HomeMy WebLinkAbout921530 '.-~.~~,,,-,.,,~...:..t:.....'--'-'.&.;=,,,-=-,-,,... ". .......u...,'~.........c.,¡.,.., . ,,'...,......_............-.., -~. ......~..~.,_..... ,,'~,"',.. ;""""'- ........, ,............. .Return To: :FHHLC - ~OST CLOSING RAIL MOM J.555W WALmr.l' BILL LN :#200 HC ~7~ ~v:mG~, ï303B ··¡'..-.·I';:.·,.'";.....",,.'.-...-. 00000.1 RECEIVED 8/2112006.at 4:14 PM' RECEIVING:# 921530 BOOK: 631 PAGE: 1 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Prepared .By: :FIRST .HORIZON .HOME LOAN CORPORA-nON DB ..sOUTH :HIGHWAY B9, ..sUITE ~O~ .JACKSON, WY 83 0 O~ {Space Above T.hisline For 1ùcoriling Data] Btate of Wyoming FHA Case No. MORTGAGE I '7 W MIN ~000B520D5BD525705 39~-D9B7B5D-ODD ..,,-_.1' [1 THIS MORTGAGE ("Security lnstrument") is given on .August nth, 2005 . . The Mortgagor is CHRIS AUSTIN, AN 11NMARRIED WOMAN I (!"A- AKA ŒIRIS R. AUSTIN I I I , I ("Bl_.). This Becm;ty lnstrument is £iven to Mortgage Ekctronic Registtation SY""".lnc. ("MERS"). (solely as J10illinee for lender, liS .her:einafter 1iefined, .and lender's successors llI1d JlSSÏgns), JlS .mortgagee. MERS is organized llI1d -exi.sting 11Dder the Jaws of Delaware, llI1d has .an .address llI1d .tclephone J1UIIJber of P.O..Box 2026, :Flint, MJ4850l~026, iel. (888) 679-MERS. FIRST :HORIZON ~ LOAN CORPORA-nON (''.Lender'') is organized llI1d exist:ing 1IDder the Jaws of "THE STAn DF KANSAS has.an.address of 4DDO :Horlltm Way :Irv:i.ng, 'TiaXaS 73063 DNE lIDNDRED ..s.:I:XTY 'TWO TIiOUSAND :FOUR lIDNDRED .&: , llI1d . .Borrower owes Lender the prinripal sum of DD/~Oo Dollars (U.S. $ ~62 ,400. DO ). This 1iebtis evidenced by Borrower's note dated the same date JlS !his Security lnstrument ("Note"), which provides for monthly payments, with the full debt, if not paid earlier,.due .and plly&bJe on September .J.5t, 2036 . This Security In.st:rument secures to lender: (a) the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note, with .interest, llI1d .all r:enew.als, extensions llI1d .moniti~:ltion~ of the Note; (b) the payment of.all other sums, with .interest, .advanced 11Dder parn,graph 7 10 protect the security of !his .security lnstrument; llI1d (c) the performance of .Borrower's covenants llI1d .agreements 11Dder íhis Security lnstrument llI1d the Note. For íhis purpose, .Borrower does .hereby:m.ortgage, cant llI1d i:onvey to MERS (solely .as 1lOIninee for Lender llI1d Lender'.s .successors llI1d D05BD62670 FHA Wyoming Mortgage with MERS-4/96 ~N(WY) (OS09) .Åmended.2/01 @ /JŸI Eage 1 Df 9 Innials: L~ VMP MoTlgageBalutJallS, Inc, ImWI ~"~IIU"I ~IIß" ~II '~¡::;:::¡:::::i::*:::~ .,i .",I;I .f· I I¡"I; . _,_.~j.!.!'.J...~~~~. ~ zm::::;:;:;r.<;~:::: .Ð~):;¡:!;m~t?¿~:; ¡ , i ; ·""·~,.1··;······· I .."......,,".'.'...,"-......"', ,,,. ".,'_"'0' ·,...·c·~.-'"',·".,' ,'_~ ,''''.' ".~.,.. . ,.. ,.........,..... 0921.530 : i I I 000002 liSSigns) .and 10 the .successors .and JlSsigns of MERS with power of sale, the followllg described property located in L:i.ncoJ..n CoUDty, Wyoming: AlJ. that tract or parcel D£ .l:and as shown Dn Schedu1.~ "A II attached .hereto which .is incorporated .herirln :and :made a part. .hereo£. Parcel ID Number: whichhas the .address of ~ 6 B LINCOLN LANE [Street] 'TBAYNE [City], WyomingB3~ì /Zip Code] (".Property Address"); TOC:iETilliR WITH .all the .linprovements now or .hereafter erected on the property, .and .all easements, llppurtenances llI1d:fixtures now or .hereafter .a part of the property. .All replacements llI1d Mditions .shall.also be covered by !his Security lnstrument. .All of the foregoing is referred 10 in this Security lnstrument ~ the "Property." .Borrower llIlderstands .and .agrees that MERS hoMs only legal title to the .interests ~d by Borrower in !his Security .Instrument; .' but, if .necessary to cornp]y with Jaw or custom, MERS, (as nominee for Lender .and Lender's successors llI1d liSsigns), has the right: to exercise.any or .all of those interests, indllliin£, but not limited to, the IÏ£ht to foreclose .and sell the Property; llI1d to take .any .action required of Lender indllliin£, but not limited to, r~I~:I~jn£ or canceling this Security .Instrument. BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seized of the estate hereby conveyed .and has the right to .m.ortgage, .grant.and convey the .Property .and that the Property is unencumbered, except for -encumbrances of recorn. .Borrower warrants llI1d will defend ~enera1ly the title to the Property lIgainst .all claims llI1d ci~m:lnc!~, .subject to .any -encumbrances of record. THIS .sECURITY JNSTRUMENT combines J.lDifonn covenants for .nat:ionalllSe llI1d .non-11nifonn covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute .a J.lDifonn security instrument covering real property . Borrower.and lender .covenant llI1d .agree JlS follows: UNIFORM COVENANTS. 1. Payment of Principal, Interi!St and Late Charge. .Borrower shall pay w.hen .due the principal of, llI1d interest on, the debt evidenced by the Note.and late .charges .due 11Dder the Note. 2. Monthly Payment of Taxes, Insurance and Other Charges. Borrower shall include in :each.monthly payment, together with the principal.and interest JlS set forth in the Note .and .any late .charges, a sum for (a) taxes.and special JlSsessments levied or to be levied lIgainst the Property, (b) leasehold payments or .ground rents on the Property,.and (c) premiums for insurance required 11Dder paragraph 4.ln.any year in which the Lender.must pay .a mortgage insurance premium to the .secretary of Housing llI1d Urban Developrr¡t:Dt ("Secretary "), or in.any year in which such premium would bave been required if.Lender still.held the Security .Instrument, each monthly payment shall.also .include either: (i) .a sum for the .annual.mortgage insurance premium to be paid by Lender to the Secretary, or (ii) .a .monthly .charge instead of .a mortgage insurance premium if !his .security .Instrument is .held by the Secretary,.in .a reasonable .amount to be det~rmin~d by the Secretary. Except for the.monthly .charge by the Secretary, these.items .are.called 'Thcrow ltems" llI1d the.sums paid to lender .are.called 'Thcrow Funds." .Lender .may, at .any time, .collect .and hold :lmonnts for Escrow ltems .in an .aggregate .amount not to exceed the m:lximnm .amount that.may be required for Borrower's :escrow.account 1IDder the.Real Estate Settl~m~nt Procedures Act of 1974, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. .and .linpl~m~ntin,e, regulations,.24 CPR Part 3.500, JlS they .may be.amended from time to time ("RESPA "), except that the cushion or reservepennitted by RESPA for unanticipated disbursements or .disbursements before the .Borrower's payments .are av.ailable in the .account.may not be based on .amounts due for the .mortgage insurance premium. 