HomeMy WebLinkAbout920203 ~~~¡i~¡ii¡ 1~~(i:¡ i~¡~¡ 1:::::::ji::;:¡:~~:~;:1 I::: :~¡~¡:~:I:::if~;*! .'-'--- .---.......,....,. .,..._'.~,-... ~'._.__._.."""-"-"'-' . _....._,_.,~......... ···_··04..··.··,...." - "'-- ~~ ....~... ,..~........ .....,.... ..,.._'~......'.'.. ... ..,..,.....~.......' John L. Young (6-2850) YOUNG, ADAMS & HOFFMAN, LLP 170 South Main Street, Suite 1125 RECEIVED 7/14/2006 . Salt Lake ~ity, Utah 84101-1639 RECEIVING # 92;;~;3 AM Telephone. (801) 359-1900 BOOK· 626 Facsimile: (801) 359-1980 . JEANNE ~~~~ 306 Attorneys for Defendants LINCOLN COUNTY CL ER ERK, KEMMERER, WY " ". ------ - ---- ---- --- - - ----~- IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL DIS'{RICT COURT IN AND FOR LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF WYOMING SCOTT DEVELOPMENT INC., a Utah corporation, Plaintiff, ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANTS' EX PARTE MOTION TO POST CASH BOND FOR RELEASE OF MECHANICS' LIEN PURSUANT TO WY. STAT. § 29-1-310 . . vs. Civil No. 11344 GARY KENNEDY and JANE KENNEDY, Judge Sanderson Defendants and Counterclaimants. The Court, having considered the Ex Parte Motion of the Defendants' to post a cash bond as substitution security for Release of Mechanics Lien, in accordance with the provisions ofWy. Stat. § 29-1-310, and being fully advised in the premises, does hereby, ORDER, ADJUDGE AND DECREE that: The Motion of the defendants is granted. Pursuant to the provisions ofWy. Stat. 29-1- 310, the funds in the amount of 1 Y2 times the amount ofthe Mechanics' Lien shall be deposited with the Clerk of the District Court and held in an interest bearing account until further order of this Court in accordance with Wy Stat. § 29-1-310. Upon filing the cash bond with the Clerk of the District Court, the Mechanics' Lien against the Defendants' property shall be forthwith discharged and released in full, and the cash bond will be submitted as security therefor. ~ . if .<.ìq,O O·~.· 'IIJJ¡{.. ?'.j ,,' , {k DATED this ~ day of CERTIFICA I hereby certify that on the ß ~ay 0 ..,....,..-..-...,.,... ..-......._.~_~~......,. ..,~~--...«.., .u·.·. ',_ ... ,_"'. . 000307 , 2006. By 2006, I caused a true and correct copy ofthe foregoing Order to be faxed and mailed to the following: Robert F. Babcock, Esq. (801) 531-7060 Babcock Scott & Babcock 505 East 200 South, Suite 300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 . ~ . . ~.