HomeMy WebLinkAbout87601609/12/01 ~ED 1;):06 FAX 208 5527856 gPEOTRU~f I~ORTGAGE
T~S DEED O~ ~ST, m~de this 14e day of Scpte~:],cr~2~l betw~n M~ ~ L~e, herein c~Ucd
G~TOR, whos~ ~dr~* is 1203 Michigan Av~, Noffol~c~ ~ 68701 and CI~ Stokes and Able Sto~s H~band
~ Wife h~n called B~NE~CIARY. '~ ~
~SSETH: Tba~ ~aa~or docs h~by i~cPocaMy OR~, B~OMN, SELL and CO~Y TO
TRUST~ ~ TRUST, W~H PO~R OF S~, ~a[q~n'~ey in ~ County of Lincoln. S~at~ of Wyoming,
19 ~d 22 Alpine R~son Company Subdivision.. '~, ,,
TOGET~R ~H all ~ t~nemcnts, heredi~mems ~d ~pp~z~an~s now or h~r ~cr;unm b~lofl~g or in
~ywise a~amng, and ~ r~n~, issues and profi~ ~h,renL SUB.CT, HOWE~R, m ~e ~gh~, power and
au~o~W h~ifl~cr ~vea to ~d ~nfc~d ~pou Benef~i~ to collect ~nd apply such r~n~, asses and profi~;
For the ~s~ of S ~ng: :: ~
1. Perfo~tn~of~hag~m~ntofgr~tor'~xg~nvo~ain~, ,'
~ renewal Ih~eof, in ~he p~ncipal lure of T~TY O~ ~OUS~ ~ ~D~
~ ~O ~NTS payable to Beneficia'y Or ord~ ~ m~e by ~antor. of the final pa~ent of
principal and imcrcst ~creof, if not soonc~ pad, to bo fi~liy duo a~ payable on D~b~ 14a, 2~1.
h~cin to the Grantor herein or ~y or ei~ of ~m while ~ord o~cr of pr~ent interes~ for any
p~osc, a~d any notes, dra~ or other insffamcnu r,pr~g s~h ~ lo~, ~van~s or
expenditu~s leggier ~th int~Cst on all sue,. 5~s al the late therein provide. ~o~d~, however,
~at the ~ng of such f~ lo~s adv!~O~s or ex~di~es sh~l be opfio~ ~ the Beneficiary,
and ~at ~e to, al of ~1 such ~ loa~, i~.d~es or expe~ei ~ ~ s~m~ h~by shall in no
event ex~ ~e total sum of T~TY ONE ~OUS~ ~ ~D~D ~8 ~
~O CEOS, and ~hall b~ome due and¥~able no later than lb* final maturity date of sad
$ecur~ he.by, ~d provided, f~her, ~a~qt [~ ~e exprcis in~nfion o~ the p~ti*~ ~ Ibis D*~d of T~t
· at il sh~ s(~d ~ confining seemly uH.rlI: p~d for ~1 such loans, advances Or ex~n&t~cs
with int~r,st ~h~r~on, ' ~
A. To prelect Ihe ~curl~ of t~ De~ of Trust} Gr*~[h~or agrees;
1. To ke~ said property in good con.rich agd~epak; not Io {emove or domolish any building ~er~n; to
complet~ or r~s[or~ promptly and ia g~d ~n~ w~ ma~r ~y building w~ch may b6
conitr~d, damaged or des~oy~ ~er~n a:nd m pay when d~ all claims ~r labor ~ ~
maoiMs f~nished ih~for; to co~ly wii/i~.~H laws afl. ting smd prope~ or ~ng ~y
suffer or ~mit any act u~n said property i::i ~olafion of law; to culfiva~, iffigam, f~l~. ~migs~, ?.,.-i ~..,.. = ...... C'~
prone ~d do all o~r ecu wh~ tom ~c ~:h~act~r or use of ~d prop~ may bo ~asonably
n~ets~y, ~c s~ific cn~cmfion's h~rei~:'not ~xcluding ~hc genera.