005B0625ìO .-4N(WY) (05D9) (!) f'.age.2 Df 9 I~: cft ) / ..,....-..............-....... ,...,.,...,.......... "'~...-.'.....,..,.'"....."......-'...~.,., 0921.53'0 000003 Jf the .amounts .heJd by Lender for Escrow 1tems exceed the.amounts pennitted to be.heJd by RESPA, lender shall .account to .Borrower for the excess funds liS required by RESP A. Jf the.amounts of funds .heJd by lender at MY :time Me J10t snffi r.ient to pay the Escrow Items w.hen .due, lender .may .notify the .Borrower llI1d require .Borrower to.make up 1be Bhortage JlS pennitted by RESPA. .' Jhe Escrow Funds Me:pledged liS Mditional .security for .all sums secured by !his .security lnstrument.Jf.Borrower :tenders to lender the full payment of.all suchsums,.Borrower's .account .shall be credited with the balance r~m:lininr; for .all in~t:ll1m~nt items (a), (b), .and (c) .and .any .mortgage insurance prenllllIIl inst:lllment .that Lender has .not become obligated to pay to the Secretary,.and lender shall promptly refund .any excess funds to Borrower. Tmmerti~t~ly prior to II foreclosure sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, Borrower's account .shall be -Credited with.any balance r~m:lininf for .all.inst:lllm~nt~ for items (a), (b), llI1d (c). 3. A.pplication of P.ayments. All payments under paragraphs 1 .and.2.shall be.applied by lender liS follows: 'First, to the~e.insurance premium to be paid by lender to the .secretary or to the monthly rllarge by 1be .secretary instead of the monthly mortgage insnrance premium; .second, to .any :æxes, Epecia.lJlSsessments, behold payments orp-ound rents, llI1d :fire, ilood .and other l1azard insurance premiums, liS required; Third, to:interest rlue nnder the Note; Fourth, to .amortization of the prinr.ipal of the Note; .and Fifth, to late rllar,ges due nnder the Note. 4. Fire, Flood and Other Hazard Insurance. .Borrower .shall insure .all .improvements on the .Property, w.hether now in existence or subsequently erected, against .any .hazards, !:aSualties,.and contingencies, indnniTlt :fire, for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance .shall be m:lint:lin~d in the .amounts .and for the periods .thatLender requires. .' .Borrower .shall.also insure .all.improvements on íhe Property, whether .now in existence or .subsequently erected,.against loss by floods to the extent required by the Secretary. All insurance shall be carried with L:omp:lnies .approved by lender. The insurance policies llI1d .any renewals .shall be .heJdby lender llI1d .shall incJude loss payabJe clauses in favor of, llI1d in.a fonn acceptabJe to, lender. ln the event of loss, Borrower .shall give Lender immediate .notice by mail. lender :may .make proof of loss if J10t .made promptly by .Borrower. .Each.insurance company concerned is..hereby .authorized llI1d directed to.make payment for such Joss directly to lender, instead of to Borrower llI1d to lender jointly. All or MY part of the insurance proceeds:may be applied by Lender, .at its option, :either (a) to the reduction of the indebtedness 1IDder íhe Note llI1d this Security lnstrument, :first to .any delinquent .amounts llpplied ill the order in paragraph 3, llI1d then to prepayment of principal, or (b) to the restoration or repair of the damaged Property. Any .a.pplication of the proceeds to the principaJ .shall.not extend or postpone the .due date of the.monthly payments which Me referred to ill paragraph.2, or cl1ange the.amount of such payments. Any excess insurance proceeds over .an .amount required to pay .all outstandin,g indebtedness 1IDder the Note llI1d this Security lnstrument.shall be paid to the entity kgally:entiíJed thereto. ln the event of foreclosure of !his Security lnstrument or other 1ransfer of 1i.tle to the .Property .that extinguishes íhe indebtedness, .all :right, íitJe llI1d .interest of Borrower ill.and to insurance policies .in force .shall pass to the purchaser. 5. Occupancy, Preserv.ation,·.Maintenanœ .and Protection of the Property; Borrower'.s Loan Application; Leaseholds. .Borrower .shall occupy, establish, llI1d use the .Property liS .Borrower's principal residence within sixty days .after the execution of this Security lnstrument (or within .sixty .days of a later sale or transfer of the .Property) llI1d shall continue to occupy the Property JlS Borrower's princip.al residence for .at least one year .after the date of occupancy, unless Lender detennines that requirement will cause .undue hardslllp for .Borrower, or unless extenll~tinp; circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. .Borrower .shall.notüy Lender of any extenll~tinß circumstances. Borrower .shall.not wmmit WJlSte or destroy, damage or substantially cl1ange the .Property or .allow :the Property to .deteriorate, reasonabJe wear llI1d tear excepted. lender .may inspect the .Property if the Property is vacant or .abandoned or the loan is in default. Lender :may íalœ reasonab]e .action to protect llI1d preserve such vacant or .abandoned Property. Borrower .-4N(WY) (0509) ~ ~"geBDf Initials: ~ :::J¡i; :::~&jr~!:\:~:¡i;S ~:I~!~¿:'Zt~~¡Z1{~~i~l!1 !?~¡~i'î~~'I!~i!:~ ~ ::::~:::~I:::~::~:::; I ;:.~t:~~~:!:.:" i i ' u. ... ...I...:u I ¡ O 9.....~AI r....IO· ~'-8..