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000047 RECORDATJON HEO.lJESTED.BY: =first Jntemæe.Bank ..Jack.sDn Jlllajn 13r.anch B42 WBS1.Bmadway P.D..Bax 11D55 -lacJcsDn, WY B3D!I2-1D55 WHEN RECORDED MAll "TD: =first Jnterstate.Bank ..Jack.sDn Main.Br.anch .842 WBS1.Brmsdway P.D..Box 11.095 ..Jack.sDn, WY B3DD2-1.o95 RECEIVED .812112006 .at4.:24 PM RECEIVJNG=# 921540 BOOK: fi31 PAGE:-47 Æ:ANNE WAGNER LINCOLN ~o.UNTY .c.t:ERK, KEMMERER, WY - U F.llStlnle1staœBank SPACE ABDVEttilS l.INE 15 FDR TŒCOR1)Eß'S USE DNL V .MORTGAGE MAXJMUM lJEN. "The.lien .ofjiili¡ Mtn1:gB.ge .shBJl nnt:Bxceed Bt.BJ1Y .one"1ime.$4] .500.00. "THJS MORTGAGE.rlated Au.9ust 18. .2006, .is made Bnd :Bxecuted betwBen DAVID RUTHABDT. whose BI:Irlr:ess .is 153.EAGJ.J: RIDGE RD, VJCTDR, ID B3455 Bnd VAl..ERJE RUTHABDT, whose .ad.dr:ess 15 153 XAGŒ RIDGE RD, VJCTDR, ID B3455 (referred"1o.DeJDw BS -GJ'BJ1ÍDr") Bnd First Jnterstate Bank, whose .Bdrl;:ess 15 B42 WS! .BrDBdw.ilY, P. D..BDx 11D95, ·J;¡"'lc$on, WY B30D2-1œ5 (rBferre.d"1o.below..itS '1.:Bnder"). .GRANT OF MD1ITßAGE. =fDr 1æluabuu:Dm:irl"nrtion, ßœrttor JDD1'tBiIgeS.and .I:Onveys :to.Lender ..all Df ßr.arttor'.s right, "title,..and interi!5t in-Bnd W "the iDlIDwjJlf .riescritJeL roe.al prDperty, W£ether with..all ~XÍ5tinf Dr "lIh""'l,uomly eer~ Dr Bffixed lluildings, imprDllf!ments -and iiX1urces; -all ~ments, rÌ£hts Df w.ay, ..and-app.uttenanoes;..all w.ater, water rights, W.atBrl:WJr1i£S .and .ditch rights (inclur:ting stIlCk in ~Iities with .ditch Dr jrrjgatiDn rights); .and ..all Dther rights, TDY.aIti€s, .and prDiits relating w"the roe.al PTDperty, incl.udinfj without limitatWn ..all miner.aJs, Dil. WiS. ;g£!mhBTTIU!I.and .similBr matters, (the "Real PrDperty") Jo,.,m..rf inJJNCDlN .county, 5tate Df WYDmÏny: J.OT 129 DF STAR VAllEY RANCH PLAT £, .LINCOLN COUNTY, WYDMJNG AS DESCRlBED DN"THE DFFJCJAL PLAT FJlED ON ~UNE 7, 1!J71 AS JNSTRUMENT NO.43171D DF"THE RECORDS DF THE JJNCQLN .coUNTY .cJ.ERK jDe Real PrDperty.or ns .ad.dr:ess .is .J:DJ1)J1)[mly Jcrwwn..itS 370 VJSTA.EAST DRIVE, STAR VAllEY RANCH, WY B3127. "The. Real Pr.operty 1:ax mentif.icatWn number.is 12-.351B-3D-4-D1-D74. mVill VING l.INE DF .cREDIT. tbis Mortgage alCUTBS -me InrllOht..rlness .including, without jimitatitm, .a rBIfDhfinB line Di .z:œmt. wbich nhlijg......" J..Bnder :to make .ad1f.ill1CØS ~ ßœrttor ~D lDng ~ ßœrttor .I:OmpIies with ~I -me "tÐrms Di -me .credit Agrsernent. .such.ad1f.ill1CØS -may J1e :made, rBpaid,.and rsmade imm:time ~ :time,.subjeI:t~ -me JiminttiDn ~-me:m:tal mmmonrling 1Wance DWing .at.m¡y -DDe:time, mn.including-finance xDar9B5 Dn.sw:hJmlance.at.aiDæd Dr 1liITj¡bje zate Dr.JWm.as prDIf.åded in-me .credit ABrceament,.m¡y:tempDJ:ary DIfJU.ages, Dther xDaqBS,.:and.m¡y ..amounts ~ Dr..advanced.as prDIf.åded in mther-me JJ1r11Oht.ArlnA"~ ..paœgæph -Dr~ ..paœgœph,.:sbaJI mn ~ -me .I::reditLimit.as :prDW:Ied jn -me .I::œdit A!¡rBeJDent. .it.is -me .intention Di ßœrttor .:and J..eoder ~ ~ J\4m1;gage alCUTBS -me JmIance .:DUIS:tand.ing ~r""1:he .cœdit ABrsernent irmn :time ":to :time imm ::zerD ~ ":to""1:he .credit Limit ~ :prDW:Ied .in""1:he .credit A!¡rBemmn.:and .any mœrmediate JmIance. J"ße.initia1 .adv.ance ~r""1:he:terms Df""1:he.cœdit A!¡rBeJDent.is":to.be.appJierl:towanl:the:pur.cbase Df:the PrDperty. .Br.arttor pr-esemly .assÌ£ns w .lender ..all -Df ßr.aTltDr'.s right,"t:itJ€,..and interi!5t jn..and w..all pr-esem.and futurce ~ Df"the Pr.operty -and.all 'REnts iTDm"the 1'>r.operty. In-il!ldmDn, .Br.aTltDr cQr.ants WJÆnder -alJnifDrm ûmmerL:i.alLari£¡ .ser:.urity interi!5t jn -:the :p,er.sDnal Pr.operty -and 'REnts. JtilS MD1ITßAGE, JNI:l.UDJNGJHE ASSIGNMENT DF BENTS AND tHE 1ŒC1JH.ITV .JN1EŒST IN tHE BENT.s AND T'EiSDNAL 'PROPBITY, 15 .GIVEN tD.sECURE {AI -FA YMENT DF tHE .INDEBTEDNESS AND lBI 'P£RFDBJ\/1ANCE DF £ACt! DF .GRANTDR'.S AGBEEMENT.s AND .DBL1GAIIDNS.uNDER tHE .cREDIT AGBEEMENT, J"HE BELAìEDJ1D1:UMENT.s, AND ltilS MD1ITßAGE. ttilS MD1ITßAGE 15 .GIVEN AND ACCEPTED DN lHE FDliDWJNGìEiII4S: PA VMENT AND T'ERFDRMANCE. J:xœpt.as Dtherw.Î5ß pmv.åded in"this ~, .Br.arttor .shall .pay W JÆnder -all ..amaums ~ .by "this MD~.as"theY.:be.cDme .!ÍJ.Je-Bnd J>halllttri:ctly .parfDrm.a1l -Df .BraTltDr'.s ~JÌ.QBtiDns-i.lnder"this MD~. pm:~!::J::ION AND .MAJN'ŒNANŒ DFJ"HE 'PRDPBITY. .Grarttor -afjrses"!bat .Gr.aTltDr'.s .pDSSession .and .lJSi¡ Df"the Pr.operty J>hall.be cQDIlf!1T1BL:J .by -meiDJJDwing pmvlsiDns: pn"".......ion.and JJ5e. lJn:tj1"the .DI::I:l.IJToenœ Df -an:E1If!TIt Df .Default, .Gr.arttor may (1) roem.ain in .pDSSessÍDn ~md .cmttml Di"the Pr-Dperty; .(2) .lJSi¡, .operate Dr manage "the PrDperty; -and (3) .cD1Ie.ct"the 'REnts --frmn"the Pr.operty. -Duty ":to .Maintain. .Gr.aTltDr J>hall maim:ain"the Pr.apeTty in fDDd .cDnditiDn..and .pTDT!Jptly .parfDrm -all ri!pair.s,ri!p1.aœments, -and maintenanr;ee neaess.ary W prcesenlf! its JliI1ue. .I:mnpJiance WithJ:mlÏrmunentalJ..aws. £r.arttor ÆpŒ5Bnts -Bnd w.amrrns WJÆnder"tha1:: (1) Iù.JriJlf"the .pariod Df £raTltDr'-s Dwner.shjp Di -me f'rD.peTty, "therce lms læen no .lJSi¡, !JeDeIatÍDn, mat:lJ.IÍaI:1UTee, -5!Dr.age, "trcBBtmern, l:Ii.spDsBl, reelease Dr~r-BBtened T-eleas-e Df .:any +œzardruJs £.utlst¡¡nœ .by -any .par.sDn Dn, -i.Inder, ..abrwt Dr --frDm "the f'r.operty; .