HomeMy WebLinkAbout919471 :,:j:":~;:'N': :";':':' ::;:!~;i;:!:g;:;:;:;:::~; ~~~?~mmI;~~;~;m!¡ji - ..' ';:~~:.:t:r.(.'''':¡:':I:,:!;;:,.;~ .·.;;;,;'J;·"""':·~f.'~"'-'· '. - "", -':-~', .':"~".;:,:;~,,,..,....,, ,:;: \',".~; ~i:C"!I."I~~ ·.·. '.~, ." "'''-¡-''.~7r.·j''l'-","'1''''.~;'~~''I':''''¡ï.~';;''-''1~,!'-':,,,,,;~~, "<', '. '.: . iI. ~'; ':"'.', ';1, ~ ,: ,~ ',', '; '. ~. -.: . .' . "'. '. .;4,.¡'.";'" .! JUN. 150 20216 8:54A~1 AFTON PLANNING OFF ICE NO.442 P.: "1 ,.. ,., . .Ii.: '. ',:. . I ,i ,I 11 !i .Ii i Ii I: I' ii ~ if ~ I Ii r '0 If'\ ,.., '1 5 '-' \ !, ~j :MAtNTENA..NCE AGREE!\Œ}'1'f AEROBIC ", ASTEV\.'A TER TREA TME:NT"GmT "C"'I,. 'TÆ~ ly!..Afl'.,TINAl\CE A.GF.EEMEN:'. (ili.í, ·~C)j¡,mad' tbs--15- day oÍ d ..> ¡..lL \ 200 ~ by aDd b~C'>,reen û L ::::) £¡..LO é.A... wb.Qge~êSsis . rbl],o~ J.;t~~ h'-PINt.. wý tð/:J-l [llereinafter I~fe.rred. to as "OW:1er") an.d LiLcolI:. County, Wyo:ning (hereinaner referred ,to as t!+e ·'Co~ty"). RECITALS: A Owner is the OWIl~' 01 re·a} proper:y located in Lincob COUIlty. V,'YDmlng. more pa.'1icularl:y é.escri'!:>ed 'belm'J (the ''Propert:t'): S¡¡bdiv'....siOL: ~K. RJDGL- S~p'D;\JðS/()N Let #: Ò Ò (0:: legal dOßcri:ption): E. The Property is such ma.t ml Er.r.a.nced WEiStewa.ter Tre.a!ID.ent Sys:em (th: +lTTutmenl System") m:lst be lnstallßÓ. i.-:1 oré.er to meet the re.quirements of the-Lincoln Co~ty, Wycn:.ir1g Zúcing Resolution andJor the Lincoln CO'Irary\ WyociI:.g Subdivision R.e~Qllltion. Or the OVoIner bas volunta.,,-ily chose;n to llave a..TJ. é.nh!llC'.ed wastewater tre.".tm~.nt system ingtäl1~d., C. In order to com?:y wi6 Wyon-ring :;)~.a.rtI::l.f;nt cfEnv~on..~::nteJ Qu.a1ity R.eg¡:laticns: t..1-i~ OWIler shall pro'vide. for the ongoing inspecti6r.. S~'1:l¡::1iJ:lg and maintena.T,lce oiGe: Trf;~.:t.ment SYBte:.m.. , " D. As t~e. S1;lall "\Va.stewater Fßcllhy dclega.1eóal.liliori!Y\ Ihe CO':.ln:Y also T=quires the Owner to a.g:re:~ to pwvide for the ongoing iru,-pectior.... s2.!Lpling And maiDtenance of the TreatInm1 Sysie:o.. ~O'w. ril'..EREFORE, OVl1DeT 2..£I1~¡es a.$ fcUows: 1. Upon insta11a:tio:1 of the. Trea:mt:nt System ¡md tbe e-xecutC!l of tb.is Agreemt.D1., Owne:r sha:J provide 1ülD°.lal evidence of cngomg Tre.iitme:nt System !Ilaint~a.nC::' iz¡ the fonn of sa.m.plir.g res1.llts AND a copy 0:' se¡¡:¡c.e :.on:ra~t fer ili~ !a,Uûvr'ing yea: with Ii provide; a1.IÒcrized by !h~ Treatr¡¡,t.¡¡t System 's n:.e.!l·.~fa.ctl.C.:~r. 2. O'l,1.'~er is !e.guir~ð 1.0 kee-p the Trea:t.:!le:1: System CD the. ?roperty iL good Ctp~ra.tb!4 conditiot'..and fe-par. Some !epsir or re,pla.ceroent C'·osts :nay r..C,". t,e covered by !i se:rvice carcw:a.c.t Owner will be rt;5:p(;I)si.b:~ LC pay all c.CSLS not ~-':el'~d, ~ ! " , .., " ... . - ~," RECEIVED 6/20/2006 at 9:45 AM RECEIVING # 919471 BOOK: 623 PAGE: 735 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY . -,-- --, -~-, -~'.