\.du 000004 .shall.alsobe in default if.Borrower, during the loan application process, ~ve m:lt~ri:llly false or .inaccurate .information or st:!t~m~nt~ to Lender (or failed to provide Lender with any m:lt~rial infonnation) in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, indllfHn£;, but not limited to, representations concerning .Borrower's occupancy of the Property liS a principa] residence. If.this Security Instrument is on 1i behold, .Borrower .shall comply with the þfovisions of the lease. ]f .Borrower 1iCquires fee title to the Property, the Jeasehold .and fee title shall not be .merged .unless Lender .agrees 10 the.merger .in writing. 6. Condemnation. The proceeds of .any 1iward or .claim for .darruIges, direct or consequential, in connection with any conn~mn:ltion or other tak:ing of .any part of the Property, or for conveyance in place of connp.mn:!tion, are .hereby .assigned .and .shall be paid to Lender to the extent of the full.amount of the indebtedness that remains unpaid llD.der the Note llI1d this ..security Instrument. .Lender .shall apply .such proceeds to the reduction of the IDdebtedness 1IDder the Note llI1d this ..security lnstrumen1, iirst to.any delinquent .amounts applied in the order provided in paragraph 3,.and then 10 prepayment of principaL Any 1iPplication of the proceeds to the p:rincipa.l shall not extend or postpone the.due date of the ..monthly payments, which Me referred to in par1igraph 2, or cl1an,ge the .amount of such payments. Any excess proceeds over .an .amount required to pay .all outstanding indebtedness nnder the Note .and this ..security lnstrument .shall be paid 10 .the:entity legally :entitled thereto. Î. Charges to Borrower lUld Protection of .Lender's Rights in the Property. Borrower .shall pay .all go~rn~nt:ll or municipal .charges, :ñnes llI1d .impositions that.are not .included in paragraph 2. Borrower shall pay these obligations on time directly to the :entity which is owed the payment. IT failure to pay wocldlUlversely .affect Lender's .interest in the Property, llpon .Lender's request .Borrower .shall promptly furnish to.Lender receipts evinp.n~inE these payments . ]f .Borrower fails to.make these payments or the pllyments required by par&graph 2, or fails to perfonn.any other covenants .and .agreements conta.ined .in this Security lnstrument, or there is 1i .legal proceeding that.may ~iV1iti~:lntly .affect Lender's rights .in .the Property (such liS a proceeding .in bankruptcy, for connp.mn:!tion or to enforce Jaws or regulations), then.Lender.may .do .and pay w.hatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property llI1d .Lender's rights .in the Property, .including payment of taxes, l1azard .insurance.and other .items .mentioned in paragraph 2. Any .amounts disbursed by lender 11Dder .this par1igraph shall become an l:ld.ditional 1iebt of Borrower llI1d be secured by this ..security .Instrument. These .amounts .shall bear interest from the date of disbursement, Jltthe Note rate, .and.at the option of .Lender, .shall be.b:ru:nediate]y .due.and pllyab]e. Borrower .shall promptly discharge .any lien which has priority over !his Security .Instrument .unless Borrower: (a) .agrees in writing to the payrœnt of the obligation secured by the lien .in 1i.manner 1iCceptabJe to lender; (b) contests.in £ood .faith the lien by, or defends llgainstenforcement of the lien.in, legal proceedings which.in the .Lender's opinion operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien; or (c) secures from the..holder of the lien.an .agreement satisfactory 10 Lender subornin:lti~ the lien to this ..security Instrument. ]f.Lender determines that.any part of the Property is .subject 10 .a lien which.may .attain priority over this Security Instrument, .Lender .may give Borrower 1i.notice identifying the lien. ..Borrower .shall satisfy the lien or take one or :more of the .actions set forth above within 10 .days of the giving of .notice. 8. Fees. .Lender .may collect fees .and charges anthorized by the Secretary . 9. Grounds for Acceleration of Debt. (a) Default. Lender .may, except JlS limited by regulations issued by the Secretary, jn the case of payment defaults, require .ll:ru:nediate payment .in full of .all sums secured by !his Security Instrument if: (i) .Borrower np.f:llllt~ by failing 10 pay in full.any .monthly payment required by !his Security Instrument prior to or on the .due.date of the.next .month]y payment, Dr (ü) .Borrower defaults by failing, for 1i period of thirty days, to perform.any other obligations contained.in !his Security lnstrument. (b) Bale Without Credit Approval..Lender .shall, ifpennitted by applicable Jaw (inr.1llnin£; Section 341 (d) of the Gam-St. Germain Depository Jnstitutions Act of 19&2,12 U.S.C.1ï01j-3(d)) .and with the prior .approval of the Secretary, require .b:ru:nediate payment.in full of.all sums secured by !his Security Instrument if: G-4N(WY) (05D9) (!) Inrnabs: (2 If 'f'.a¡¡e4 of 9 - / / .'--'."'''. """"".'.'.' ,,,co,......,.. ,~""",~",,,,,,,,,._.., '~"""""_"',"_~.'~" '.........'.."..... . , . ',~ .".-'-".-.... ....~-,,"'- .~".,--", ",. .-'..:.,','."."'. , 9rjl.1.r-~¿Jf'¡ o . ~.. d'-...~'U 000005 (i) All or part of the Property, or a beneficial.interestin a trust owning .all or part of the .Property, is soM or otherwise transferred (other than by devise or descent), .and (ü) The .Property is,not occupied by the purchaser or.grantee JlS.his or.herprindp:l1 residence, or 1he purchaser or .grantee 1l0es .so occupy the Property but 1ùs or .her credit has not been .approved' in 2Ccordance with the requITements of the .secretary . (c) No Waiver. 1f circumstances occur :that would permit Lender to require funnediate pllyment ill full, but i Lender does mt require such payments, Lender does ,not waive its :rights with respect to subsequent events. . (d) Regulations of HOD Secretary. 1n.many circumstances regulations issued by the Secretary willllinit Lender's :rights, ill the case of payment defaults, to require immediate payment in fullllI1d foreclose if mt paid. This Security lnstru.ment does not .authorize 2CCeleration or foreclosure if not pennitted by regulations of the Secretary . (e) Mortgage Notlnsured. Borrower 1IgIees :tbatifthis Security lnstrument llI1d the Note aremt detennined to be :eligib]e for insurance liDder the National RousÏ11£ Act within 60 days from the date .hereof, Lender .may, .at .lis option, require nnmediate payment in:full of .all sums secured by !his Security lnstrument. A writteu statement of .any :ll1thori7ed .agent of the Secretary dated .subsequent to 60 days from the date l1ereof, dedinin,g to .insure !his Security lnstrument llI1d the Note, .shall be 1ieemed conclusive proof of such in~lilìhility. Notwithstanding 1he foregoing, !his option.may mt be exercised by lender when the unavailahility of .insurance is sOJely .due to .Lender's failure to remit .a .mortgage .insunmce premium to the Secretary . 