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This form was prepared by: Major Mortgage 1061293
Address: 2020 Carey Avenue-Mezxanine, Cheyenne, WY 82001
Telephone No: 307-634-7100
For Value Received, the under'signed holder of a Mortgage (herein "Assignor") whose address is
2020 Carey Ave-Mezz, Cheyenne, WY 82001
does hereby grant, sell, assign, transfer and convey, unto
IndyMac Bank, FSB
herein "Assignee"), whose address is
155 N Lake Avenue r' Pasadesna, CA 91101 ,
a certain Mortgage, dated May !2 5, 2001 , made and.
executed by Julie Ann Ko~:,ns, A Single Woman
to and in favor of Maj or Mo21't'gage , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of
Wyoming '~ , upon the following described property situated in
Lincoln County, State of Wyoming :
The N1/2NW1/4SE1/4 and the NI/2SU2NW1/4SE1/4 of Setion 18, T3iN R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln
County, Wyoming. LESS AND EXCF. PT the land contained in Warranty Deed recorded August 20, 1974 in Book
114PR on page 224 of the records of t!:,e Lincoln County Clerk.
su..ch Mqrtgag9 hav~ing, bee. n give5 to se.qc,ure payme.nt of the original principal amount of
une MuDQreQ ~;ighEy Two u.'nousanct Dollars
($ 182,000.00 ) with an original maturity date date of June i, 20~[~1 ,which
Mortgage ,s of record ,n Book. Vo.ume. or Libor No. 4 5-?K. , at page
(or as No, ,~'7~L~C-~ ) of the official Records of Lincoln
Gounty, State of Wyoming
, together with the note(s) and obligations therein described and the money due and to become due
thereon with interest, and all rights a¢0rued or to accrue under such mortgage.
TO HAVE AND lO HOLD the s;mne unto Assignee, its successors and assigns, forever, subject only to
the terms and conditions of the abOve-described Mortgage.
IN WlINI=SS WHEREOF, the uiqc',ersigned Assignor has executed this Assignment of Mortgage on
May 25, 2001
Major Mortgage
STATE OF WYOMING , Laramie County ss:
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me ~[JtJ~ .ZEIL R V!CE,-PR S DENT
of MAJOR MORTGAGE, this 25t:.k dayo~ay /;'~ , 2001
Wit~: Signatu~
i Title of Officer
fvii;~!'~I: ........ !il ATE ASSIGNMENT OF
~ORTGAG:, . ':(:'i 4~95