HomeMy WebLinkAbout875999T~;i:~"i~.. ~vas prepared by: Major' Mortgage · :"; 106129~
Address;~ 2020 Carey Avenue-Mezzanine, Cheyenne, WY 82001
Telephone No: 307-634-7100
For Value Received, the undcrsigned holder of a Mortgage (herein "Assignor") whose address is
2020 Carey Ave-Mezz, C]~:eyenne,' wY 82001 ,
does hereby grant, sell, assign, tram.~fer and convey, unto
Principal Residential ,Mortgage Inc., an Iowa Corporation
(herein "Assignee"), whose address is
711 High Street. Des Moines, IA 50392 ,
a certain Mortgage, dated May~ 25, 2001 , made and
executed by Richard Cuthriell and Stephanie Cuthriell, Husband and
to and in favor of Maj or Mor[~gage , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of
Wyoming . . upon the following described property situated in
Lincoln County, State of Wyoming '
See Schedule C attached hereto and m~de a part hereof.
': Li/',..,.¢L¢. CLERk
s~ch Mortgag~ having been given tF ~ecqr9 payment of the original principal amount of
~ig~ty Three Thousancr uo~ars
($ 83,000.00 ) with an origi~al maturity date date of - June 1, 2031 ,which
Mortgage is of record in Book, Volume, or Libor No. ~~ , at page
(or as No, ~7~ ~~ ~ ) of the official Records of Lincoln
County, State of Wyom~:ng
, together with the note(s) and obt~igations therein described and the money due and to become due
thereon with interest, and all rights (.~ccrued or to accrue under such mo~gage.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto Assignee, its successors and assigns, forever, subject only to
the terms and conditions of the aboge-described Mo~gage.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the ur~dersigned Assignor has executed this Assignment of Mortgage on
May 25, 2001
~ajor Mortgage
/~ (Assignor)~
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: Laramie County ss:
The foregoing instrument was ackr~:~wledged before me JtJLIE ~IL~, VICE-PRESI~
, 2001
of MAJOR MORTGAGE, this 25!::h day ~ay
Witness my hand and official seat'.~
Signatu~ '
Title of Officer
ALTA COMMITMENT - 1982 - WY 1 0 8
Commitment No.' FA 7534 M
The land referred to in this commitmem: is situated in the State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is
described as follows: :
A portion of the SE~S.,:,:~ of Section 20, T34N Rll8W of the 6th P.M.,
Lincoln County, Wyom,ing" being more particularly described as 'follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the East line of said section 20, said point
being 545.65 feet N 0°20~56,, W from the Southeast corner of ~aid Section
thence West, 796.68 feel!:;
thence North, 724.01 feet to a fence line;
thence S 72°46'24,, E, along said fence line, 831.05 feet to the
East line of said Section 20;
thence S 0°20'56'' ~., alo:2g last East line, 477.90 feet to the POINT