10. Reinstatement. .Borrower has a :right to be reinstated if Lender has requITed funnediate payment ill full because of Borrower's failure to pay .an .amount due under the Note or íhis Security lnstrument. This :right .applies even .after foreclosure proceedings .are instituted. To reinstate the .secnrity lnstrument, Borrower .shall tender ill .a Jump .sum .all .' .amounts required 10 bring .Borrower's 2CCOunt current indl1r1in,g, to the extent they llIe ohliZ;¡tions of .Borrower JJI1der !his Security lnstrument, foreclosure costs .and reasonable .and ClStomary .attorneys' fees llI1d expenses properly liSsociated with the foreclosure proceeding. Upon r-eimt:ltp.mp.nt by .Borrower, this .securitylnstrument llI1d the obligations :that it .secures .shall remain in effect JlS if Lender .bad ,not required immediate payment ill full. Rowever. Lender is J10t required topennit rcinst:ltp.m~nt if: (i) lender has accepted rcinst:lt~m~nt .after the commencement of foreclosure proceedings within two years nnmediately preceding the C01IlIIJencement of .a current foreclosure proceeding, (ü) reinst:lt~nt will preclude foreclosure on.different grounds ill the future, or (ill) reinst;¡t~m~nt will .adversely .affect the priority of the lien created by !his Security lnstrument. 11. .Borrower Not Released; ForbeaT1U1ce .By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the :time of payment or .modification of.amorti2.ation of the sums secured by this Security lnstrument granted by Lender 10 .any successor ill interest of Borrower .shall not operate 10 release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower'.s successor illinterest. Lender .shall mt be required to com1TlP.n~ proceedings .against .any .successor in interest or refuse to extend :time for payment or otberwiseJUodify .amortization of the sums secured by !his Security lnstrument by reason of .any n~m:lncj Jnade by the ori,ginal.Borrower or .Borrower's successors in.interest. Any forbearance by .Lender in exercising.any TIght or remedy.shall,not be .a waiver of or preclude the exercise of .any right or remedy. 12. Successor.s.and ABsigns .Bound; loint .and Several Liability; Co-Signer.s. The covenants llI1d 1IgIeements of !his Security lnstrument .shall bind .and benefit the ElCCessors llI1d liSSÏgns of Lender llI1d .Borrower, subject to the provisions of paragraph 9(b). .Borrower's covenants llI1d 1IgIeements .shall be joint llI1d several. Any .Borrower wlJ.o co-sjgns this Security lnstrument but lloes ,not execute :the Note: (a) is co-signing .this .security lnstrument only to JUOrtgage, grantllI1d convey ibat.Borrower'.sinterestinthe Property under the tenns of !his .security 1nstrument; (b) is mt personal]y obligated to pay the sums secured by !his Security In.st:rument;.and (c) 1IgIeesibatLender .and.any other .Borrower .may 1IgIee to extend, .modify, forbear or make .any .accommodations with regard to the tenns of this Security lnstru.ment or the Note without ibat.Borrower's consent. ;';.j,' 'i.iij"_ :Ii~¡:!~::~*::¡~:; , ....Lr:t~CiYili:ru .--4N(WY) (0509) Œ> f>"ge ii Df 9 Ini!UiJs:~ ~~8~~~lli¡1~¡1~ ¡~~~jJ~;{~~~~~ . .~.._.,.,...,.. '.' ."...... , ...~,.."'~--'._.~'.... .'.-...'.............. .~. .'," ..~~-,-..."-"'~,............. -'~".~..._.....' ...... "".""-.-.,,',....,'."..,., 0921.5~~O 000006 13. Notiœs. Any notice to Borrower provided for in ibis Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by m:lilinl it by :first dass mail unless llpplicable Jaw requires llSe of another .method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address or.any other .address .Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by :first cJass mail to lender's .address stated herein or any .address lender designates by notice to .Borro~r. Any notice provided for in !his Security Instrument shall be deemed to l1ave been given to .Borrower or lender w.hen given JlS prov.ided in ibis paragraph. :14. Governing Law; Beverability. This Security In.st:rument shall be governed by Federal Jaw.and the law of the I jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that .any provision or clause of !his Security lnstrument or the Note' conflicts with llpplicabJe Jaw, BUCh conflict shall not .affect other provisions of !his Security lnstrument or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. To ibis end the provisions of ibis Security lnstrument .and the Note.are declared to be $everabJe. 115. .Borrower'.s Copy. Borrower .shall be ~ven one L:onfonned copy of the Note llI1d of !his Security Instrument. :16. Hazardous Bubstances. .Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of .any Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. .Borrower shall not do, nor .allow .anyone clse to do,.anything .affecting the Property that is in violation of .any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall TIot llPply to the :presence, use, or storage on the Property of .small quantities of Hazardous Substances that .are genenilly recognized to be llppropriate to nonnal residentialllSes llI1d to m:lint~n:ln~ of the Property. Borrower $hall promptly give lender written notice of .any investigation, claim, ne.m:lnn, Jawsuit or other .action by .any govp.rnmp.nt:Jl or regulatory llgency or private party involving the Property .and .any JIazardous Substance or Environme.nt:lllaw of which .Borrower has .actual Jrnowledge. If.Borrower learns, or is notified by.any ~ove.rnme.nt:ll or regulatory anthority, that .any remov1Ù or other remediation of .any Hazardous Substances .affecting the Property is .' 