HomeMy WebLinkAbout875994 WARRANTY DEED C a Single Person, grantor8 of ~o~ Count, 8tat~ ef Wyoming, ~o~ cons]dm'afion of Ten and 00/ and o~Ier good an~ vg]uable consideration ~ hand, r~c¢[pt w]m:~of is hereby aoknowledged .CONYEY ~D WA~NT TO a Single Person~ ~antees, Whose a.dd~ess is 3875 S. La~e Cree~ Drive ~312, Wi.l~o~, WY 830~4 fl~e fo].].ow~g described rea]. es~te~ siRlate i~ L~coln Oo~ty ~d State of Wyoming, hereby rel~asi~.g a~d waiv~g all rights ~de~r and by viI~e of ~e homestead exemption taws of file state to wit: Lot 27 of the Forest Me~ows Subdivision, Linco~ Count,, Wyo~g as described on the official pla~,: WITNESS our hands t~s day of September, 200i. Linda Reichardt State of Idat_~ Co'unty of ~/,'//,,/~c,('".. ,d~._The foregoing instrument u,".;is acknowledged before me by Linda Reicbardt this /~ day of September', 2001. Witness my hand [und offic: :~l. seal. " [AURA L.,EGBERT ~ My Commission Expires: ~2 -.,/"'] ..~9__~-