2 To provide, maimain and ddiv~ to Benefi&i~ ~ inswan~ sa~f~w~ to ~d wt~ loss payable ~
Benefici~. The amount coll~d un~r ,.~:.y f~6 or o~er inswance ~licy may ~ ~pliM by !-vt i ". 'l 5':, ['r'-~
Bcacficia~ u~n any ind*b~dnes* ~zd. :'.~by and in such order ai Bcncfici~ may d~nc, or
at option of Benefici~y ~hc eat~ ~ount uo co~ec:~ or any pan ~er~f may bc role~ to ~antor. ' · .';
Such application or r~l~a~ shall not cure m waive any d~hult or nooc~ of dehult h~c~r or
invalidal, any ~t don, pumuant to su,h nct;i~. ,:'~:
3. To app~ in ~d d~f*nd any action or p~:',eding purpofiing to lffecl th~ so~ufi~ h~f or th~ riiht~
till~ a~ aaom~y's fo,~ in a reasonabl, ~un? in ~y such action or preceding in which B~efici~y ~
Tms~ may tp~. . ~ i . . ~
4, TO pay; at l~t ton days ~m d~qu~ ~')all ~s and ~sessm~n~ a~ug s~d pro~, ~ u
due, all encumbrances, charges and ll~s, V,;ilh i~ler~t, on s~d pro~ or any p~ ~f, which
ap~ to b~ prior or su~rior h,rom; ag ~i~ts, f~s and exp*ns~ of ~is T~t. In ~fion to ~c
pl~og~ dUO in ~or~ce wi~ ~e ~i of ~o note hereby s~ed ~c Gr~tor shag at ~ option,
~nd on dc~d of thc Bcnefici~y, p~y eac)t:,, ~nth 1112 of ~o esfi~t~ aflnu~ t~. as~ssments.
instance pre~u~. ~memnce and othe,;:': ch~ges upon ~e proart, nev.nbel~s in mt for
Orantor's use and benefit ~d for ~c pa~:~nt by Bc~fici~y of ~y su~ itc~ when duc. Gr~tor's
faiturc so to pay shall co~titate d[fault un~ ;ar ~s
5, To pay ~iatoly and wi~0Pr demand a5 sums ex~nd~ by Ben~flci~ or T~, bm ~aout
oblJgaSon *om do and ~thout notice m ox 'demand a~n Or~mr md without r~c~ing Gr~tor flora
any obligation her~f, my: m~ ~r do ~{Sa~ tn such ~ ~d m such extent ~ ei~ my
d~m n~s~a~ to protect ~e ~ufi~ h~(ff, Benefici~ or T~tcc ~ing au~ofiz~ m cum ~n
said property '/bt such p~mM; appe~ in f~ defend ~y action ~ pr~c~ing p~rfing to aff~t ~hc
seemly ~cof or ~e fi~u or po~ers of B ~::nofici~ ot Tmst~; pay. p~cha~, contest or
any e~Um~ce, cb~ge ~ lien which in me jud~gnt or gluer up.as to bg prior or suitor h~m;
&nfl, in exercising any ~u¢h power, or a e~ffomng t~s ~ of T~t by judicial ~reclo~re, p~y. '
n~es~w ex~nses, employ counsd and p~y hi~ ~monablc f~. · -
B, It ~ mu~ally a~rg~ that;
1. ~y awed of damages in ~nnection with any '~::Ondemn~ion f~ public ~e of or inlu~ m said pro~ or
~y pan ~er~f is hereby assign~ and ~ball be.: ~¢aid to Bencficia~ ~o may apply or relic such mo~ys
received by him in ~c same m~n~ ~d ~a [,e s~e eff~l as a~ve provid~ for ~sposi~on of pr~e~s
of fit* or o~er inci&nc,.
2. By gcepfing payment of any sum s~ her{?ly a~r its d~ ~. B~fici~ d~s not ~iv~ hs right
eith~ ~o r~ui~ prompl payment wh,n du~ of :~B olh~ sums so ~c~ed or m d~lare default for failure so
m pay.
3. At any time or tom ti~ to fim~ wi~out habil&Jy lh~t~for and without no~c~, a~n ~n rqu,st of
Benefici~ and presentaUon of this De~ ~ )~:itid ~te f~ endom~t, and ~om afl, ting ~e ~sonal
liability of lny ~rson for pa~t of ~e indot~nms s~med h~eby, T~me my: r~onvey ~1 or ~y
pm of md pm~y; consent Io ~e m~ng of ~my mp or p~t ~f; join in ~mfing ~y
~r~n orjoln in any extension a~ment or ;,,;~y agr~ment su~rdi~ng the Ilea or chute h~f.
