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--"-..-----. ----"...--- RECEIVED 6/16/2006 at 9:49 AM RECEIVING # 919364 BOOK: 623 PAGE: 428 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ('nr r' RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: T JR-1, LLC, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereinafter referred to as "grantor", for and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) and other gQod and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant unto the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereinafter referred to as "grantee", the right to lay out,construct, inspect, operate and maintain a road for the use of the public over and across the following described lands situate in the County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, to-wit: Part of Lot 41 of the Riverview Ranchettes Third Filing Subdivision, within Section 25, T34N, R 119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as specified in the attached description and right-of-way exhibit prepared by Marlowe A. Scherbel, Wyoming RLS No. 5368, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under the homestead laws of the State of Wyoming; Grantor also grants the right of ingress and egress to and from said lands for any and all purposes necessary and incidental to the exercise, by the Grantee, and the public, of the rights granted under this coriveyanèe; including but not limited to, the right of corporations organized under the laws of this State or of any other State or of the United States for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating telephone, telegraph or electric transmission and distribution lines to set their poles, piers, abutments, wires and other fixtures along, across or under the above described lands in accordance with § 1-26-501 of the Wyoming Statutes, (2001); Grantee agrees to maintain culverts of suitable size across such ditches and laterals of Grantor as necessary for proper operation of irrigation systems and in the case of new construction, the grantee agrees to construct culverts of suitable size across such ditches and laterals of Grantor as necessary for proper operation of the irrigation systems. The easement herein granted shall be perpetual so long as the above described lands are used for the pu[pose of a public road,. WITNESS my hand this -.5+\'\ day of t-..A.~ ,2006. ~ er, Managing Member Page J of 2 ii;¡1~tim~iWtmi~ S:;:I:!m:*¡:¡:!:1 C:f~:1~~ ;i~¡I:;0i-tifmj¡;Iif~ 09193611~ : STATE OF \J'Iom\~ : COUNTY OF \...' t\c 0\ v-¡ ) ) SS. ) {, ('I r' ·'4 l',' 9 \.,.0' '.) \. ¿: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by: \\ t'V\. r- +'n '- \ ~. Ko..'\J e..f' ,this 5-Tt\ day of ~, 2006. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission eXPires:~ r=¡~eC~O-N"""~-..' ,~.",.",'tto " . , 'R- ulJ\RY PUf.J.U(,; ,I? .County of t LIncoln Stale" ;!J Wycmlíng ~, . MyConunlseton E~~ ~jjÆi~i~ij;ij~:/:-, Page 2 of2 :¡!~ili~~¡~!~f,: ~a ~ . .;.~....cc'b1i NOTARY PUBLIC UiZJ~i¡~;.:¡::i~~t Prolessional Land Surveyors Paul N, Scherb"l Wyo, Registration No. 164 Utah Regislralion No, 1670 Idaho Registrallon No, 3990 Nevada Registration No, 6805 scon A, Scherbel Wyo, Registration No, 3889 Idaho Registralion No, 8026 Utah Regislralion No, 372111 MARLOWE A, SCHERBEL Wyo. Registralion No, 5368 Surveyor SCherbel, LTD, Afton, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Lava Hol Springs, Idaho Montpeiier. Idaho lli,:¡:¡:g::¡?;:;¡:m '~ft1't~.'