HomeMy WebLinkAbout919481 ~~i~~~~~~mm¡~? C00763 PROMMISSORY NOTE AMOUNT: $50.000.00 DATE: April 15. 2006 FOR V ALUE RECEIVED, MDL PROPERTIES, LLC and TOM and SUE LEWIS, of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming, (Makers), promise to pay to the order of HAMID NOORANI and CHART LANE, LLC, or their heirs or assigns, the sum Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) in accordance with the following terms and conditions. INTEREST RATE AND TERM The Note shall bear interest at the rate of eight and one-half percent (8.5%) per annum. The term of this Note shall be four and one-half (41/2) months. PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST The principal together with interest shall be due and payable on August 31,2006. There shall be no penalty for prepayment of the Note. In the event that the Makers shall elect to prepay, the Interest will be prorated to the date of payment. DEFAULT In case the Makers shall fail to pay any installment payment at the time the same is due, the whole of the principal sum then remaining unpaid, together with the interest that shall have accrued thereon, shall at the election of the holder of this note become at once due and payable. Such election to be made at any time after default and with notice made to the Makers. CHOICE OF LA W AND VENUE The partiesagree that the provisions of this instrument are to be construed according to and governed by the laws of the State of Wyoming and the parties agree that any action relating to the collection of any amounts due and owing under this note may be filed in the District Court in and for the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming and the undersigned does hereby agree and acknowledge the jurisdiction and venue of the Courts of the State of Wyoming and does consent thereto. MODIFICATION No provision of this Note shall be modified except by a written instrument expressly referring to the provisions in this note and signed by all parties. Dated this _ day of ,2006. MDL Properties, LLC and Tom and Sue Lewis Promissory Note ~ « ~ e::: w e::: w ~ ~ w ~ ~ e::: w w...J z 0 z~ MLtiZ N,:J (þ 0 ~ 0 o z o ...J CD 0 o Z :J ; M Ö .... :e e::: ......co..~ - 'I:t W In C'Oen(9v CD .... « §: gena..> ð~ ~C9 CD z 05 WW >0 -w We::: U W 0:: --- / ü~}'19q.:bl. - /øi-¡ i~ By tom Lewis fof MDL PROPERTIES, LLC /y/~ TOM LE S (' n If'! t"16 4 '-' . j .f I ¿/~~ - SUE LEWIS STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of -:rCd"! e... .,2006, by TOM LEWIS, MDL PROPERTIES, LLC. M:á-ÜØd- aq0A ""- OT ARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: ~5"-.:J$" - :2ôlO STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ) CLAUDIA ANDE~SON Notary PubDc LInCOln County Wyoming My CommISIIon eXPlres6'õ15'~E.. SS. COUNTY OF LINCON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this £ day of .::Ttl þ\ -e... ,2006, by TOM LEWIS. t/tUtd/t? &dâ<f ~ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: ~ .;Js· dol D STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ) CLAUDIA ANDERSON Notary Public LincOln County Wyoming My CommlSllon Explr8l.s:¿5'·;1 olE. SS. COUNTY OF LINCON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of 3'lI I^- 't'____ ,2006, by SUE LEWIS. (Yt2¿¡dâ ~dú4 NOTARY PUBLIC fA...-- My Commission Expires: S-..;'S '.;lðl 0 MDL Properties, LLC and Tom and Sue Lewis Promissory Note ClAUDIA ANDERSON Notary Pubflc LincOln County Wyomlng My Commission Expires 5:.s1:..~rçJðæ AI~'N :~ :I:.:':';i :M:!j;:::;:::;;~:J