09/12/01 WED 13;07 FA~ 208 5527856 $]'iSCTRI.'~ ]~ORTGAGE [~006
4. Upon ~ttcn r~u~t ofBeneticia.; L~gng thr::, aE sums ~cm~d h~reby bav~ bei~ paid, and upon
s~end~r of this ~ and said aotc ~ TmsI~ ~o~ can~lla~on ~ retea~on and u~a pa~ent of its te~s.
Tms~ shaU ~convey, wilhout wa~my, ~c I vo~i~ ~en h~ld h~e~d~. Th6 r~it~s in any
' , r' ~, ~u~fuln~ss thereof. Tho ~nlee in s~h r~o~'~ may be de~d ~ "~e p~son ~ ~sons legally
~. As addi~ona[ security, ~flt~ heroby ~v~s to ;~,~nf~ u~n Bengfici~y ~e right, ~w~ ~d
' au~ori~, d~ag thg ~ntinuan~ of ~esc T~s,~;, ~f collar ~c rcn~. iss~s and ~ofi~ o~ s~ ~,
~erving unto ~mr ~e ri~. prior m any d~;:~au,lr by Grantor in pa~t of ~ny i~b~ncss any s~h
dgfiult, B~efici~ may at any timg ~oug a~'~cc~ ci~cr in person, by agent, or by a r~iver to ba
appoinmd by ~ co~[. and ~sho~ rcg~d ~ ~e ad~uacy of ~y s~iry for ~e iadcbr~a~s hereby
s~urgd, cnmr upon and mkc ~ssesston o~ ~d proper~ or any p~t Ihereof, in his o~ ngmg sug for or
o&~rwi~ collect such rents, issu~ snd ~ofim, incising ~ose p~sr duc ~d uapaid. ~ apply ~g
Icss costs g~ gx~n~ of o~ration chafing upon ~d t~ag ~ss~sion of s~d prop~. ~e eoll~lio~ of
such rents, issues and pfofi~ ~d ~e applJcatiolt t~reof ~ aforgs~d, sh~l not core or w~ve any dofa~t or
nod~ of derail h~un~r of iRv~id~g my ~: dO:fig p~s~t ~ s~h nonce.
6, Upon dafa~t by ~antor in payment of any indebtedngss ~f~ hereby or in ~o~e of any
a~eem~nt h~r~undor, ali sums s~u~d hgrgby shall; mm~la~ly ~come d~ ~nd payable at Ihg option of
· e Beneficial. ~ ~e ~V~nt Of default, Bgn~fi~im7 s~ gx~cug or caug th~ Trustee to ~g~um
notice of s~h dvfaulz ~d of ~s election ~o cau~ t~:~ sold ~e hgroin d~gfi~ propa~ ~ s~fis~
obligations hzr~f, and shall caa~ s~h ~fica ~ ~ ~:~ ~otded in ~e offico of rh~ r~ord~ of ~h
wh~roin said re~ pro~ or aomg p~ ~of is
Notice of sal~ having ~n given as then t~uired b~y law, and not less ~an tho fling th~n r~qui~ by law
having glapsgd. Tr~lee, wi~out dema~ on ~ant~f, shall sell said pro~y at ~e time and olac~ fix~ by
it in s~d notice Of salg ~izh~ ~ a wholz or in g~p~t, p~ls ~d in such order ~ il may dc~i~,
publig augtion ~o &~ ~gh~t bidder for cash in fi~rW(~ money of th~ Uni~ States, paYablg ag tlmg of
T~st~ sh~ll delivgr ~o tho p~cha~ i~ d~ c~vgying ~g prop~ so sold, but wi~out ~y ~v~t or
w~ ~xwe~ or impli~ The t~i~s ~ such d~d of any mauo~ or facts shall ~ ~ngluslw pr~f
· g lmth~lngss ~gr~f, ~y p~rson, including the ~e~fici~ u~r ~e ~d of Trust, ~y pu~ha~
Af~ dM~ting all cos~. &~s ~d exp~ng~ of ~ ust~ lnd ot t~s t~t, incigding go~t of ovldonco of
and r~asonabI~ couns01 f~s in conn~tion wi~ :;?lid,' Trmt~ shall apply ~e pr~ of ~= to paymou~
of: ~[1 sums expen~d ~r ~ ter~ hm~L nt;'t ~n repaid ~th ~m~ in[~est at 0 ~ ~num' all
o~cr su~ then s~ur~ h~eby, and thg reda n I~t, if any, io ~ ~n or ~r~ns ~gally ~a~fl~
