HomeMy WebLinkAbout919488 :;,;'::;7L,~.:i"'..õ!i~:~:.;:rt::¡~i~I~'.!:·~¡:'~::.:£::;~;.::~lJ.::':ll;;;'::'::':¿...~:!:.¡r::.·,¡;..·;y,'__~",~~.r< :-í',:, ~ :"'~';"""'~.<!"..~..~,,~.. ·âJ~',;f·'""'-lI:»t~..3¡rn:-,,;''-:~eiHt;::;;r.'::_-.''~'--'''-'!''' . '.', . ,o,·;~~t'J:J,:¡-.;,:I;.,. ..,. ;: ¡-.' .:;,~;' ,'+:.--" ' # ~ . . . þ r'oot""t"'Io I..: \ t ( COMMERCIAL LEAS~ A·GREEMENT YANKEE DOODLE RESTAURANT . .... .;: '.~; '..1 ,~:; ; ,).,','.':~\, ::~'~þ~".' ~~. '1;-<1·):,';,.,:':;".:.;,,; .:\·t i£..,;-<;:':.·.·:,·.~:,'~ ~ .,þ,~,:'I ~' '. "")' . .,., ,....; "";' .,; ,:",,': :<,-,"',': ,.: . ii' )' ':'.,".; ;!/Il '; :',,,:'', . <;':~)',';:>~:~':::; /~.~::·:"':'::;:i This AGREEMENT is entered into between the undersigned Lessor (E&D Inc/Robinson'LLC) and uridersÍgned Lešsee(Yankee Doodle LLC). This Lease replaces any existing tèase of these premises between these parties, as of this date. "..;::,':.....;~,:;..:~ r,';:~: ':":,,"::' ':~,":~·:';.:u:;: .:.::, .':'!;'''.~' "~..'.¡ ,:...... ,::\ýI~:S$'~f~'·;\,,:~~\':~::.;.,:'·: .'.!:~;,'<.¡,;> :..':.:;:"" . ::';i...:::,::..::,~:; ::.\'(o ~.' .~' ,:,.1:: ~:'.I ~.' i~~ ~','>;:;;'~~./. ';": 'ui..¡{';' .'¡; ';: ...;~:..~~~ ';',:.:.) '''i~:·/'l~·,!.·'~;~',;;'i'..,,'' '~<:I !·;.,'¡Z{4'-'1 'l"'!:Y'/'} i('~<....!_)!;.:'j"..: :\', !·.l·,~ ":-rp~'~ ~"\,~i . . For ~oP~ apd;V,aJu~~te ,c'W~i4et.atior."t~e;r~c~ip.t~4,s.ufi.içiepçyof;'o;Vh¡RÞ I\fF Mf~þ'y·a*~p~~ed~~iJ,..:fue:~PW!~~s. àgree as follows: :: ~ ;. '~ io' :"í'O'~;, ,"lr;·::·J'\·f! :J~:',~".I,.:~:';.· ...- .,;.,",. ·/¡j¡·,,;~(1,f: ·..··..·.1'...\:·"/: !~~;'.. I¡;<··",·,:'...',· 't~,·"t¡r'..',:1/~'·· '. ;~:,'i ...., . ;'; c; ¡¡.': '...' "',..; ". .. ',1; ~" ..': .,.. '. ~~T,{ç~~,I:'¡T~Ê ~È'Â~~ ,'; :' ..,~....;, 1\ ~'ì: ~': \':: .,"; .:~, :~;" ~,,:·:.t: ':-~ :'·.I~, -) ""':,:' .~~ '~'" :'::-., .~".¡,,:·,:.''-r' ,.', j;' '. .. . Specific Terms: In order to help the parties for thi~"~pê~îfic' teå~e:these' iiretbe basic 'term's: RECEIVED 6/20/2006 at 12:32 PM '., .,.~":' ··.";;'M;~~;~~~;~ ~~~t~:':.;~,2ij~ß.Ò~':~~!~~fuÞ..~ìíin~ Jmi!ipi:~9,~,;f:';:¡' B;~~E~~~NG # ~1~~88 .:'~\;"..' .:.... .'Qeposl~Aø9;"nt~~·i:/) :¡;: ¡.$,7.009,·,OO.: ;.,:.....~¡ ¡¡','.....,. 'i,. ':' "',;.:,,, I:, .:, :.;¡:i M , JEA .770 , ., .. <., ~,.."..:' '.. .'.,. \ .' ,,' :.' . . .'., NNE WAGNER !t', J - "1' t'.';. ". :.;~,¡ "i", r..~(~ . ,I.... ....~..\, ¡ ,l:,:! " ,~t. .¡;~ .,n:: "¡:í.t '),' .h.dbl '..,.' B~,sic,J~ea~~Térø.:.""" .'-, ,:"¡','..,,; '5,,(1iil{~) y,çarfs C~l1JmèncingJµJ\~.~Qth~f..QO,4.~·,. .!u., LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER . ~." ':"::.;'; ;:...;':~'.j~. :·....'··4. <...; 'I' ';:_~"'" : .'. .,':" . : . "",:,,',1 ',.;:j,. "1", ' ¡. .t:-' ,~;":, """"'-',~~.:¡-~' _ "_ ,-,,~ J.', t~ l:L~ :JLeaseo(Prero"ses.,I,.~~!,Q.çr.ebtI~ase~ ~o~e~se~ f9r ~b~,Iet~:r.t(te~r~ø~ø ;ab9Y~J' ~he :Þ~,i~ld,ìng' pf:eiI}~sp.s .'. ,. ". ; i.. '. ':loçaf~~Jn: ~h¢:~~~:.OP'Alpihe:k~fi,1-'Ç;~Wifý')VYQnrtñ,g;4,~ÇFî,~~,!}fJÒU~~}: ;~. .':: " <:.¡: ',' :,:~~.:..!:~ ','. '.1- Hwy' 89 Building 20A 8? 