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Olympic Coast Investment, Inc.
801 2nd Avenue, Suite 315
Seattle, WA 98104
Filed for Record at Request of
Olympic Coast Investment, Inc.
Escrow Number: 25034
RECEIVED 7/21/2006 at 11 :51 AM
RECEIVING # 920447
BOOK: 627 PAGE: 45
KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: that Olympic Coast Investment, Inc.
the owner and holder of that certain mortgage bearing date Apri: 7, 2e05 executed
by Rocky Mountain RogL:~s, Inc., a Wyoming corporation to
secure payment of the sum of ONE M1LUON ONE HUNDRED Dollars ($1,100,000.00)
and interest, and recorded in the office of the County Auditor of Lincoln County, s!ate
of Wyoming on May 16,2005, Book 585,Pg 313 , under Receiving No. 908416'
Olympic Coast Investment, Inc., does here acknowledge that the said mortgage has been FULLY SATISFIED
AND DISCHARGED, and does hereby authorize and direct the said County Auditor to enter full satisfaction
thereof of record,
Part of Lot 601C, Lakeview Estates Incorporated, Tract s A-F, Lincoln County, Wyoming more particularly
described as follows:
Beginning at a point which is S29°05'W, 772.00 feet from the Northwest comer ofSEl/4, Section 29, T37N,
R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and running thence S63°W, 205,00 feet; thence N270W,
211.3 feet to the right of way of U.S. Highway 89; thence northeast along right of way U.S. Highway 89 around
curve thereof to a point which is N27°W, 231.6 feet from beginning point; thence N27°E, 231.6 feet to the point
of beginning.
Assessor's Property Tax Parcell Account Number: 37182930401700
Dated July 10,2006
Olympic Coast Investment, Inc., as Investment Manager
for Investors listed on Exhibit "2" attached hereto
STATE OF Washington
County of King
} SS:
I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Robert W. Hoss
is/are person(s)' who appeared before
me, and said person(s) acknowledged he/she/they signed this instrument, on oath stated he/she/they
authorizedto execute the instrument and acknowledge it as the Chairman of the Board
of 01 m ic Coast Investment, Inc.
to be the free a~.~}oluntary act of such party for the ~nd purposes mentio
Dated: Jul)l"Þ, ! '
Iu H L H /.
,)1 A H f)f wASHINGTON
JUNE 11 2009
Ju' L Schermerhorn
N ry Public in and for the State of Washington
Residing at Kenmore
My appointment expires: 6/11/2009
LPB-5\ (i-I)
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Loan No. 25034
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Exhibit "Z"
Leona Feley, A Single Woman, as to a 2.28% Interest.
Kurt S. Komamitsky, A Married Man as his separate estate, as to a 3.64% Interest.
Oleg R. Komamitsky and Betsy 1. Komamitsky, Joint Tenants with Right of
Survivorship, as to a 4.55% Interest.
William Laffoon and Lorraine Laffoon, Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship,
as to a 0.42% Interest.
R'Lene Laffoon and Lanise L. Laube, Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship,
as to a 1.82% Interest.
Thomas J. Cain, A Single Man, as to a 4.55% Interest.
Thomas W. Smelser, A Single Man, as to a 4.60% Interest.
Robert D. Campbell Trustee, for The Vickie Lee Campbell Second Irrevocable Living
Trust dated June 4, 2001, as to a 4.55% Interest.
Gerald D. Piper and Lois P. Piper, Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship, as to a
2.28% Interest.
Equity Trust Company, Custodian FBO Thomas J. Cain IRA Account #40068,
as to a 2.28% Interest.
Robert E. Ordal, Trustee Robert E. Ordal, PLLC Pension and Profit Sharing Plan
and Trust, as to a 1.38% Interest.
David L. Ordal, A Single Man, as to a 2.73% Interest.
Charles F. Reasy and Lorraine M. Reasy, Trustees, or their successors in Trust, under
the Charles F. Reasy and Lorraine M. Reasy Charitable Remainder Unitrust, dated
Dec. 20, 1996, as to a 2.28% Interest.
Equity Trust Company, Custodian FBO Judy Scott IRA Account #50094, as to a
2.70% Interest.
John Ordal, Trustee for Pulmonary Consultants, PC 401-K, as to a 2.28% Interest.
Robert Spich, A Single Man, as to a 1.81 % Interest.