7. This D~ applies ~o, ins~s m the ben~fi[ of. told b,~ds all p~ies hereto, ~eir heir, lega~, dgvis~s.
ad~nislmtors, executors, succ~rs ~d ~gi~:i t~e term ~gnefici~ shaU mean ihe ho~ ~d o~er of
Ihs no~ secur~ hereby; or, if thc note h~ b~a pl~g~, ~ pl~g~ ~L In this ~d, when¢v~r
contgxt so r¢qu~s, ~ m~c~in~ g~Mer incl~ ~ fomi~ng ancot ~u~, ~d ~ sing~ numar
8,Tr~t~e is not ohtigat~ to no~ any p~ her~ o df pending s~e und~ ~y o&cr D~ of Trust or of any
a~on or prying in which ~antor, Be~ficiary Or Tms~ shall be a p~y u~ess brou~ by T~,
9.Ia thc gvcnt of dis~lufion ot g~on of ~c 2~t~, ~e ~e~ficia~ may subsdtute a ffmrm or
lo oxecutg thg ~st hereby crca~, ~d w~ ant,~ s~Ch subsfitu~on h~ be~n fil~ for re.rd in ~g Offig of
· ~ R~ord~ of ~ ~unty in which ~e pmpe~y h~2~ degti~ is simamd, It ~1 ~ co~ive
· vid~ce of ~e app0intm~t of s~h ~s~e or ~, a~d such n~w ~tcv or ~ustms sh~l suc~ to all
of ~he ~wers ~d duties of ~e um~ ~ ~tc~ n~'~ ~r~in
R~u~sr is hereby ~de ~at a copy of any No~cr: 6t Dcf~lt and copy of any No,icc of Sal~ her~uMer
mail~ to tho Oramor at his a~ross h~rciabcforc ~ fo~.
, ' ~ tO thc wi~n ~ ~nt, ~d ac~owlMg~ to me ~at they ex~ut~ the same. '"
Co~ission Expires ~ ~-~ ,~ ~
05/12/01 I~ED 111:05 FA,'( 208 $5Z75§6 ~E[.'TRI.~i MORTGAGE [~002
THIS DEED OF T~ST. ~d~ ~is 14~ day of Scp~]~bc~', 2001 between Ro~cr M Linde, herein
G~OR, whose address is 1473 SL Charles Circle,"Id~o Fails. ~ 83~02 and Cite S~k~s ~d Abie Stokes
Husband and Wife herein called BEn,ICIlY. ;: '
W~SETH: That Gr~tor does hel'eby ~vocably O~T, B~O~N, SELL and CONEY TO
~US~ IN TRUST, ~H POWER OF S~E, ~a~ p~ope~ in the ~umy of Linco~, State of Wyo~ng. Lo~
Iff Alpine Reso~ Comply SuMivision. ~:
TOOteR W~H all th6 tenemcna, her~it~nt~ a'.:~d appu~ei now or here~ ~er~un~ b~lon~ng or in
anywise ap~a~ning, and ~g rgnls, issues and profiu ;!he?eof. S~CT, HOWE~R; lo ~ figh~ pow~ ~d
authority hgreiaa~ Wen to and co~cd upon Bgn¢:{ici~ ~ c011~t and apply s~h re.ts, issues ~ ~ofi~;
For ~c P~os~ of S~ng:
1, Pe~o~a~ce of each a~eem~t of ~antoi' h~rein containS.
2. Paymeni of the i ndebl~dBciS cvid~nc~ b?a pro~ssory hole. of even da~ hcrewi~, and ~y
or r6new~ thief, in the principal s~ of~ TWE~ THOU$~, H~ H~D~
~ ~RO C~NTS payabl~ to B~n6fici:iry. or order ~d made by ~autor, of ~ fin~ pa~ent of
~ncipal and int~eit ~cof, if -oi soon~:~ p~id, to ~ finally du6 a~d payable on ~m~r 1~a, 2~1.
