HomeMy WebLinkAbout919392 ,. #'"' , /1 ,/ 1 í ~fXif.;~;:,~ ~' "~""" "''''''\,.. I'.', iiJ. . .'.' ... .'~ ~ .,:'.!,.........,..".;.,.;.,.,' "'( ," '"',-,., 'i :.,~..:..<.:..:.;.;.::..:.~~...;.;_, _ :..-,;......;.~..:.:.,;~:~... ~.:._,-,"'-:_'.~'c·.c:.c';·, ·_.',_.__~:_._,',U....LI,·..Aa.!;· ,.,. . ,."..~~_'--'.,.-",., ".:. ;T~ .', '" r,'1rr:;?4 .... I.) l v v -' Quitclaim Deed RECEIVED 6/16/2006 at 2:22 PM RECEIVING # 919392 BOOK: 623 PAGE: 524 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUN~ CLERK, KEMMERER, WY .............................................................................. THIS QUITClAIM DEED, executed this g day of by first party, Grantor, R~b~'+ E. 1/c¡1i¡¡v' L,¡le'/Il' '¡//r¡/I'1->CUQI'/ whose post office address is SÎ :?-./s+ he, #-¡b j,0t1ýh10J'Lf ,co to second party, Grantee, M ¡ d1.Q to' ( ct. ~ EI ¡;2..q hi<+-¡''', t? roc... £1 whose post offiée address is f 0 ß a K ;Z"3 '7 /..... q B q ':9 ç / t..J ,v ?:l / ;2.. 3 S' MJ() ì4t~ ,. WlTt~ÊS~ÜH¡That the said first party, for good consideration and for the sum of (7 n e do I/q V' q}1 d -,: 9+ h- e...r',' Co hS ì cL e Y-C<... +, () Þl.s Dollars ($ I ~ ) - ,.. ~ .... - " pajd 'bythé:šaidseêûnd party, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the said'~'étoorl '¡Yðný'foréver, all the right, title, interest and claim which the said first party has in and to the following described parcel of land, and improvements and appurtenances thereto in the County of· L ; f;¡ r oj YJ ' State of W'(Qrnr'nq towit: cI 1... eJ o.-.Q.. Desc. r;fJ-h 0 V\ ; 5 -ee Q ++ CLCh -e cf physècð-I kJ ct r ¡rc(. V\ +'/ De-ed ~d' A K.4 P . C'L ct V'''e$ s e. <¡ 5' 'ì I n e A- Cl ß q Y[J e.., k) Y ?3/;L.3 ./:t rr;;,t. 'if Î I ,.:*.oIjf .-c).~~;;\I!,;J:¡¡. ,;"~"\3 j 1.:"1<. llr:~~¡1~;'t' ~,í/;~~~\~ '" . , ~ \" ¡~ ; ?~, ø·-·l", t'){ l r/~~ - :;,..... JJ &¡- ....;j.'" c<I \. 11 \\~'. ¡.¡/..~. ". ~,~,,"ff..~~.l'" '\. 'i) Ji'" ", ':1;.",;1 *oìr ~<.;., ...:....~~,.....i' v~'" Page 1 WWIN.socrates.com © 2004 Socrates Media, LLC lF29S . Rev, 04/04 illrl¡îi , ':;:~::;:~!j~:~:;~~> ,::;~?~~~~it,: :;~:~,\i~:::;'; 'i¡¡ii}:;~!'" ' ,",' " , , , ' 091.9~392 r·""'.¡-,.... -'5 ! ,'.':~'~,.. . .>, V ",,'~ Signature of Witness: C~ ~,rll'·j.h:+ Print name of Witness: C h-W'f L L \ "q ð ." , .,- Signature of First partyX~ f!/ ~~ c>L. ~~,2( Ç4r2.,Gy printnameofFirstpar$d;eÆo£,VÞQUA"I( rÇ<.Jf'iAdn. L, ,UQ//p7 . (' d," ro/C) / Signature of Second Party: ~ ',.~ ,-,.(;--7. ¡; _~:// ç:/~ Print name of Second Party: E:It(//'(. Y'd(I/J:'A¡¡J~~ è \\,\,~'IH"""'I /' ¡It" " \' t ~ ,.... '. ... "/' ,....'. , \ \\ -¡- u C/ ;,_ - " ¿. '. " ~ -...; ....... ¡ ¿. " f' :'~ ,-;) ..... .... "0 .._;.~ , ~ '1- .' À 0") '. ='i:"/ cr: Q ;..--) "'~o:, ª -(: «..-; CD : ù _.:J: . ,-". r: ,.' ^ :::J . u.. ' .~ ~ \, : O' U Q J 0 _ . \. ;4 , .' '.....' ~ ~.o.. r.. ..' 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(/dIp Address of Preparer //7lJ( C~ ..:<jJ ¡;:b; Id >'Y!