(2J £T.antDr lms no knDwledge Df, Dr r€BSDn W .beJiellf! "tha1: "theree --has .been, eexcept .as preevÍDlJsly msdased W -and ..acknDwledged .by JÆnder in writing, (.a) .any.briUiCh Dr vÍDlBtiDn Df .any Envimnmem:aJ l..aws, Ib) .any.lJSi¡, ;g£!neIatÍDn, manufar:tJ.Jæ, .stDr.age, "triiatmern, ..disposal, r-eleas-e Dr "threatened release Df ..any +œzarLiDJJs £ubstancee Dn, -i.Inder, ..aÌJDlit Dr --frDm -:the f'rD.peTty .by -any prior Dwners Dr DCL:Up.ants vi "the 1'>r.operty, -Dr (r;) -any..ac:tIJB1 -Dr "thr-BBtened litÏf.atjDn -Dr --CiBims Df -any kind.by -any .par.sDn reeJatjnfj W .such matters;.and (3) J:xœpt..as .prcevÍDlJsly .disclDsed W -and .acknDwledged.by JÆnder in writing, Úi) -neither £r.arttor nor -any:tenam, .crmtr.actDr, .agern Dr Dther .authDrlze¡j JJS€r vi"the 1'>rDperty ..sha1l.lJSe, ;g£!nerate, manufacturß, .5tDree, "trcBHt,.dispr¡s-e Di Dr rce!eBse ..any +œzan:taus £ubstaru:ß Dn, -i.Inder, ..abrwt Dr --frDm "the -f'rD.peTty;.and (b) .anY..5lJCh .activity .shall.be I:Dndur:ted in I:Dmpfumc-€ with .all .appJir:Bb1e -reder.al, .stine,..and loI:.allBws, rceBUJatjDns .and Dr.dinanoes, inclur:ting without JimitatWn .all EnvirDTImentall..aws. £r.arttor .ButhmizBSJÆnder.and its .agents-m eenær .JJpDn-:the PrDpertyW maJœ..5lJCh inspeI:tiDns Bnd:tests,.at .Gr.arttor'.s~xpense,.aslÆnder may-liæm .appmpr.iBte W De1ermine .cDmpliBnœ vi"the f'TDperty with"this.5BCtiDn vi-me MDTt.QBge. Any ÌI1Spe.ctiDns Dr:tests made.by JÆnder J>hall.be iDr JÆnder'.s -t:IUfPDSBS Dnly .and..shall not.ÍJe .cDnstII..æD W .create -any respDnsjbility Dr liability Dn -:the.part Df lÆnderw .Gnmror DrW -any Dther .par.sDn. 1-hE roeprcesen:tatiDns..and w.arr.an!ies .cDmained -hEreein -arß .based Dn £r.arttor'.s .!ÍJ.Je .dHigenœ in inllf!.Stigating-:the f'r.operty --ror +œzan:taus £.utlst¡¡noes. £r.arttor -hEreby (1) -æ1eRses -and w.aillf!S .any i.uturß .cJ.aims .af.ainst JÆnder 1m indemnity Dr .cDntriliutiDn in "the ~lIf!m £r.antDr .beCDmes liable --ror .cleanup Dr Dther I:DSts -i.Inder ..any.such lBws; -and (2) .agrcees W indemnify, .rIemnd, .and hold i:umnIesB JÆnder ..af.ainst -any .and ..all I:lBims, lasses, liBbiü:ties, .dBmages, .panalties, -and ~xpenses which lÆnder may .diæctly Dr jndiri!I:tly --S.UStain Dr ..suff-Br rcesulting --trDm.a .briUiCh Di"this .section Di"the MDrty.age Dr.llS.a I:Dl1S€I.µJencee Df .any JJS€, ;g£!DeIatÍDn, manufacturee, .5tDr.age,l:Ii.spDsBl, Tee!eBse Dr -mr-BBtened Tee!eBse DJ:I:!JTTing prior W .Br.arttor'.s Dwnership -Dr interi!5t jn"the 1'>r.operty, whether Dr not"the..s.ame WBS -Dr should Í1Bllf!læen knDwnw .Gr.arttor. lhe pTDvjsions Df"this .sectirm vi"the Mm1:gBge, incIur:ting"the DbligBtiDnw jndemnITY -Bnd.rleißnd, J>haIL.s.urvÏlæ -:me .paymem vi"the Indebtedness Bnd -:the .:5B1:ÎSÍaI:tiDn ..and riJI:DTlllf!y.aJ1Ce Di"the lien -Df"this MDrty.age -and J>hall not.be .affecterj .by JÆnder '.s ~i:tum Di -any interest in -:the f'r.operty, whether .by--ror-er:1osure Dr Dtherw.Î5ß. J\Jlli""'n"~, Waste. £rarttor J>half TIDt-I:Ji1JS€,.cDru:IJJct Dr .pam¡it.any nuisanœ nor .r:mnmit, .parmit, Dr..suff-Br .any lttrjpping Df Dr w.aste Dn Drw -:the Pr.operty Dr Bny pmtirm vi"the PrDperty. Without limitiJlf"the !JeDer.aJity Di"the--roreegDiJlf, .Gr.arttor will not TeemDlIf!, Dr cQr.antW..any Dther .party -:the TÌ£htw TßmDlIf!, -any--timber, miner.als (including DiI -and g.as), .coal, .cJ.ay, ..sCDria, ..5Dil, cQr.aIlf!IDr rDl:k prDdur:ts withoutlÆnder'.s prÍDr written .cDnsent. ¡::;:;:;:~*~;~::;:~: ......',.;,1,...·.·..",'1 ;,.,.. 01 ~""':¡ (. .I(Y"'~"" (ë'·.fP ,·--.;"""_'1..>_1....:.:; U MORTGAGE (Continued} 000048 f7age' Z. Fremovat ofr"'I',uv"",,,,,b. Grantar shall nul demulish- or remove' anv ImproverTTeTTTI;- froTTrthe' Real P-ruJ!erty without Lender's pricrrwritterr corrsent: As a CcmditiCJTT to" the' removal ot any ImproverTTeTTTI;-, Lender may require Grarrtor to" make' dr I dl l!,jt<l I ,t<I ,l:i scrtisfactary to" Lenderto" r-e-ptaceo such- ImproverTTeTTTI;-with- ImproverTTeTTTI;- crt at least equal value'. Lem:ter's- Right-tIT Eñter; L.ern:terand Lender's ag¡mts- and re¡:¡resentative!r may enterupurr the' Freal P-rtI!ert:V at all reascmable' times- to" attern:t to" Lemter's- i rrterests- and to" i ITSµect the' Freal P-rtI!ert:V for ptlJ"pUSe!F crt Grantar' s ccrm¡:rli ancE!' with- the' terms- and cunditicms- crt this- Martgage'. CampliBrTCe'wittrGav"".."...,tdl Fre<¡..;,,,"'....b. Granturshatl prumptIy ccrm¡:rly with-atllaws, ordina:nce!r, and: reguJatiuns-, rrcrw orhereafter irr effect; crt atl gov""" II'" Ildl authurities- a!J!JicabfE!' to" the' use' orocc:upam:y crt the' P-ru]:rertV. Grantor may contest irr gcrcrd faith- anv such- law, 01 Ji"d""'" or reguJatimT and: withtrofd campliãTTC!!' <iurirTçr any proceeding-, irrcluding- dµµ' UµI i dl" appeals, sa 1aTi!f as- Grcmtur has- nuti:ffed Lenderirr wrÎtil1!T ¡:¡riorto" dcring- sa and sa long- as, irr Lender's salE!' apinian; Lender's irrterests- irr the' P-ru]:rertV are nuLj""µdIJi=<!. Lender may require" Grcmtur to" past adequate security or a surety bOTTd, reasanabfy satisfactcrrv to" Lern:ter; to" prutert Lender's interest ŒutytIT fTrutect: Granturagrees- rreitherto" abam:tarror leavE!' UI'dlt""Jt:tl