\ -,' .\ - . ~.~ 2 ·.,............-.....-.-............ - ..~. ·,'C'·""'.'.· '."'" NOV-12-2003 10:17 PM (Ì)Û"PO 0<;'" "} I....}~J'*:#!I ?" ù 41 " ~ ?~!f!}~~~!j:~~: . :'J~. :¡:'~IM,:~.~ ~. ;.;"i;\:.:;:n·~,t:µ¡¡{(j:!~~ ) .~·;!;·,'¡'\,~~'~~~li :~':~{;:l~B~!Mt:~t~ ,,,.........:0........' ...-,.,...."'~.;..'J...-~.'c,,_,.,_.'....,...~ ....',.,........,.....,..... P.~6 000308 Prepllred by, recording' requested by and' retum to: RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY, CLERK 03 11& Y ~ G PH 2: 0 I :!~NJNE WAGNER "'. ·;'dERER, WYnl',HI-¡,:; 889759 NsmÞ: JOðeph 'f... Scan Company: Scon· Ðevel.&pment, flU:. ~5S: PO' Box 718'70 ·CItY.: S~t L~c CIty., Stat=:. ill Zip: 841'lI·Oß70 phon.o: 801'944-8358- Fax: 80t 9'44·8360 BOOK SZÜPRP^aE~ --.A.bo.. "'I. Lln. I/O( Otðo!&I~.. 001'/ LlENSTATEMENT- CORPORATION (Wyo. S·lar. §29~2~1 06) COMES NOW, Joseph L. Scott, as a rcpresclÚatlve of Scott Development, lM. 8. Utah corporation which 11M per£ormed work or furnished materials for the improvement of the pro pert}' located al and described .a¡:. PARCEL 1: 6EE ATTACHED IOOIIBIT "A" EXCRPTING THEREfROH: Lots 3, 4, 7 and B, Double Elgl. Raoch Subdivision. Phasa 1 and Lot 15, Double Eagla Ranch Subdivision Phase II, Acco~ding to thole plats reco~ded in the Office of Lincoln County Cla~k, ,L1ncoln County. Wyoming. PARCEt 2: Lot! 4 and 7 of Double EaBle Ranch Subdivia10n. accordina to that plat recorded in the Offica of Lincoln County Cle~k. Lincoln County, Ilyoming. EXCEPTINC THRRI!FROM: St~ ATTACHED EXHIBIT "II" TogHher tlith and including all improvemeots thanon 'aod all sppurtensnces and hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions, ~e9trictiQna, eas.mcnta, ~asarv~tions. and rights-of-way of sight and I or ~eco~d. andwoulð·stAte·1I!J follows: 1. ~ undtrslsned btganonrovtding labot-and/or nwerials.·under camraot ÍQr the abovo-delCTibed'property'onth~ III ~Y'of December, 2001. , 2. Work was subatantWly comp1.ettd.or the contract. \0 furnigb.tnðtarlals W1I.II JUbswulally completed on or about the 10th day of Match, 2003. 3. 'Tho underllgned has fumil1\ed tho fòJ10wfug IlIbor and/or. mAttrlÌl.bl: LaboflMatdflab, Dal,· Cosr/Yalud Qener&1 Contract Mar 10.2003 $1,5&3,799.91\" :::: =- ~ 'EXHIBIT "A" . .·.·.-.·.-..-.-...·.·....,,'".'·...L'.""-.._·,·.,y;...·._·.,.~.~,.,.__.,......;....._.< ~OV~12-2003 10:18 PM , '''!