HomeMy WebLinkAbout920405 I;~;_::~~:;~!t~~:~ti~ ~:'i ill'ili~"I t f "li::f~" .U:U. . ",_cr.I.r.'. >;~:~:i~~:i:r:~::~ ":;!':¡:I~:,! M~:'~ ~~~~~;i!j~h ;t~~:1~t!1j ~:~~;L~~!~!i~:;f AFFIDA VIT : ss, RECEIVED 7/20/2006 at 1 :39 PM RECEIVING # 920405 BOOK: 626 PAGE: 802 JEANNE WAGNER LIN~?LN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY - -- _ _ ou The State of Wyoming ) County of Sweetwater ) -.. - - - --- WAYNE J. CARLISLE, ALEC D. CARLISLE and JON S. CARLISLE, oflawful age, being first duly sworn upon their oaths according to law, depose and say: 1. That affiants are the surviving heirs of WAYNE H. CARLISLE and CHARLOTTE M, CARLISLE, and have personal knowledge of the matters contained herein. 2, That WAYNE H, CARLISLE, died intestate at Diamondville, Lincoln County, Wyoming, on February 26, 1993. 2. That WAYNE H. CARLISLE and CHARLOTTE M, CARLISLE wei-~ married to each other on December 5, 1943, at Frontier, Wyoming. 3. That on the 18th day of June, 1959, WAYNE H. CARLISLE and CHARLOTTE M. CARLISLE, husband and wife, purchased the following described real property from The Kemmerer Coal Company, a Wyoming corporation, Grantor, of Lincoln County, Wyoming: Lots Numbered Five (5) and Six (6) in Block Numbered Thirty-One (31) in the Town of Diamondville, Lincoln County, Wyoming, together with all improvements thereon, and easements, appurtenances and incidents belonging or appertaining thereto, or used in connection therewith; subject, however, to all mining, mineral and other exceptions, reservations, easements, covenants, restrictions, conditions, and rights of way of record.. 4. That The Kemmerer Coal Company, a Wyoming corporation, duly and regularly executed and delivered a Warranty Deed dated June 18, 1959, in favorofW A YNE H, CARLISLE and CHARLOTTE M. CARLISLE, husband and wife, Grantees, which Warranty Deed was filed for record in the office of the County Clerk within and for Lincoln County, Wyoming, on the 16th day of July, 1959, in Book 34PR at Page 461, 5. That on the 25th day of August, 1959, WAYNE H. CARLISLE and CHARLOTTE M, CARLISLE, husband and wife, purchased the following described real property from The Kemmerer Coal Company, a Wyoming corporation, Grantor, of Lincoln County, Wyoming: Lots Numbered Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block Numbered Thirty-One (31) in the Town of Diamondville, Lincoln County, Wyoming, together with all improvements thereon, and easements, appurtenances and incidents belonging or appertaining thereto, or used in connection therewith; subject, however, to all mining, mineral and other exceptions, reservations, easements, covenants, restrictions, conditions, and rights of way of record,. 6. That The Kemmerer Coal Company, a Wyoming corporation, duly and regularly executed and delivered a Warranty Deed dated August 25, 1959, in favor of WAYNE H, CARLISLE and CHARLOTTE M, CARLISLE, husband and wife, Grantees, which Warranty Deed was filed for record in the office of the County Clerk within and for Lincoln County, Wyoming, on the 11 th day of September, 1959, in Book 39PR at Page 338, 1 q~ D~ G') nOf"'803 I) ) \ ' 7. That on the 13th day of September, 1968, WAYNE H. CARLISLE and CHARLOTTE M, CARLISLE, husband and wife, purchased the following described real property from The Kemmerer Coal Company, a Wyoming corporation, Grantor, of Lincoln County, Wyoming: Lots Numbered Nine (9) and Ten (10) in Block Numbered Thirty-One (31) in the Town of Diamondville, Lincoln County, Wyoming, together with all improvements thereon, and easements, appurtenances and incidents belonging or appertaining thereto, or used in connection therewith; subject, however, to all mining, mineral and other exceptions, reservations, easements, covenants, restrictions, conditions, and rights of way of record.. 