HomeMy WebLinkAbout921534 ¡~!miîmm~~~¡ 000024 A.SSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE FOR V ALIJE RECEIVED, the FIRST HORIZON HOME LOAN CORPORATION,.a corporation organized.and existing under the laws of the State OF KANSAS, the ' ' mortgage .named in that certain mortgage hereinafter described, does .hereby transfer, hssign, set over .and convey .all of its right,1itle .and mterestin .and to .said mortgage, which was given to said mortgagee by DONALD C AND LINDA A LLOYD .and 'appears recorded June 29, 2006 inBook 623PR , of mortgages, Page(s) 71 , in the office of the County Clerk of LiIlcoln County, Wyoming.and w.hich covers property described.as follows: \~ SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION RECEIVED 812112006.at4:1BPM RECElV1NG:# 921534 BOOK: 631 PAGE: 24 JEANNE WAGNER ..LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERE ..-.. .. R, WY 10getherwiíh the note or notes .secured thereby, 10 WYOMING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY its successors.and assigns, subject.however, 10.all of the agreements, conditions, covenants.and .stipulations therein contained, .as well.as .all rights of redemption provided by law. Dated this day of w-~ ¡ I hATE OF U~ COUNTY OF Gloria GO~ . The fo,~ jn§trumen¿:¿ acknowledged before me b~~ð~ 4. ~ Y/X i. &di.tx x#-. this _ ¿p'/74iayof ~¿/~ ~~~. rc~[j~ Witness my hand.and official seal. My Commi~sionExpires: Attest WONNATALERMO·NOTARYPUSUC County of ~ State 01 Teton ~ Wyoming My Commission ExpIres May 15,2007 ·.·--__......'...h_..,~m -~-~~~. ,..__ "._ L_____~".',__,,_'. _.._______...,.., '", -. ~__c........~_"""",-----,-&._.........._,~___._,_~,__.._ -' "---'~'~._,~~~". 0321.53.(1 Exhibit A :File 6010615399 Description 000025 The lm1d referred 10 :in 1his document is situated.in the State of Wyoming, COlinty of Lincoln, .and is descrjbed.as Îollows: Lo14 of Bear Hollow Twin Homes Subdivision,LincoIn Connty, WyomingJlS described on the official pIat:fiIed on J"nne20,2000in the Office of1heLincoIn Connty CJerkASInstrnmentNo. 866535.and Plat No. 393. ~~"r.ji·;"I) :;\N,~!N,: ·:th. c:·:~:'~~~':i:~ .._'.......,........~ .