To s~e pa~gni of all such f~ su~ a~ may h~caf~ be loan~ or adv~ by th~
h~c~ [o ~hc Or~tor hereiu or shy or eiIh,~r ~'d ~em while r~ord o~ of present int~c~l, for ~
purpose, ~d ~y nOt~, ~a~ or odlcr ~S!~cn~ representing such ~er loans, adva~es or
6x~ndkur~ ~ogether ~th interest on all ~'l :h $u~ at the ram ~erein provided. ~vide~
· at th~ ma~ng of such f~aer loans, adv~h~es or expedites s~ll be opfion~ wi~ the B~fici~,
and that the total 0f aB Such f~ loa~?M~lvancos or ex~ndit~es to be s~ h~oby shah ~ no
$~onI oxceod ~6 tO~l sum of ~Y ThOUS~ ~ ~D DO~$ ~ ~RO
C~TS, ~d shal bccom~ d~ i~d p~bl~:ao lat~ ~ ~e final ma~fi~ da~ of s~d note s~ur~
hereby, and ~ovid~. f~cth~, ~at it ii ~(~: ~press intention of the p~ ~ ~ D~d of T~t ~it
shMl stand as coufinuin~ s~uNly until pain for al saeh loans, advances or expendit~es ~geth~r ~
A, TO prot~t the ~cufiiy oftMs De~ of Trig, Grra~r
1, To k~p said pro~ in good condition and rep~; not to remove or ~molish any building ~¢r~n; to
co~plet~ or r~store promptly and in g~d a~t:d wof~aMi~ m~er any bml~n$ which may be
co~l~ctcd, dmaged ~ d~oyM ~eoi{ ~nd ~ pay when duc ~1 clams for la~ ~fo~ a~
~riat$ ~rnish~ th~$for; ~o comply ~ all laws affecting ~id pro~ or r~u~ni any
al~ration~ or i~prov~m¢n~ to be made ~$!'~n; not to co--it or ~it w~tc ~er~f; not to co~t,
suff~ or ~it any a~ upon said pro~"~,a violation of law; to cMti.atc, ~gat=, realize,
p~c and do ~1 oiher acts which tom ~c:ah~acmr o~ ~e of said pro~ may be rc~onably
~cc~s~, thc sp~ific ¢numcration's hc{c~t not cxcl~d~g ~c
To provide, maln~in and d~l~ver to Benefi,;~a~ f~e insucanc¢ sa~facto~ to ~d ~ loss pay~lc
Bcncfici~. Thc amount collcctcd under i0y fire or o~ insurance ~hcy may ~ appli~ by
Bc~ficiaw upon ~y indebt~n~s ~o'~[ hereby and m such ord~ ~ Beneficiay may dete~c, or
at option of Beneficia~ thc cn~ amoun~ ;:~[,a coll~t~ ~ any p~ thief may be released to GrUner.
S~h application or rele~e shall not c~e 0~, waiv~ any default or nofl~ of d$fauk hereunder or
invilidi~ any act done p~iu~t to tuch
3. To appe~ in ~d dofend ~y ~tion or ~oi:{:~ng purporfi~ to ~eet ~e ~c~ty h~f or ~ rights
or ~wsr$ of B~n~ficia~ or T~stee; and t~ ~ pay all ~s~ and ex.rues, in~l~ing ~st of ~viden~ of
fitlc ~d aRO~y'a fccs in a r~aonabJc su~'i, in any a~h ~tion ~ pr~ing in which B~ncfici~y or
Trust~ my ap~.