11ecessary, Borrower shall promptly take .all 11ecessary r-emed.ial.actions in .accordance with Envirnnme.nt:lllaw. As used in ibis paragrllph 16, "Hazardous Substances" .are those substances defined JlS toxic or luwu-dous 1>ubstances by Environmp.nt:lllaw.and the following substances: gasoline, Jœrosene, other tl:lmm:lhl~ or toxic petroJeum products, toxic pesticides .and l1erhicides, volatile solvents, :materials cont:linin£ JlSbestos or fOTTTI:llnp.hyde,.and radioactive :materials. As llSed in ibis paragraph 16, "Environmental law" .means federal Jaws .and Jaws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that r-elate to.health, .safety or environme.nt:ll protection. NON-UNJFORM COVENANTS. .Borrower .and Lender further covenantllI1d agree JlS follows: 17. Assignment of:Rents. .Borrower lUlConditionally liSSi,gns .and transfers to Lender all the rents llI1d revenues of the Property. Borrower .authorizes lender or Lender's .agents to L:ollect the rents llI1d reve1ll.1eS .and .hereby directs each 1enant of the Property to pay :the rents to lender or Lender'..s llgents. Bowever, prior to Lender's notice to .Borrower of .Borrower's breach of .any covenant or agreement in the Security Instrument,Borrower shall J::ollect.and receive.all rents llI1d revenues of the Property liS trustee for the benefit of.Lender .and .Borrower. This JlS~ilTßT1e.nt of rents L:onstiíutes .an llbsolute JlS~i Vl~nt llI1d not.an JlSsignment for .additional security only. If Lender gives notice of breach to .Borrower: (a).all rents received by Borrower $hall be .held by .Borrower liS trustee for benefit of Lender only, to be llpplied to the sums secured by the Security lnstrument; (b) Lender shall be :entitled to collect.and receive.all of the rents of the Property; .and (c) each 1enant of the Property .shall pay all rents .due llI1d unpaid to Lender or lender's agent on lender's written demand to the 1enant. Borrower has not executed.any prior JlSsiVlme.nt of the rents .and has not.and will TIOt perform.any .act that would prevent Lender from exercising its TIghts 1IDder ibis paragraph 17. Lender .shall not be required to enter 11pon, take control of or m:Jint:l;n the Property before or .after giving notice of breach to .Borrower. JIowever, Lender or II judicially llppointed receiver may do so at.any time there is II breach. Any llPplication of rents $hall TIOt L:llIe or waive .any default or invalidate .any other ri,ght or remedy of Lender. This JlSsignment of rents of the Property .shall tP.TTTIin:lt~ w.hen the debt ..secured by the Security lnstrument is paid in full. .4N(WY) (0509) @ Initials: elf- P.ageBDf 9 rJ> 1.t-- ø , 0 09r... ._£~ 000007 18. Foreclosure Procedure. ]f Lender requires hnmediate payment fu fullnnder paragraph 9, Lender :may fuvoke the power of sale Md MY other remedies permitted by applicable law. Lender .shall be entitled to eollect .all expenses .incurred .in pursuing the remedies provided .in this paragraph 18, including, but Dot limited 10, reasonable llttomeys' fees Md costs of title evidence. . ]f Lender fuvokes the power of sale, Lender .shall give .notice of intent to foreclose to £orrower .and to the person.in possession of the Property, if .different,.in JiCCOr.dance with applicable law. Lender shall give DOtice of the sale to Borro~r fu the manner provided .in paragraph 13. Lender .shall publish the Dotice of sale, Md the Property.shall be sold in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Lender or its designee :may purchase the Property .at MY sale. The proceeds of the sale.shall be applied in the following order: (a) to all expenses of the 5ale, including, but Dot limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; (b) to all sums secured by this Secudty Instrument; Md (c) any excess to the person Dr persons legally entitled to it. lf the Lender's interest in this Security Instrument is held by the Secretary Md the Secretary requires hnmediate payment .in fullnnder Paragraph 9, the Secretary :may fuvoke the Dol\Ïudicial power of sale provided in the Single Family Mortgage Foreclosure· Act of 1994 ("Actlt) (12 U.S.C.3751 et seq.) by requesting a foreclosure rommissioner rlM;ign~t(>d nnder the Act to rommpnl'(> foreclosure Md to sell the Property .as provided in the Act. Nothing fu the preceding .sentence.shall deprive the Secretary of My rjgbts otherwise available to.a Lender under this Paragraph 18 or .applicable law. 19. Release, Upon payment of .all sums secured by this Security Instrument, lender Ehall reJease !his Security lnstnlment wiíhout charge to .Borrower. Borrower Ehall pay.any recordation costs. I i 201. Waivers. Borrower waives .all Tights of llOmestead exemption .in the Property llI1d relinquishes all rights of curte~y .and dower .in the Property . I I 21. :Riders to this Security InstrlJDlent. If one or .more riders lITe executed by Borrower llI1d recorded together with :this Security lnstrument, the covenants of t:ach such rider Ehall be incorporated into llI1d Ehall JlDlelld llI1d supplement :the covenants llI1d .agreements of this Security lnst.rnIrent liS if the rider(s) were a part of !his Security lnstruInent. ICbeckapplicable box(es)]. D Condomininm Rider D Growing Equity .Rider D Other Ispecify] D Planned U.Dit Development.Rider D Graduated Payment.Rider 005B0626ìD G-4N(WY) (D5D9) @ CPJ!ge 7 »1 ¡¡ In~: (} It- 1;::::*:::::::~:i!::¡1 ;,,'.·.·'·lt4·4·.~ 'I 1.:.'.'.';.'£~a!.!.!.i....I. ~ffi;~m~~~~m~;~ 0921530 000008 .BY SIGNING JillLOW, .Borrower .accepts llI1d .agrees 10 the renns rontained in !his Security lnstrument llI1d.in.any :rider(s) executed by .Borrower llI1d recorded with it. Witnesses: (Seal) -Borrower (Seal) -Borrower (Seal) -Borrower 005B062£ì D .-4N(WY) (0509) @ Page a 1)1 9 ~Æ.~ CHRIS A1JSTIN AKA OffiIS R. (Seal) AUSTIN-Borrower (Seal) -Borrower (Seal) -Borrower (Seal) -Borrower (Seal) -,Borrower I / / '\ ...------_...,-~,-,. .-.__..__._-~.- .' - ....._~_..._.-.-,., ~----.--'.~_,'. ...,_<_ ~.·L_ "; .......--. ,,_., . ~ '..... '." ···..r··. _ ,. ..''""_ .......~. . OQ<r;Þ1.r-": ~f. J""'" oJ. ,"-,hJ'V 000009 STATE OF WYOMING, :.LINCOLN County 55: The foregoing instrument was .acknowledged before.me 1his lith day o£ AuguS't~ 1006 by CHRIS AUSTIN AKA CHRIS R. AUSTIN My Commission Expires: .9-l5-07 A¿~Cv MAÅÁ~ Notary Public ~ GLORIA K. BYERS. NOTARY PUBLJC County l:)f .' Lincoln '.' State .of ~ M ,Wyoming j - Y CommIssIon .Expires Sept. 15,2007 I ~{J- o05BD52fiìO .