-J.'')·G~. ,.Ü3 'UJ"" ..., , -'"'-'........--""~....-.., '",."'-_~~.,."'"'..._. '~'.",", -·r'_'._...'·,"..__.""'~"" _'.' P.04 C00309 . Otj~~'759 005 4. The undersigned hereby claims II lien against the above described property in the lUlJount of S 183,477.84. This the 6111 darofMay, 2003. $- President Scott O¢v¢Iop¡mm, Inc. Acknowledgment ofCórporafion STATE OF WYOMING ...1 I 0 COUNTY OF d l1V'£ ~ The foregoing. ÎnStroment was acknowledged. before me. by ~O~l" ~h L· ~c.Q\t this ~ day of ((\~~ ~. Witness my hand and official seal. (Seal) ~"- ~OlL~L\O\- Not ubllc Prlntad.Nan~: jo..\'\~t ~"'V-\s,~ My Commisslon Bxplres: ~ . \3. ~ ~'1 WY 119.2.106 ~!~;i:¡:~;~:~::::::~ t~¡~±:~~:, '·~··'-""o_""""·"."· -..,..-..~ .. _...,..,.".....,""...~...._'..-........ ',-"-',",' NOV-12-2003 10:18 PM 0920?03 :'·~:;~·~~~i~m~m~m¡ ..<."',....,'''''.....~".. -~ .' ..." ",.-~~'-..'-"",... '....,.,.....,............ .". ......-",,-._-.......<>.~'._.............."'.,......-.._.,,' ,....~'~r-...~' P.0S _'..<;. ':"-:''''''''''''''''';' """""'.'. t-..,·, ............;.,';.$.~....... 1..00310 (~\iI¡ I: :~ ¥'. 0889759 006 '. -.-......-... txJlfOl'l' "A" . ,*-'-':;'O'J 5G4 Dru:nUT Id", ,up ~yn. ncUl· twlt' 1 c;ofllOMTIDII t!'Ol' . ,u.1' auulI. ""I;fI:I'IlIUG'. 1 lie:. 1'.-",1\, ... . ' . ~1l.1 Ih. 111/1 .1 'h. "../. ,.. .... .1 H. U/ II n. 5111/1 ,.. ~u~~~.~~;';:J ·,i..~ ~~ 1 ~ i'lt ::"~ ~~~~::·,..'~lt"'"::::'\\'I~ ~':&\~'~·:lllt ,r II" 111/..1 rull.. II... I r.tl". '\J'PI/I.I ,lot 11111/.'1 ;:I~~~':. 'll., :!1~ a~~1t1'~~, ·"~~'I~I~'~~·,II':~."h: Inl,''''!. ::·.\'t4, I'::::' i~, Itulflttt. II "Un'l( , . "1(lIIIHIII'I .\ A',. ht~ str. u~ In atl' "n'utr 'h~"·d-"'"r lb. II: ~U~\·..",r,.u~!. ~~'r"·It·rll.':r~~~~ ~t!:~":'~::!;~''''~'t~~·UI':;:'(t:rl: . U'I I'" kUr" ......h"'1 .c a'......'" ·t .aU Ullu.lf tlllll,..'.W., t:.:·...(:. ~,~~ I~~:tr~ '~t: '1~.~t~~t~\1:~ I :I"..~·(¡. tat,h4~!:l_~~; ·li~, ,with "'oCt ..,..te.dJn. .~ .. "-"It It'. ..""bl w~....lr .thudu... ...14 ·uith..y ,,,.In, ,hlli'A .. 'II' Cu..." ,A.. 'hn~ ,.t '\1' 'tL'~f'r III., '.111-)111' .n 1"-'" 11, '"'''III''' U,UII '''''''11' hct ..i,. II".U&r ...&1 ,·.,nt-uh. .,.,'. Ju\ IIU, "n\il' II I '\h1 ,U"IIII", C.",,," JAJ Þhl.uu u' UtI",..UIItJr '".\n~. , . j:,~,I·:·.~··I·UlW I~ ~ 'II;u,I,;:'~. N·'; /:::1, '1'J,' U:JI "1'\ ' ¡'II"" "tllll." ''''I ' ft'II',,· I', III.., ..." , .111 '1' " II" lotI, , II 11'11'. W, 111.11 rll'l .., , , .'IIS' It, '''¡II.,C'''' ,II"'~. "",,,,1".. II U'4I')J1 w~. " .111 \III 1':1 ~~'l~ tkl~~~~.