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01/01/2006 11:58 FAX 3018855181
WORK ORDER # 62543
That the úndcIlligned, Marvel Seay, Richard ChrlsteoseD " Dar1eDe Christensen, ("Grantor") for a
good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hen;by acknowledged, do hereby grant, convey an:i
warrant unto Lower Valley Energy, a Cooperative Corporation, of Afton and Jackson, Wyoming and to ilS
successors and assigns. ("Grantees"). a petpctual easement and right of way for the construction and
continued maintenance, repair, alteration and replacement of the electric distribution ciIcuits, lines and
equipment of the Gnmtc:e to be constnu:ted and JtIIintRmr4 under, upon and across the premises ofGrantcor
in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, along a line described as follows, to wit
BEING a portion of the S 112 of lot 2S within the Alpine Resort Company Subdivision within the Nl/2 (If
Section 20, TI7N, R1l8W, in Lincoln County, Wyoming more particularly deøcnDed as follows.
BEGINNING at a point being the NE comer of the South % of said lot 25, known as Point "'A". Thence S
27"E, 13 feet to m existing power pole location. Returning to Point "'N'. T'br:occ N 88° W, 108 feet to a
point. Easement to include .. strip of land 10 feet in width running paraIld with both the East and Nonh
brnmdary lines of the S yj, ofsaid lot 25. Ea~ to lie within existing 100foot non-:build able IICtback fro-.:n
property line as defined by Lincoln County subdivision regulations.
EASEMENT as described above, together with all necessary and reasonable rights of ingress and egreu.
Accc:56 to property øhou1d be mini.ma1, if at aU. Underground power line is placed in conduit so as to
alleviate any need for fu1uIC cx.cavation on property or interfere with trees, shrubs or other landscaping.
Only exception to this would be if Grantor or his successor's were to damage the line, then Lower Valli:y
Energy would need access to repair and maintain the facilities.
1'he Grantor acknow1edges tñat Electric and Magncti.c Fields (EMF) are naturally occurring in tie
transmission or distribution of electricity, and 1hat the Grantee has ben: notified Grantor that EMF testing
and. infonnatiOl1 is available upon rcq,ucst frœn ilie Gnmtec. This Easement by Gnmtor ia intended to
include so much space as is necessary or appropriate to the presence of EMF and reasonablc operation of
the Grantee's distribution lines.
Gnmtor agrees that all poles, wires and ot1:H::r facilities, installed on ([' under the deøcn'bed lands shill
remain the propcrtyofilie Grantc:eYmlOVabktin the &ole discretion ofthc Grantee at the Grantee's expeD:IC,
The rigbni. conditions and proVÍ8Ìons of this CllSf"l'lV'l't shall inure to the bc:ncfit of and be'binding upon the
parties, tœir heirs. ~ administratcn, successcxs and assigna.Gr.mt.or shall compensate Grantee fOr
any damages to Ommce's fàcilities caused by Grantor, including payment of Grantee's attorney fees if
action is underta]œn by Grantee to enforce the commitmf!nt8 described in this a>.............t Grantor reSelYCS
the right to iIDprove, occupy and use this C8lJt'!m'!ftt fir all puzposca not inconsistent with the casement graBt.
Each party &ball have the remedy of specific perfurmancc œg¡mting this e<'~ The rights and
obligations deacribcd in this C8~ &ba11 'lUll with the land. 1'hía easement is not exclusive. and GraIuX'
retains all rights not spcc:ifica11y granted by this eI"..........t This is tht œtirc agreement of the parties
regarding ibis easement. except as may be set fodh in writing after the date of this ea""""",,t and signed by
tbe parties. Grantor bcœby releases and waives an rights by virtue of the Homestead E1œmption Laws of
WITNESSthcHandoftbcGrmtor.1biaLL~of J (J{/I 2006.
711~Mtd. .~dø~ ~~ ~
",'~¥I~!,;;.~.' NOTARY PUBLIC
~,<I;" ..·";'t:~; MARILYN I. ECKERSLEY
~"(,' ì~¡ 10620 South State Slreet
Y /.;! Sandy, UT 84070.4107
ti'" ","',,' My Commission EXfires: 08·15·2006
·"~~.\1~:r~;.'·' Stsue 0 Utah
STATE OF {)r~ }
COUNTY OF V-A-1,.-r L,fí6/
Tbefm~ ~ aclnowkdgedDeforemeby K/Cf.1A-1-tJ Ú¡A ß/~r&:V-;Ø",¡JJ DÆ/Z. L-C1Je {ì~¡z''¡¿;7?!lj,
this 1~1J.\ØaYof JlIl--I1 .20ðb. ¡1I1A-1ZVE'L c;eft'1 '
Wìtncss my hand~ o~ 5¢, /'
¡/IJÚAAL/'l 'ívii-t:--~
Notary Public' "
¿ RECEIVED 8/2/2006 at 11 ;34 AM
RECEIVING # 920857
BOOK: 628 PAGE: 542
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