HomeMy WebLinkAbout919513 -----------1'-__________._.__._._ _ ___ _ __.___ RECEIVED 6/21/2006 at 9:26 AM R~CEIVING # 919513 BOQK: 623 PAGE: 884 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY C00884 . QUITCLAIM DEED Maggie Ellis, a single person, grantor, of Lincoln County, Wyoming, in ! consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in : hand paid, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, hereby CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIMS to Lincoln County,a political subdivision of the State of Wyoming, grantee, 925 Sage .Avenue, Kemmerer, Wyoming, all right, title, and interest that he may have in and to the following described real· estate situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to-wit: A parcel of land lying within and being part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE1/4SE1/4) of Section 26, Township 34 North, Range 119 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming, with boundaries more specifically described as follows:- BEGINNI~G at the point of intersection of the east right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 89 and the centerline of Ellis Lane of record (also known as Riverview Ranchettes County Road No. 12-1738),. said intersection point being S 63°50.9' W a distance of 1033.33 feet from the ~ast Quarter-section Corner ofsaid Section26; and running . , . .' THENGÈ S 0°08.2' ·w a distanc~ of 134.03 'feet to ~ highway right-of-way monument; 'THENCE N 79°43.4' E a distance of 140.95 feet to a westerly corner of Lot· 31 of the Riverview Ranchettes (Second Filing) Subdivision of record; THENCE N 100Ü3'.3"E a distance of 130.22 feet to a point on th~centerline of the said Ellis Lane, said þoint also being the northwest co rh'e r qf said.Lot 31; , , THENCE S 83012.9' W, along Ellis Lane centerline, a distance 162.81 feet to the point of beginning; ENCLQSING an area of 0.446 acres, mor~ or less; . . TOGETHER WITH all improVeh,e¡':ts sit'uate thereon and easements and appurtenances .thereunto belonging; and . . SUBJECTTÒ all easements, reservatlons,'covenants and restrictions; if any, of record; and. FURTHER 8UBJECT TO discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortages in area,. encroachments, and any facts a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown in the, public records. . .~ ·'1 ' ,,~.. DATED THIS ),;J d~Y ~I '. WI,.· J!. . ,2006 7fl:;¡i'{:::œ; ~ J11~ -6!,~ M . G E ELLIS .... . . . .. . . . . . -1- f¡~:;~$::::::;l:;:;;;;; ,,~Itl,:;:.:.~j p;; ::~..)::~:~::::::~ ¡!I·¡~~"'i~'·i·il,:. ,';' '.I~t tt!..~~~ ~!.' f¡Imt]li¡~fim~m¡¡;~~ , I I .f:r,cÀ·l- Q~~.--> Y~1. .:J1....~JIi~:¡Jù. STATE OfF~G S~L+~\ú- County of Lincolft. 000885 ) ) ss. ) Theforegoin'g QUITCLAIM DEED was acknowledged before me by MAGGIE ELLIS, on the ~ day of -1J.Á.;;;:,.;... ~ . , 2006. Witness my hand and official seal. ~ .~. . . (~~ .'. . , . . Notary Public· i My Commission Expires: C\"S'~ :>.'.'. '.;l.'''.~¡~(t<: ,.:~ ;¡q,.. ""'i' ~~ '¿'ê:;",¡,;>~,'~;j"l";f¿';P:i >:;¡"1"~?', ¡', ¡;{ {~;}i~{i~:~~:' ·~Hf[t:~?~~~~~~T~E~~c;;'·· .,~ " ¡ J ' \ ,_,1, I ...l! _ J, ~,_J,\Ov. R<t 1ì t~ '~~/,~_ .,' ¡;;/l,ly; ,,;;,,~';;f;~;~~p?;~s :~~-~~20'Ja :~ b\ . <.".!,LJ.,". ,,¡ate of LJiah ~ ~f¡~.~-~~~;àj~I~~:i~~.~~:?~~~~~~~ '- -2- ./