HomeMy WebLinkAbout920170 'A) f DA VlD EVANS Hickey & Evans, LLP 1800 Carey Avenue, Suite 700 P.O. Box 467 Cheyenne, WY 82003-0467 Telephone: (307) 634-1525 Fax: (307) 638-7335 Email: devans@hickeyevans.com JOHN R. GOODELL (Wyo. #5-2817) DANIEL C. GREEN (ISB #3213) 20 I E. Center Street, Suite A-2 P. O. Box 1391 Pocatello, Idaho 83204- 1391 Telephone: (208)232-610 I Fax: (208)232-6109 Email: dan@racinelaw.net A ttorneys for Plaintiff Ireland Bank STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) IRELAND BANK, an Idaho banking ) corporation, ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) vs. ) ) ROBERTS MANAGEMENT CO., L.L.C., ) "a Wyoming limited liability company; ) C. R. ROBERTS AND SONS, INC., a ) Wyoming corporation; C. R. ROBERTS ) & SONS, a Wyoming partnership ) consisting of Brent Roberts and C. Richard ) Roberts, Jr., partners; LITTLE VALLEY ) HOLDING TRUST, Gary H. Teuscher and ) C' Aaron Brent Roberts, trustees; LOUIS ) BRENT ROBERTS and TAMARA ) JOYCE ROBERTS, husband and wife, as ) tenants by the entireties; BRENT ) ROBERTS; C. RICHARD ROBERTS, JR.; ) BANK OF PINEDALE, a Wyoming ) banking corporation; and DOES 1-10, ) ) Defendants. ) ) ROBERTS MANAGEMENT CO., L.L.C., ) a Wyoming limited liability company; ) C. R. ROBERTS AND SONS, INC., a ) Wyoming corporation; C. R. ROBERTS ) & SONS, a Wyoming partnership ) consisting of Brent Roberts and C. Richard ) Roberts, Jr., partners; LITTLE VALLEY ) HOLDING TRUST, Gary H. Teuscher and ) Aaron Brent Roberts, trustees; LOUIS ) BRENT ROBERTS and TAMARA ) JOYCE ROBERTS, husband and wife, as ) tenants by the entireties; and BRENT ) ROBERTS, ) ) Counterplaintiffs, ) ) vs. ) ) IRELAND BANK, an Idaho banking ) corporation, ) ) Counterdefendant ) :¡;m::,·r.:~:':::,: RECEIVED 7/13/2006 at 1 0'.31 ~.;;:~" :':~:~':.: RECEIVING # 920170 BOOK: 626 PAGE: 204 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY IN THE DISTRICT COURT THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT Doc. No. C'Y .L- 0 0 G::. _ 12 9 - D C- I;:; Crossclaimant, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 09201.~O r-. ....... O· :o>~ ". . 5 ' .', 1....1.. ' '.' ,j, ;{;.,\' , C. RICHARD ROBERTS, JR., vs. LOUIS BRENT ROBERTS; C. R. ROBERTS AND SONS, INC.; LOUIS BRENT ROBERTS and TAMARA JOYCE ROBERTS, husband and wife) NOTICE OF FILING FOREIGN JUDGMENT Plaintiff, by and through its attorneys, Hickey & Evans, LLP, respectfully notifies Defendants and this Honorable Court of the filing of a judgment awarded to Plaintiff and against Defendants in Docket No. 05-CY-220-B, in the United States District Court, District of Wyoming on June 23, 2006, in the amount of $326,570.88, plus accruing interest thereafter at the maximum statutory rate allowed by Wyoming law from the date of the judgment, together with attorney fees and costs. An exemplified copy ofthe judgment has been filed with the Clerk contemporaneously with this notice. The Clerk of this Court is hereby requested to mail notice of the filing of this foreign judgment to the judgment debtors at the following addresses: Brent and Tamara Roberts 1848 D Bar K Dr. Durango, CO 81301 Roberts Management Company, LLC Registered Agent: Louis Brent Roberts 315 Post St. Cokeville, WY 83114 C.R. Roberts & Sons, a Partnership Registered Agent: Louis Brent Roberts 315 Post St. Cokeville, WY 83 114 C. R. Roberts & Sons, Inc. Registered Agent: Louis Brent Roberts 315 Post St. Cokeville, WY 83114 Little Yalley Holding Trust 315 Post St. Cokeville, WY 83114 C. Richard Roberts, Jr. 4006 St. Cokeville, WY 83114 Bank of Pinedale Registered Agent: First National Bank in Evanston 1001 Main Evanston, WY 82930 2 m)r~~f:f:~:~;¡ ¡·,';;t!t'·~·N~; 09201.