4, To pay; at l~a~I ten day$ ~for¢ d¢linquem:::t all t~e$ and ~s~ssm~nts afl. ting ~d ~o~ny, when
d~, all encumbrance, ch~rtes and lie~, '?)ith in.rest, on s~d pro~ or ~y p~t ~f, which
ap~ to bc ~ior ~ su~ri~ h~r~to; all o~,~a, f~s ~d expenses of ~ia T~t. In ~dition to ~e
paymen~ due in accordanc~ with ~e t~m'.i of ~e note h~eby s~ ~e ~tor shal at ~c option,
and on demand of the Benefici~y, pay each month 1/12 of ~ ~sfimnt~ ~ua ~es,
in~c premiums, maint~ and o~cr ch~gcs u~n ~ pzo~ty, nev~el~a in ~t for
O~ntor's a~ ~d ~n¢fit a~ for ~ paym~:nt by B~n~fi~y of ~y inCh ii~ when d~. ~antor's
failure ~ to pay shall constitute default un(~er ~is ~L
5, To pay i~ately and ~thQut dem~d a;~l su~ ex~nd~ by Be~fici~ or T~t~, but ~thout
obligation so to do and wi~ofit notic~ to o~:'~d~nd upon Gt~t~ ~d ~t rel~ng ~tor ~Om
any obligation her~f, may: ~ or ~ th~: sa~ In such ~ ~d w such ~xtent ii ~ may
dccm n~s$~ w pro~t ~ s~ty h~r,:::~)f, B~n~fici~ or T~ bein~ authofiz~ to enter upon
said pw~y for such pu~0s~; ap~ in':~nd defend any action ~ pricing p~o~ to affect
s~urity hereof or tho ri~ or powers of l~;mefici~ or Tr~t~; pay. p~chase, contel or compro~se
any encu~b~nce, ch~$o or li~n which in:;,:he judgment or eider appe~ ~ ~ prior or su~ior h~to;
and. in cx~cisin~ any s~h powers, or in ~ )tbrcin$ this D~d of Tr~l by judiqial for¢c~o$~¢, pay
n~ess~y ex~e$, e~loy coun~l and p,~y his r~sonable f~s,
B. It ~ mut~lly agr~d ~at; ~;
1, ~y ~w~d of da~g~s in colorlon wi~ ~l iondemnation tbr public use of or inju~ m said pr~ or
~ny p~ ~¢r~f is h~reby assign~ ~d sh~l b~ paid to Ben~fici~ who ~y apply or f~l~ s~ m~eys
r~i~ed by him in the ~ame man~ a~ with '~he same .~<t as a~¢ ~ovi~ for disposition of pf~
of fi~e ~ o~er ineifi~ee.
~. By securing pa~nt of any lure ~d h~eby a~r i~ d~ dat~, B~nofi~i~ do~s ~t waw ~ fist
~i~ to r~uirc prompt pa~ent when due of all other ~umi ~o $~cured Or to d~l~6 dofauit for fa~ar¢
to pay,
3. At any tim~ or ~om tim~ to tim~ without liability therefor and without noti~, upon wcit~n r~u~st of
B~nefieiay and pre~n~6On of this Dc~ ~d laid note for endorsement, and wi~out aff~fing tho
liability of ~ny person for payment of th~ inde::~n~s $~ur~ h$f{by. T~ may: r¢conv~y ~l ~
pm Of said pm~ny; con~¢nt to ~ ma~ng o~ ,tBy mzp Or p[It ~O[~f; ~oin in ~fing ~y
th~n or join in ~y exte~ion a~eement ~ a~y a~m~nt subordinating the li~n or Chug9 her~f.
08/1~/01 ~VED 1B:0~ F&X 20~ $$27855 SPECTRUm{ ~ORTGAGE ~00B
s~end~ oF this Dc~d ~nd said nora ~ T~sei~ tar c~ellation a~ rct~fion and u~n payment ofl~ I~,
Tr~t~ shall re~nvey, ~out w~ty, ~/prb~tty lh~n held h~eund~r, Th~ recitals in any
~'~ O~.{'~'~, teeonv~yance ex~cu~d ~der ~is De~ of Trust of ~ny maKen or fuels shall be Conc}usivo pr~f of the
Gutted thereto."
5. As ad~fional security, Grantor h~cby givos ~,~= ~:e;d comers upon Bonefici~ ~e fight, ~wer ~d
nullity, d~ng the con,nuance of ~ese Trtl=sts to coll~t ~c ren~, issues and ~ofits of said
res;~in~ unto Gruner the ri~t, prior to my .dofi~[ ~y ~antor in ~nt of any ind~bledn~s any such
default, Bonofici~ m~y at any time wi~out {~ot':~o oi~h~ in ~rson, hy agent or by a r~iv~r ~ ~
appoim~ by a COUr~ and wi~out regard to lh~ a<;~acy of any ~utity for ~o ~;b~n~s hereby
s~, ~n~r u~n and ~ ~ss;ssion of said ~rop~y or any p~ ~er~f, in his o~ n~; s~ for or
~therwiso collect suoh rea~, issues and pro~, ii~luding tho~ past due and unp~d, a~d apply ~;
1~ ~su ~d ex.uses of o~afion entering ~ and tn~g ~s~sion of said prop~, xhe coHecflon of
such r~n~, issues and ~rofi~ a~ ~e ap~icat~0n ~:h~f ~ aforesaid, shall ~t c~e or w~vc ~y do~ult or
uotic~ of d~faolt h~under or invalidate any i~ct ~one p~uant to such notice.