20B located on (legal Description) .p.7.R\ 18 829 SÉ4N.W 4 To4lU ,61AcresQn the terms set forth in this Agreement. Parking will also be permitted on a rêasóJÌliblë basis fu the ëomm~n arèâ paTki~g lot. ·~"'.-I' :.. .... ~ :'}~"'... ~":~"'" ..~'.,. ,'. ~·;"·i·,:'···.Jt ." "',".': '... ;',;.;...:',?" ":t,O, .~:~,'J' -'i\ ':¡; ,;.,'.' ~ ", ,', ~.;, ;' .:..; ;:.r' .::. .",.,~ ..~'\¡:'~~__ ,o~.'.'.}" ,: . ~ .: 1 :.2;" ..'. pep-osit, Le,s$ee .is d~P9siting t~e, Q~P<?$jt Am9untM4 ,the ,~r~tal1d, ta~t,.ro?9ths,.re~!..~itIJ.t.e.S~?f·S~tiöfi.1tently herewith. "'1 ~~, ·:"'I\~:·<\i'f)>-'j·"::. ':·'t ';~. ~j,..~ "~'I "..:~ . "'.~'~,,' ...;1". "~".' ;..;:: ,-":' .' '.-' ",>·>r:¡'.;!".. ii' ;' .;:(~~ ¡: ,~', "ii)'",!. :'ì ,.~',1 '..., ¡ """'i' ',; 1.3:, ..·Lease Term,,;Th~J,easeT~n;t1 (tb.~ ,"Te~It(~) sþ~IJ,b.Ÿ th~·~~~~ç!~e~seTë~,J}~t,e~· ~~.~v~,.â~~'íuiy ~êne~al Term. 'r, .,~,,"j::...., '; ::"..::',.-. ',~.~'.:: ~;;"h ...>; .' ,,,~ .-. ;.,:_~J,':>.':~>~? .':';.... ,,: '., ',....,;,.. .,'.1::,';"',,.,','. ~::. "', ,;. ~ ';;;'.':'.'~ ,:-; ¡,~~,~,:",.,.<." 1.4 "'.; J st Renewal., , Th~ L¡e.sse~ n!~~~pew' this~~~se ~()r.a5, yea!.ren~w~~,~e~;¡l~,~ .t~eep~. 'o(P~~~ ì'q~~:a.,qel!~,e term, provided that (I) the base rent (adjusted for cost ~f livI~g mcre~se.~)~Ø rt~~r.,e~~~ o(~hl$ I¢M~ ;'Y~IJ¡f~tt1~~t) }IHffect during the renewal term and (2) the Lessee must gIve WrItten notice oftts lTTevocable election to renew not less than 90 days before ;, " . ';. ., .t4e ¡end pf*~ ~ent~1t.~ß}th,e~ip~ffec~..4..nysu~h reJ)~walp.erio~,s~!lI!.be ~~at~~:.~~:ea~:o.f.;Í~r...Ter~~",:1 : " ..,...',."' ,'. '.' ','.".,...'... --,.'P. ".' '. '...",. h..,. '.' ..... I ., " . r \ ,'" , , " ';" ". : . . I' '.. . '.' < :~"1 I I :' I I f - ., ¡.' , .¡.: ,." " , . . ,1.5 '. ,. 2nd Renewal' T~e L,è~~~:ni.ay r~ne~ thjs least: fpr a~Úddit~p~~1. S, ye~f r~nè~~t.tep~ f'ft~r' i~p e~d 9tt.~è 'Ist renewal '. ,- ': ',' . .:Ipas~ te~J Provided ~at (1) t~,~;~a:¡e r~nt (adjusted for ~p~t.pfl~vin,g i,oerease~) ,~nd oth~r.f~ríris ofthj~ lejise will remain .,' . ,ip. effect d.uring tÞ.e, ~en~waI.t€(11J1, a~d (2),*~,'L~s~~ Plu~t give wrin~.t),~o~!ce.çrii~Arr~xoç.ab(é,~f~cti\?!1,to renew not less , ; '..,,:. .than 90 daY§,b~fRre. ihp ~nd 9(t~~ ~en~1 t~:th~ m çff~ct. (~) tlJ.e ,þ¡¡S,e ren,t.5~all< b,e adj\Î"stc~.~~,~e~.f?n,the prevailing . . '. ' ,. compara~I~.comaµ,e.~9iaL.~¢nta.J,(~t~s in the Atpin,e ~rea:. An~,s~~Þ.r~Qe~al,p~ri9d s~all b.ð:;p'~!1t~d,as p,art pfthe Term. '.' ..... . .~..,..~:.., ,',~ .~..l.t.. ;', . ',' ~.~ .: ....' .~ .. , ~r: .', ' :', .,,:...'..~,., " :'1'.,., ",,~,., . J.6 ;." , Rë~t..t~sjse~ shl:\iI .pay to þes$or t4e. M9ntþlr...~as~ R,~n.tnqì~~Ja~òXe., pay~þl~Ìri?,n~~lr Í11·.ad.va~Ré..~ß,~h~ date noted . ,..,.abøv.e.an,d em, the.1St.day:g,f.e.a.çh..~(;mt~ ~.h,~rpaf);er~9.1f!dvap.ce ~µ~lIlg.J\~~: J'erp1,.)V~tþ,ßu.ch k~s.~.rçp.t.~ç~~~sed by Lessor at '.', .. th,~·cnd;.o{j~~l(~ft.~ely.e.I1;19,~t4penQd.d!!r~1).gØle.:r~tm..~¡1sed 0.1} tþe, c~mµ,I~~iY~.Ipc.r~ase in t~~ n~ti~JH\\ ~onsumer price .:', ,~4ex (~Hw;~anjµdiç~~.ª~p':lbli$h.~~;by,t~~. U,S:Qepartmeµ~9f1.aþ~r) ~oJl;\t;,~ppHq~b;.