the' fTru]:rertV. Grcmturshall do atl atheracts-, irradditiorrto" thase- acts- set ft:rrttr abuYE!' irr this- sectiarT, which- frcmrthe' cl'dl d...t", ærd llSe' crtthe' fTru]:rertV are reascmably I '="""dl 'f to" prutert and preservE!' the' P-ru]:rertV . DUE CIN ~ALE - caNSENT BY' LENDER: Lerrder may, at Lender's optÏan; declare" immediately due' and payabfE!' all sums- secured by this- Mcrrtgag:e' upurr the' safe' or trnnsfer; withmrt:- Lender's JrÌUr writterr ccrrrsent; crr atl or any pare crt the' Freaf P-ru]:rertV, or anv interest irr the' Freal P-ro¡:rerty. ~"sal~ ortrãrTsfer" rrrearrs the' canveyarrcE!' crr Freal P-ro¡:rerty or any right; titlE!' or interest irr the' Freal P-ru]:rertV; whether legal, bern!fTcial or equitabfe; whether vcrfuntary or invollll1tëlry; whether by outright- saf~, deed, irrstaflmerrr- sal~ contract; land contract; ccrrrtracT for deed, leasehcrfd interestwith- a term' gmatertharrthrne (3) years, lease-optiorr contract; or by sal~, assignment; or trarTsfer crt any bern!fTcial interestirr or tcr anv I and trust: halding- titI~ to" the' Freal P-ru]:rertV, or by anv ather rrrettrod: crt ccmveyam:e crt arr interest irr the' Freal P-ru]:rertV. However; this- optiurr shall nul bee exercised by L.ern:ter it such- exerciSe'- is- prohibited: by federaf law or by WyOlTTing-law. TItXffi ANrT UEN~. Tfreo fallowing- provisicms- reJating to" the'taxe!r and Iierrs- orr the' P-ru]:rertV are pare crt this- M crrtgage: fTavrmmt Grcmtur shall J!ay wherï duE!' (and irr all events- JrÌUrto" delinquency) all taxe!r, J!ayrull taxeS', special taxe!r, as""::;::;,, '"'' l::;, water charge!r ærd sewerserviceo charge!r levied against or orracc:ountcrtthe' Pì'u¡:rertv, and shall pay wherïduE!' all claims- for work done- orror far services '''' Idt<l t:tl or material furnished to" tIi!!' P-ru]:rertV. Grantur shall maintairr tI1i P-ru]:rertV ~ crt any Iierrs- having- pricrrity over or equal tcr the' interest crr L.ern:ter under ttmr Martgage-, except tar ~ EXisting- IndeIrtedrTess- referred to" irr this- Mortgage' or thase- Iierrs- spec:iffcally agreed tcr i rr wrttirTq" by Lender; and except for the' lien- crr taxe!r and aSS""""I'" Il:o nul duE!' as- further speciffed i rr tIi!!' Right- to" Contest pdJ d\:l' dµh. Right- tIT Contest. Grantor may withlmld paymerrr- crr any tax, assessrmmt; or cfaim- irr CUI" '=liulI with- a guad faith- dis¡:rute' over thee obfigatiorr to" pay, sa long- a:r Lender's interest irr tIi!!' P-ru]:rertV is not:- j""µdIJi=<!. It a lien- arises- or is tiled as- a result- of m:m¡:Iayrrrent; Grantor shafl withtrr fifteerr (T 5T dayS' after tIi!!' lien- arises- or; it a lien- is tiled, withirr fifteerr (T 5T days after Grantcrr has noticE!' crt tIi!!' tiling-, secure" tIi!!' disctrarge. crt tIi!!' lierr; or if requested: by Lern:ter; depusiL with- Lerrder cash- or a sufficienr CUI µUI dt" surety bOTTd or ather security- scrtisfactary to" L.ern:ter irr an- ãTTTUUTTt" sufficienc to" disctrarge. tIi!!' lien- plus- anv cmsts- and reasanabl~ attumeys' fee!f, or ather charges- that could accruE!' as éI' result- crt a fcrrec:JOstlre' or serlE!' undertli!!' lierr. Irr any contest; Grcmtcrr stmll defernt itselt and Lerrder and shall satisfy anv adv~ juctgrrrent- befure !'<..rul""",,,,,l against tIi!!' P-ru¡:Jer1y. Grarrtor shall rraJTTe' Lerrder as arr adJiliulldl obligee. under any surety bomt furnished irr the- contest: proceedings. 6ri~orfT..y",...,L Grantorstmll upurrdemanct fumistrto" L.ern:tersdli::;rd..lul y eviderTee' crtpaymerrr-otthe' taxes orassessmerrts" and: shall aut/1uriz:ec tIi!!' dµµ' UµI idlt:>- gov""" "'" Ildl officiaf to" deliver to" Lender at anv time' a writterr ::;ldt", 1It<lll crttli!!' taxeS' ærd a::;::;",,::;,"..rmr against tli!!'P-ru¡rerty. : N'oticec or Can5tnIctiorr.. Grantor shall nutify Lender at I east: fifteerr (T 5T days befurE!' any work: is CUll" "'" I""d, any services are" furnished, or any rmrteriaJs- are" supplied to" the' P-ru]:rertV, it any mechanic's lierr; materialmen's lierr; or ather lierr c:auJd bE!' asserted orr acc:ount crt ~ work, services, or rmrteriaJs- and tIi!!' cost: exceeds- $:r, aCID. 0'0'. Grantor will upurr request: crt Lerrder furnish- to" Lender advãTTC!!' assuranœ:r satisfactory to" Lerrderthat Grcmtur carr and will pay the'costcrtsuch- im¡:mJVerTTents-. PHUI"t::tt I Y ITAMAGEIN'SUFrAN'CE Tfreo fallowing- provisiorrs- reJating- to" insurirTg' the- P-ru]:rertV are" a part crt this- Martgage-: Mcù..t........"