HomeMy WebLinkAbout920655 QUITCI,..AIM DEED-FORM NO.8 (h.~~:.'~~_~~W' QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That.-:Iö-~-__é:___0bLf.~.:~,-___ß~&~11-_Ò_____._ "- . ¿; ._----~----------------------~----~-----------~-_._-------------~--~---_._-------~----------------- :;~~:-~:::~~-:~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~:-:~~~~~~~~~~~:~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------~------------------------------------------------------------___in consideration of the sum of - - -- ___J. - -- -:.. - - - -- -~- - -- -- - - ------ ---- ---- - ________ _ ______ __________ __ __'-- _ __ _ _ _'_ _.:. __ _ _ _ _DOLLARS to-_~___________~___in hand paid by______________._________________~______________________________ ~~~~:-:~~~:::-i:~~~~Y1LS_¡¡¿ïL~~Sf~;;L~Re;;¡m~~~é~~~:w5j~~~:;g=~~ the reCeipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged. ha___._remised. released, and forever quitclaimed and by these presents do____for -----------------Ïí~---, '----------______heirs. executors and admJr,' istratora. remis, 'release and forever quitclaim unto the said--LlJIi.~~+,lìt'cJ~,,-~---Lù'::1I1f..cJaO&~_ .-----~---------~-------------------------------_..-----------~-------------~---------------------- --------------------------------~---------------~-----~---------------------------------------~-.. heirs and assigns, forever. all such right. title. interest. property, possession. claim and demand.' as__________ -----------___have or ought to have. in or to all the following described premises. to-wit: )(J11er O'T ß 03 L 01- 63 E13 T:l1 f( J!~ Slf Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises unto the said___~----_______________________________ ------~-----------------------------------------_._----------------------------------------------- heirs and assigns. to his and their own proper use and behoof forever. So that neither~___~-----~--____.__ ._----.------~------------------~---------------_._----------------------------------------------.. nor any other person in___._______name or behalf, or either of us or any other person in our or either of our names or behalf shall or will hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the premises or any part there- of. but they and everyone of them shall by these presents be excluded and forever barred. In Witness Whereof. -----.---------_____ha_._____ hereunto seL____________.___ ------.hand________and seal_~_ this,___________________ ..,____day oL--___________________________A. D., 19______. Signed. sealed and delivered in the presence of: ~ -- -- -- --.--- - - - ----- ---- -- - -, --- - - ----- -- (SE AL) ---~---ß~------------ -- -¡~~ _&{k0L.i_ ---6~--____________ RECEIVED 7/27/2006 at 11:41 AM RECEIVING # 920655 BOOK: 627 PAGE: 764 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY :AL) :AL) :AL) ACKNOWLEDGMENT . I f} State of ){j~()mL-hcl<""' } I " 0 ss. County of "--t.n [ .nR ...v\. j () , The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me bY-W ò2.... i')CVL~() lC!f/~ f?piLM[) this 11+71 day of : ~C()~ Wit eMMI9YJSt-M.~Q'f~fféflUBbl&., I , COUN1Y OF STATE OF . UNCOlN WYOMING Ptf COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 29, 2010 My C;ommission Expires: m{0\(j11~~q,;}{)! [') -~-- ~ilili~i~t!:~¡~i~m~ - :¡:¡:¡:i;¡¡¡f::;,:¡¡¡~1 ' : --~_:==-------::;.:::.:::-.:co::.c:':"~:;::.:;J~¡:1~·q__ .... -- ----.--. ...--.--..----.-.