~ .a~j,Qsttt1~':l( #Me,(l-202-691- ,;.', S4QQ)t:'.. , ,:..;.: 't.: : I, ." ..:\~,.;;{.(,~:; ,1;:.'( .\ )¡~;~,:'. ~\¡.':,~i·, ,\.: ,.... '.:- ,,~\j.:}~':':.. ", .t~..::,; . " , ~ r~ :,,-',,'~ ',-:/~' :: : ":;;'~ ,: :..~',; ,··.~:.:I.·.I:';,' .",~:;.;"'.,:" : ....~~.. "~l:',";: Use of Premises. The Premises may be used only for Pennitted Uses. The Premises shall not be used' in any matter . wb;~h.~ould.c¡tl1.~~any.puþH~or.prj¡v~t~ n,uis~.c.!, ()r ~ql~te,apy,leg~~r~<1uir~m~J;)t,~app.ljc¡\b~ç.1o.th~:~p1ises!A:ccess to the Premises will be subject to reasona,ble.res~¡~tio.ns..im,po.s~,4.bYIre~.~or frqm.tj~èW}'Üi1e~:',Jb..·ë'~¢*~:~·µtust obtain its own Town of Alpine and other permits for its proposed operations and improvemenfs (such as electrical work), at . Less~e's expense...,~o alteratio,n.o/. itnproyement to t4.~:?!~~i~~ Qr.sigt)~g~;~h~U:,þß,~.~ge by L~~~~~ .\X¡~~out th~ express "7i~en .cons~n.1 of ~ÇSS()Í';. All ;exterior sigl1age,\yilJ. :be, Ø~sig!led. installe~ ~~ ,q1ai,~ta~n~d by. hè$,~ê~.~ An.ÿ alteration or '" itµprQvCJ1l.el)tmad~Qy I:.e~~eelU,l,4.!mY: fjx;tl,ire~installeq a~ a.par,t the~eR,~, ~9an 9.~romeJ~e .PrÇ>pet1Y~fL~ssor upon the .";' ..~~pi.r;ation ,or: .sç.onpr tcrit!ipatipn :of t~is le.ase; pr~vi4eØ..howev,~~!, th~t (i) ,L~~,~oqh~lI. þ·\iye.,thÚight tÇ).re,quire L~ssee to .. . .... ,rem9ye.suqbpx~res,upoµ ~e·tennm.atiQnoHþj~ le~se 1µl~.rçsW~e¡tÞ~,Prem~,s~s. at *~.exp~p.s,¢· ~fL~~~e:and (ii) Lessee shall have the right to remove aU trltde fixturés and equipment òf the Lesseç, ~/1H,re~.~<?re ~~e ,P~e~is~s, ¡~~()n termination of this lease, so long as Lessee is not in default with respect to the performance of this lease and the Pr'emises are not damaged by such removal. ru;rlte,.I t..~ XJ>M 9~4"'¡7:S" ~ e:¡ See. j?e.rN//rr-¡e:M/ ~ Set.L "- ANi/ c:t1S",Je¡./s-e A/OOJ¡D/.... ~K /J14Lt ð'ellerAc¡es- ON TIle /?¡2.eA Sef. fJf..,;<.J 1.8· .¡ ,Assi2nment.. J.~e~se,e may nq! .sçU,as~i~!,µ1().rtg8:g~>, ~ublense'p'le.dg~Qr: Qili,!(fW!se~ansfer.~rencm~þe~1iU or,apy part of ":'. J,e~se~'sint~rest in. tJw)J.remi~es.¡1nd J~i~. A-gr,~em~J?~ :! .(an.y.tin¡e,»,HMu~ ~h~.·expre~~wr~~~n, ççn~~qt\M1:;essor, which . ;.,spa!1 potþ~ :uQr~~so~~b.l)! wit~~eIØ:~ KL.,~~see,.i~ alþ~~~ess';C¡Rt.itr, ;th,~~;I .Jpw.~:{~~'pfa·cÇllltr?IIi~&: ,ÍJ1t,~~e~!.in Lessee wilt be tre s an assignment of the Agreement whIch re ulr~s Lessor's consent '.. ,:1~:::~::::::::~:;i;4 .i!I;..4~t:':I:;:~~~ £>t¿/j 1.7 ~ ',' . . 1!f}{. 1,11 Utilities. ComµJ on Expenses. Etc. . Lessee . shall pay for all telephone costs, cleaning and maintenance costs for the Premises inside & out, includÍIi~'alt'gr'oiihdk åíidcomri1öit"areas:'érhis Is'á;'i'n'et net néf'''ìèasè.;'Léssee'shall be responsible to Lessor periodically, within 10 days of request, an amount equal to:lliê'Cómmon Percetitáge'Shateòf'åït real estate taxes on the land and building, s~er .and,water, heat, light, power, securi,ty, exterior building and ~ounds maintenance, casualty insurance, trash collectidri :~Ùld~îiòw+emåŸàlséfvices for' the \IålÍd! àrid building of whiCI-ïth~' prèmises'"ár~ a part, . thro~gh.outt4e Te,rm. Lessor m~y billlessee"for .Lessee's shares ofta~es" ins~rancean4 other ~i~ilaramounts either wlî~~ .!1i~. ëô~th~çüiT~{1!