6, Upon default by ~mor in p~ymont of any iudeb~dneas ~cur~ h~eby or in ~do~c~ of any
a~me~l hereun~r, all sums s~ure~ h~ebv sh~l] i~o~at~ly ~me due ~d payable at the option of
· ~ B,nefici~y, ~ ~ event of del~ul~ Ben~:fici~y shall ~x~uto or cau~ the T~ to ex~u~, wri~n
~otice of such d;fault ~d of his election to c~;l~ lo ~ sold ~o he~eln d~cri~ pro~ to satis~ th~
obligatio~ hereof, and sh~l ca~ such ao~co ~b~ r~ordod in th~ o~c~ of th~ recorder of each
wherein s~d real prO~r~ or so~ p~ ~el'eof is sitarS.
Notice of s~e having ~n given ~ ~en r~k,~ by law, ~d not le~s &~ &e limo ~n ~uir~ by law
having elapsed, Tr~tee, ~tho~t d~ on Grar,~r. shall sell said pro~rty ~t &e time aM place fixed by
it in s~d nofi~ of sale, gj~ ~ a whole or ~ ~ie~ate patois ~d in s~h order as it may ~ne. at
public auction 1o ~e higher bidd~ for cash hh la~l mo~y of the Uni~ Sla~s, pay~bl~ it fimc of s~.
Trusm shall ~liver [o ~e p~ch~r its d~ ~::oao~ylna tho pro.ny aG ~ld. but ~thout any ~waant or
w~ly express or impli~, The r~imls in a¢2~h ~e~ of any ma~t$ o~ faca shall b~ coacl~ive pr~f of
the truthfulness th~eof ~y p~son, includi~ t~: Bonefici~y under the D¢~ of T~t may p~cha~ at
A~r ~ductiag all corn, t~s and ~xp¢~o of"7~o and of this T~ including oost of ;fidcnc~ of titlo
~d r~onabl¢ ;oan$~l fees in ~onn~tion wit~;~ s~$~, Tr~too shall apply the pr~$ of s~l¢ to pay~n~
GE ~1 sums expon~ under &e m~s her~f, i:tot ~hea r~d, ~ accrued int~st at 0 per a~; ali
7. TMs Deed a~li~ m, insur~ Io ~ benefit GL an(~ bi~s all p~ti~ h~go, &~ir heirs, legals, devisees,
~minisffa~rs. ~x~utors, sae~ssors and ~sig,~, ~he tern Beneficiary shaft mo~ ~ holder a~ owner of
~; not; s<~ hereby; or, tf tho note has been ~ {~g~, the pledgee ~ereoE In this M, whenev~ ~e
con~xt so r~u~es, ~e m~culino g~nder ~c19~g:¢ ~¢ fminine auWor n~ut~, ~d &c ~in~l~ number
8.Trus~ is not obliSa~ lo ~fi~ any p~ty hcrtt0~of ~n~ug sale uMer ~y o~ D~ of T~st ~ of my
action or ~ing in wMch O~t~, Bc~fi~isy ~ T~ shall ~ a p~ ~l~s brought by Trust~. '
9.In ~ ever,of dissolution or resignation of ~ T~,mt~, ~c Benefi~ia~ may subsfi~t¢ a ~ or
to ~x~ute ~e east h~reby cr~at~ and when ~ny~uch substitution h~ ~n fil~ bt r~d in ~e Office of
· e Recorder of the county ia ~hich ~ property !:,~r~in d~crib~ is sim{~, it shall b~ ~ncluslv~
c~d~nc~ of the appointmnt of such ~ustce or {~te~, ~d such new u'ust~ or ~mt~ s~l suc~ ~ ~11
of ~¢ ~w~ and ~fi~s of the ~t~ or lgUSK~S :'r~m~ h~ein.
R~Uest la hereby made ~at a copy of ~y Notice of Default and copy of any Notice of Sale h~r~und~r ~
m~lcd m ~e Gruner at his addtc~ h~oin~fm~ :';:t ~.
On This ~'-f12'-D/ . in the ye~x;~{, ~fore m~ a No~'~b~c in ~ for s~d
P~s°~I[3P~9 ~6~ ,q, L( ~. ~6own or idenfifi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ihc pcrsonis) who~ ~m~i)
ar~ suoscn~ to me ~thin.lm~m~,~,wl~ to ~ ~t ~y ex~ut~ the s~o.
C°mmissi°n Exv~as '~ -7'~0~