--4N(WY) (0509) @ Cf'age ¡¡ of ¡¡ ';'~~1·:·If.~~~1!~ ;~::;&:;!~¿, ;I:nm~mm~¡1;~f~ i 09r>. . '" r <'t O""L ~ 04\.. ~..J __'t \ 0000.10 £xhibit A File 6010615764 Description The land referred 10 in this document is l>ituated in 1he State of Wyoming, County of LiIlcoln,.ID1d is described.as follows: A portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of SectiOJl19, Township 34 North Range 118 West of the 6tbp.M.,LiIlcoln COUJlty, WyomillgJllld bein.g more particularly described as follows: THE TRUE .POINT OF BEGINNING being JIll Iron .Pipe set .at .a pomt in. the West line of .said Southeast Qu.arter of the Northwest Qu.arter of the Northeast Quarter, said pomt bein.g 334.63 feet South 0°44 '40~' West from the B.LM.type IDOJlUIDent fonud marking the Northwest corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Qu.arter of the Northeast Quarter; thence South 89°:59'05" East, 660.00 feet to JIll Iron .Pipe set Jit Ji pomt in. the::East line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence South 0°41 ~31'" West, .along .said:East line, 334.20 feet to the B.L.M. type monument fOUJldmarJdng the Southeast corn.er of.said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence South 89°58'42" West, .along the South line of 5aid Southeast Qu.a.rter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter~ 660.32feettotheBJ..M. type monUIDentfonud marking the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence North 0044~40" East, .along said West line, 334.63 feet to the TRUE.POINT OF .BEGINNING. i I I i I ¡ i '. I I : ~,.v···'·T~:r"":'r"",¡;"'--' "....."., .JUL-Ut¡-..:'WUb .l~:t>1: I , I i I I , j , ,. .....'...;..",.:;..-...:......,:..., . . :. .':.10...........,..,.','. .,...........:-,;-'. .... . "'~','- '."',', ' .. ' j<"lrS1; .i10rlZOn .t' . U.l ~FIRST . ~ HORIZONJ21530 HOMEWANS 00001.:1. Record1UldRetum 0 by Mail 0 by Pickup to: , , FHHLC Post Clo.sing Mail Room 155:5 West Wß.lnut Hill Lane, =#200MC lTving,T-exas 75038 MANUFACTURED HOME :RIDER TO SECURITY JNSTRUMENT This Rider js made 1his / I t:A , And is incorporated into..and mnends 1Ind supplementsthe Mortgage, Open-End Mortgage, Deed ofT rust, Of CTeditLine Deed of Trust, .security Deed ("Security lnstrumenf') of the .same rlate given by the .undern~ned (''BOITOWef~) to secureBorrower-'j¡ Note to .First Horizon Home Loan Corporation (""Lender....) of 1he .same date ("Note"") .and l;:overing 1he Property .described in 1he Security Instrumenund 1DcAted lit dC,8 ~ -Y'~/ dß¡~/ tJ,/ [53127 (Proptt1}' Address) Borrower 1U1dLendeT .agree that íhe Security lnstrument ¡umendeLl :and supplèJnented toreari.as SoUows: 1. Meaning of Some Words. As used jn:tbjsRider,1be1erm A'LoanDocuments;'-means1he Note, :the ..security Instrument lind MY Construction Lo.an Agreement, .and :the 1erm ""Property", AS:that 1em1 is definoo in the Security Instrument, i~bìIles:the ""Manufactured Home" described in par.agr.aph.3 of this Rider. AIl1erms defined in the Nate or:the Security] o strum ent smIl nave !he same meaning in :this Rider. 2. Pl1Tpose.and .Effect ofJUder_ JFTHERE]5 A CONFLICT BETWEEN THE PROVlSlONS IN THIS RIDER AND THOSE1N THE SECURITY 1NSTRUMENT~ THE PROVISIONS JNTHIS RIDER SHALL CONTROL. THE CONFLICTING PROV1SJONS IN THE SECURTIY INSTRUMENT WILL BE ELIMINATED OR MODIFIED AS MUCH AS IS NECESSARY TO MAKE ALL OFTHE CONFLlCTING TERMS AGREE WITH THIS lUDER. 3. Lenrler~.s .8ecllrity lnterest. AU DfBorrower;s obJigations secured by the Scc.urity Imtnunent ..also JiihaJl be secured by tbe Manufactured Horne: /998 Ch~ N1::wlUsed y~ Manufaetu r's Name Model Name Dr Model No" Serial No. ~7·)I ~ t..c Len!tb x Wk11h 4. AffintiOJ1. (a) to Jiffix the Manufactured Home to..a pennanent foundation on the Property; (b) :to. comply with:all App]jc.able..Lawregarding the .affixation of the Manuf~turcd Home 10 :the Property; '.' ri/t"-,J, of 3 w~m¡~äf:;l;~: ccr=~ h ,.".".",.,-"...:.\~ ';" ¡ ;;,:;: :1~~~ ~!: ~¡:;;:~i::; ~~~ill;;mt;f~!~~: I; ~ ~; ~~~illi~~J1 I ! i .. ··········f"··y'········ i uU.L-Ub-':':;UUb .l':':;:t)tj );·lrst. .t1orl:zon I i 0921.~3tj I I i ! ··.,....L..._·....·.· ,~~"'...·....c".,...·"'·....'.·.,'..,'.·.·.....,.,......_,.~_: ,,¡':,...' -,',.,-."....'...'.'\... :t' . u.:.:; (,,) upon' ~ ld"'''''' _".....r.· -+" ';"rr.anrL.r+b. ...~rf:.."..1h "f"1;tl... tro 1'''''' ?\iI"'...I1f"Q"tl1....,¡ HomeOO00.12 "'" .LiÇ...., .;} .IAw&.f.u....,..u.~..u.J....,.u.,.,II.uIw'& ~.""'''''''''''''.I.'''''U'''''''" .......... 'tv ..&... "..-I.I...U*A.......~_...... .:surr~nder 1s pennitted by Applicable Law, and to obtain the requisite governmental .approval.and documcntationnecessary 10 classify the Manufactured Horne as real property under Applicable Law; (11) 1hat affoong the Manufactured Home to the Property does 110t violate any zonin..g law.s or other local requirements applicable to the Property; (e) that the M~factured Home wj] be, ata11 times and for.all purposes, pennahently .affixed to and part of the Property. 5. Cha.rges; Liens. Section 4, Paragraph I ofíhe Security Instrument is amended to.add! new third sentence to read: .Borrower shall promptly furnish to .Lender All notices of .amounts :to .be paid llnder this paragraph and receipts ~videncjng 1he payments. -:6. Property InsurJlDte Section 5, 'P.amgmph 1 Dfthe Security lnstrument is .amended ÍD;add.a 1\ew .second sentence to :read: Whenever the M.anufactured Horne is tnmsported on the hjghw.ay, Borrower must.haVi: trip insurance. 7. Notices. The second 5entence of .section 15 of the .security lnstrument is .amended by inserting 1he words "'unless otherwise required by jaw'" .at the :end. 8. Additional E"ents ofDefauIt. (a) if.any .5tructure on the Property, incJudin,g the Manufactured Home, .shall be removed, .ckmolished, Dr 5ubstantÙtlly ~1f:red; (b) if Borrower fails to ~omply with JUt)' -requirement of Applicable Law (Lender, however, may comply .and .add the expense to the principal balAnce Borrower DWes 10 Lender); or (c) if Borrower grants or permits.any lien on the Property other than Lender'.s lien,Dr liens for:taxes .and ..assessments that.are not yet due..and payable. 