Ï.L7.~~.o~;At~~rm$~~t"~.p;!~es~~~r.i!tP~Dg~W~m.stªJW.~?~ë~:~~:9~::~~,~itùates of th~ cost to be mcurred (wIth appropqatCf adjustment a$ aètuäl CQsts become liliown).·The·blllmg·methoa may be changed by :teS$b(ITô~·~H~¡~,}~'tim~;~?notife,t9:t.~~~~:; :',.::' ¡.., :·"'c,.',,:, ;;",:' .",; ! ;', ";:'~~':,'_;;':, ".' .":~, ""',: Insurance. Le,ssee will reimburse L,essor for casualty insurance costs for the Premises,: as noted above. Lessee shall niäiritåin iit êffeétlÍt1<FpäýiI1d prertiiiJÚ)'s:for'(a) iAsûf¡lnê~ c6veringthe Lëssee'sëontentswithiit theJ?i'ènHses and (b) insural1ce against liability for injury or da,m¡tge to persons or property or the loss of life or property occurring in the '. Pr~rûìses¡¡i ;áÍ!.'lunoù:bi riôt' l¿ssithàn$I'ìriilIiòri 'ií1'respe:¿t t'o bddilyinjuÌ'y di'dèath'to any 'onë.'p'èrsob~·and not less 'than $500..000 in re.speçt to anyone ocçurrence, and not less ~an $500,000for property damage. Lessor shall be natned êlS a . c?~iÌis\i~ed' urt4~r' sàídl~a:biHW :ins'tirimcè policy OfLèsse~, ·t~s~ee \vm pr¢vide Lessor 'with a bertificàte òf liabilitY .. ';'., 'llisutaIÍce withÌtíl0 days-aftèr a requestby'tessor: .: ..., :..' ;.-. . ,; ¡""." . ";..,' ~':., . ." !,.'o~ _.~'" ·"i:~.~:~·. ,_" ,:' ),,':' .,' . " ..':;';:':.~ ,. .1\.. i, .. .;·:;";'~1,( ",:. 'L:.~~; .r,';"#: Repair: aIÌd'Màintën·ån:te."Léss~è'shal1'; 'atLesscieis sole'expense ta)keep th'd Ptern'iSes (including all improvements now " or here~fter p,laced' thereon) in as good order and repaii'as now existing or as subsequently improved, o~dinary wear and 'tèar.~?ccêþte~land{b) riiåmtafu'in good working :örder and repäirâU: glass, plunibing; eìecttìcity;heàtiÍ1géquipm~nt, \. " '. . ;t~s~aÙi'~t e<i~iþriieht,áiid.'other- simil~r 'equIpment and tixtures'inJhe' p(·emises. If e~isting equipment cannot be repaired 'Less~eshall ieplac¢:exîstíp.gequipmeht'witha comparable pieëe which willbéëòffiepadofLessor's þroperty or lease a 'comP'atäÞl~;pled:."Le~~éë' willhotbèresponsiblefor casualty losses còver¿d bý'"thçin$urât1~enòtëd above, except for . relatively Ìi1itiòr'darnàge súèlí'~$ bt'oken wihdóivs and'damågè to'th~ Pièinisestliettlselve:;côvei-èd by' Lessee's own ~surance. In the case of damageby fire or other casualty to the Premises, if the damage is so extensive as to atnount .. ,;, pratt!cally'töthetotal'dèstructipn 'ofth~:Pr~mis'es, this leå~eshàllcease,andtheren:fshaltþe ~ppdrtidÍ1ea to the time of thedamage:,Jri ällôther' case.s ~herethè:PtëjJ1ises, (not indudin'g fëlisehóld iniþróvèm:ehts 'and' tessee'sþroperty, which 'wiUbetesšëè's'rêspónsÌbiUty) are da¡paged by fire or other 'cäSÙålty,Lèsso¡-':shaU rêpairtlíedamagtjwith reasonable dispatth,wit1iìí"faii~and rêásòìiablè app6rtioÌ1merit ofrènt ifappropriatê, not fo' èxéeêrl founn-onths rertt during the lease term. In determining what constitutes reasonable dispatch, consideration shall be given to delays catlse<fby strikes, . . . adjustment ofinsqrance and,?ther causes beyond Lessor's cçntrol.