... orlnsuram:tF. Grcmturstmll prtJCUre" and maintairr policies crt tire" insurarrcE!' with- starTdard exterTded coverage' errdOI "t<I"t<lll,. orr a r-e-ptél'CE!fTTerTr basis- tartli!!' full insunrbfE!' valu~ covering- all 1m¡:mJVements- orr the' Freal P-ru]:rertV irr arr amcrunr sufficienrto" avcrid aJ!plicatiorr crt any ccrinsurarrcE!' claus~, and with- a starTdard "'u' l\:ldg~ clause' irr favor or Lernfer. FTolicies stmll bE!' writterr by such- i~ com¡mntes- and irr such- fcrmr as- may bE!' I €<a"ul'dbly act:eJtablE!' to" Lerníer. Grcmtur shall deliver to" L.ern:ter certificates- crt COVerage' frcmr each- insurer ccmtainirTg- a stipulatiorr that coverage' will nul bee cam:eJled or diminished without a minimum-crttel'r (T OJ days' prtorwritterr nuti-CE!' to" Lender and not:- ccmtaining- any disclaimer crr the' insurer'S" liability tar failUTe' to" givE!' such- rraticeo. Each- insurãl'TCl'f policy also shall irrcludE!' arr ellJu, "",,,,,,,l providing- that coverage' irr favorcrrLenderwill nul be' irTTJaired irr anv way by any act; omissiorr or default crt Grcmturor any atherpersurr. ShuuJd thee Real P-ru]:rertV bE!' located irr an- area desigrrated by tIi!!' Oirec:torcrtthe- RKteral 511",;¡t<I,,,y MarragemerTtAgern::y as- a special ffcrcrd hazard area', Grantur agrees- to" obtairr and: maintairr RKteraI Rood InsurarrcE!', it available', withirr 4á days after rratiCE!' is given- by Lender thaL tIi!!' P-ru]:rertV is" located irr a special flood hazard area, for the' maJCimunr ãTTTUUTTt" crr your credit litre' and tIi!!' full UfTJJaid prirn:ipcrl balancE!' crt anv pricrr Iierrs- orr tIi!!' pru¡:rerty securing- tIi!!' loan-, UJ! to" tIi!!' maJCirTltlm- policy lil1Titt set under tIi!!' National Rood I ~ P-rugram; or as crtITerwiSe'- required by Lern:ter; and to" maintairr such- imrurarTCe' for the' term' crt the- loan-. Applicatiurr or fTrm:eeds-. Grcmtur shall prumptIy nutify Lender crt anv loss or darTTage' to" tIi!!' P-ru]:rertV it tIi!!' e::;li'l'dtt:tl cerst: crt- repair or rn¡:Dd......, '''' Il exceeds- $.:r,aaa.aa. Lender may ITTéI'kE!' prucrt crt loss it Grantar fails- to" do sa witlTirr fifteerr (T 5T dayS' crt tIi!!' casualty. Whether or not:- Lender's security is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's eJec:tian; receivE!' and retairr tIi!!' prac:eeds- crt any insurëlTTCe' and apply the- proœeds- to" tIi!!' reductiorr crtthe' Indebtedness, paymerrr-crt any lierr drf=lill!:j- the' P-ru]:rertV, or tIi!!' resturatiorr and repair crt-tIi!!' P-ro¡:rerty. It Lender eI~ tC apply tIi!!' proceedS" to" restoratiorr and: repair; Grantar shall reJ!air or replacE!' thE!' dalTTél'ged or destroyed Improvements- irr a marmer sdli::; r d...lur y to" Lender. Lender shall, uµcrrr satisfactary prucrt crt such- experníiture", p-ay or rnimbu~ Grcmtur frunT the' proceedS" tar tIi!!' reasurrabfe' cost crt rn¡:rair or restorntiorr it Grantor is not:- irr default under this Mortgage-. ArTy proc;eeds- whictT havE!' nuL beer; disbursed withirr T aa days after t!ïeir rnc:eipt and which- Lern:ter has- nul committed to" tIi!!' rn¡:rair or restcrratiorr crt tIi!!' P-ru¡rerty stmll bE!' used first: to" J!ay any amcrunrowing- to" Lender under this Martgage-, ttrerrto" pay accrued interest; and the' remainder; ir anv, shall bE!' applied to" tIi!!' prirn:iJ!aI balam::ec crttli!!' Indebtedrres-s. It Lender halds- anv 1" u..=tl" after paymerrr-irr full crttli!!' l"d"Ltt:d"""s, suctT ¡mTG"eOOs- stmll bE!' paid to" Grantar as- Grantor's interests- may appeélr. Campliam:!F wittr EXistingc 1.ld.:btt:d1 ..,:>". [Juring- the' period irr which- any EXisting- Indebtedness described below is- irr effect; compiiarrce' with- tIi!!' insurãl'TCl'f provisicms- ccmtairred: irr tIi!!' il'TStrnmerrr-evidem:ing- such- EXisting-lndebtedrress- shall cCJrnJtituteo compliam::ec with-tIi!!' insurancE!' pruvisiorrs- under this- Mortgage-, to" tIi!!' extent'" c:ompIianc~ with- tIi!!' terms- crt this- Mortgage- woufd constrture. a dUJ!licatiurr crt insurancE!' requiremem: It any proœeds- frcmr the' insurãl'TCl'f bec:c:ITTTe' payabfE!' orr losS", the' provisicms- irr this- Mortgage- far divisiorr crt proceeds- shall apply omy to" that purtiarr crt tIi!!' proceeds- nul payabfE!' to" the' halder crt tIi!!' EXisting-lndebtedness-. TItX ANrT IN'SUFrANCE RE5ERVffi. Subject to" any Ii,,,ildliu,,,. set by applicabfE!' law, L.ern:ter may require" Grantor to" maintairr with- Lender reserves- for paymerrr- crt amrual taxes-, asse"", "'" Il::;, and insurarrce' premiums-, which- reserves- shall bE!' created by advãTTC!!' paymerrr- or rmmthiy payrrrents- crra SUnTe::;li"'dlt:d by L.ern:terto" bE!' sufficienrto" produce, amounts- at least equal to" the' taxes, asse::;::;III""l::;, and insurãl'TCl'f premiums- to" bee paid. Tfreo reserve' furnts- shall bee held by Lender as- a general de!UsTt- from- Grarrtcrr; whictT Lender may satisfy by paymerrr- crt the' taxe!r, a''''=::;I''t<lIl::;, and insurarrcE!' premiums- required to" bE!' paid by Grantcrr as- they bE!COTTTe'duE!'. Lender shall have the right- to" draw uporr tIi!!' reserv~ funds- to" pay suctT items, and Lender shall mrt bE!' required to" dt±l", II ';1 ,t:>- tIi!!' validity or accuracy or any itenT befurE!' paying it-. Nothing- irr tIi!!' Martgage'shafl bE!' ccrrrstrned as requiring- Lender to" advãTTC!!' athermunies- tor such- pur¡:rose5", and Lender shall nuLirrcur any liability far anything- it- may da or01'TTit:-to" do with- res¡:¡ecT to" tIi!!' reserve' acc:crunt Subject to" any limitaticms- set by applicabfff law, it ttre reserv~ funds- disclose a sl1urtage' or deffciency, Grantor shall J!ay such- shartage' or deffc:iency as required by Lerrder. All amuunts- irr the' reserve accourrL are" hereby pledged to" further secure tIi!!' Indebtedness, and Lerrder is" hereby auttrorizect to" withdraw and a!J!1y such- amcrunts- orr tIi!!' I ndebtedrress- upurr the' Occ:u.rrerrc:-e' crt arr EVenccrt Default-. Lender shall nul bE!' required to p-ay