~~~ ltr 1 ~~~. .~'\~:'.';,:- ~tl "'~·::1I1:t:. ,'! I ::,,~: I' fit.".. 1..,..I'nh. ""\"11 u. '..,~hulr, al.,,,~ ""'..,,.ftðulu Ii 1-" uliA ('uul, 't..·,. tw'", c,....., ai'" hlUal\lftll If '-H'U r.):r_,!. f'~-\',.~'l~ .~.~",' ':';~l ,'-I "t~; ~'.::h·1J~~·~·\·::'S ~fl/I .e. Ih.·1I1I 14 .1 utd '''Ir.. rlt .J"... '111'11' ,. 'WI ., ,., IlaI .I~. ',olh .... III." IU' h Ihl !..It&..., ;""1 I II" ,111111 I It Uti thUll, 'hu... ~ "UIJJ 1', alACI ,~. I"." ... ..IJ U/.'I 'hi ~" /4 1111..1 I.., I. ,lhI' ,. h 11.. .1 '..,,1....'1.. III ,\¡...~ 1111'11' ~, .10., ¡... ..It IOJl.lh 11../ 111"'" h., " ,... .ua"......, CII"" .. ,d ...Utll UI' ,~.".. II' " l'II'"t .lIft' Ih. W..I II,. ., ..U ...'1.. 14, 1111.11 hü ~tt:arl~·,~h' u'/" .·t~lt...·~' .·L',I·::'.·:IAIJI:~i::·Jl'. CIat]\, (~·..~l~hl ,~::·'::,~~:/rll~:, U":.t/ ::1i~ lî":~\ ~~:~·,¡:.~::';¡:;·:HI~·~·· ,h" Ih. lI'rlll/lf IIh. or ..U ,,,,j !lV.1I I.., u IIr" ull ·.",uI'lIt lb.," II .h",..· lIa 'hi"" . l'It'U· II. II.". 1...\ .... ,1.'.' 11.11 III¡." Ch, fUll" ur ftlGlWI~', 4~ ... ..!, · t'llIh.; _lIh , "ft",hlo'h. Ilthl ., .t', "11 h .h.... ·.lIb· · u.. I'.,"" .". ·u" .w......,. u. Ir. ,U, hr Ih'"'' .1' · .... . 'Y ...."'U,. lal,\ ....r' hI IUtll..", .ir....' ..h~·r'" br II"'" It VI/H.. . \I ..·,ho In' VI"'" "111'1' h..b... ,n. wllt¡Uð " Lo~'J I.. W.ln.. ...II..~ III nu. h..~...,... "1 .. ·wllt. "h III If( n.l UdHd u wilkin, '''.W. tU" ....14 ,d .':~':! J.:~¡;m~ ·~:::.~'::'·I.~·,'t·'~~~\I J·M: ~'II~¡!~~tl,n ,110, h('h '''''1,4 ... ...Ihlll, ,101" 'IIU CII' 'k.o....' :. 'AI" hi Itv'h..It ''...In''l d ..... U.C.,1.-w14. d.."I, I~ . ~ , ...Ihllt COIn,,·.r 'h. r",,,I~ .~"ftl "111"'. hh'~~, Ift~ ,:': ::H~:t !:::' Jrlh\u.n\,'.' tl~. .11~~~~·~'U~ ~U.k;,;=t:::· :~s H. ... .... . . .: =~::"..:-~ . .............- .' .......¡II,............. -........... ...................- ~:=..t;~". '~IT: . ' .w......... "... .... .'Ik '"It,lN, ....111'.""- Y ,.....IIJIII\ilh...a frt4 f'IItj..".. ., I "... 'I .. ·Æ.::ij:it~ . .' II...· ..' I I. '.' :f'· " ,...~I.: , .:. ; .' ,,;:: ,'"r:i,J,;:', '.' 1II.'t~~,'I'" t..· 1·1(·.·" I~I~';IIr'':'¡j' ,...,,;.'"\ ": . .ï:. .' . " . . ': ,. " . "~ "<t, ..' ;;' . ',11 , . '''~II,: . '."'.': :'. ' I \ " . '{ ~ ~ .' ,'\: :.', "I·~:I. I" . ...'" .: I! I.. .t ','---'.. 