- ,!,: '. :',',"',~ ,: ,: ,", .::..,.,~<":;·:,"i '~~':; ,,', ;':,;. i,:,,;:',,: ., .', i~~\ " , " , :,< ',, r . '. "! '>'" ;,·;i~Y~.;)I' t '~I,", I;' ,~ : ~ ° ,,' '..~~',", '.' ',.., .' ~,.~,.."" .,..' . 1:14" ... ;Le~~oës~¡~b.t ofAc(:ess:;'tèssor~dLes~or's'reþresentativès may enter thePtémise$.-at.aµyreas·on~blè time for the '. .'.. I ':þutþose otinspect'ingot showIng t9-êPr¢misès,ò"¡'peiförmiÍ1g work." . \ . :. .:: ;;" '",'. . ,:::1'.." ~];' ,"":' ,;,..' .:'_q":~'~;':,:';"::f;~',.: ~~I-< ";',¡;';::'\'~,:. ~ " ' " , , ~,.~,~ .~;;;':': .", :,:;' j / ~i ¡ ,¡ \.' WY .'.. .' . \. ".' : ~ .. .A. . :ì- (\ ,.., t'1 l' \,;.:~ I ., ~, " " 1.9 ....:;'.'.....'.'.. . "'.·',\.".r;.:. .":.,..,,':;'.' '.._~.~,...,.......~..~.. !.',. ~...,. :.',\'., .....".'. ."'.' .., ð ~ '. ~ <, ..~.\.....'.,..>,..'.. ,.'..,;, ".'~'.'." _1; !-' . t~"f'#. "'.',~ +,~~ ¡,,:<../' ~,,:,;~ "".f i._i ~;:~,~:, :;~~ .~' _ ~. # :i·l~Ti\.~·§f..~i~·r:?''¡l,S,~" .'~{".;~~;f~·~{;.fl ~.·~i:·.~.,;if¡l~~\·'l· \ . Taxes and Assessments. Lessee shall be responsible' for all personal propertY taxes relating to the property in the Premises. Lessee wjll also pay the real estate taxes on the Premises as noted below. .. " (~ ;. ..,\.~. .), '/1,', ~ ., :,1;:: '}' 1'\,,1 T4...·. (".:', i~.: .' -.:: .:~ ;.... ._~' ,"I'! ,.~t. :~',~, .~i'~", '. " , 1.10 "J'í:;, :~! ' '. .;:;:¡ ; " , I 1 'I i : .".,' . ~," .' ;0',,' '~,;.\ :,:i;,:: ..;..;:~,~; ¿ . ;:n !. ~ ~,~ ~ Lessee shall not suffer or permit to be ell forced against the Premises any materialmen's, contractor's or sub· contractor's lien arisingfi"om any work done byoroô belÙUt of Lessee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Lessee may in good faith a\ld.at Les.see'sown expense cOlltest the validity of any such asserted lien, claim or demand in a prompt and , .1 :iæsòriàble'rtianíiet;L~sš~e'sh8.ìl' deféiìd and:ißde¡riniry LëssohigàinstalFliábility'and' lòssof åny type' arising out' of work performed on the Premises, together with reasonable attorney's fees and all costs and expenses incurred by Lessor in defending against any such liens. If for~éröshte'is!cömhibrièèd: Lessor may pay the indebtedness secured by any such liens and be entitled t~~ei.mb.urseme!lt under ~ection 1.18 hereof, .~."Jj..,.,} ~;~,,:~¡:"'; '!~I:' ';:1 :, ··.)~"':n¡~ :,J:,:'.,'.' .'.~·¡rl . ~,'~'- , : g,:: 'J:';".'-' ,;,~ ,..' . :.,1; .' .. .:?~, ~'::"¡":: ~. ~.(; , ,',\'. ¡". '"., ',' 1.12 " ,~'.': I' ,. 1.13 . US' '..··índ'eDinity:Les~eè;sh'~lhti'derririifýaiiä höld harmless Lessoi'iilid allagel1ts;'éliÌplôyeesarid affiliates of Lessor, against ,".:'; .. "MY artd'äll uti:ín:su¡;~(f liahilitiës :and èxpenseS(iri¿lúdingrelisonable legal fees) direCtly òr mdirèctly arising ITom any , ". :,(.,;:.' ". . ictùi'tl çr'eMmed lo~~; injury,deathordatmige to per~onsorþroperty which'åt any tiirièmay besuffere'dor sustained by '.' c' " "'. Lessèèor'by 'any bthèr þersoriór entity atåÌty time' using or occupying Ör visitirig 'the PremiseS'. No termination or . . . " ., ~expi¡'ati6n of'theleaše' t~mshidlaf(ect any indemnities o(óthet obligations oflesseehereundèr; which are incurred .' 