~;·O 'r ^. f' ""6. . ~ ~ t,... \.Ii .. ,.., ~ The address of the Plaintiffs attorney in this matter is Hickey & Evans, LLP, 1800 Carey Avenue, Suite 700, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001. DATED this 1-. day of July, 2006. C E ,LLP 1800 Carey Avenue, Suite 700 P.O. Box 467 Cheyenne, WY 82003 (307) 634-1525 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the:¡t- day of July, 2006, I served a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing document to the following person(s) as follows: O. David Gardner GARDNER LAW OFFICE PO Box 96 Afton WY 83110 John D. Bowers BOWERS & ASSOCIATES LAW OFFICE, PC PO ~ 1550 Afto WY 8311" , . c::: e-L ~f. DAVID EVANS 3 _.._ ,_. _.·.·'_'.._n__'_ . ,.......---...,.. - ( 09201.7'0 000207, ~"\ United States District Court For The District of Wyoming EXEMPLIFICATION CERTIFICATE I, Stephan Harris, Clerk of Court for the United States District Court, keeper of the records and seal, certify that the attached documents: Judgment Decree of Foreclosure and Order of Sale are true copies of records of this Court. In testimony whereof I sign my name and affix the seal of this Court, in the District, at Cheyenne on July 3. 2006. ' Stephan Harñs ~Ü~.~ Clerk of Court (By) Deputy C e~ ", I, Alan B. Johnson, a Judicial Officer of this Court, certify that Stephan Harriª-, named above, is and was on date noted, Clerk of this Court, duly appointed and sworn, and keeper of the records and seal, and that this certificate, and the attestation of the record, are in accordance with the laws of the United S tes. Di~'7 c7 , :2.ððø /'. United States District Judge Title I, Stephan Harris, Clerk of Court for the United States District Court, keeper of the seal, certify that the Honorable Alan 8. Johnson, named above, is and was on the date noted a Judicial Officer of this Court, duly appointed, sworn and qualified, and that I am well acquainted with the Judicial Officer's official signature and know and certify the above signature to be that of the Judicial Officer. In testimony whereof I sign my name, and affix this seal of this Court at Cheyenne, in this State, on Ju!y 3. 2006. Stephan Harris , W-~~~ ;Ierk Clerk of Court ~:t~~~~~~~!~m~;: ~lmMfi~~ ::::~~~ :~:':':';':':~:!:ì:'~~ ._....'-,.,--~,_.__.,-- .....,.,-_.." . '."--_.,.,,,.. r Case 1 :05-cv-00220-CAB Document 51 Filed 06/23/2006 Page 1 of 10 000208 09201.70 FILED U.S. DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF WYOMING JUN 2 3 2006 lð: :L7a.,r}" . Stephan Harris, Clerk Cheyenne DA VID EV ANS Hickey & Evans, LLP 1800 Carey Avenue, Suite 700 P.O. Box 467 Cheyenne. WY 82003-0467 Telephone: (307) 634-1525 Fax: (307) 638-7335 Email: devans@hickevevans,l:om JOHN R. GOODELL (Wyo. #5-2817) DANIEL C. GREEN OSB #3213) 20 I E. Center Street, Suite A-2 P. O. Box 1391 Pocatello. Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208)232-610 I Fax: (208)232-6109 Email: dan@ral:inelaw.net AllorneY,f for Plain/iff Ireland Bank IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF WYOMING IRELAND BANK, an Idaho banking corporation. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ROBERT~ MANAGEMENT CO., L.L.C. ) a Wyoming limitèd liability company; ) C. R. ROBERTS AND SONS, INC.. a ) Wyoming corporation; C. R. ROBERTS ) & SONS, a Wyoming partnership ) consisting of Brent Roberts and C. Richard ,,) Roberts, Jr., partners; LITTLE Y ALLEY ) HOLDING TRUST. Gary H. Teuscher and ) Aaron Brent Roberts, trustees; LOUIS ) BRENT ROBERTS and TAMARA ) JOYCE ROBERTS, husband and wife, as ) tenants by the entireties; BRENT ) ROBERTS; C. RICHARD ROBERTS, JR.;) BANK OF PINEDALE, a Wyoming ) banking corporation; and DOES L - ro. ) ) Civil No. 05-CY-220-B Plaintiff, YS. JUDGMENT, DECREE OF FORECLOSURE, AND ORDER OF SALE Defendants. ) A 4 ''___,.,.