/ý / C c;) ð'/.l.23 State of ~tð County of L(\f\~A) } On appeared EJ\ personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose n e(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and offi' seal. ~ Affiant _Known Type of ID Page 2 www.socrates.com © 2004 Socrates Media. llC lF298 . Rev, 04104 / ( j 9:.t::Kt92 ~():) Recorded....~.~.,\m.~at,...~,~,2.~.f...,....M In Book...~~ff?page...§~..~,...Kemmerer WY WARRANTY DEED No...._.,_.826B'.~.1...............Marsha Moo, Clerk' R. E. VALLERY AND GWENDA L. VALLERY Husband and Wife, (. . ''"\ ,... ¡..~, 6 '.' ; ¡ l: ~',¡ ~ \..1' . V 1'_ grantors of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for consideration of Ten and 001100's ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO R. E. VALLERY AND GWENDA L. VALLERY, Husband and Wife, Al\TD ED'NARD WILLI~M~SWAl'Ð3~)'~(}~ RO~E:~TA ANN SWANBERG, Husband and Wife,-- --" as Tenants in Common, grantees, whose address is 2320 Tennessee Drive, Green River, WY 82935 the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the state to wit: Lots 25 and 26 of Block 28 of the First Addition to the Town of LaBarge, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. Part of said Lots also known as part of Lot 1 of Block 5 of the Alleman Second Addition to the Town of LaBarge, Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northwest comer of said Lot 1 and running thence S 89°51 '58" E, a distance of 100 feet to the northeast comer of said Lot 1; thence S 0° 09'58" W along the easterly boundary line of said Lot 1 a distance of 53.64 feet to a point, said point originaìly being tÌle soÚtheasCcomer ' of Lot 26 of Block 28 of the First Addition to the Town of LaBarge; thence N 89°50'11" W along the original southerly boundary line of said Lot 26 a distance of 100.00 feet to a point on the westerly boundary line of said Lot 1, Block 5 of the Alleman Second Addition and also originally being the southwest comer of said Lot 26 of Block 28 of the First Addition to the Town of LaBarge; thence N 0°09'58" E along the westerly boundary line of said Lot 1, Block 5 of the Alleman Second Addition, a distance of 53.59 feet to the point of beginning. WITNESS our hands this ICì tL j¿p~!J.M ) / day of Attgmt, 19'9'6. ~c 'Î~/?~ /.J, ¿, ~n (J--R. E. Vallery /!rAU7/V~" :i tfþ ~ . . Gwenct; C-. Vallery State of Wyoming County of Sweetwater The foregoing instrument ~tf~edged before me by R. E. Vallery and Gwenda L. Vallery this J c¡w day of , . Witness my hand and official seal. I' ANDREA l. POTTER· NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF SYÆETWATER WYOMING ,~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 4-26-2000 My C~inmIsslOn xpIre: ~" I ~ I #)Y - ~. ~. il;,::;:t}>~~ ¡~:):~:¡:::;:¡W¡ I.,·. "".:.' '.: ",,":,.) 11;,...¡\,I;II"'II¡,I; J;l~';.;......~'.:Ll.,..,·..J ' .,;W£I.J.l.U,¡ dA14I(l~Á- Wf:& Notary Pub IC