HomeMy WebLinkAbout921497 000821. - ---~--o:I ~... Record &Retum 10: CountrywjdeRome Lrums,lnc. 1>O.Box ] 0423 MS:SV-79 V.anNuy&~ CA 91499-6211 ID# ---'- - - - - ~- - - _.- .-.-- _-0 .. ~'__n_. __ RECEIVED B/21L200613t 1023 AM RECEIVING:# 921497 BOOK: 630 PAGE: 821 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY --.------.------,-..,..------- - ----- ~-- -----.- CORPORATION ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE .Doc. ID# D~ 0.155~5252 0 D5N Commitment:# B£.J.2 For value received, the Imdersigned, "Treasury :Bank, 1'1. A., ~B 0 D Tapo Canyon Rd. Bimi Valley, CA 930£3, l1ereby grants, assigns and trans:fers to: = ~~~!~~~_ J.?~etFBBie Registrati8ß S}'stems, In~. C4~18 MUler R~~, ~t,l\n :48361-2616 i~ SU~CL"1iSUrs and a.s~jgns, ~s JlUIIlUlee 1m T. r:asUI Y . II; .A. All ~ts lD.terest under that c-ert~ M~age dated £/2.1/05, -executed lry': .&JEROME L VASSAR .& :DEBRA A ROBS- VASBAR, MortpgQ1' as per MOR~ recorded as/ .Instrument 1'10. q () q !; Iø 2- on fr ¿''6·0J in :Book 5 '1$' J?age S-S- o:f o:f:ficia1 records in the County Recorder 's O:f:fice o:f LINCOLN County, WYOMING. Tax :Parcel = , Original Mortgage .$75, 000. 00 /' 70 ABBEY ROAD, ALPINE, WY B3~2 8 . . Together with the Note or Notes ther-ebl described or r-e:f-exred to, the :money due :and to .become d.uethereon with interest, and all rights accrued or to accrue under said Mortgage. Dated: D£/30/2DD5 Treasury :Bank, 1'1. A. Btate o:f .cal±fornia County. o:f V-entur.a O:f:f~cer On D6/3D/20D5 .b-e:fore:me, Jose Juarez , personally appear--ed C-eli:a Rodrigue2, .:person:ally known to:me (or proved to :me on the .basis o:f sati.s:factory evidence) to .be the person (s) whose.:name (13) is/are subscribed to the within instrument .:and acknowledged to :me that l1e/Bh-e/they --executed the .same in lris/her/their rluly authorized capacity (ies), 1md that .by .his/her/their signature (s) on the .instrument the person (s), or the -entity upon.b-eba1:f o:f which the persons acted, --executed the instrument. Witness :my l1and and o:f::fic:ia.l seal. Bi"""tur" , [2.. ~ Jose Juar"Z /" . / - :Frepared .by: C-eli:a :Rodriguez .1BDD Tapo Canyon Road BV-2D Bimi Valley, CA 93063 J?hone#: (B05) 577-£039 fiHt. WcXJ\;-760VS493-tr4~ I JOSE JUAREZ 1 ~ COMM. '1473585 :E NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA ~ · VENTURA COUNTY -. ....'^.... M C : ~.::-:':_2 """8J ~ ~~:..~ ~9.st"Jtar~, ,.uu -'--- - -~~---~ ~- '---'0:.--_'__, __ .._____._~~___._._.._..__.. . :::~:::::::::::::~::::' tt~~~~~11'