HomeMy WebLinkAbout920238 § ....bÓ .Dc::: "'3 13 "Eo 0;>-', (j ¡::: ;>-, ~....'i3 OJ) 0 0 .5 ~ ~ 4U 0 4U .D....~ V) (j ._ V) .....¡.¡.¡O ¡:: -0 (,,) 4U ¡:: '" E ~ <II Ô 4U ~ 0-':: ~~ ._ 4U .c (j t-' .§ ~ .' ·'¡:.·.r" S!l~!oI~!l.!J.'j·.:.:I-·~:t:,:!,:~!!:o-,::....!;!!*~,;.:\",~ ~".:,~ ',',~,.;,¡U';;~,:" :ù :",'-,~.:,''''''J';!O'l'l,2;/'.o.:.'''''' i '·;·";'·.!.~~·""I~.~.. ,,<! ·~¡;h'r."-!'¡¡:1f..dV;;"':' 'T .~.... :.¡..;.n," '.'.!' ," " ¥.;-.' L',-/"- : ''0' .;,", '" ':._I;,.:.:·:,....;~.'i"':', '~"I',.- "~"~I ',: '-'-.,':~)f~".';""';'." (':~0/~97 . . . ROADWAY ACCESS AND Ul'ILITY EASEMENT JAMIE S. MEIKLE, GRANTOR, of Lincoln County, Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, inhand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT to ROBERT REX MEIKLE, his successors and assigns, GRANTEE, whose address is P.O. Box 3576, Alpine, WY 83128, a perpetual roadway access and utility easement to be used for ingress, egress and utility purposes over, under and across the following described property, namely: Last Cast Drive as shown on map filed in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk as Plat No. 382A, Instrument No. 908144, Together with the right to construct, maintain, improve and repair the said roadway and utilities. Said easement shall be appurtenant to Tract J as depicted on that plat filed in said Office as Plat No. 382- A entitled "Robert R. Meikle plat of Family Exempt Tracts NlhSW1.4 Section 10, T36N R1l9W Lincoln County, Wyoming" dated 15 March 2005, as'1'ed. .~ E~S our ,hands this --/lL ~y of dÚl zr ' 2006. ¿--/~ ~/i /0 ' J ami S, Meikle Th~, en,t was acknowledged before me by Jamie S. Meikle this .2006. Witnes' . .~ -., . t~E{LEN C PUG/-' , c~,' Notary f>ublic ,T. '~ County 01 :; "::r::¡ State of Lincoln ~~ Wyoming My Commission Expires October 28, 2006 ST ATE OF WYOMING ) )ss ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN My Commission Expires: /rf) -.2 g-tJ?P ":';'::;':':~:'~21 ~~:~:::::::~::o, " " ~-' . RECEIVED 7/14/2006 at 4:01 PM RECEIVING # 920238 BOOK: 626 PAGE: 397 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY .....,.- .-.-- "-' ,....-- /0 day of 4AJ e~ Notary 'lie