any interest or earnings- orr the reservE!' fundS' urrless- required by law or agreed to" by L.ern:ter irr wrÎtil1!T. L.ern:terdaes mrt hold the' reserve funds- iIT trust for Grantor; and Lerrder is nul Grantor's agent far J!aymerrr-crttli!!' taxe!r and assessments- required to bE!' paid by Grantar. ¡ LENaer~ txI"I:::NUIIURer. If Grantarfails (A) to" keep: the' P-ruperty ~ ot all taxe!r, Iierrs-, security interests, em:;umtmmces, and ather claims; (ID to" provide' any required irTSurarrce' orr the- P-ru]:rertV, (C) to" makE!' rn¡:rairs- to" tIi!!' P-ro¡:rerty or to" comply with- any obligatiorr to" maintairr EXisting- IndeLl.,J:, ,,,,,,. irr gaod starTding- as" required below, therr Lender may da sa. It any ac:tiurr or pruc:eeding- is cammerrced tmtt- would materially affect- Lerrd:er' s irrterests- irr tIi!!' P-ru¡rerty, therr Lender crrr Grantar's behalr may, but- is nul required to, takE!' any ac:tiorr that Lerrder believes to b~ aJJl!TU1JTÌ"ate to" prutert lender'S" interests; All experTSe!f irrcurred or paid by L.ern:ter far such- pur¡mses will therr bear interest atthe rate charged underthe' Credit-Ay,=rllt<lll frcmrtli!!' date irrcurred or paid by Lenderto" tIi!!' dare crt reJ!aymerrr-by Grantor. All such-exJ!enses will bec:c:ITTTe'a pare crt tIi!!' I ndeb t.,J:, '''''~ and, at- Lender's o¡rtiurr, will (A) be payablE!' orr demand; (BJ be added tcr the' balancE!' or tIi!!' Credit Agreement and b~ :;;~~m~illIilii Oo".t-... r-"; f(j-- '.J ~l.\..·._l:~: MORTGAGE (CDntinuer!) 000049 P.Bf.IB 3 .lIpportirmed .among.Bnd be :pay.ab1B with .any installmBnt paym£mts 1:0 l>BI.:DmB DuB .durinfj -BÎthBr (1) -me Xi!rm Df .any .app1ir:.ab1B in.s.uTllnœ pDJir;y; Dr ¡2) -me r-ern.aininfj Xi!rm Df -me r:r-e.dit -Agr-BBmBnt; Dr (r:) be -n--e.ared .BS .11 ballDon :pa'ýTl1Bnt whir:h will be DuB .Bnd :pay.ab1B .B1 -me Lr-Bdit ,c..gr-BBmBnt'.s mawrity. ¡he MDTtgafJB .Blso wiJl ..5£WT-B pa'ýTl1Bnt of-xhBse .Brru::u.mts. ¡he rifjhts pwvir:!B.d tor in -mis :parBgraph .shall J3B in .B.ddition -ro .Bny DthBr rights Dr -lIny r-emB.dÌBS 1:0 whir;h -L-endBr may be -Bn:titIB.d Dn ..ar:r:DlJnt Df .Bny lHrtault. -Any ~h ...ar:tion ;by -L-ender ÆhaJl not J3B .r:DnstrJ.JB.d .BS .r:lJring "the .riBfault ÆO.BS 1:0 bar LBnrlBrtrom Bny r-BmB.dyîh.at it .DthBrwise w.aul.d hallB h.a.d. WARRANTY; DEf.EIII5E DFTITl.E. ¡he toJlowinfj pwvisions r-eJ.ating 1:0 Dwnership of-me 7'wPfiny ..aT-B B :pan Df-mis MoTtgIlfe: ¡itIe. Br.anror WBrrants îh.at: (.a) Br.antDr holds good Bnd marlœn!blB "litlB of r-er:Dr.d 1:o"the 7'TDPfirty in -rea .simp]e, tr-BB..and L:lB.ar ut BII læns Bnd -Bnr:umbrBTIDBS .DthBr -:than "those 5et 10rth in"the Real f'wPfirty .œsr;ription Dr in -me £xi.stil1fJ Jnr:IBb1:e.dn£!.55 ÆBI:tion below Dr in .Bny"1itlB in.s.uTllru::£ polir;y, LitIB r-Bpon, Dr tin.al-ritIB Dpinion i.ssl.æ.d in t.avor ut, -lInd ..ar:œp1ad by, LBnrlBr in .r:DnnBr:!ion with -:this MoTtf.afJB,..and (b) £ rBntD r has -me fuJl right, po w£r, ..and liUthority 1:0 -BXBr:JJtB Bnd .riB I illBr -:this MortgBfJB w LBnrlBr. .Dstense Dfjitle. 5ubjBr:!1:o -me-Bxœption in-me parBfjrBphMolIB, Br.antDr WBrrBnts Bnd will tDr-ellBr .rlB-rend -me"1itlB 1:0~ 7'TDPfirty ..against -me la wtul r;lairns Df .BJI Pfirsons. In -me -BIIBnt Bny ..ar:tionor proœB.dinfj is .r:DmmBnœ.d -:that lµ.IBStions £TlIntDr's"litIB Dr"the inteæ.st ut -L-enrlBr .J..IT1.dBr -:this MortgBge, £rBntDr ..shall .d£rlBnd -me ..ar:tion.B1 £r..antor'.s -BXPfinse. BrBntDr may;be -me nominal :party in ~h proœB.dinfj,..bill: -L-enrlBr .shaJl bB -Bn:titIB.d 1:0 :partir:ipBtB in -rhe prD.œB.ding .Bnd 1:0 be r-eprcesemad in -rhe pTDœB.ding ;by r;.aunsel of -L-ender'.s DWTI riIDir:-B, .Bnd Br.antDr wiJl .riBlillBr, Dr .r:.aJ.J5e 1:0 be .riBlillBr-Bd, 1:0 LBnrlBr ..5JJr;h instr.1JTT1Bnts AS LBnrlBr may Tß!µJBSt trDm -rimB 1:0 "1irnB 1:0 +JBrmit ~h :partir:ip.ation. l:Dmp!iance With-Laws. £r:antDr WBrr.ants îh.at -me 'PrDPfiny .Bnd £rBntDr's J.JSe Df -me 'PrDPfiny .r:DmpliBs with..aJl -BxistiTlf .Bpplli:.ab1B law.s, Dr.dinaTIDBS, -lInd regul:.ations Df fjollBTT1TTJBT1!.alliUthoritiBs. $L¡rloliv:al Df Prmnises. All promisBs, BgreeTTIBnt5, ..and ..s!atBmBnts £TlIntDr has m.a.dB in"this MDrtgBfJB 5haJl..5JJrvillB -rhe -Bxer:.ution .Bnd .rlBJillBry Df-:this MortgBfJB, ÆhaJl bB .r:Dntinuinfj in ruttuT-B.Bnd ..shall r£!rn.ain in -full torl:£!.Bnd £ffer:!.until ~h"1irnB.BS £umtDr'..s Inr:IBb1:e.dn£!.55 is:paill jn -full. žXJSTJNG JNDEBT£DNESS. ¡he -tDI!DwjTlf pTDvisions L:DnœmiTlf £xi.sting Jnd£rl:J!erJn£!.55 .Br-B..a :pan Df-:this MDT1;g.a.f¡£!: £xis1:inÐ Lien. ¡he JiBn Df -:this MoTtf.afJB ..5£Wrinfj"the nr:IBb1:e.dn£!.55 may be ..5Br:Dnri.ary..and int£!rior 1:0 .an -Bxisting lÏBn. £r.antDr c-BXpres.sly L:olIBnants..and ..afjr-BBS -ro pay, Dr.5B€ "1D -rhe pa'ýTl1Bnt of, "the Existing JJ1.d£!bt£!.dn£!.55 Bnd 1:0 pr-BIIBnt .Bny .riBfault Dn ~h inr:iclJtB.dnes,..any lHrtault ..under-me instr.1JTT1Bntsoevi.d£!ru::infj ..5JJr;h ÎT1!:iB1JtB.dn£!.55, Dr ..any .riBfault ..unrlBr ..any .seJ:lJrity 1:ioL:J..JmBms -tDr ~h ÎT1!:iB1JtB.dn£!.55. ND .Mm:üfication. £TlIntDr shall not -BntBr into .Bny .Bgr-BBmBnt with~ nolriBr Df .Bny mortgBfJB, LiBB.d of -n-..u.st, Dr .DthBr Æ-er:urity .Bfjr-BBTT1Ent whir;h has priDrity DIIBr -:this MortgBfJB ;by whU:h îh.at ..agr-BBTT1Ent is TT1D.difiBd, .BmBnd£!.d, -BXtBnd£!.d, Dr T£!nBW£d !l\{ithruJt ~ prior wri1:tBn L:ons£!nt Df -L-enrlBr. £r.antDr Æhall nBÎthBr rß!