HomeMy WebLinkAbout920225 .J. ~, ijmmm~!;~lli¡;~;~¡ !r~N~m~~;~ili~m 000362 STATE OF WYOMING AFFIDAVIT - ESTATE BY ENTIRETIES RECEIVED 7/14/2006 at 12:22 PM RECEIVING # 920225 BOOK: 626 PAGE: 362 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY '-- - -- -- -"" - - ------ ------ ---- - ---- Deola Warren, first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and says: ) ) SS ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN 1. Delbert Warren and Deola Warren were married to each other at Logan, Utah on September 20, 1944 and they lived together as husband and wife for many years and continuously until the death of Delbert Warren. 2. On August 23, 2002, John M. Ciluaga and LaBerta P. Ciluaga, husband and wife conveyed by Warranty Deed to Delbert Warren and Deola Warren, husband and wife, the real estate described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO The Warranty Deed was r~corded in the office ofthe Lincoln County, Wyoming, Clerk and Recorder in Book 497, Page 839 and thereafter Delbert Warren and Deola Warren, became owners of the property by an estate by entireties. j 3, Delbert Warren died on N9v~mber 6, 2005. Attached is a copy of his official Death Certificate certified to bý the Vital Records Services, Division of Health and Medical Services, Wyoming Department of Health and Social Services, the public authority with which the original Death Certificate is of record according to law. 5. By reason of the death of Delbert Warren, Deola Warren became the sole owner of the above-described real estate interests on November 6, 2005. ~VJ~ Deola Watren ~ foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Deola Warren, this 8thda,y of , 2006. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: \ 1trpf , MARCA TANNER NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF ~ STATE OF LINCOLN ~ WYOMING MY COMMISSION EX}'IRES NOV 7. 2009 rn~~ Notary Public '-. SEAL ."":;', .',:'.,' I' ;.' ,¡o.{';·'; ~,/~ . .; - \ ~ ' " ~ .. . O~?O-:::'''''',- '" 11; ~C!.;. Parcel A - '1 YJ EXHIBIT A 000363 A portion of the Deed recorded in Book 262PR, on Page 45, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the SE 1/4 of Section 33, T35N, RII9W, of the 6th P.M., LincoIIl County, Wyoming,. the metes and bounds being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Iron Pipe found marking the Lloyd B. Baker PElLS 698, 1997 location for the Southeast comer of the Barnett property referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 416PR, on Page 651, with said Office, said Pipe being 1,187.22 feet S89 degrees 16'24"E, along the South line ffom the B.L.M. type Monument found marking the Southwest Closing Comer of said Section 33; thence N3 degrees 48'46"E, along the East line of said Barnett property, 91.76 feet to the Iron Pipe found marking the Northeast comer of said Barnett property; thence NO'degrees 47'38"E, parallel with the East line of the SWl/4SE1/4, 1,235.56 feet to the Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe set marking a point in the North line of said S 1/2SE1I4; thence S89 degrees 11'20"E, along said North line, 722.20 feet to the Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe set; thence SO degrees 47'38"W, parallel with said East line, 1,326.12 feet to the Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe set marking a point in said South line; thence N89 de¡p-ees 16'24"W. along said South line, 727.04 feet, to the Point of Beginning . , SUBJECT TO: a 10 feet wide Right-of-Way Easement, along the North line of the above described property, for the access and maintenance of the existing sprinkler line Parcel B - TOGETHER WITH: A 60 feet wide Right-of-Way Easement, along the South line of the NWII4SEI/4, to Thayne-Freedom C9unty Road 12-125, the Center Line being more particularly described, as follows: - BEGINNING at a Spike set at a point in the North line of the above described property, said Spike being 30.00 feet S89 degrees 11'20"E trom the Aluminwn Cap on an Iron Pipe set markin.g the Northwest camel' of said pröperty; thence NO degrees 48'40"E 30.00 feet to a 'Spike set; thence N89 degrees II '20"W for 345.11 feet parallel with the South Hne of said SEI/4SEl/4, 345.11 feet to a Cotton Gin Spike set at a point in the Center Line of said County Road, as shown on Page 4 of the As Built Record of Survey, prepared by Lloyd B. Baker and Associates, dated 22 July, 2001 :'\,