'dùtlng iheTerm'ofáfter default. \ '." ..... " .:, '" .1:',. ...;., , , .; ..,. n: :i'/~"~ ..~." ...~:,;: ", , ;"13" .:- I,.;' :',', ".; :"!~., '. ~,',': ~ .j' "! ~<:Io;):' "...A.1."~'."'"·';"': ."'... ..:4.~,;4~~;,'.~~;~~.." ~ ':.~(, .~.o", /c-"':., 4'~ :.. :,,,'~ .. "1" ,I·'. .,'";,t,o'-i... :",.1, · ,~::: !..¡ ..\.< .....~.'.,,\\ :,¡<::., -:fo,,'" /~'.¡'to,~":',:~.:,,,,~~,, -" ,..-....,. ,.\. ,vi,,\.;... .'.._ ~:;~, . ~:._"'\.'~ ..,,', 101' '--i .'.'\"" ·;·'DefaUIt; lfLessee šhalldèfltidt iifperfd~ÌniI1g any'Òfits agreetnei1t.$her~undèr, and šüéh defaultshllll.chntinue for a ':.·þèfiödtwenty dàYS'aftêrwrittèn' notic~ thereof1ssentÚtdèIiveÌ'ed to. Lesse.e, ór·ifia.n:y bankruptcy, 'insölvency, ":reoigåriÌzátióh bfcithet'sfuiilar,vró¿èetíings'areinitÍ~ted ~yò.ra~ai~St Lésse~:öf ~e.,p_rdp~r.tY0r'Lèsseé;then in any such . .' .,.., '. t , '. ',\ " :.!;: ' .. -''' :.... J :.. ì:: ~'.'? I,,,, n: \. .,' ~,,::; ,__~; , ,. f)c¿jJ ~..""'.'.'.~...~,,.,"", '>. "··"~A·"'~W.··!!'=·;"r.,..,.'.-.·,,,""'" '~;;;', -('--::'_":¡"'::'!",-:'0~;:;.,.~~",,--:,<::-:: .",,' 'f',:rr:r.J:t:r.f:IF.r.t' .:~" :,.. :',!' ë"",~,.', ':'. ,',', ,.,- 'I---:-,;-:-;,-:"".,t¡" ,-, '::7<.., ,.:;" '__.:,0::.1 'T"-;'"'f:r.-""=,r..·,;.·¡>«.;,,, ;", ,-r;!:':':.',T..¡f.:...':.:'If:~:'l':.~.~~c~':, -'. ~;¡1:;I~:~m:mt; ~~ .~.f,:.:;.!,~!,~.:,1,j ~';;:;'i1;~i=·:~'n'·' ""~¡b:i-'~'l ~1'r.1'~-f!¡'~ ~¡~~it;;?'t:im;~R I ,'." ^'·';'--.:'!,:,:,"'·:¡.J~~I:~:&:CCI:J;i:J;I~.;I;>;!;t)¡,rn~~~U:::,_!'.)I>::';:""'i':\"'~·"·;':..':.:.'aHL".!::d~J~IX''<''~/,~ ·;~'.;~""'~':'·1'<·1~~~~!6!Ln:'f,:·;'.;·"·'·;j . ", ;"'.j,..,-., ·~;;'·j~~~4;-¡;;;ik~;~' ¡t¡.!'i:5"y..:\~¡I¡"(-:: ·~·:,;':~·!~;!.':..;¡:.Itõ;i:·' :fl!.1Jf~.¡~.:\~4-:(.~:..·, :¡"¡':1;'~";¡;j¡-¡;~'.~!¡':'::' I' .- " <( , - I "~, 2.5 .... o ..tJ)~g ) en 0'> co -W~ ~:I:x~ C:~O _ ):zalZ -o::(do U a: . ~ tl,LO-o « '"') 2.6 2.7 . /' f) 0 I"j 7 2 t.. U I I 4- instance Lessor mày terminate this lease. The failure of Lessor to take action relating to any- default on the part 6f EeSsóè ") . shall not be construed as a waiver of said default or any subsequent default. . Lessee shall have no rights of set -off or counterclaim or other similar rights hereunder.· All remedies which Lessor may have in the case of default by Lessee shall be cumulative and not in the alternative, and Lessor shall be entitled to all additional rights provided at law or equity without any requirement of election of remedies, including without limitation a landlords lien on personal property in the premises, if there is a default. Lessor shall be entitled to reimbursement from Lessee of any and all reasonable attorney's fees and collection costs incurred by Lessor in connection with any default of Lessee hereunder, payable on demand. Lessor will be entitled to tenninate this kase as a default by Lessee, if Lessee makes three or more late payments of rent hereUnder during ariy calendar year. Lessor shall be entitled to a late chal'2e of ten percent(10%) of any rent or other amount not received by