8. That The Kemmerer Coal Company, a Wyoming corporation, duly and regularly executed and delivered a WalTanty Deed dated September 13, 1968, in favor of WAYNE H. CARLISLE and CHARLOTTE M. CARLISLE, husband and wife, Grantees, which WalTanty Deed was filed for record in the office of the County Clerk within and for Lincoln County, Wyoming, on the 7th day of October, 1968, in Book 84PR at Page 415. 9. That at the time of said purchases, and the execution and delivery oftl'1e above- described WalTanty Deeds, the conveyance of the real property hereinabove described was made to WAYNE H. CARLISLE and CHARLOTTE M, CARLISLE, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, which created an estate by the entireties, and they owned and held the title to said real property as tenants by the entireties continuously from said June 18, 1959, August 25, 1989, and September 13, 1968, respectively, until the death ofW A YNE H. CARLISLE on February 26,1993. 10. That CHARLOTTE M, CARLISLE survived WAYNE H, CARLISLE, and by virtue thereof, said estate by the entireties vested in her upon the death of said WAYNE H, CARLISLE, and that she then became the owner in fee simple of all the real property held as such tenants by the entireties hereinbefore particularly described. 11, That this affidavit is made in accordance with the provisions of Section 2-9- 102, Wyoming Statutes, 1977, and that the Certificate of Death hereunto annexed, and by this reference made a part of this affidavit, is a copy of the official death certificate of the decedent, WAYNE H. CARLISLE, certified to by the public authority in which such original death certificate is made of record, DA TED this 1-r.{ day of July, 2006. {;Ja If:' J ~. t (i.JJ.,: ~ D Wayne J. C lisle ~Sl~~ :~:i::~~*:~ì~~I:'- J~¡ '~}'lr;¡¡;~;~ '~' \" .c.:.cr;I.:..c.:i:I.' @~~;!mm~~mr: 2 ¡¡·m::*i::~~r:f:* t:~;:::::j::;~:~t:;:; q~OýO:) The State of Montana ) O{)C8û4 : ss, County of '7.fJ¿firJ.1;?APr~eJ- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this~.I. day of July, 2006, by Wayne J, Carlisle. ",,"'1"""~/ ......,'\:~~~M~S5..my hand and official seal. " ~ .... ... ...... .:-~' ..- ........ IS I f\~~~ c<\1'i~ssion expires: : l"1\v oP' "(. ! « : :: \ ~~v :<:: %. * ...... s 8llff./~ (J(J 7 " .. ..- ~~ " "'; J'> ......... ..."- '"' .,. ..:...' '" I A TE O~ ~'.\' '1'11 11.1.."'" \\\ œÄ J 7t1~ o ary Public Lìneb.. r.. /Yla (!<Ltd. The State of Wyoming ) : ss. County of Lincoln ) ~ùo. \~ )..OQ~ J~~u The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this t\~'o day of July, 2006, by Alec D. Carlisle. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: The State of Wyoming ) : ss. County of Johnson ) -\"V' J\À n -e.- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 3b day of:hrly, 2006, by Jon S. Carlisle. ~[~~ Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Amelia R, Baures Notary Public County of 1.