. . . I' t; ~¡ ·&:lü.:t~!lrt n 4 ,- () ,," j j., "" l t' \. ~....1~" DESCRIPTION FOR TIMOTHY J. RAVER ACCESS EASEMENT FOR RIVERVIEW RANCHETTES COUNTY ROAD NO. 12-173S (DUFFIN CIRCLE) To-wit: - - That pari of Lot 41 of Riverview Ranchettes Third Filing, of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, as Plat No, 224-B, within the SEI¡4 of Section 26, T34N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: BEGINNING at a pipe at the intersection of the southerly line of said Lot 41 with the westerly right-of-way line of Duffin Circle, N08°-44' -30"W, 966.09 feet, trom the southeast comer of said SE 14; thence N300-45'-52"W, 174,95 feet, to a point on a non-tangent circular curve to the left, on the westerly right-of-way line of said Duffin Circle, which has its radius point bearing N31 ° -21 '-26"E; thence coursing along said right-of-way line as follows: southeasterly, 64.61 feet, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 430_ 54'-48", with a radius of 84.30 feet, and a chord bearing S800-35'-58"E, 63,04 feet, to a point; S58°-34' -07"E, 34.99 feet, to a point on a non-tangent circular curve to the left, which has its radius point bearing S57°-33'-00"E; southeasterly, 128,08 feet, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 620_ 29'-45", with a radius of 117.42 feet, and a chord bearing SOl°-12'-08"E, 121.82 feet, to the PIPE OF BEGINNING; ENCOMP AS SING an area of 0,1 0 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the south line of the SWI¡4 of Section 25, T34N Rl19W, beingN89°-31'-39"W each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with appropliate details; each "pipe" marked by a Yz" black iron pipe with a yellow plastic cap inscribed "PE/LS 698" or "RLS 595"; all in accordance with the attached exhibit titled, "TIMOT:ffY 1. ,RAVER EXHIBIT TO ACCOMP ANY EASEMENT DESCRIPTION FOR ACCE3S EASEMENT FOR ROAD NO, 12-173S (DUFFIN CIRCLE) PART / TIES THIRD FILING WITHIN SEI¡4 SECTION , WYOMING", dated 15 June 2005, "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" I r'!ìn43' ^-:> 0 8 RIVERVIEFY RANCHETTE$': \) \, '. ,,~ rol,.¡/ / COUNTY ROAD NO. 12-173S 0)/ fOGy ~I (PUFFIN CIRCLE) i/~~ I G/:2 I ~ '31 I I ~~.\ 'i¡~ ~ " :N~ 01 '0· ',Z " TIE I., ,I N.31 '21'26"E \\ \ ~:.. è ~8~..30' '., ". ~'~ 9- ______ (1.... "!J' 77"2ß'3~"'é. """ {j."1? .". I-I/',+?,~ (1..).\ \. 'e, '-:- ~ - - \. EASEMENT TO C'~ ::,,·~··~!~:~¡~~1q;.~C'() I /5.3~~~'~.o"W LINCOLN COUNTY --¡, \~ ~ '. ø, TIE ~~ '" .... ····6/\0' 557'.33'09"E ~\9V'~~'" 1., / 'V...~117.42 V'.~~ ~"~. "..~ t . Ä,RP \ . ','6 , . t>'rP ...o.ß~ <:r. ~...). / ,J ~ '. 'rP0. ,v". "~J' , . ·r-o .....~~ / . ~ . V".lo Pipe 0.1 Beginninu\ .~ ".~..,.~""'''l' J Access Easement, ~ . ,"- : '\ 2-;. .... 6'.1' ,_ " '\ '<"' ".:--- ".<;:o~ ~'J~'- If) C' ~ . ~--o.>. o J' .... ·Ýf). tOt):) ". ':r:.1"£.. (jJ' . n . " Ç11 ~ u ....,r:J.1' ...... ..... 0" ~~... tOlfj . ·P. '. pi -- _.----~- J. 9' ~.." ff", ~ ,:1. 11 '0., .. . 