HomeMy WebLinkAbout919512 i I - ----'---1-------·----------- -- -- ---- - -- -- RECEIVED 6/21/2006 at 9:25 AM I RECEIVING# 919512 BOÇ:>K: 623 PAGE: 882 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY (.00882 QUITCLAIM DEED John Fidler, a married person dealing in his sole and séparate property, grantor, of Lincoln County, Wyoming, in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($1 0.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, hereby CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIMS to LincQln County, , : a political subdivision of the State of Wyoming, grantee, 925 Sage Avenue, Kémmerer, Wyoming, all right, title, and interest that hemay have in andto the following described real i estate situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to-wit: A pÇ1rcel of land lying within and being part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE1/4SE1/4) of Section 26, Township 34 North, Range 1'19. West, Lincoln County, Wyoming, with boundaries more specifically described as folÎows: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the east right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 89 and the centerline of Ellis Lane of record (also known as Riverview Ranchettes County Road No. 12-1738), said intersection point being S 63°50.9' W a distance of 1033.33 feet from the East Quarter-section Corner of said Section 26; and running THENCE S 0°08.2' W a distance of 134.03 feet to a highway right-of-way monument; THENCE N 79°43.4' E a distance of 140.95 feet tö a westerly corner of Lot 31 of the Riverview Ranchettes (Second Filing) Subdivision of record; THENCE N 1 0018'.3"E a distance of 130.22 feet to a poirit on the centerline of the said Ellis Lane, said point also being the northwest corner of said Lot 31 ; THENCE S 83°12.9' W, along Ellis Lane centerline, a distance 162.81 feet _ to thè point of beginning; . ENCLOSING an area of 0.446 acres, more or less; TOGETHER WITH all improvements situate thereon and easements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and ! -I ! ; SUBJECT TO all easements, reservations, covenants and restrictions, ¡fany, of rècord; and FURTHER SUBJECT TO discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortages in area, encroachments, and any facts a correct survey and inspection of the premjses would disclose and which are not shown in the public records. DATED THIS _ _/ £{) day of ~ ,2006 ~~.~ JO-"FIDLER . -1- I Wi~~t~m~i~ti, I ,,_. 091.95í,~ I ; I".., '·'1" ~;!!.¡ .( t~~ ~:j!i¡! ~j¡~! -'00883 I [vPII+/V t1- STATE OF WY9MI~O ) .e L R/tA¡q, ) ss. County ofl:.in60~ ) The.foregoing QUITCLAIM DEED was acknowledged before me byJOHN FIDLER, on the /iSJ daYOf~.....- .. ·,2006. . Witness my hand and official seal. -2- /