Frank X. Indra and Ema Indra Trustors for the Frank and Ema Indra Family Revocable
Living Trust, dated Nov. 1, 1999, as to a 5.46% Interest.
Winters Disclaimer Trust, Sally Cannon Winters, Trustee, as to a 9.86% Interest.
Andrew Tian and Donna M. Dehahome, Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship,
as to a 0.91 % Interest.
Erma L. Beebe, A Married Woman as her separate estate, as to a 3.41 % Interest.
Margarita Christian and Dennis Glines, Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship,
as to å 4.55% Interest.
Charles F. Reasy and Lorraine M. Reasy, Trustees for the Reasy Living Trust U/A
dated 2/10/1997, as to a 2.28% Interest.
Lorraine Reasy, Trustee of the Jessica Reasy Irrevocable Trust dated September
2, 2000, as to a 0.91 % Interest.
Valarie Anderson, A Single Woman, as to a 5.46% Interest.
Stuart Walker, A Married Man as his separate estate, as to a 2.27% Interest.
Robert D. Finke and Marilyn J. Finke, Trustees of The Finke Family Trust dated
August 4, 2004, as to a 4.82% Interest.
Robert D. Finke and Marilyn 1. Finke, Trustees of The Finke Family Trust dated
August 4, 2004, as to a 18.20% Interest.
Loan No. 25034
Exhibit "Z"
Leona Feley, A Single Woman, as to a 2.28% Interest.
Kurt S. Komamitsky, A Married Man as his separate estate, as to a 3.64% Interest.
Oleg R. Komamitsky and Betsy J. KomamÍtsky, Joint Terrants with Right of
Survivorship, as to a 4.55% Interest.
William Laffoon and Lorraine Laffoon, Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship,
as to a 0.42% Interest.
R'Lene :"'affoon and Lanise L. Laube, Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship,
as to a 1.82% Interest.
Thomas J. Cain, A Single Man, as to a 4.55% Interest.
'rhomas V'¡. Smelser, A Sing!e Man, é:S to a 4.60% Interest.
Robert D. Campbell Trustee, for The Vickie Lee Campbell Second Irrevocable Living
Trust ciated June 4,2001, as to a 4.55% Interest.
Gerald D. Piper and Lois P. Piper, Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship, as to a
2.28% Ínterest.
Equity Trust Company, Custodian FBO Thomas J. Cain IRA Account #40068,
as to a 2.28% Interest.
Robert E. Ordal, Trustee Robert E. Ordal, PLLC Pension and Profit Sharing Plan
and Trust, as to a 1.38% Interest.
David L. Ordal, A Single Man, as to a 2.73% Interest.
Charles F. Reasy and Lorraine M. Reasy, Trustees, or their successors in Trust, under
the Charles F. Reasy and Lorraine M. Reasy Charitable Remainder Unitrust, dated
Dec. 20, 1996, as to a 2.28% Interest.
Equity Trust Company, Custodian FBO Judy Scott IRA Account #50094, as to a
2.70% Interest.
John Ordal, Trustee for Pulmonary Consultants, PC 401-K, as to a 2.28% Interest.
Robert Spich, A Single Man, as to a 1.81 % Interest.
Frank X. Indra and Ema Indra Trustors for the Frank and Ema Indra Family Revocable
Living Trust, dated Nov. 1, 1999, as to a 5.46% Interest.
Winters Disclaimer Trust, Sally Cannon Winters, Trustee, as to a 9.86% Interest.
Andrew Tian and Donna M. Dehahome, Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship,
as to a 0.91 % Interest.
Erma L. Beebe, A Married Woman as her separate estate, as to a 3.41 % Interest.
Margarita Christian and Dennis Glines, Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship,
as to a 4.55% Interest.
Charles F. Reasy and Lorraine M. Reasy, Trustees for the Reasy Living Trust U/A
dated 2/10/1997, as to a 2.28% Interest.
Lorraine Reasy, Trustee of the Jessica Reasy Irrevocable Trust dated September
2, 2000, as to a 0.91 % Interest.
Valarie Anderson, A Single Woman, as to a 5.46% Interest.
Stuart Walker, A Married Man as his separate estate, as to a 2.27% Interest.
Robert D. Finke and Marilyn 1. Finke, Trustees of The Finke Family Trust dated
August 4, 2004, as to a 4.82% Interest.
Robert D. Finke and Marily~ 1. Finke, Trustees of The Finke Family Trust dated
August 4, 2004, as to a 18.20% Interest.