µJBSt nor ..ar;œp! .Bny -fu:tuæ ...a.dv:aTIDBS .J..IT1.dBr ...any .s.ur;h ..5£Writy -lIfjr-BBmBnt without ~ prior wrinBn .r:Dns£!nt Df -L-enrlBr. J:DNDEMNATlON. ¡he -fr¡llDwing pWlolisions T-Bl.at:infj 1:0 .r:Dn.d£!mn.ation pr.o.œB.dinfjs -lIroe.B :pan Df:this MortgBfJ£!: Proceedings. If -lIny prnœe.dinfj in .r:DnrlBmn.ation is -tilB.d, £nmtDr lib.all pwmptly notify LBnrlBr in writiTlf,.Bnd BrantDr lib.all pwmptly:taJœ ~h..stBp5 AS may bB DBœSS.aTY 1:0 .d£rlBnd -me..ar:tion .and D±tt.ain ~ ..aw.ar.d. £TlIntDr may be ~ nominal :pany in ~h pr.o.œB.ding,-but .LenrlBr ..shall bB -BntitJad 1:0 :partir:ipBtB in -rhe pwr;-BB.ding ..and 1:0 .be T-BpT-BSemad in -me prDI:Jæ.dinfj ;bYL:.OJ.J115i!I ut its DWTI L:hoiœ, -lInd BTBntDr will .riBlillBr Dr .r:.aJ.J5e -ro;be .rlBJillBr-Bd w LBnrlBr ..5JJ!:h instr.1JTT1Bnts -lInd ~r:J.JTl)£¡rttation AS may bB r-BqlJBStB.d ;by .LenrlBr tram "1irnB -ro"lÎmB 1:0 +JBrmit ~h :partir:ip.ation. J\.pplir.minn ~f Net Pr.oceeds. If..all Dr .any .pan ut ~ 'PrDPfirty is L:onr:æmnad by -BminBnt ..domBin pr.o.œB.dings Dr by .Bny pr.o.œB.dinfj Dr purr;hase in JiBJ.J Df .r:DnrlBmnatÎDn, -L-enrlBr may ...at its ~iBr:tion T£!qlJÎT£! îh.at -lI1I Dr -lIny pDrtion ut -rhe TIBt pr.o.œB.ds Df -rhe .BWBr.d;be.BppliB.d-ro ~ Jnr:IBb1:e.dn£!.55 Dr -rhe r-BpBir Dr T-£!.51Dr.Btion ut -rhe 'PrDpBTty. ¡he net pr.oceeds ut -rhe ..awBr.d ..shall TnB.an -me -lIWBr.d -Biter :pa yment Df .1111 r-BilSDnablB .r:D.5tS, -Bxp£!nse.5,..and :attDTTlBYS' i£!£!s inr:urœ.d by LBnrlBr in .r:DnnBr:tiDn with"the .r:DnrlBmn.ation. JMPDSlTlON DFjAXES. T.B:S AND J:HARGES~Y IiD\lEHNMENTAl. A1JTtIDRITJES. ¡he toJlDwin,g pTDvisions T-BJ.atinfj 1:0 .fo\lBTT1Jl1f!T1!.I:æxes, i£!£!s -lInd r;hargBS.BT-B..a :part Df -:this MOTtg.age: I:urœntJ.axes, 'FJIes.Jmd .cnarges. .upDn Tß!µJBSt by -L-enrlBr, £TBntDr Æhall-BXBr:JJtB ~h..dor:.urrnmt.s in-Bdriition 1:0 -:this Mortg.agB..and:ta1œ wh.atB\f£!r DthBr -Br:!ion is reqJJB.5!Bd by-L-ender1:o +JBrf£!r:!Bnd .r:DT1tÎI1UB-L-enrlBr'.s IiBn Dn"!he Real 'PIDpBrty. £rantDr lib.all roeimbur.s£L.ÍienriBrÍDr ..all :taXBS, .BS .œscrib£!.d below, îDfBther with ßII-Bxp£!T15£!s iru:JJrr-Bd in T-Br:DrDiTlf, +JBTÍ-Br:!infj Dr L:Dntinuinfj -:this MortgBfJ£!, inr:ludiTlf without Jimi:tation.B1I :taXBS, i£!£!s, ..dDr;umeT1!.ary .s:t.amps, -lInd .DthBr l:h.aJ!£!5 tor reI:Dr.dinfj Dr T-BgÎSt£!rin.f -:this Mortg.agB. J.BJœS. ¡he 10JlDwinfj 5hall .r:Dns1Î1I.ItB IaXBS1:o which"!his.5Br:!ion .BppÌBS: (1) -lI Æp£!cifir; :tax ..upon -:this -rypi! Df MortgBfJB Dr ...upDn -Ell Dr -lIny :pan Df -me ru:iBbt£!.dn£!.55 ..sewred by"!his Mong.afJB; !2) -lI Æp£!r;ific :tax Dn BrBntDr whir:h BrBntDr is liUthorizBd Dr r-BqUir-B.d 1:0 .rlBd.uct tram p.ç¡ym£mts Dn -rhe tndBbtB.dnBSS .SBr:lJT-Bd;by"!his -rypi! ut MDrtg.agB; (3) ..a:tax Dn -:this Lypi! Df MOTlgllfJB l:h.argellblB Bf.iIinst"!he--L.£m.d£!r Dr~ tiolriBr Df ~ r:r-Bdit -AgreemBnt;.Bnd .(4) ..a sPfir;ifir;:tax Dn .1111 Dr Bny portion Df -me Inr:IBb1:e.dn£!.55 Dr Dn :payments Df prirn:ipBl-lInd inter-BSt m.a.dB ;by BrBntDr. ~lIh""'1,""ntj.BJœS. If -lIny:taX"1D whU:h -:this .5Br:!ion.BppliBs is -Bn.az::æ.d "lIh_'l'""nt1:o~ ~ Di-:this MortgBfJB,"this -B1ffm! ..shall i1.a1lB~ ..5.amB £ffoer:! AS -lIn XIIBnt Di JÆfauIt, -lInd.LenrlBr may -BXBTL:Ï5f¡ .Bny Dr -lI1I Di its .Bv.ailllblB r-eTl'1B.dÌBS -tor -lInX\f£!nt Df JÆfauIt B5 PTDvir:!B.d bBlDw --1.II1!£!s.s £r.antDr ~ÎthBr (1) :pays ~:tax :bBfDr-e it l>BI.:DmBS .riB1inrµ.ænt, Dr ¡2) L:Dn:te.s!s -me:tax B5 provir:!B.d.BÌ1DIIB in -me ì:i:uœs -lIndJj¡¡ns .5Br:!ion .Bnd.rlBpo.sits with-L-ender ~ Dr .11 ..suffir:ænt ~;DI:pDr.atB ..5JJTftty JIDnd Dr DthBr Æ£!r:J.rity -5Bt.i.sfuct0ry"1D -L-ender . .5ECURITY AGREEMENT; TJNANCJNG STAJJ:MENTS. lhe 10llDwing provisions T-el.ating 1:0 -:this Mortg.agB AS..a .SBr:lJTity -lIgr-BBmBnt -Er-B .11 :p.art Di -:this MortgBfJ£!: ..5e!:urity A!rBØJDØJJt. 1M instr.urnent .shall .r:Dns1Î1I.ItB -lI .5er:urity -Agœfm1Ent"1D ~ -BXtBnt -lIny ut"!he 'PrDPfirty l:Dl1.5ti1utes -tixIuri!.5, -lInd -L-enrlBr ..shall ha\f£!-lI1I Df-rhe rifjhts Df.B..5£!r:ur-B.d :party .J..IT1.dBr"!he lJniiDrm LOT11TT1Br.cia1 LoriB.BS.BTTlBnd£!.d trmn"tÏm£¡1:o 1:ÎmB. 5BC1Jrity mteæst. lJpDn rß!µJBSt;by -L-en.d£!r, £rBntDr Æhall:t.aJœ wh.atBIIBr -Br:!ion is r-BqlJBStB.d ;by.Lender 1:0 +JBrfoer:! -End L:DT1!ÎnJJB .LenrlBr '.s ÆeJ:lJrity inter-BSt in ~ 7'-Br.5Dnal 'PrDp£!ny. In lid.ditirm -ro r-Br:DrDin£¡ -:this MortgBfJB in -me real prDpBny T£!r;OrDs, LBn.d£!r ma y, .B1.Bny '1:ÎmB ..and without --t.unher liUthor.iz.ation trDm £r.antDr, -tilB i!XBr:JJtB.d =ntBrp.arts, .r:DpÌBS Dr r-eprDIiur:!ions ut -:this MortgBge.BS.B tinaru:ing ..s!atBment. Br.antDr .shall T£!imburse -L-en.d£!r -tor .1111 -Bxp£!nse.5 inr:J.nT-Bd in +JBrfm:!infj Dr L:Dntinuinfj -:this ..ser:urity ÎJ1tBr-BSt. lJpDn Default, £TlIntDr .shall not r-emollB, -Sf¡lIBr Dr ~ -rhe P-Brson.al 'PrDPfirty immïhe ~rty. lJpDn .rlBfautt, £rBntDr ..shall.B5.5£!mblB .Bny 7'-BTSDn.a1 'PIDpBrty not-BffiJœ.d -ro -me 7'WPfirty in-ll mannBr .and-Bt.B:p1ar;-B T-BilSDnably .r:Dn\f£!nænt-ro Br.antDr -lIndLBn.d£!r..and maJœ it..avBillIbIB1:o--L.