a 6"x6" concrete post with a Wyoming Department of Transportation brass cap (herein after referred to as a standard hi9hway R.O.W. marker.) Thence the following seven (7) courses along the easterly right of way boundary of Wyoming State Hi9hway 233. Thence 826.12 feet along the arc of said curve to the' ri9ht 10 a point where is found ,a standard highway R.O.W. marker. Said curve 10 the left having a central angle of 22° 58' 44", a radius of 2059.86 feet and a chord of 820.59' which bears S 12° 22' 43" W. Thence S 23° 51' 46" W, 222.41 feet toa :point where is found a CCJ, PELS 54652" diameter aluminum cap on 5/8" diameter r-ebar; Thence N66° 08' 14" W, 25.02 feet to a point wher-e is found .a standard highway R.O.W. marker; Thence S 23~ 48' DO" W, 46.95 feet to the point of curvatur-e of a curve to the Jeft where is found a standard hi9hway R.O.W. marker; Thence 287.59 feet along the arc of said curve to the left a point where is found a standard highway R.O.W. marker. Said curve to the Jeft having a central angle of 7° 36' 16", a radius of 2166.83 feet and a chord of 287.38 feet which bears S 19° 59' 37" W. Thence N 73° 12' 41" W, 55.14 feet to a point on a curve to the Jeft. Said point being monumented with a standard highway R.O.W. marker. Thence 168.86 feet along the arc of said curve to the Jeft to a point on the curve where is found a 2" diameter aluminum cap on 5/8" r-ebar stamped "CCI, PELS 5465, ROWIFN-12, 2005." Said curve to the left having a central angle of 4° 21' 32", a radius of 2219.58 feet and a chord of 168~82 feet which bears 14° 05' 19" W; ~ ...Mi. .'. ..¡Wk I u~ 0919350 C00346 Thence S 69° 27' 54" E, 20.47 feet to a point west boundary line of that particular parcel of land transferred to the City of Kemmerer as recorded in Book 210 PR on Page 29 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office. Said parcel herein after referred to as the West Side Water Treatment Plant parcel. Thence the following seven (7) courses along the west and north boundary of said West Side Water Treatment Plant parcel. Thence S 69° 27' 54"E, 94.91 feet; Thence N 34° 32' 06" W, 175.43 feet; Thence N 40° 32' 06" E, 118.08 feet; Thence N 55° 02' 06" E, 85.92 feet; Thence N 34° 57' 54" W, 151.35 feet; Thence N 55° 02' 06" E, 34.97 feet; Thence S 34° 57' 54" E, 130.67 feet to a point on the north or west boundary of that particular parcel of land transferred to the City of Kemmerer as recorded in a Book 158PR, on Page 609 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office. Said parcel herein after referred to as the East Side Water Treatment Plant parcel. Thence N 70° 27' 18" E, 122.40 feet to the northerly most corner of said East Side Water Treatment Plant parcel; Thence S 34° 36' 18" E, 164.84 feet along the northerly boundary of said East Side Water Treatment Plant parcel to the northerly most corner of that particular parcel of land conveyed to the City of Kemmerer as recorded in Book 237PR on Page 263 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office. Said parcel herein after referred to as the Kemmerer City Hall Parcel. Thence S 66° 36' 30" E, 162.12 feet along the northeast boundary line of said Kemmerer City Hall Parcel to a point on a curve to the right on the westerly right of way boundary of U.S. Highway 189. The following six (6) courses being along the westerly right of way boundary of U.S. Highway 189. Together with an access road easement for ingress and egress across a portion of Tract 74 of the resurvey of T21 N, R116W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said easement being generally 40.0 feet wide and being 40.0 feet offset to the east or north side and parallel to the east right of way boundary of Wyoming State Highway 233. Said easement being more particularly described as follows; Commencing at corner number 1 of Tract 74 of the resurvey ofT21N, R116W, of the 6th P.M. Lincoln County, Wyoming where is found a standard U.S.G.L.O. brass cap; Thence S 89° 42' 19" W along the northerly boundary line of said Tract 74, 263.99 feet to the common corner of lots 13 and 20 of Section 1 of said resurvey of T21N, R116W, where is found a 3" brass cap appropriately stamped by Paul N. Scherbel; ~i:i*I:::::::::::!:::~...." .,' _ . ~N ~J~!.:!.:~!ït',:~r~!~! ,-). ....,¡ .,':...ail..,___. __ '!~-T' ~;ji~~t~*~ ~~m~:~¡~r~¡!~;!~ ': ;::~H~::~!::m:::~ :. ~';i~~.:I:.:':.:.:i:,': 0919350 C00347 Thence continuing along the northerly boundary line of said Tract 74 S 89° 42' 33" W, 594.46 feet to angle point 5 of Tract 108 of the resurvey of T21 N, R116W, where is found a standard U.S.G.L.O brass cap; Thence continuing along the northerly boundary line of said Tract 74 S 89° 28' 54" W, 33.05 feet to angle point 4 of said Tract 108; where is found a standard G.L.O. brass cap; Thence continuing along the northerly boundary line of said Tract 74 S 89° 40' 50" W, 548.57 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description. Thence continuing along the northerly boundary line of said Tract 74 S 89° 40' 50" W, 40.75 feet. Said point being the intersection of the easterly right of way boundary of Wyoming State Highway 233 and the north boundary of said Tract 74 where is found a rebar with a 2" aluminum cap stamped "CCI, PELS 5465, FN-11, ROW." Thence S 13° 11' 54" E along the easterly right of way boundary of said Highway 233, 209.55 feet to a point where said highway right of way jogs to the east. Said point being monumented with a rebar with a 2" aluminum cap stamped "CCI, PELS 5465, WY ST 233, ROW, 100 RT". Thence N 76° 43' 19" E along the easterly right of way boundary of said Highway 233, 50.00 feet to a point where said right of way jogs. Said point being monumented with a rebar and 2" aluminum cap stamped "CCI, PELS 5465, WY ST 233, ROW, .150 RT". Thence S 13° 17' 43" E along said easterly right of way boundary of said Highway 233, 801.31' to the PC of a curve to the right. Said point being monumented with a standard Wyoming Department of Transportation 6"x6" concrete right of way monument. Thence continuing along the said easterly boundary of said Highway 233, 116.32 feet along the arc of said curve to the right to a point on the curve. Said curve to the right having a central angle of 3° 14' 07", a radius of 2059.86 feet and a chord of 116.30' which bears S 11 ° 39' 59" E. Said point being monumented by a rebar with a 2" aluminum cap stamped "CCI, PELS 5465, FN-11/FN-12, ROW." Thence N 89° 53' 04" E, 40.60 feet to a point; Thence 125.58 feet along the arc of a curve to the left to the point of tangency. Said curve to the left having a central angle of 3° 25' 35", a radius of 2099.86 feet and a chord of 125.56 feet which beats N 11 ° 34' 15"W; Thence N 13° 17' 43" E, 841.30 feet to a point; Thence S 76° 43' 19" W, 49.93 feet to a point; Thence N 13° 11' 54" W, 160.35 feet to a point of beginning. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our signature this i~ day of c::J~ ,2006. . . ~. / ry 091.9350 State of Wyoming ) )ss. County of Lincoln ) L " CüO:}4,S Jim Sessions ~ Lynn Sessions The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Jim Sessions and Lynn Sessions, husband and wife, this J~ day of ~' ,2006. Witness my hand and official seal. rZ4/n~UbIiC I.gJ,~ r::::~::::::~N::;;:::; Illiffi:¡:~;;;;:'\"'~~( ."~. ... _.,,,' _,_ ~~~l'