___...___.____~.__,.._._.___ .,. '" ,. " .,~ 4, . _.. _ ,.___~_,..,.,.".", . , ~~^n'.~. ,.~_...~ '.~_,_.., . ~,' .._ ~.',.'._~'. Case 1 :05-cv-00220-CAB Document 51 Filed 06/23/2006 Page 2 of 10 ROBERTS MANAGEMENT CO., L.L.C., ) a Wyoming limited liability company;" ) C. R. ROBERTS AND SONS, INC., a ) . Wyoming corporation; C. R. ROBERTS ) & SONS, a Wyoming partnership ) consisting of Brent Roberts and C. Richard ) Roberts, Jr., partners; LITTLE V ALLEY ) HOLDING TRUST, Gary H. Teuscher and) Aaron Brent Roberts, trustees; LOUIS ) BRENT ROBERTS and TAMARA ) JOYCE ROBERTS, husband and wife, as ) tenants by the entireties; and BRENT ) ROBERTS, ) ) Counterplaintiffs, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ('Q'Ipteroefeud!:lnt ) C. RICHARD ROBERTS, JR., ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Ys. IRELAND BANK. an Idaho banking corporation, Crossclaimant, YS. LOUIS BRENT ROBERTS; C. R. ROBERTS AND SONS, INC.; LOUIS BRENT ROBERTS and TAMARA JOYCE ROBERTS, husband and wife ('roç~d{"fe ;]d~nt.. 09201.~~'O 000209 This matter having come before the Court on Ireland Bank's ("Plaintiff') Motion for Entry of Judgment, Decree of Foreclosure and Order of Sale and the Court having considered the Complaint for Foreclosure, Stipulation for Entry of Judgment entered into between the Defendant Bank of Pinedale, and the Stipulated Settlement Agreement entered into between the Defendants ROBERTS MANAGEMENT CO., L.L.C., a Wyoming limited liability company; C. R. ROBERTS AND SONS, [NC., a Wyoming corporation; C. R. ROBERTS & SONS, a Wyoming partnership JUDGMENT. DECREE,OF FORECLOSURE. AND ORDER OF SALE· Page 2 ·.IT"7<r.,r.r,"'," ,N~:!;ì;~"""" ~~~~illim .. .........,.,.,.-...,,'--. ',',,_...,._,... "-- ·--,..··,.··Y' '. - _,_ _'. __.._.,._,_.., ." ,,_..~'~._~~~, "'^' ?~..~",,'...~, " "." 'Y .....". ',"........'--,.,., '__'__0'- __ Case 1 :05-cv-00220-CAB Document 51 Filed 06/23/2006 Page 3 of 10 09201.70 000210 consisting of Brent Roberts and C. Richard Roberts, Jr., partners; LITTLE V ALLEY HOLDING TRUST, Gary H. Teuscher and Aaron Brent Roberts, trustees; LOUIS BRENT ROBERTS and TAMARA JOYCE ROBERTS, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties; BRENT ROBERTS; and C. RICHARD ROBERTS, JR., and it appearing that said Defendants (except C. Richard Roberts, Jr., and Bank of Pinedale)' have defaulted in complying with the terms of the Stipulated Settlement Agreement and as a result of said default Plaintiff is entitled to entry of a Judgment, Decree of Foreclosure and Order of Sale. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that Plaintiff have and recover Judgment against Defendants as follows: I. Plaintiff shall have Judgment and recover from Defendants the unpaid principal balance owing on the Promissory Notes executed in favor of Plaintiff as more [uIly described in Plaintiff's Complaint (the "Complaint") in the principal amount of $288,076.56, accrued interest thereon to May 24, 2006, in the sum of $36,639.31, together with interest that continues to accrue at the rate of $93.76 per diem from May 24, 2006, until the date of the entry of Judgment, costs of , $1.854.96 for a total Judgment in the sum of Three Hundred Twenty-Six Thousand Five Hundred Seventy and 88/100 Dollars ($326~70.88) lawful money of the United States of America plus accruing interest thereafter at the maximum statutory rate allowed by Wyoming law from the date this Judgment is entered until satisfied together with such attorney fees and additional costs as may be allowed by the Court (the "Obligation"). Plaintiff may immediately have execution hereon. 