Lessor within 4 days after the due date. together with interest at the rate of sixteen percent per annum on any amount not received within five days of the due date (from such fifth day until thè date of payment of the overdue amount), allþayable to Lessor by Lessee on demand, 1.17 Ri(:ht to Peñorm. If Lessee shall fail to perform any obligation on Lessee's part to be performed under this Lease, Lessor may do so on behalf of and at the cost andéxpense of Lessee. In that case, interest at a rate equal to sixteen percent per annum and reasonable àttorney's fees may be collected from Lessee by Lessor on demand. 1.18 Deposit. Lessee is depositing with Lessor a sum as a securit}'aildcleaning deposit for the full and faithful performance by Lessee of all of the terms of this Lease required to be performed by Lessee. Said sum shall be returned to Lessee within 30 days after the expirationofthè Term. after inspection and receipt of bills (such as utility and cleaning bills) provided that the I:.essee ~snot in defaulfat such time,. all su~ject to appropriate setoffs by Lessor. -, ,'\ ~~ ARTÎCLE II. MISCELLANEOUS. 2.1 . . Notices. All notices. hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered or mailed (effective when mailed) postage prepaid, to the follo,,~ing address: , .. t 2.2 . ., If to Lessor: E&D InclRoblÍ1son LLC; PO Box 3606; Alpine, WY 83128 If to Lessee: at the address s~ified òn the signature page hereof, or at such other place or þlaces as 'may be designated by a party to the other party in writing from time to time. Bindine: Effect TIús Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective parties hereto, their successors, representatives and assigns. 2.3 . Entire Ae:reement. AU representations made by the parties in negotiations of this Agreement have been incorporated herem, there are.no yerbal agre~inents between the parties·or implieddllties to modliy the tènns 'and conditions hereOf, and anyfuÌ1ber m~dificatíon of this Agreement must be in writin~ and ~i&,ned on behalf oftesSee and Lessor. 2.4 ( '.- -- " . . ..;.'. " .' , ,: --,.' . RelaÌionsbip. Nothing in this Agreement sImll bedeemed orconstfuciÙoconstiÌûteör create between ilieparties hereto a partnership or joint venture, prQvided that the obligations of each Lessee and guarantòr hereúndër(if more than one) .. shall be joint ànd several, and either Lessee (if more than one) may act as agent of the other Lessee hereunder. "", .'. ..' ',. :,.-. , - ' . Venue. This Agreement shall·~· governed þy and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Wyonùng. The ~nue for any action brpugIlt hêreunder ŠhÌûlbe in the District Court of Lincoln County, Ninth Judicial District, or the Justice Court for Lincoln CoUnty; provided that this paragraph shall not in any way limit any proceedings taken to enforce a judgment . !.I, '1 Due Authorization. Lesseê'representS and'.w/Íriants to Lessor that this Agreement is a legal, valid and binding agreement of Lessee enforceable in accordance with its terms, which has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by Lessee in full compliance with all governmental statutes, laws, mles and regulations and all instruments and agreements applicable to Lessee. or Lessee's assets, and Le. S.se~....