1·1:·· ......I..,:·;·;·:·;:~'/L . '. . " " . ~OV~12-2003 10:18 PM Ü~20003 9',','0\""'-."'''- ,111,.,I'J¡".¡IJI 4\I,', ::t::::~!ì::lif~¡ff . ·",~,L""."''''·~':'·'' .'~'¡ "'\,-' ":.~ ''''''', ' '¡"' ,~.-,. P.06 000311 .,. ."_ ..,....':....Irt·.·.....:·;.·:· ·,,':'.....:-···>;..r..·...... _._:~.~~~159 ........------.... '. t., "\,. :~'~.: '1"1"" . ~~..:..r...,"""" . ".t.~ ...~" fl''(J7............. . .~ " ... ",..,16,,, .ft. ....f".. II un.tUH .,,4 """'Il,,. ""VIIV' Ulle I"'" u. ahA\ uU 'r"("'''iIIIJ~. dlJI\ .t Þ·ru Þtr ~:.. \'.',~',." :..../y ~ ~l, t\c·.^~,:. \~·..'I J: I "r': l II ~t.:. ~..r&I,,: rt.: I: ,.,U.whll.. .""UU~ ... hi Law.. .:: tJ"':lt~~,:,'. . .rrJ":.I''.; L:c'I~~' ~lt f I fl:I\'\' ~~; t:)W:1.H"\' c:~ . .IIM.-'(-ur ...... r'UII'" u,. ,.aU tlu'''tll, "fa n~' .t " 41 h.. WilLI flY',."!,,., ,... ..,,'..A In. '''' "ur ~llh.'r '''Hu 111 UJ ~.t" rW""'''1 II "'U"" "t ' .111 "I't nl.ntl """IU II, Itt.a lu\, ~Itln" ..'"tU' ti, tlt.oU ''''1 ,~.iI'. I U'U ~.' tof, \\1 , ''''1 tjuu... 1 U'6" (. )JUt" ,.." ""Ult . U'l Ia' \'¡.J" h.t ~ '.I \~ .~,I~'tn.·" ,',\:.ibJC!t;, fJ. \ ~l i 11,~ It: 11~~:I\;:f:~ 'I till h,\I\ktll' ',ul"". .t ..~. 'U',I ~:it:~~~a" ~:¡·',r::'t~:"1.;:::¡n·t·d'·.r"(&\·/, ,',~~, I~t r:::'::¡~: n".'rtJI·~,.,"t. f tHM-..t-n" ".hUI, \. I., ').u.c ""H Ut 'II ft\l I, u" 'I 1If........ u, I"h"" .'IIU, 111.11 ftnd J ~ t~:. t:: .",,' :~ I :~~ ~!. ~~: I~~'~: ;~:: ::J "41 :.::: :.kw r I, a :t:~~ h~\ VI," ~t. 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'::::c,\'r1t.t', ~.:.·cltA.~ h:..\.'~a ~~::: f\~.i'I\~::r Itl.~~~.:' a~~: ['1"'''11 It. ...Ih ~",".hl, II" 0/ I" ,U'"WI/t .~ 111£ t::~1::r \hc.·1~ :~rrl:,'..~ '~:;:. lit." ,1.", .,.. ~."'. ~ft' ""~fI Utlt11HI ... h t~Yllla Ul' Ih. IU.'" .,. III :::~~~'.'J i,:r:I:~·!':t&~\~~i.'w:r I.: :f~~~t, .'\~'~ 1·~t\·I~·''': U 'h' ."..\It 'tI' U. ,IIII..U(I 11\1 ....,.,,'t ,,, WI Un. ''''r, nU, ...11. .11. 11"" . U·,.._...,... HI r It lan' au.. ..,. 11111 ~'"..lIr lb. tI I~' .h'.......... 1O',,"I,wl" luhl' "",,,".,'.\1 'h. 1,:..., buk .t ~k. ,all. "''''", h, ...... 'r 'uU-"uhr tn' H. ""UII''''' .,.11 l"hR' h /,14 rhu ~." hi HI~I rUlftl'" lba "'\111 .. 11..1 31-1..,-".. ::ft~~,''''t~,": ft~:l ~:::,:til·II~~~~:~i:,IJ~.:·tI1m.~· "." hlla.ln, .i., r.In' .~ Ih. 11111 ,.....",1'1.. tI .,11 ,i- hll¡' ' "'~II III". It II 1'14'11' H¡ II.., h.I, Ih.ft" I" I~~\~~~.I: :M....,..lm~ .1~:lf~~~~"'~~\~~I A::.~ ::I~, jj 1'11'11' o. II.. 11.1 It.. 