2. The Real Estate Mortgages executed in favor of Plaintiff (the "Mortgages") consist of the following: tHereafter. unless otherwise stated, the term "Defendants:' will refer to all of the mImed Defendants ex.cept C. Richard Roberts. Jr., and Bank of Pinedale. JUDGMENT, DECRE~ OF FORECLOSURE. AND ORDER OF SALE - Page 3 / . 0,0 "'~"~"~""'. .,....,..,~ -,' ." .,. .,.....,.,..... - m' . ~ "',"'''','''''','' '0"-" "',, ",' .'. ~.' "'.'_'."",'_".'"". Case 1 :05-cv-00220-CAB Document 51 Filed 06/23/2006 Page 4 of 10 03Z01.~;;:O 000211 '" '''f. A. Real Estate Mortgage dated March 19,2001, executed by Roberts, in favor of Plaintiff covering certain real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, together with all water, water rights, ditch, ditch rights, improvements, privileges, and appurtenances thereunto belonging and the rents, issues, and profits thereof. Said Mortgage was recorded on March 21,200 1, as Lincoln County Recorder's Instrument No. 872250. A true and correct copy of said Real Estate Mortgage is attached to the Complaint as Exhibit "F', and incorporated herein by reference as if set forth fully. B. Mortgage dated March 19,2001, executed by Roberts, in favor of Plaintiff covering certain real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, together with all water, water. rights, ditch, ditch rights, improvements, privileges, and appurtenances thereunto belonging and the rents, issues, and profits thereof. Said Real Estate Mortgage was recorded on March 21, 2001, as Lincoln County Recorder's Instrument No. 872251. A true and correct copy of said Real Estate Mortgage is attached to the Complaint as Exhibit "G", and incorporated herein by reference as if set forth fully. C. Mortgage dated March 19,2001, executed by Roberts Partnership, in favor of Plaintiff covering certain real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, together with all water, water rights, ditch, ditch rights, improvements, privileges, and appurtenances thereunto belonging and the rents, issues, and profits thereof. Said Real Estate Mortgage was recorded on March 21,200 I, as Lincoln County Recorder's Instrument No. 872252. A true and correct copy of said Real Estate Mortgage is attached to the Complaint as Exhibit "H", and incorporated herein by reference as if set forth fully. . The Mortgages described above create valid first liens on the below described real property and secure the Obligation described in paragraph 1 above. JUDGMENT. DECREE.OF FORECLOSURE. AND ORDER OF SALE - Page 4 @m~~~~ili~,¡ ._A_,· __'__~'~'-+__~__~'~______,.____._~._~_____,'~._..,~...~,.... ,'_. '.. ..........--..... "_"',~,"""'''.~'''',..--I '.' -, ,'.'.. ,"-".......-.-~-~-~,...-..............--...~.'"'",_...",' ,"'.'.',' "",'-,."'.",....,,.,...',,'"'.',,,,,,,',.. ·',-,.4,..',·"."O.~·.·.;:,"'. Cas,e 1 :05-cv-00220-CAB Document 51 Filed 06/23/2006 OG20'of¡ "":/1"'1\ ,;}.", LiJ\..1 Page 5 of 10 000212 The real property situated in Lincoln County, Wyoming is more particularly described as follows: See Exhibit "A" attached and by this reference made a part hereof. 3. The mortgage liens described above are hereby foreclosed, and all interest that any of the named Defendants (including C. Richard Roberts, Jr., and Bank. of Pinedale) have in the above described real property, together with all ditch and water rights of every nature, fixtures and other collateral described on said Real Estate Mortgages, shan be sold by the U.S. Marshals or the Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming, in the manner provided by law, payable in cash lawful money of the United States of America and in accordance with the practice of this Court. 