HomeMy WebLinkAbout875998 RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE J :' KNOWN BY ALL THESE PRE,~ENTS, That Utah Power & Light Employ~s' Credit Union, a co~oration of the United States. o~ A~erica, does hereby ce~i~ that mortgage bearing the date of October 19, 1994 made and executed by David Elmo Smith a~a Joay L. Smith, as mo~gagor, to Utah Power & Light E~ployees' Credit Union, a; mortgagee, conwying certain real estate therein ~entioned as aeEurity for the payment of $17,500.00 as therein stated, which mortgage was recorded in the of'fi~e of the Connty Clerk and Ex-Officio ~egister of Deeds of Lincoln Connty, State of Wyo~ting, on October 25, 1994 in the Book 3sgPR on Dage 4~9 mortgaging the followiag describe~d real estate in. said Connty, to wit: All L;ads as Described in said Mortgage. is, with a note secured thereby, and the aforementioned debt, ally paid, satisaed, released, and discharged and in consideration .thereof the said mortgagee does hereby release and qaitclaim unto the said mortgagor the premises thereby conveYed and mortgaged. IN WITNESS WHEREO?~::': Utah Power & Light Employees' Credit Union, has caused these Presents to be signed by it;,; President, this ~ ~ day of September, 2001. UTAH POWER & LIGHT EMPLOYEES' C~DIT ~ION ,.,"n / Robed ~. Howel!;'~resident State of Utah Connty of Salt Lake On this __ day of September, 2:~901, before me personally appeared ~Obert ~. ~owell to me personally ~own, who, being kY me duly ~worn, did say that he is the Presidem of Utah Power & Light Employees' Credit U~on, ~at said i~st~eat was sig~ea on behalf of said ca~oration by authority of it; Board of Director;, and said President acknowledged said the free act and deed of said coq}oration. 6iwa under ~y hand and notarhd' seal this /~{-b day of September, 2001.' , ~ ~otary Public My Commission Expires: __/~[-'/~-L~_~ _