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". . '. \.. I't' I 0'::;"".:' ': 'I~: ,:1.:\' I : I 1.. '. ".': -:'1 ,I~ ·I..~': ""1 :, t:;:'" .. I" ;O¡ II ',' ,f.. "I'. ." ..: . , I. \i," r I' '1' ,.~.·.·~~...~.:l'.\··.'~, .1. ..... t. 2.. '.' 1"("l""'~'~;"'1 . :.~t¡;;\'(':·;·.<F';: . '. ";.,, I : '<.. ":". ;.Y..{.':Ii'r . ..........., ÞJ,...._........... .....- -.-..--..... ............ ----........... ...--......,. k~.........,...I~ ,- i ..--..".. . . " (" .. . l . 51m . . II> ... if¡iI¡~mmW~¡~~¡¡jW!] .-."--'""~'.'~.""""'~"'" ...~. ".. ._, ......-- NOV-12-2003 10:19 PM If 1\ (), ,'J, 0 CJ' ""J V....:J---'P.1 ?'¡, Ÿ 5GH '.' "I~""'- ...... ,. ml'¡l 1'--'·" ...'....h,.'L- :,m¡Im~~I~IID -.....-.-.,........ ..'.,...,-............._'"', .'...-., ..., ......-.'....,. P.07 000312. ..... f .~ ", 1i. 'f'þ'''''' .y ",' ø u, n. II.. Uf.U·",. r., , . ß ( IT.ßIT "0" III.' o.',,'u 0" "'. .. .. rrITW. ann.J..a. U'ð Lr.. r ~cr"AL' now Glynu. .Ufoad ,.·"n.-· . . 'I'h.. "rHaft of I..t I o~ .... OOijbh ..,h. ...n.h Iwb4hhl.n '11... ", .....J", ..... ., .h." t..... .r C'.o.r4 I.. th. o"lø*, .. the Chrk of Lln"111 COijn.t In ....k U~ ot Þh.~..tul. ~".rd. On .tøo 112. 11.1"'1 111<1 belo, IUulh ..uth.cly .1 ~h. Ioll....ln, ...0 lit. Un.. " . , ............ It thl ..uth~l.t ..rn.. .t I...t J .1 ..Id ~uboll.hl.h i 'hln... ..1.-......... Ua... f..~. ~lOn9 ~h. n.,kl1 "Ll". .t tAl. J i' .1 ..,. .u.....¿,'.1.h, " tl~. n.r'h...-' ".~t\.'" .c -,14 &.ola ., .h..... ...U"ij.l"\ ifIP-It.,'V, \l1.H con to . point on tho .... hAA ve·..l ~I"r, 'h.",.. .."tt"uthf .'~··u."'" t" l.at, lII.r. Or' 1..., t:a thl 'h'''¡¡ ..r, ..I. ..It hhor, IIIIJIC't' to "....ht. ./ ot,ht 11\\1 of .....~I fOoh ·r' '!h" ..rt.d ~ . 'H' . U· _t.1l rdntoralnw r04 with . .. I dllt.." ".p lnulC'U",4, -'1J1\'41101\ ftC1lI"II'\"f Inn. ·..tea r1"11. vro, PI" ""', ,.... ,ppu lrhh '1,.11., . , ..i" ·..rnU" ..fll.. vith . 1/1' "IU 1'Obforcr1nf rod vhh oI.vdn... a.p l.uaY1CUI In.m:II'. ',,1.'1\1 ,ua nu. WI 111MI..' .U I. u.n..... whh th' athah.. u',un .,.. .....b.. h n....·"r t.II! I'.,ood,U.n t1UU ',,,,,1' ,-u AI:C'IIIII'AII. bn1lMU'. 'I'10N to~ ~1III'lMrr IdJar IMlTM<Á l'I\OII anlt1flt, KlUTWIIIt ~ A" JOII or· . . UaL' """011 .IIDDlVIIIOJ/ 'IIA.. I" MOr ~ . .9 ... ., ..' ·ldMtftd""~..nr ~Ir 01 0111 I,"""¡". 4 1'~''''' ,,,..1..\0' I'.I.IIIIJ'''''' _.,,," "\ r'~M "'"'..4,. .... i '''-''''', -J