9. Notice ofDefBlllt. lfrequired by Applicable Law, befor~ using..a remedy, Lenderwi11.send Borrower any notice required by law, and w.ait for .any cure period that the law may require for that remedy. 10. Additional Rights of Lender .in Event of Foreclosure and 5a.le. In addition 10 those -rights gnmted ìn the Note .and Security InStrUment, .Lender sMIJ Ílave the folJowing rjghts in the event L-ender .commences proceedings forme foreclosure..and sale of1he Property. (a) At Lender's option, to the f:xtent pennitted by ApplicabJe Law, Lender may clectto 1r-eat the Manufactured Home 1I.S personal property (<<Personal Property Collaternl"), .Lender may repossess peat..'efully from the pJace where the Person.al Property CoUateral is JOCBted without BOlTower'.s pennission. .Lender .also may require Borrower to 11Uke:the Personal Property Collateral available to Lender .at.a place Lender designates that is reasonably .convenient to L~nder .and Borrower, At .Lender's option, to the extent pennhted by ApplicableLaw,Lc:nder~y .detach.and remove Personal Property CoIJaternlfrom the Property, or Lender may .take possession of it .and leave it on the Property. .Borrower .agr~es to cooperate with Lender jf -ùnder ~xerc1~es 'these rights. p;a.ge 2 on ~-A- .. . .,.. .~'....,...". ,...... ···:··...·-....·,·,.··'''·-·..··.·_·..u··....·-· . .......,...." .,"'.'·'...·0, ,.,','. "_"""'_,.,.,..._",_,., .J UL-Ut)-~UUb J.~: DtI .i'·lrS1; ..t1OrlZOn :t'.U;j OÖ"'->:tr- ""0· J......,.. <J,-; 'b) After I ··...de-"?":e......sse5<'~.. I_..~......._n.. ......11..1>4 D......~....I D..~_. 1""...l1n*-..nl n..~nppl\!ílle \ . ~JI J"¡. pu J...." .J...o.A",...............A ~.A+4J ~...u .........u,.. ... ..\,tA....,JIIVLL4U . ~ Vt""'"'-- A..) ......va.u.u..a.....I-4U ....&.uu-.L&. J .5.D.le proceeds to Lender's reasonable T~possession, repair, storage, ~nd sale expenses, .and then toward .any other amounts Borrower owes under íhe Loan Documents. (c) 1n 1he event of ~y foreclosure .sale, whether nw:ie by Trnstee, Dr under judgment of.a .court,.all of the real .and Personal Property ColJateral may, ~t the option of Lender, be sold.a.s.a whole Dr in parcels. 1 t shall 110t be necessaI)' to ba ve present at the place of .such .sale tbe Personal Property CoJlmeral or:any part1hereof. .Lender as well ß Ttustee on Lender1~ behalf, shall have.all the 1'1.ghts, remedjes.and recaurse with respect1D1he Penionat Property Collateral.afforded to a ~S~cured Pvty" by ApplicabJ~ Law in llddhion to, ~md not in Jimitation of, the otherriEhts mId r~course afforded Lender and/or Trnsœe under the Security Instrument. OOOO~3 By .signing below, Borrower .accepts 1U1d.agrees 10 the terms lmd covenants 1::ontainedin this Rider I i~~;O p, (L~ Borrower Borrower STATE OF Wyoming '" )ss.; ) COUNTY OF ~ On the / ¡?!J .clay of . ~ ill the year r::J 0 O~ Before ~ ~~ub -. in J!IId for said5tate. person.ally .àppearod . per.sonally knoWD 1ð)né or provea 10 me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be1he .individuat(s) whosename(s) ß (are) subscrilied101he within înstrument.Md~knowledged1o me:thBt.helshelthey :executed 1he ..same .in his/herltheìr capacîty(ies), .and 1hat by hislher/thcir signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or1he person Dn behalf of which the individillll(s) Bcted, -e.:'(ecl1ted the instrument. Atfo./ÛcJ I-!. /J¿¡~ Notary S1.gnatnre - QLO~/A 101. ßYE~S; Notary Printed NaIrn: Notary PubHc; State of QuaJîfied in the County of My .commission -expjre1ì; Official Seal: (i~ q-/5-07 GLORIA K. BYERS - NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of Lincoln Wyoming My CommissIon Expires Sept. 15,2001 DrB.fte.d By: ,~~:¡:::::::: :::::::~2 ;:·~;:::i;~~~~1~:~: - .............,~... --,..".".,............ ,..',....,_.-.........',.,~... ~.......,' ,.',.~..,'.'..,...... , .', .........-....'" ~. , . ~..~="'.,....;.........""""....-"'....' ~.....""'........'.-,......."....:.".. '.'. uUJ...-UO-':'::UUb J..:.:::t)t j'"lrS"t .:t10rlZOn t".Ut ~fi~koN.09~1530 HOME LOANS 0000.14 Record JUld Return IJ by Mail Dby Pickup to: First Horjzon Home Loans Corporation Post Closing Mail RODm 1555 W. W~nulHil1Lane#200MC Jrving,)ßJGlS 75038 i 'I Ii Ii Ii MANUFACTURED HOME AFFIDAVIT OF AFFIXATION STATE OF Wyoming CO~TY OF (--/I V\ cpl ~ ) ) 55.: ) . BEFORE ME, the undersigned .notmy public, on this ¡jay personally 1J.Ppeared ~r\'s R. AMi1~ fiype rhe name of ~~h Homeowl1f!r .signing Ihis Atfuiovit]: known to me to be the person(s) whose name(s) îsI.are.subscribed below (each 11 ~'Homeowner""), and who, being by me: first fiuty swom, did :each on his Dr her oath state.as fotJows: 1. Homeowner owns 1he manuf.actured home ("Home") described liS follows: New/~ 3. ì(/q« Man~t::p7~m~ Mtd~ q14qM~6;; b A~' Serial No. ~~7W~ ~ TJ}e Home was built in compliance with the federal M11nufactured Home Constructiound Safety Standards Act. lfíhe Homeowner is the IlfSt retail :buyer of the Home, Homeowner is ín -receipt of (i)1he manufacturer's warr.anty for the Home, (ii) the Consumer Manual for the Home, (iii)1he lnsùlation Disclosure foríhe Home, .and (iv) theformaJdehyde health notice for the Home. T11e Home.is or wHl be located at the following "Property Address": 2. 4. :JG8 .stroot or Route Y;CVYVV City ~ úJY gEJ27 State Zip Code PAge 1 Df4 {J/l- ATIENTION COUNTY CLERK: Th is instrument .covers goods that.are or.are to become fix1llres on 1he .Land .described herein.and is to be :filled for record in the records where convey.ances of rea] estatelllc tecor.de.d. ,;.....¡~... ··:: .·t.;~: ~'l":.J.~..C~.:;...~ ;1,;,-:.,.:';",:·n·: ·:-:;\~~f:·~;·~.I.cd· ;""~:.:."j :'·~:I"':·':..:.!·".~··:\'. \.. (,1: ¡..... .. '.' ~ ¡. .' : : . . :.; :-..: r ~ .: \. , .',. \ i :.' :. i·;, (.!:.·d ~ '.. ....>. ~: :" J ~ ~:.. r':', .::, ~':: .: 1.1:. r·. .:' , '. .; I. ". ~. " .,'~' '.' I' \, ~. . ~; \oO t. .....;. : iJ I,' : t::,: ~ . 14. Th is AffJdav it js -execut~d by Homeowner(s) PUr5lU1J1t1o .appJic.able state law. of4 cJI- .~....__.,..,. .......,.'. . .J UL-Ut>-~UUb .r J. -6. 7. E. 9. --......,......-, ,·.·.·..,.....