&\ State of Johnson . Wyoming My Commission Exptres Sept, 27, 20~ 3 '1 ~ TVPE OA PRINT " PERMNENT BUCK "" FOR INSTRUCTIONS SEE HANDBOOK LOCAl fK.. NUMB'R 1 005 ,. oeCEDENT -NAME FIRST Wa ne 4. SOCIAl SECURITY NUUBER 520-20-5602 q~oyo:) ~ STATE OF WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF DEATH COCS05 STATE ALE NUMBER 3. DATE OF DEATH (Mo., Oily. YrJ June 13 1921 7.. PLACE Of DEATH (ChecIc ønJ>¡ OM' ~ 0 Inpatlenl 0 ER/Oulp.alient 0 DOA ~: 0 Nuralng Home (][Reaiderq 0 Other (Specify) lb. FACIUTY NÞ.ME (It noI mUMIon. give .".., IJnd number 1c. CITY. TOWN. OR lOCATION OF DEATH Utah 11. WAS DECEDENT EVER IN U,S. ARMED FORCES? (Specify yes ot no, 917 Diamondville 8. STATE Of BeRTH fit noI Fi U.S.A., fNWI'N cOUIIIIy Diamondville 10, SURVIVING SPOUSE (II wi,.. give IRIJœn neme Yes 11. FATHEA'S NAME ..., Jose h 19a. INFORMANT -NAME (Typtt Of' Print) 13b. COUNTY Ave. 9. MARRIED. NEVER MARRIED. WIDOWED, OIVORCED (St»cJIy Married 12b. KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY Railroad Worker 1:1e. CITY, - TOWN OR lOCATK>N P Rail 0 d Lincoln Diamondville 14. WAS DECEDENT OF HISPANiC MGIN? (Specify no Of Y..· H y.., ~clty Cuban, MÞlcan, ~ Rican, Etc.) NoXl V.. 0 (SpecIfy' Middle LAst ....idMI SUI'name B Anne Andersen 1 Sib. RELATIONSHIP TO DECEDENT P.O.Box 278 Charlotte Carlisle 18c. IIoWLING ADDRESS STREET OR R.F.D. NUMBER Diamondville 2Oc. CEMETERY OR CREMATORY-NAME STATE . ' 20a. But.I. -Clemalion.RtJmo...aI 110m Stal.. OIhw (Speçify ' Sequonela~ 11M çondklonl.. if any. leading tolmmedla.. eauae. Ene... UNDERLYING CAUSE (Danae or ir1ury that lniliaeed.",... ,.auCIJng In dNth) lAsr b, ary OR TOWN STATE ZIP CODE 83116 CITY OR TOWN 2Od. lOCATtOH w 0 ~~ Jð J~ !i ..U Kemmerer 11\1 ba of .xa nation and' Of lnvealiOlIKln. In my op at the time. dale and plac. and due 10 !h. caua".} Italed. (SiQNU. MJd TiCl4) .... 23b. DATE SIGNED (Mo., Da'l. YrJ 23c. HOUR OF DEATH 23d. PRONOUNCED DEAD (Mo., Day. VI.) M 238. PRONOUNCED DEAD (HouI) M 83101 2Sb. DATE RECEIVED BY REGISTRAR (Mo.. o.y. Yr.) Feb. 27 1993 (,Ùd¿ k¡::t,:¿L::» Appmximale Ilnte,,,,aI hew..... tOnsel and Death. o : 4Yf'l-' : ~.3I'Xð L ul¡J."JÚlZ¿ 'ð?ðSlait DUE TO ¡OR AS A CONSEQUENC Of : (l¡l/! êL,1,,/ d1/¿l. "- PART II. OTHER SIONIFI.::ANT CONDlTIONS-CondltioRa ç,)ntrlbudrlQ to death tul root relaled 10 eauae given In PART I. ''1 ~<b' 251. MANNER OF DEATH ,,"\ r. ;) 0........ 4.0 I~" IrMltig.üon ...- VR 2 ·8.9 ....... D Could not be Detarmlnlld 2/91 15M' HomICIde . ,ó.".~~:-o.~i"ii~, ~ '0' R'n'è;,:..;;;t\,., .~, "i';!,",,(j 'ù."(";:,-~,'" ..v,;, '·,Ñ'..···.... v......O;':_~h, 'iP'!-¿:,.<>" ". " ~¿í"\."" J::~~.~IJ·' 110 ~~\~¿·;t~~ 1f¡!:'_...... ,',. ~c;W, ; .:?i:::- ::~,<;¡ ti-' þ\~ r·_·.:~'~' . f~*Æ..~~:·~~oo~.~! :r ,g7 '. ~~~,,(!'.:j:i·;·r:~:{t~~~~" ~.~~~~~:~.~;.~¿s.~ Date Issued March 4, 1993 30a. DATE OF INJURY (Month, Day, r... J 30b. TIME OF . INJURY 3Oc. INJURY AT WORK? (SpeC/ly ru 01 no) M 30111. PlACE OF INJURY-At home, larm. stre.1. 1ac:lory, oWe. building, ele. (Specify) -------- --------------- 301 LOCAnON (Str..t aild Humblll 01 Rural Rout. Number. City or Town, State) ----------------------- ---------------- THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this reproduction is a true copy of a record on fi 1 e in Wyomi ng Vi ta 1 Records Services, Cheyenne, Wyoming. This copy is not valid unless seal and the signature of Registrar is in red. it the bears a Deputy raised State