4. The proceeds of sale shall be applied as follows: (1) to the costs of sale; (2) satisfaction of the Obligation owing to Plaintiff as set forth in paragraph 1 ahove; and (3) any surplus thereafter remaining shall be paid into the District Court for further determination regarding priority among those parties to this litigation whose rights are subordinate to Plaintiff. 5. That the Defendants (including C. Richard Roberts, Jr., and Ban~ of Pinedale) and any unknown heirs or devisees of the foregoing named parties who may be deceased, and the unknown owners, claimants and parties in interest claiming an interest in all or any part of property, and each of them, and all persons claiming by. through and under them, or any of them, and all persons having liens subject to the Mortgage and Security Agreements of Plaintiff herein by judgment, decree or otherwise upon the property, or any part or parcel thereof, and their heirs, personal representatives and a\1 persons claiming to have acquired any estate or if}terest in or to the property be, and they hereby are, forever barred and foreclosed of and from all right, title, claim, and interest in and to the property and in and to every part or parcel thereof, except for such rights of redemption as they may have pursuant thereto, and that said persons, and each of them, be, and they JUOOMENT. DECREE OF FORECLOSURE. AND ORDER OF SALE· Page 5 '. .C>. _....,..'...,'.,...,. Case 1 :05-cv-00220-CAB Document 51 Filed 06/23/2006 Page 6 of 10 000213 hereby are enjoined and restrained from moving or destroying any of the buildings, the OQ20~ ~~":O J>!! ¿~.¡r improvements or appurten~nces. or otherwise damaging the property prior to redemption from sueh sale. 6. The Plaintiff, with either a cash bid or a credit bid against the amounts owed, or any party of this suit, may become the purchaser at the sale of said property, and the purchaser thereof shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of such a purchaser under the laws of the State of Wyoming. 7. That an and singular of the property situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, be sold at public auction by the U.S. Marshals or the Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming in the letter and manner prescribed by law and according to the rules and practice of this Court and that the Sheriff, after the time allowed by law for redemption has expired, shall execute the deed to the purchaser or purchasers of the property at said sale, and that the parties herein may become purchasers at said sale. 8. That in the event Plaintiff is the successful purchaser of the property at such sale, then Plaintiff shall promptly pay the Sheriff his fees, disbursements and commissions on such sale and if any other person or persons is the successful purchaser or purchasers at such sale, then the Sheriff, from the proceeds of such sale, shall retain his fees, disbursements and commissions on such sale, shalI then apply the proceeds toward the payment of the Judgment rendered herein in favor of the Plaintiff and the surplus, if any, to the Clerk of the Court, there to be held by the Clerk of the Court and subject to further order of the Court. 9. That the purchaser or purchasers ùf the property at such sale be let into possession thereof and that any of the parties to this action who may be in possession of the property or any part thereof, or any person who, since the commencement of this action, has come into possession, or any JUDGMENT. DECREE ,OF FORECLOSURE, AND ORDER OF SALE - Page 6 ¡Æill~ill~¡ ~;:;::;: ~::~1:::::¡:~ :~::::::~::::::::::::~ . .,...,... '...-._~~._",-,'_.'