£m.d£!r within"thT-BB (3) ..d.ays m:ær T-Br;-Bjpt Df wrÍ!tBn ..d£¡rn.and trDm-L-en.d£!r1:o"the -BXtBnt +JBrmittB.d by .app1ir:.ab1B law. AddrBSSeS. ¡hemailinglid.dr£!.5S£!.5Df£TlIntDrtdeb:tor).Bnd-L-enrlBr(SBr;ur-B.d:p.arty)trDmwhU:hintommtionL:Dru:£!ming-me.5Bwrityinteæ.st gr.amad by -:this MortgBfJB may bB D±tt.ainB.d Í£IlIr;h..as r£!qlJir-Bd by "!he .unifDTTTI LDmmerr:i.a1 LoriB) .BT£! AS ..snne.d Dn-rhe -tir.s1 :pafJ£! ut --rhis MDrtgBfJB. TlJRTHER ASSURANCES; AìTDBNEY-J~AI;T. ¡he -tol!Dwinfj provisions T-el.atinfj -ro i.urther -B.5.5JJraTIDBS -lInd :attDTTlBy-jn-T.ar:t -liT£! ..a :part ut:this Mortg.agB : r..utther ..ð............n""... ,c..t Bny -rÎmB, .Bnd -tram 1:ÎmB 1:0 "lÎmB, ..upon Tß!µJBSt Df .J.£ndBr, £TBntDr will maJœ, ~XBr:.ute.Bnd .riBliVf!r, Dr will .I:1UJSe-ro bB m.a..dB, ~ Dr .riBli\f£!r-Bd, -ro-L-enrlBr Dr 1:0 LBn.d£!r's .œsignBB, -lInd whBnr-BqlJBStB.d by -L-enrlBr, L.B..LJ5€ 1:0 bB tiJad, T-Br:DT.rlB.d, TIrliJad, Dr r-eT£!r;or.rlB.d,.BS"!he L:B.5e TIUlY be, .B1~h 1:ÎmBS -lInd in..5JJr:h .offiœs ßnd p!llœs .BSLBnrlBr TIUlY ..d£¡£,m .appTDprlinB, -lInY.Bnd -lI1I..5JJ!:h mDTtg.agBS, DBB.ds Df "1r.u.st, ..5£!r:urity DBB.ds, .SBr:.UTity ..agr-BBTT1Ents, -tin.aru:ing .s!.atimJf¡nts, .r:DTIti!lilli1ion ..51:atBmBnts, ÍI1.5ttiJrnBnts Df fur1:hBr -BSSUT..aru:-B, DBrtifir:HtBs, -lInd.D!her ..dor:J.JTl)£¡nts..as may, in -rhe..so1B Dpinion ut.anrlBr, bB nBœ5.5Bry Dr .œsir.ab1B in Dr.riBr w£ff£r:!.u.atB, =mplBtB, :perfm:!, L:omiru.æ, Dr pffiSBrllB (1) £rBntDr's Dblifj.a!ions ..un.d£!r"!he r:redit -Agr-BBmBnt,"this MortgBge, .Bnd"!he 'Re!.atB.d .DD.r:lJTT1f!nts, -lInd !2) "!he læns ..and ~rity inter-BSts L:r-e.ared by -:this MOTlg.agB Dn ~ 'PrDPfiny, whether now Dwnad Dr TIBr-BBitBr .m:r:¡.uir-Bd by £r..antDr. .unIB.s.s prohibite.d ;by law Dr .LenrlBr -lIgr-BBS 1:0 "!he .r:DntrBry in writiTlf, ErantDr lib.all r-Bimburse .LenrlBr -tDr -lI1I .r:D.5tS -lInd -BXPfinse.5 inr:J.nT-Bd in L:DnnBr:tion with -rhe l111I!tBrs Tirlerr-Bd 1:0 in -:this :par.agraph. A-ttoTTlBY-jn.;f~. If Er..antDr iBiJs -ro ..do .Bny ut -me -minfjs J"Bf£!rœ.d -ro in ~ .priIDeIJing :paTllgraph, .LenrlBr may ~ ..50 -tor -lInd in -me 11.aTl1B Di £TBntDr..and ...at £rantDr'.s c£!XPfiT15£!· 'FDr ~ .p!JIpD.S£!.5, £umtDr TIf!r£iliy irr-BlID!:.ably .lIp:pDints Jæn.d£!r ..as ETlIntDr's :attDTTlBy-in-iBr:! -tDr"!he purpDSB Df TIUlkin.f, ~XB.CUtin£¡, .rlBlillBring, -tiling, T-Br:DT.din,g, -lInd ..doinfj ßII D!her "things ..as may bB nBœ5.5Bry Dr .œsiTBbIB, in.LenrlBr'.s ÆDIB Dpinion, -ro ..ar;r:omplish -me m.a:ttBrs T-B-rerr£!.d -ro in -me priIDeIJinjJ :paragraph. TlJil 'P.EHFDRMANCE. If £r.antDr :pays ..all -rhe Jnr:IBb1:e.dn£!.55 when DuB, 1:Brmin.a:tBs -rhe L:r£!.dit inB -BJ::r:DJJnt, -lInd .DthBrwis€ +JBrfonns -Ell ~ Dblig.ations impD.5€.d -lJPDn Br:antDr ~r -:this MDTtg.afje, -L-enrlBr ..sf1¡¡1I ~ .Bnd .riBlillBr 1:0 £rBntDr B ..s..uìtablB ..s.atistac::1in Df:this MortgBfJ£!-lInd ..5JJit.abJ€ ..51:atBments ut 1:Brmjnation Df .Bny -tjnancin,g ..s!.atBTnBTIt Dn -tilB -Bvi.d£!ncinfj .LenriBr's .SBr:.UTity inter-BSt in"!he 'Rents :and "!he 'f>er.5Drutl 7'wPfiny. Br..antDr will :pay, if P£!TTTJittB¡j by .applli:.ab1B law, .Bny T-BlISonablB 1:BrminatÎDn tæ :as .ri£rt:Brminad;by -L-end€rtrDm 1:ÎmB W 1:ÎmB. ~1~~r:!t!e:$!~:;!:¡¡ h',. ~ ~¡!":t~~;t.~.: I: ~: - If' ~.... ¡--." c> U 3 ".., .;'\.r·.l ......: \} MORTGAGE { Cantirrued} 000050 fTageo 4-- E.VENTIr OF!JEFÄULT: Grantor- will a~ irr default" under this" Martgage' ir any at- the' fallowing hap¡:rerr. (A) Grantor <:0rTTTTTits" fraud or rmIke~ a: matertal mi"""'µI"''''t,,,ldliorr at" any tiTTTe' irr <:ormectTorr wittr the' Credit" Agreement Thisc <:arr in-¡;ud~, for exampi~, a: fafs~ ",ldt""II",,,l al:rout" Grantor'S" incurT'le', assets-, lialJilities, orany other as-pectsc at- Grantor'S" fimrrn:iat <:onditiorr. (BT Grantor-does- not" meetthe' repayment"terrTTs" or the' Wedit ÄgI=""'''l. (CJ Grantcrr's actiorr orimn:tiorr adverseJy affectsc the' <:allateral or Lender's rights- irrthe' <:ollaternt. ThiS" <:arr im:tud~, for exampt~, failure' to" rrrairrtairr ÆqUired insurarn:~, waste ordestroctiv~ us~ at-the' dwelling, failure to" pæy taxes-, death- at- all persumr liabi~arrtf'Te; a=rrt; tnmsfer at- titfe ar saf~ at- the' dwelling, <:reatiurr at- a: sentor lierr arr the' dwelling withcrut Lerrder'S" permission; fareclaSU!'e' b:y the' hcrfder ohmottrerlierr, orthe' us~ at-furnts- orthe'dwellingforprnhitrited purpuses-. RTGffTS" AMT FrEIVI'EDTES" aN DEFAUlT: U parr the' o<:c:urrerTCe or arr 6tem- ar Default" and at" any tiTTTe'thereafter I:rut- suajecr tIT any Ii mitatimT i rr tf'Te; Credit ÄgI "'t::t"t::t Il or any IimitatimT irr thiS" Ma~, Lender; at" Lender's optiarT; may exercis~ any orrec or rTTUre- at-the' fcrIlawing rightsc and rerrredies-, irr additiorrtIT any ottrerrights- orrerrredies provided b:y law: Accelerate' "d..Ltc<l...."". Lender shall hav~ tf'Te; right- at" its aptiarr WithuuLrmti<:~ to" GrarrtartIT de<:lare the ef1tire; IndeLt='"",,,,,, immediately du~ and payabi~, im:tuding any prepaymem- pernnty whidr Grantor- wauJd a~ required to" pæy. U CC; 11.....cdi..... With- respecL to" all or any pare at- the fTersunaf fTrnperty, Lender shall hav~ all the rights- and