HomeMy WebLinkAbout875978 .! Loan No.: 172776-7 , WYOMING RELEASE DEED .... Prepared by: CHARLENE BROWN Household Mortgage Services B77 Lamont Road Elmhurst~ IL 60126 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE ~RESENTS · That MORTGAGE ELECTRON!lC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS~ INC.~ a Corporation of the Ul~iited States does hereby certify an~ acknowledge satisfaction ~n full of the debt secured by/the following described and recorded real estate mortgage, ~nd same is hereby released: Name of Mortgagor: THi!]MAS P MATTHEWS CAROL B MATTHEWS Name of Mortgagee: EVERGREEN FINANCIAL INC.., CORPORATION The mortgage is, record~d in the office of the County Clerk for LINCOLN, Wyoming. Document No., Volume, =i~age, Mortgage Date: BK ~81PR PG 275 MGT/DT,:7-'~O-98 Secur&ng the payment of 77~D00,00, Address of Property: 186 E 2nd Ave Alton WY 85110 Legal Descriptlon of Pi-operty: PLEASE SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" MADE A PART HEREOF The above descFi, bed Mo!~Ttgage with a Note secured thereby~ is fully paid,',S'atisfih~d, released and discharged~ and in '~he said mortgage does herby release consideration ..the'reof., and auit claim unto sl~d mortgagor the premises therby conveyed and mortgaged, Dated: September 12, 2Ji~O1, "X '~ ~ ', ,~ (~ ~) -' S~ate of Illinois , County of Dupage PH.~ ~8~.~7~-637~ ., On September 12, 2001 b.efore me, the undersigned, a Notary .Public in and for said State, pe,rsonally appeared MONICA JOHNSON, personaiiy known to me or proven t.o me on the basis of satisfactory evidence ~o be ~he Assr. V~ce President of HOETGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRAT States Corporation, .executed the ~thin ~nstrument pursuan~ ~o ~s b~la~s or a reso.lu~on of '~s Board of D~rec~ors. I~tness ~hereof, I hav~ereunto' et my n an ~r~al,~seaI th~s~ep~'embe~ I2, 200~. ha d d affixed m~ ~t~ P~blic~om~iss~O Expires: · ~hen recorded~ please return to: Thomas P Hatthe~s ~ '*OFF~(~iALSEAL,, ~ ~52 Sunlight Court91 ~Y5 0 5/CL~ ~ I~h~:.~. ~:,,. ~ ,. ~J~le. of Illinois ~ 'The land re'fred to in this commitme~ is situated in ~e State of Wyoming, COunty of Lincoln, and is described as ~llows: Part of Lot 1 of Block 9 cf the Afton Townsite, Lincoln County, Wyoming more particularly describ(sd as follows: Beginning at a point 6 rods West of the Northeast corner of said Lot 1 and running thence South ~..05~ feet; thence West 5 rods; thence North 105~ feet; thence East 5 rods to the'point of beginning.