._",. .._',..",',.,~~. ~~.._. ,,~. .' ._...A.,........... ." .~ ...." ..~',~-.','''~~,'',__'~', ,..,u.."....'.', .'...'.,,,...,........,,..., Ca~e 1 :05-cv-00220-CAB Document 51 Filed 06/23/2006 Page 7 of 10 09201.'~'O 00021.4 part thereof, shall deliver possession thereof to such purchaser or purchasers upon the production of a Sheriff s Certi ficate of Sale or Deed for the Property or any part thereof, executed by the Sheri ff. 10. Jurisdiction of this cause is hereby expressly reserved and retained for the purpose of making such further orders as may be necessary in order to carry this Judgment, Decree of Foreclosure and Order of Sale into effect, to correct any mathematical error, to grant any accrued credits, or for the purpose of making such further orders as may be necessary or desirable. II. the Security Agreements executed in favor of Plaintiff are valid and properly perfected and are hereby foreclosed. Plaintiff shall have immediate possession of all farm machinery, equ i pment, fixtures, proceeds therefrom and all other coil ateral referenced to therein, free and clear from any and all claims of any of the named Defendants (including C. Richard Roberts, Jr., and Bank of Pinedale) and all persons claiming by or through them, either as purchasers, encumbrancers, or otherwise, all of whom shall be forever barred and foreclosed of any right. title or interest in said collateral. Plaintiff may lease or sell any or all of the collateral in its present condition or following any commercially reasonable preparation and processing, ~nd the proceeds of this disposition be applied in order: (a) to the expenses of retaking, holding, protecting, preparing for sale, selling or otherwise disposing of the collateral; (b) to the amounts owing to Plaintiff on the Judgment above described; (c) to other perfected lien holders in the order of their priority. Nothing herein shall be deemed to preclude Plaintiff from disposing of said collateral either judicially pursuant to applicable Wyoming law or nonjudicially pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 of the Wyoming Uniform Commercial Code. Further, nothing herein shall preclude Plaintiff from foreclosing its liens in the personal property collateral either prior to or following foreclosure of the mortgages. 12. Plaintiff, or any other party to this suit, may become a purchaser at the foreclosure JUIXJMENT. DECREE.OF FORECLOSURE. AND ORDER OF SALE - Page 7 ., , .,' ~--- ._,- """.~-_..,-,-_............,.,." ,.', ',',.-." .',.'.. '."...'~,...'-'-', " .. ,,- .'~..',''''., . ,~,.,.-........_...,.,... ..... ....-".,.....'.'.."','--,..... """'.'. ,." .'..'.', c, . "'", """"~""'."'. i, ,·.·.'.c.'...'.,.., , Case 1 :05-cv-00220-CAB Document 51 Filed 06/23/2006 Page 8 of 10 OG--:.ÞO<~ ""';:0- J~' '~J¡ 000215 sale of the personal property collateral and the Sheriff may execute such bills of sale to the purchaser(s) and they may be allowed into the immediate possession of the property. 13. The lien of any levy which maybe made on said collateral by virtue of any execution based on this Judgment shall relate back to the date of perfection of the security interest in such col~ateral as provided by the Wyoming Unifonn Commercial Code. 14. The Clerk is directed to issue such Writs of Execution and Orders for Possession and Sale of the subject real and personal property collateral to be conducted in satisfaction of said Writ, pursuant to Wyoming law. IS. Plaintiff shall have Judgment and execution jointly and severally against ROBERTS MANAGEMENT CO., L.L.C., a Wyoming limited liability company; C. R. ROBERTS AND SONS, INC., a Wyoming corporation; C. R. ROBERTS & SONS, a