'R ~ '. L~. itµ,.;"..."':II "411 _7 d. Lot 42 see Riverview Ranchettes Third Filling (sic.) Plat No. 224-8 30.01' 612.45' 588'40'18"W 642.46' OJ U Lot 41 Timcthy J. Raver 490 PR ,'164 see Riverview Ranchettes Third Filling (sic.) Plot No. 224-8 o . ./00 . ~ SCALE: 200' I .300 ' ~ ;; 'ð7-ß.ß - .1 00 I ß"J9.7-f) / Sß9'''Jç)7-i''{\ Lot 40 see Riverview Ranchettes Third Filling (sic,) Plat No. 224-B .1" r~ o indicates a Corner Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County. 8 indicates a 112" Iron pipe with or without yellow plastic plug, inscribed PEILS 69B or PLS 595, found or of record. * indicates a cotton gin spindle, found this survey. ~ indicates 0 5/B" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed -SURVEYOR SCHERBLE L TD AFTON WY PLS 5J68" set this survey. o indicates a J/B" x 12" steel spike, found or of record. )8( indicates a calculated position, na monument found or set. '-'- indicates a deed line. .------ indicates an easement line. indicates 0 cen terline. . - - ~ indicates a right-of-way line. The: Basis of Bearing for this survey is the south line of the SW1/4 of Section 25, TJ4N R119W. being NS9'JI'J9"W. CURVB TABlB LINE LENCTH DELTA RADIUS CHORD BEARIN¡' CHORD TANCENT Cl 77.79' 24'18'22" 183.37' 545'40'32"E 77.21' 39.49' C2 90.52' 24'18'22" 213.37' 545'40'32"E 89.84' 45.95' C3 103.24' 24'18'22" 243.37' 545'40'32"E 102.47' 52.41' C4 66.12' 65'58'21" 57.42' 500'32'11"E 62.52' 37.27' C5 100.66' 65'58'21" 87.42' 500'32'11"E 95.19' 56.74' C6 135.20' 65'58'21" 117.42' 500'32'11"E 127.86' 76.21' C7 148.45' 135'00'22" 63.00' 53~¡'03'11"E 116.41' 152.12' C8 77.76' 135'00'22" 33.00' 535'03'11"E 60.98' 79.68' C9 42.24' 99'35'26" 24.30' 552'45'39"E 37.12' 28.75' C10 94.38' 99'35'26" 54.30' 552'45'39"E 82.94' 64.24' Cll 146.53' 99'35'26" 84.30' 552'45'39"E 128.77' 99.74' C12 64.61' 43'54' 48" 84.30' N80'35'58"W 63.04' 33.99' C13 81.92' 55'40'38" 84.30' N30'48'15"W 78.73' 44.52' C14 88.02' 25'36'02" 196.99' 509'50'05"W 87.29' 44.76' C15 101.42' 25'36'02" 226.99' 509'50'05"W 100.58' 51.57' C16 114.83' 25'36'02" 256.99' 509'50'05"W 113.87' 58.39' C17 7.12' 3'28'36" 117.42' N31'47'03"W 7,12' 3.56' C18 0.86' 0'11'29" 256.99' 502'52'12"E 0.86' 0.43' C19 128.08' 62'29'45" 117.42' N01'12'08"E 121.82' 71.25' PLOT DATE: 16 June 2005 .PAWTA" .4'.1:' K orl F Sch erb el .DJJ"..r. 15 .June 2005 .-'V.H7.' ¡'.If> C¿J"¿WA'.I:' ~::.::'.." /'o'£17.<!1%'J." ZQ': i::"::~>~__; 59 =.vA!/7"f.f' ?LZ.I."' TlmRnverFxhibit.DrO @7 SuR 'VEYO..R SC.H:ERBEz;.,.,.,L~_ s.. -~::¡[m¡;¡¡::::> ~ LAN).51IÆ'J£1f'Jf7S ---.:~Ji¡.¡¡iili ~ ..5'¿JI .......iÞ6I':;¿;.Iè .P/..YfY -- "VA..f'..5'L.f'.F¿JA{ Fya -- .?'fL.f'.Pfft7..Yf .Yt7P'-..?P'ð'-.Y.Y.....P' A/1F ?,.:.'.(" ¿rr/J.lf JYIn-_ vPPf M~_p.tJ¿("_ð"'D. r¿ft.#-"r/Uf ~ "'rrr DAh ~Øð rn/lð. ,"',,'" rn"",."., ¡;FIT' _" '.YW,," Lot 32 see Riverview Ranchettes Second Filing Plat No. 224 edge of exisiting road / / / / / / Lot 33-B / z Ò $.26 5.25 5.35 5.36 TIMOTHY J. RAVER EXlllBIT TO ACCOMPANY EASEMENT DESCRIPTION FOR ACCESS EASEMENT FOR RIVERVlEW RANCHETTES COUNTY ROAD NO. 12-173S (DUFFIN CIRCLE) PART OF LOT 41 OF RIVERVlBW RANCHETTES 11l1RD FILING WITHIN SE1/4 SECI10N 26 T34N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMlNG Copyright © 2006 by Surveyor Scherbel L TO. All rights reserve,