- j JUN,19.2ØØ6 8:54AM AFT ON FLANNmG OFFÌCE . õ9i9q/~:l .bdoI." ...44- ~~ ....... . '. C007:36 3. Ovro.-:r's obligation to tbÜ Agreet11tJ::t shall c.ontiµue L1XÙesS 2 cOMec~ion to a CéZìtra1 sew~ is obtained :md/or th~ rl:;qci:~e.nt is elimina.ted by the. County. . 4. This Agrðe.mem and the cbligarions OD the part ofilie O?l1'ler herö'J.¡'1¿er sbal; be Pel"þetuaJ and ~ha.l1 run with title to tbe Property and sha.ll be binding '.lpcr: Owner anè OwnerÞs heirs, succeSSQrs) a.ss~£J;)$, tra.:J.sferees and gran~es, This Agre..ement ,"vil! be recorded in the Ofpee. of the CtjUJ;lTy Clerk to provide: notice of the obligations of the Owner íCd Owner's heirs, stlcces~ors.. assigns, transferees and grantees to md.ntaix. th~ Treatm.:mt System. OWIJf'..r agrees to !LotHy the Cm.\J1!y of the ua..'f'J:le of any new Own~r upon the transf~ of the Property. 5. Failure to provide the CoUJJ.ty with evidence of 8.IJJl1.:.aì effluent sampling AND evidence ofan ongoing mainteDance COIltra.ct shall constitute. a violatio:p 0; the Co~ty ~m.aU Wastewater Regulations (F~òru.s.ry, 1986). 6. Violation of the Fro"i~iQns of the County Small \Vastewater Reg-.Dations CF~brwuy. 1986) sha1: be dee..rned a nisdem~anor. Bach and every day or portion thereoÍ ¿.'JIÍ¡:g which aIJY violation of e.ny of the provisions of the reguJation is corrmÜtted, contirJued or per¡:r..i nod shall be. considered a sepa....-ate offerlse, Upon convj cÜon of any, such violation. $:Jc.h a person tnay b~ punished as provided by lB;w with a fine of up to $750.00 and 10 deys in jail per day of violation. 7. Owner hereby grants to tht: Co\.tJ;;.ty, the service contract provider and lh~ir a~en~s, for the te¡:'m of this Agree.IDent. f..11 ea..')eµlent or¡., over and ac:"o-ss the Property to aç.:.e~s, mspect, maintain, monitor and service the Treatment System, inc)uding annulil sWnpling of effluent a.nå pðriodir.. sampling of tht. sefJ~d solids, TN WITNESS -",THEREOF, ¡:he. Oì~',}ffiR has ~igned this Agroome:1í to be effective tÌJð day and YèU flrst a.bove. written. I +1.... "NI'r:'~"ESS my hand thi~.-LL. day of du}..( t. OWNER: ,200-6. \)~~ - STATE OFw'YOMlNG COUNT\'" OF~~~ ) ) SS. ) Th~ IWcve a.nd foregOing ins:ru.m.en.! W2,S ackrJowledged before me by ihis 1<1 d.e.YOf~,200Io, vvr~ss my ha.nd and cficiaJ seal. ~ . ICA1HLEfNLI' ".NOTARY PUBUC Nota."), ?ìi,; ~af . ....01 UncaIa Wyom¡n¡ My Commlssføn Ex lIS Î -éliJ-ð¡ ~ ...... --- ,,_ ~",~. "/IY-1.,' T . .' ,~.~ ''t" . l.... ,r" ., 'Y. J I " 1 ;,' .' ~..1 " ..". ._....~~ l.,.._ v-"1. ~......- ~'..,--.,.... ,~,~. ,~.....""