Wyoming partnership consisting of Brent Roberts and C. Richard Roberts, Jr.. partners: LITTLE V ALLEY HOLDING TRUST, Gary H. Teuscher and Aaron Brent Roberts, trustees; LOUIS BRENT ROBERTS and TAMARA JOYCE ROBERTS, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties; BRENT ROBERTS: and C. RICHARD ROBERTS, JR., it appearing that said Defendants (except C. Richard Roberts, Jr., and Bank of Pinedale), for any deficiency which may remain after applying all the proceeds of the sale of said real and personal property collateral applicable to the satisfaction of the Judgment and any unpaid real or personal property taxes. Said deficiency judgment shall be granted in accordance with applicable Wyoming law, upon application of Plaintiff subsequent to said foreclosure sale. Plaintiff may make application to the Court for the purpose of establishing the amount of a detìciency indebtedness. if any, and the Court does hereby retain jurisdiction of this matter for that purpose. THIS IS A FINAL JUDGMENT. JUDGMENT. DECREE.oF FORECLOSURE, AND ORDER OF SALE - Page 8 ~~¡;:¡:m:!if:!;m;!;¡ ;..I'·;·"''''·~~',~l:'tMi ~. ~,:~~~,:~: :;;'¡;:!¡~;:;~:~'1 '''1f-;'i'',\i';';f,''if,',,' ~·~¡~'?:;~;¡:úri¡~f., ,'..,.,.......,...".,....". ,T,'..'.'..·.'.,... '... ',.',..',~<J..,,"'...;...... ."~"n",-"'.,',""·",', " .. ,'-C, I" "',< ',..'<-',' -"'~'I:,.:...',.'J ,'.,..,..'..,.,.',., ," Case 1 :05-Gv-00220-CAB Document 51 Filed 06/23/2006 Page 9 of 10 DATED this Â3¿day of 09201.70 'l~ ,2006 000216 , , I ./ ? (' ~L/¿If~ t þ/~~ U~stnct Judge CEF<.TIFIED A rRU~ COPY: Stephan Hams ~ ..c By . Dopw19/~ JUDGMENT. DECREE OF FORECLOSURE. AND ORDER OF SALE· Page 9 , ". .."".,.,.,..-....~-.,~-...,',~",...~,r..:.",...,.~.......,..'~..,'_,..,~' _ ".>'''''-''~'''''~.''''',_....."""...",-,',;".;,,...;' . .,'-..,"".""-"'_.~'.'-" . >, ," '·"··...'.,'_"""""_,.......,.~-i-.t,,.~'...,·..'4,.......''<.',.,...,,',' '." ',' '~11""--,','C.<>1O'..Cft"."",,."".' ,~" ,"'. ',':' : ,..;,'. ~:.:,,_. ,:.',~.,. ." Case 1 :05-cv-00220-CAB , ' Document 51 Filed 06/23/2006 Page 10 of 10 / EXHIBIT.;"A~' 032017'0 00021.7 "I....'.~; '\ ""......... . -3:),.. "~f.. :/. ~. I"~ "~" ~ L", .. 5. . .n' L', 'n," 10 f.., ,f L,' 7 ,f 'l"k 'f'W~ ;.~.."l., County, Wyoning ae described on the official plat th.~of ~~ j t: .. .t f t; ð'J),~.. I~ J \. .~.,. ..<4..," ; Lincoln Lot 6 of Block 9 to the TOVD of Coke?ille the official plat thereof ' Lincol .:'/.:.:¡ .~ ~".:<:~ ..,-.::. n Co.~~y :,..Wy~iiJl- .n, described on " 1···~·"1ì.t~· ':::.' :. A tr1ICI oflll\d lócated in and being a portion ofTrøcta &2 II1d 90 oftbe . rcsurvey oCTowlUÙÙp 24 Nonn, Ranga 119 Wast ofthð 6th l'dncipaJ Mcridian, Lincoln County, Wyomln¡, being mòra partICularly dcacribed by . males and bounds La follows:' BEOINNINO.I èomer Dn. 1 of Tract 72 oC tho resUlVey ofsaid Township 24 North, Range 119 West, bear North 740()J'22- WC3t a disI8I\Cè ofJ17.22 feet, to the true point of beginning; thence South. 89043'32" West, I dl.st4Dce of 433,37 feet 10 ~ South~t conier of ,aId tJ:act of land; thence North 34°35'.52" Hut. I dlJttr.cö of 522.n foct to a point being witnessed by a poi/Ú I)'ing SOUlh 89OZ1'42" Eut,'a distance of75 feet; thence South 89"22'42" Eaat, I distance of 724.S·6 fèc:t; thonce North 00°37'18" Eaat, a distance 0(237.63 feet; thence South 89°2:l'42" But, II distance of 900 feet to I point on the WeJtccly rigbt-of-way ofU,lJ, 30 Nonn; theDce South II °42'3 I" EaJt. 8 dIstance of 675.55.£oet along said Wasterly ri¡htoOf-wa)' to the SouthCIIJt comer of Mid trect; thence Nor;b &.9031'43" West. a dLttance of' 1627.95 feet to the point ofbegiMlng and CO·,.llalnina 2319 acres, mora or Ie!.!!, . iI\iliiliOOtm: ~1~m~im*~~~~