Þª$þe .. e. n du1~.. . ,¥.g~.. . !Z.' e ".d-mt.. ·.d··· in g.oo d. standing with full power and au thorityto ·d tb' ·th·Stat fW ':::IUa¡., \"~hh ·IHt·;¡¡~l1œ"~ con uc usmess m e e 0 Y~n5'-. .'. ~lII&k b~ . Area of Lease shall be known as e p"~ a .. f 2ð"m-'ghwa 89, Town of Alpine, Wyoming. Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Palisades T e L~~å!'theSôìÎthwestCO:ro . the Snake River Bridge approach, thence traveling Southwesterly along said P lsa esTake Line, for an approximate distances of . ,feet, thence turning Southerly at a distance of 50 feet behind tIíe Subject Lease Restaurant Building, and maintaining that 50 foot Set-Back from the Restaurant Building while tiav"eling an approximate distance of feet to the Center Line of the Driveway separating the Restaura,nt Building from the Ap3rtm.ent Building known as Twin Pines Apts., thence Easterly feet to the Right of Way ofD.S. Highway 89, thence Running Northerly along said Right of Way (RO.W.) to the point of beginning. fXJJ / / , ('H 2~8 ~'C C 0 O~J 7,~ - First Rig;bt to Purcbase Ifat any time during the lease period ~ssordecides to s~ll the building, equipmentj and land '~.. , 'known as the Yankee Doodle. Restaurant. the Lessees shall be notified and given 21cl~Ys to secure funds to P1Jrchá~" -, property prior to marketing. If Lessor receives an offer to purchase Without listing property, . lessee shall have 72 hours to secure the funds to matcb offer received. , IN WrfNESSWf!EREOF,this CbmmercialLease Agreementhas been d execrttedand de1ivêre~ by't4e~es. '.' ".. . - LESSOR: LESSEE: .... .~~yo---- BY~_ .. '-_.~'~ARY;:~Xh. Å.t.À.Æ. . ~...'- ", .,:". '.', .' .:' ", ""," ,..., , , , Address: 73 ÐJ0 . :3 02 / _ ·1/~,¿1f;¡}/2Y For good arid valuableconsid.eratiùn the receipt anq sufficiency of which ~ hereby acknciwledged, the undersigned absolutely and unconditionally guarantee;joint!yand severally wiili t:h,e Lessee, the performance of all of Lessee's - obligations and full and timely payment of all rent and other anlounts due at any time by Lessee under this Commercial Lease Agreement Thls'guåra1ltee will remain in full force anc1 effect notwithstanding any anlendmEm-t or modification or renewal of th~ lease, and no consent of the undersigned ~ be ~uired for such action. Th~)J1ldersignedconstituteprincipal(s)oftheLessee. -- , .... . ~' ~ HEAR' .,. ' '-' ..-'............"';--~,'1;1_. S\tt\~ Oç uJ\fOíY\~ r\~ ) ---hS. l;ntoi~ ). -'OO:~J :::'Il~ eo~~ 0 ~ ~LÛOW üe..ÇOf~ m<... '0'¡S -\~'lli dG.-L{ Or ~O\LIJd-O ~0ð,. Mo..ì\.e.~ ~rhf.ll,ra-Ir'¡a ~\QIC( E. '<Sod" 11&', ~ bll ~OJ:yLa..{\ fh ea. r ..' ~.' !;·;!;~"";fi:;···'i" ·:f·r ",',:.f l.r,:,' I-"-,~;:".,!.;i.: fY\\j to!'y",,\ ~ ìo r1 Ðcfif~~ l,.;t6.0Q ..,..., T:~';,:..:\",!,:',!·:,"; .. ~',--;;;-::"::-~~'"P','. "'~':'·1·~.:.:t:1:1.'>:- "'I' ,-" I ,'..,.,', ',,~, , "-¡!i!r!t~j~~ '-"" ',' , t~~¡m;!~I~~jj