HomeMy WebLinkAbout919373 NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS 27,2005, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc., a California corporation ("Wells Fargo , ------- . Plaintiff, filed a Complaint in the Third Judicial District, Lincoln County, Wyoming, against Holly D. Locklear and Michael J. Moscato-Locklear ("the Locklears"), as Defendants. The litigation is docketed as Civil Action Number CV-2005-55-DC. In the litigation, Plaintiff seeks judgment in its favor declaring default of a mortgage Plaintiff granted to the Locklears, and subsequent judicial foreclosure of the real property in order to recover on the defaulted mortgage, ,) The real property that is the subject of this litigation is located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, and is described in detail in the Warranty Deed, attached hereto as Exhibit A, and is more commonly known as 550 Highway 239, Freedom, Wyoming, 83120. Title to the real property is either the subject matter of, or is affected by the above-referenced litigati~ DATED this Z day of May, 2006. RECEIVED 6/16/2006 at 10:42 AM RECEIVING # 919373 BOOK: 623 PAGE: 438 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY THE RICHARD LAW FIRM, P.C. ~ 350 East Broadway, Suite 101 P,O. Box 1245 Jackson, WY 83001 Office: 307,732.6680 Fax: 307,732.6638 Attorney for Plaintiff Notice of Lis Pendens Page 1 of2 ··.·.:.·4·~.·.·.·.·;·;·.:,'¡:.':.:...:....:.;~.::.S.~,··L:''''- ,.,.:... . .,............'"r..~~...... ". ,~,.':.:,~~';>' .;~,.'h 09193?a r 1"\ f'\. it .' 9 ',.,ul'43 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss, COUNTY OF TETON ) The foregoing Notice of Lis Pendens was subscribed and sworn to before me by Andrea L. Richard this :J.S't"t day of May, 2006, WITNESS my hand and official seal. Denise Burkel - Notary Public County Of . State Of T~on W~ ' CommiMlon ....1+2010 ~~ Notary Public SEAL 1-1-. 2-0 I 0 Notice of Lis Pendens Page 2 of2 ;¡I~~~if~~¡;i~,i ....."J.:~.;lJ::.' _"~L. j, 9..·.,.'·..·,· 00 ~ . .. ...:J~' oz""_ .....( 0' 't~.ib .Þ D D :J EXHfà'T A ("J'!!:,,,--",-;::¡,,=~L;~_ ';'".-': ..... "-""-11/ '.""';"";'~'"'J..,._.;.. , ..',....¡.....y.: ,';.... "~, ,~'='''''-'',.".' '"''''--;.7_~:~~i ".,~ ;;.., ',~'"- ;·f·-,', 307-733-6186 ' T-Z64 ·P.OZOIOZ5 F-DS3 '. I"'''' :. I .-.... ':"'1 I. (:0('440 , 86'85°9 'CuC'I':J~'7 .11'1"-. oJ ...1.... I... '..J WARRANTY'DEED'" BOOI< 4.., PR PAGE.....2.3.JI ".,.. .. .: . .. . ,-'.. k, : '-2 . l'~l"'t'f"~" . "C/¡"G ' .... ....1.. 11:.11" I, i ..I" ~ ANI< HOOPES fb """"""" ANN" _ """ ""0DR0w VERNoN HOOPES, Wife and husband and.nun"" -IE - and CLAncm MAc_. III, wife -nu."""" Grantors of , County of hereby CONvEy and ~RAN"x TO: ' HOLLY n. =- an" M1= 3. MOSCATO LOcxt.¡¡¡u¡, wife and husbond, as tenancs by the entireties ' , State of' Grantees of Box 3051, Jackson, ~ 83001 for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good ODd valuable COns1"aration_________ the follow1ng "escribe" tract of land in LiOcoln Coun.y, S.ate ot Wyoming, ~ releas1ng and WaiVing all righes under and by Vireue of the ho""ead exemption laws of che State, to-Wit: Ðeg'=ing Nore" B a · .2' West, 200 fee. from .he Sou." Quarter Comer of Section Twenty-....en (27). TownsMp Thir.Y-fi_ (35) "orth, ""- n. Wese of .he «h P.M.. Wyoming. """ <Unning thence West lB5 f...., thenc. "0= U. fe..; thence EaSt ,as feet, thence SOUth ". fcet eo tho POint of.beginhing. Subj ect .0 reoervatio,", and r"stdc.ions Contained in the -t.. S""tes Patent and tOêaeements hod ri9h~B-Of-way of record Or in USe. Togecher wi~h all improvements and apPu~enances thereon. ''''''2SS, . the hao" of sa'd grantors, tJU.2Z. "",y of S_~r. A.D. 2000 Barba.ra Ann: HOOpes fka Barbara Ann B~own ~t~t- ~LLJ J;( Roodrow V·_n Hoo,",s Clay#on ....