HomeMy WebLinkAbout920862 07/20/2006 13:00 I~X 3078855787 LOWlm VALLEY I':NI<:I~GY ~002 MEMBER if. 1312071 WORK ORDER # 62661 & 62662 SEC. 22, T36N, R119W 000548 DISTRI:QUTION EASElVIENT KNOW ALL :MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the undersigned, .Twnes .T. Bailey and Robin Ann Bailey, Trustees of the Bailey Trust of 199~¡, under agreement dated June H, 1995, and any amendInents thereto, ,("Grantor") tor s. good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, convey and warrant unlu Luwer Valley Energy, a Cooperative Corporation, of Afton and Jackson, Wyuming ,and to i::s successors and assigns, ("Grantees"), a perpetual easement and right of way for the cons1rÙction IlI1d continued maintenance, repair, alteration and n..-placcment of the electric distribution circuits, lines aDd equipment of the Grantee to be constructed and maintained under, upon and across the prel11Îses of Grantl:lI' in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, along a line described as follows, to wit: BEING a portion of the Nl/2SEI/4 of Section 22, T36N, Rl19W, in Lincoln County, Wyoming being pa~l of that tract of record in tho Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Dook 242 of Photostatic Records an page 105 known as Tract E·l.l more particularly described as .ronows. COl.\'1:MENCING at the intersection of the west line of said tract known as Tract E-1.1 of record and tr..C centerline of an existing access road, N 00°-11.2' R, 327,96 feel from, lhe: SW cUmer of said tract E-1.1 and S 19u45,S'W, 2465.37 feet ftom the NE comer of said Section 22. Thence N Oool1.2'E~ 879,14 feet to tr,e NW comer of said tract B-1.!, thence S 82°E. 106 feet to true point of beginning at ajûnction vault location. Thence N 87°E, 35 feet, thence N77°E, 72 feet, thence S 89°E, 33 feet, thence S 56° E, 38 feet, thence S 34°E, 24 feet; thence S 23"E, 57 feet; thence S 310E, 54 feet to a tansfonner location. EASElVÅ’NT to include 10 feet on each side of described line, together with all necessary and reasonah.e rights of ingress and egress and to excavate and refill ditches and trenches for the location and repair of sai d facilities and to cut, trim, spray herbicides, or remove trees, shrubbery, undergrovvth or other obstructiorls inLcdl.'Ting with the repair and maintenance of the facilities. The Grantur acknowledges that Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF) arc natural1y occurring in the transmission or distribution of electricity, and that the GTantee has here notified Grantor that EN.IF tcstir.,g and information is available: upon request from the Grantee. This Easement by GTantor is intended 1:0 include so lnuch space as is necessary or appropriate to the presence of EJ\1F and reasonable operation of the Grantee's distribution lines. Grantor agrees that all poles, wires and other facilities, installed on Or under the described lands shalJ remain the property of the Grantee removable in the sole discretion of the Grantee at the Grantee's expens~. The rights, conditiollil and provis-ions of this easemcnt shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties, thcir heirs, executors, adrrrinistrators, successors and assigns. GTantor shall compensate Grantee tè)r any damages to Grantec's facilities caused by Grantor, including pa)'1nent of Grantee's attomey fees if action is undertaken by Grantee to enforce the conn'nitments described in this casement, Grantor reserv ~s the right to improve, occupy and use this easemcnt for all purposes not inconsistent with the casement grant. Each party shal1 have the remedy of speciíìc perfom1EU1ce regarding this easement. The right... arid obligations describcd in this easement shall run with the land. This easement is not exclusive, and Grant)r retains all right.'I not specifically gratlted by this easeml."I1t. This is the entire agreement of the parti,~s regarding this easement, except as may be set forth in writing after the date of this easement and signed hy the parties. Grantor hereby releases and waives all rights by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws ·)f Wyoming, TNESS the lIand ofthc Grantor, thiS~ay of ,2006. ST A Tn OF U/ð..IJ COUNTY OF~ } } owledged before me by Vel d R ¡; 20~ HPflSff) '" 555 8'. No ary Public RECEIVED 8/2/2006 at 11 :37 AM RECEIVING # 920862 BOOK: 628 PAGE: 548 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 1 My commission expires: 7- 3.q'5