-u... '.,. "-"'-" J.n"'21r, "'~ n"',lrs't .:tior ,lzon 'OJ "dol 'Â~''U j"'.U~ 00001.5 "TJ.., I"._~I .Jo---:-":"'n Df'thcT)..~~· A ...~--" "". _....1"\ :"....._.."',1...1_". "'--J"'''''CSC- Q,",__I._..I 1__..1 , HI¡> ....5". ...."'~... "t'Ll..,' j Vr'~)' ~u...~", \ .L.oQ.UU ).t.3 lJ .......1.1 U,,'V.. v, y ~ ... ..--.u...u '''15'-'' description: See~ttached exhibit B for legal desriptk'ln i I I i , lD~ II n~ The Homeowner is the owner of the Land or, jf not the owner of the Land, is jn possession of the :rea] prDperty pursuant to A lease in recordable fonn, 1lIld the consent of the lessor is 'attached to :this AfildaviL The Home Ð is D .:shaH be anchored 10 the Land by.attachment to ~ permanent foundation, constructed in accordance with .1pplicable state and local buîlding codes JUld manufacturer'.s .:specifications in.a manner .:s.ufficient1o v.1Hdate any applicable uUl.l1ufBct.urer'.s wBJ'f.1nty,.and permanently connected to .appropriBte residential utilities (e.g., water,ga5, -eJectricjty,sewer) ("Pcnna.nently Affixed"). The Homeowner intends that the Home be ~n immoveable fixture and a permanent improvement to the Land. The Home shall be .assessed Bnd !axed as An improvement ÍD the Land. Homeowner .a.wees that as of today, or if the Home is not yet located At the Property Address, upon the delivery of the Home to the Property Address: (a) All permits required by govemmentalAuthorities have been obtained; (b) The foundation system for the Home was designed by .an ~nEineer1o meet the soil conditions of the Land- All foundations Me cOnStructed in .accor.dance with .1pplicabIe .state ..and ]ocal building codes, .and manu:fa.cíurer's .:specifications in.a manner 5l.1fficient to validate Bny Bpplicablemanuf.acturer'.:s w.arranty. (c) The wheel.s,.axles, towbar or hitch were removed when the Home was, or wi/l.be, placed On 1he l)roperty Address; Bnd (d) The Home is (i) Pemuwently AffIxed 10 a foundation, (ji).has the characteristics .of.site-buHt .housing, And (jii) is part of the Land. If 1he Homeowner is the owner of the .Land, .any ~onveYAnce Dr financing of the Home lUld the Land shaH -be.a .single 1ransactiotl under .applicable .state Jaw. Other than those disclosed m thjs Affidavit, the Homeowner js not.aw.1\tf: .of (i).any Dtber daJm, JHm Dr I:ncumbranee .affectinE the Home, (ij).any facts or information known to the Homeownerthat could reasonably affect the v.a1idity of the title Of1hc Home Dr the 1:XÌstence DfJJOn-etistence of security interests in it. A Homeowner .shall initial only one of 1he foJlowing, & it .applie.s ío title to the Home: I ] The Home 1s not covered by a ccrtifica.re of titJe. The odginal manufBCturer's :certificate of origin, duly endorsed to the "Homeowner, is attached 10 this Affidavit, ,or prevjollSly was recorDed in 1he real property rßcords of the jurisdiction where the Home is to be located. I ] The Home 1s not covered :by 21 certificate ofíitle. After diligent .search ~nd jnquiry.lhe Homeowner.is unable to produce the original :manufacturer'.:s ~rtîficate Df origin. I ] The ~ man.ufactur~r's certificate of origin Dcertific.ate of title to the Home .D .:shall be g has been 'L\liminated.as required by llpplicable law. I ] The Home .:sha1l be covered by.a certificate of title. The Homeowner -designates the foJJowing person to record t1Ús Affidavit in the real property records of!he jurisdiction where the Home is ío .be located and upon its recording it .:shall be :æturned by the recording offkerto the :same: Name: FkrtHorizonHomeLoan Corpomtion I J2~ 13. :::~1¡~~m!~~im~m~ :{~Uj\~~I~tæ -....."..~....... . ......., ...... .J UL-Ub-~UUb .1~: t)1:! j"lrs"t .i10rlzon 09~1SjO r'..1U 0000.16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Homeowner(s) has -executed tbis Affidavit in my presence:and in the presence of the Uõ~~~~ä::~n~1 . :~E:/wr~*' ~OO¡; . Homeowner:# 1 - Witne.ss Æ t'\<::> Printed Name R~ .ftlÁ~~1 Y'\ , , , (SEAL) Witness Homeowner :#2 Printed ~me (SEAL) Witness Homeowner ::#3 Printed Name STATE OF Wyoming ) )55.: COUNTY OF ~) I i On the II day of a.u.~. Q 0 0 {. ;n the year before me, the uruletsIgoed, B Notary Public ~n and for saId State, perso. Iy appeartd i . CAJiw.J ¡(J. fl.u4n/Y7~ persOnally known to me 1)r proved 10 me on the basis of .satisfactory evidence to be the indìv;dual(s) whose name(s) .is (.are) subscribed to the within instrument and .acknowledged to me that .he/shelthey executed the same in hlslherltheir capacity(its), ~nd 1bBt .by hislher/their 5ignature(s) on !he instrument, the individual(s), or the per:son on berntlf of which the individual(s) ~ted, executed:the instrument. .Alt~aJ )I, £ìJ ~' NDtary Signature ' -¡ GL0,l2/17 Ie!. ~YEI?S Notary Printed Nam e Notary Public; Stare Df Qualified jn the County of My commission ~xpires: ~ 9-/5-07 Official5eal; , '. GLORIA K. BYERS· NOTARY PÙBUC County of State of , lin9oln, ' . Wyoming , My Commrs~(onExpire'S'Sept 15~2oöT ' I " , " :',., ... "..' '. ,:.'" ," , , , .' .: ,', . '" ....,.,. . '. ....~ ".' ':":, :. "\.' '!'.:':: . ¡"..:'¡ ~." ".:'. .1!··..' :":'!:"'.¡", : ". Lender'.s Statement Df Jntent: P.a,ge 3 .of -4 I / 09Z1530 TJle undersigned e<Lende{') intends that the Home be an immoveable fixture and a pennanent improvement to the Land First Horizon Home Loan Corporation Lender By: ~~~" ~A-t- Authorize~ignature STATE Of Wyoming COUNTY OF -=::Idon ) )5S.: ) \ 0000.17 On 1he ~ day of A-()..c¡ . in 1he year ZlXXp Before me, the lJndersigned~PlJblic in and for ..said State, personally appeared LeJdy f<Wr1S . personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on the basis ofsatisfactory evidence to be the jndi\'idual(s) wJlose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that belshe/they executed the ..same . in hislber/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person on behalf of which the jndividuai(s) acted, executed the instrument. ~-r~ No ry Signature YV()fLr}IÀ-WffmrJ Notary Printed Name Notary Public; State of Qualified in the County of My £ommission expires: '!!j0rnifYj ih/ní1 MCìJ /51ZDo7 Official Seal: YVONNA TALERMO- NOTARY PUBUC County of ~ State of 7eton ~ Wyoming My Commission ExpIres May 15,2007 ,.