~ëY.7tH -------------------------------~~----~------------------------------------- STAn; OF WYOMING County of Lincoln On tb" . day of 'ep.ember, A.D. 2000, personally appeared before me, Barbaro Ann ""opee fka Sa__.. Ann Brown and WOOdrow Verno" a_es, '=- or identified .0 me .0 be the pereons whose na_ are oubsCribed to """ within ins.rument. and atknOWledged to me that they ".CUt.d the same. :sa STATE OF COLORADO County of €.LPc..s:.o Notary PuDlit:: My commiss~on expires On :ss On thê 22- d&y of S~ptember, A.D. 2000, personal~y ap~e~red before me, Jani"" """ieMackey and Clay.oo Mackay, HI, -." or .'den.,f1Od to me to be tho . per·ona who.. na... axe .uba=ibed to the "'-thin "¡"<rumen., and acknowledged to me ~bat they exe~~ted the game. ~",~,IL.' .' .::,. -\ \... I!! <: , .. ~- ....~. ..........,.,. ¡ ." ~ ...,.\.~. :V'4ï~'''- '. \. ," ;§ ~:.. ~. l.;"'~,,~"....~··~ ~~\,: JJOTAKY$:¡ : '.~ .1:; ~3L1e ':"¡ Ö l '" rJ!I ...;.¡,r.- ,..., : ~'iw~ My ',asion êJl;pires on t.:,-(4~ ~ .,' -..:. :",.. t!; . ~ .....1:,.' ,$' . ¡-:- ....,.,.~\.. ~ ..;' .."~:; OF;:. t\J ".,..,:-. "'''nF1I~I''.'· LAND TITLE COMPANY M r- u-u~c"""'I'î':óD" ...-~¡ r;&!~i ~F "!' 0919.J ~" J FROM-land Title Company .T;·.'.·.·.-.,,·.·~ , - , r n e, be nd - , ~,<"c·"....·,.,·....", .,,<1., "","'..".;0.,..,.,. ."'.'; ILI..·"·',,,-'"' 30T-T33-S1S¡; w tiKML"J 1 T-ZS4 P,OZI/0Z5 F-DS3 Uh' h'U r' t) n 4 4· 1'''85 J..:.J ü ~ _,j ~} \.,,, "-1J~6~~:J~ """'ARA .mr B"''''os fka !!J!RBA..~ J\N!I BROiiI;" aM 1OOODRo~ VBRNoli !!OO~, Wife and husband and JJui'ICE MAR¡B. ""= and =Y'I'ati MACItn", III. Wifé and husbanà G2:'antorsof . C01lrU:y of . hereby ~ a.."lC1 WAf-~ TO: HOLLY D. LoOKL""" ..,d MIC!lAEL .¡. MOSCATo ~, wtfe and hUsband, as tenan~s by the en~iretiés . Sta.te of Grantees of ~o~ 306~, Jackso~, wY 83001 for tho sum of Ten Dollar. and other good andvalUOble OODsideration_________ the following described tract of land in Lincoln COunty, State of Wyoming. bereby :reJ....sinq and wa! ving all rights Under """ by virtUe of the "-stead e~emption laws of the S~ater to-Wit: -_ng North 80·.2' .eat, 200 fee< from tho South Quarter Corner of Sectioo ""'oty-....." (27), TOWnship ThinY-f,-"" (3S) Hortb. """sa 11. We.t of the 6th P. K., "Yoming. and tnnn1ng tbence West 185 feet, thence ""rth 11' feet, tbence Se.t 185 feet, tb~ote SOuth 11. feet to tbe POint of bes'-~. \ Subject to reservation. and restrietions Contained in tho L'nited Stete. PQ~en~ and to ease~~ncs and rights-of.way of record or in USe. Together with all improvements and appU:::eI2IU:es thereon. WITN£ss. tl:!e hand of, said gra.."'ltors, this L'afbday of Septe~r. A.D. 2000 4Jid~ Bælr a Ann Hoopes - Baroara Ann BroWn ,.~ ~ --2 / a~,,,,u· 'PV Wõo v,s,rnot1 H~ofl"'s ~ Janice Ma...""'ie Ma.dœy ----------.------------------------------------------------.-------------- STATE: OF wYOMING Clayton Ma.cl;ey III :gg County of Lincoln On the %oi'day of Sep<m_r. A.D. 2000, Personally '__d belore ... -'rhar. Ann HOOpe. flta Barbara Ann -<OWn e.d Wo_ Vernon Hoope., ""- 0 identified to me <0 be ·the per"""" whoee ...... are. .cribed <0 tbe wi <hi inscrument:, and 1::0 me c:ha t:hel' e.xecuç;'e the same. r s''"*PEAIIaI.IIJW\YPUBi.JI) .. $ CoInral A ... of J LIraIIt .. ~ ' M Calho........~ Ql2/-'J.rr;;¡ My cOmmission t!:q:Iins onQJ;¡;{f. )a:?z.... SLATE OF COI~RADC -------- ISS Coum:y of 00 the ~r of September. A.n. 2000, personally appeared befora m Janice ~.ar'-e Mackey and CleYton ....ckey, II!, known or identified to me to the perso"" Wbose name. are sube=ibeô <0 the within ins=-t, '" aCknowledged to me that choy e~eC~t~à ~he ~ame. My COrnr.J.ssíor¡ ~pi:!:"es on _ -------- LAND TITLE CO.MPANY ~jm¡î1if~~~¡I!~~E~J