rerrredies- at- a: secured party urn:terthe Urrifumr CoTTTTTTercial Coœ. c;alrect 11entt". Lender shall hav~ the right; withuut" rmti<:~ to" Gramcrr; to" tak~ passessian- at-the fTrnperty, im:tuding- cIuring- the' pern:lem:y at- forec1asure!', wtTetherjudicial orrrorr-judicial, and <:ollecrthe' Rents, im:tuding al'TTO'Ul1ts- pã51due and unpaid, and appty the' liet"pruc-eed:i, over and abmr~ Lender's <:osts, against the Indebtedrress-. Irr fu, lI,,,,, dl ,lo... at this" right; Lender may require!' any temmL or ottrer user at tf'Te; fTrnperty tIT rmIk~ pæyrTTe11tSC at- rem:- or us~ fees directly tcr Lemier. It tf'Te; Rents are!' <:ollected b:y Lemier. then- Grantor- irreva<:abiy desigmrtes Lender as Grantor's attorney-irr-fartto" errdOTS~ instrurTTe11tSC re<:eived irr pæymem-thereatirr the naTTTe' at- Grantor- and tIT IIt:yulj..l...th~ SarTTe' and <:crllecr tf'Te; pTUC"eeds. fTayrTTe11tSC b:y terTants ar ottrer users- to" Lender irr res¡JUm;€f to" Lender's demand shall satisfv the abiigatians for whi<:tr the pæyrTTe11tSC are' made, whether ar not any proper gruu.ndsc for the demand existed. Lender may exercis~ its rightsc under this suLµd' dH' dµtreitherirr persaTT, b:y agent; orthrnugfT a: receiver. Appoint-l1eceiver: Lender shall hav~ the right- to" have a: receiver afJPUinted to" take pussessiarr at- all or any part" at- the fTrnperty, with- the power to" prate(:t and preserve the fTroperty, tIT op-ercrn:. the' Froperry preceding fare<:lo5tlJ"'e or sale, and to" <:crllect thff Rents frarrr the' fTrnperty and apply the pTUC"eeds-, aver and alJave the <:erst at- the' receivershiµ-, against the I ndebtedrress. The receiver may serve withuut aond ir permitted b:y law. Lender's right- tcr the' appaintrrTerTt" at- a: re<:eiver shall exist whether or not the apparent" value at- the fTrnperty exc:eeds- the I ndehtedness- b:y a: sub:starrtial arrnrurrt: Emptoymem- b:y Lender shall not" disqualify a persurr frarrr serving as a: receiver. Judiciaf ForecIOSUÆ". Lendermay obtairra judicial decreefaredosingGrantor'S" irrteresLirrall or any part" at the fTrnperty. Nanjudiciat S"allF. Lerntermay forec1as~ Grantor'S" irrteresLirr all or irr any pareat-the fTrnperty b:y rrorr-judicial sale., and speciffc;atly ay "power at- sale." or" advertisemeJ'Tl and sale" forec1osure!' as- provided b:y statute. [Jañ...;.......y Judgrrrent;. If µ'" IIlill=' b:y appti<:abie law, Lernter may obtain- a: judgment for any deffciem:;y remaintng irr t!;e; Indebt:edrreSS' due to" Lender after appti<:attarr at- all éIITTUtl1Tts re<:eived frarrrthe exert:ise, at-the' rightsc provided in-thisc sectiarr. Terram:y atS"...ff......,......_ Ir Grantor rermrins ¡rr passessiorrat-the P"rnperty afterthe fTrnperty is" said as provided alIDve or Lender otlrerwise ae<:crrrresc errtitIed tIT passessiorr at- the fTrnperty upurr default at- Grantar; Grantor shall ae<:oTTTe' a: tenant" at" suff", dIlL.'" at- Lender or the pun:lTaserat- the' Frnperty and shall, at" Lender's opticrrr, either (T) pay a reasoTTable rentaf for the use or t!;e; fTrnperty, or (2J va<:at!F the fTrnperty immediately upurrthe demand at-Lemier. Ottrerl1errrediær. Lendershall have all ottrerrights- and rerrredies- provided irr this- Mo~ orthe'Credit- Agreerrrent-or availaale atláw orirr equity. S"allFofthe fTrop'I!I"tT. To the extern-perrrritted b:y appti<:aale.law, Grantor hereby waives- any and all right-tIT have the fTrnperty marstralled. Irr exercising- its rightsc and rerrredieS", Lender shall ae. mre to" sell all or any part" at- the' fTrnperty tu!:..tJ I'" or "''''µd' ..tdy, irr arrec sale or b:y Se¡:Ia1'1i"Œ saleS". Lender shaH ae. errtitIed to" IJid at" any public; sale orr all or any partiorr at the fTrnperty. NotÌI:IF at- S"allF_ Lender will give Grantor- reasarrabfe. rmtit:;e at the' tirTTec and pla<:e- or any pubii<: sal~ at- the P"ersarral P"rnperty or at- the tirTTec after whi<:tr any private sale or ottrer intended dispasitiorr at the' fTer.romrl P"rnperty is" tcr ae made. Reasunable rmti<:~ shall rrrearr rmti<:e giverr at"leastterr(TOJ dayS" i::Iefcrrethe' tirTTec at-the sale or di"µu,,,iliull. Any sale- at-the' Persumrl Frnperty may i:Je made in- oonjum:ticrrrwittr any sale at-the Real fTrnperty. Efectiorr of- l1errrediær. All at- Lender'S" rightsc and rerrredies will i:Je c:umulative and may a~ exercised alOTTe' or to"gettrer. Arr electiarr b:y Lenderto" <:lmuse any orrec remedy will not"b:arLern:terfrarrrusing any ottrerremedy. If Lender decides-tIT spend rm:mey ortcr perftrmrany ar Grantor'sc oaligatians under thisc Mo~, after Grantor'sc failure' to" da sa, that. decisicrrr b:y Lender will not" affect Lender' sc right- to" de<:lare Grantor irr default" and to" exercise Lender's remedies-. Attu., "'Y'" Fees; EXpeI'15e5". ¡r Lender irTStitates any suit or actiorr to" enfcrrt:e any at tf'Te; terms at- thisc Mo~, Lender shall ae errtitted tIT recover SUdT sum- as- the <:ourt" may adjudge; reasarrabfe as attorneys' fees at" trial and upon- any ap¡real. Whether or not" any <:ourt" actian- is involved, and to" thff extern- not" prnhitrited b:y law, all reasanabie experTSe5' Lender irrcurs- that irr Lender's opintorr are rre<:essary at" any tiTTTe' forthe µ,ut=liulI at- its- irrteresLorthe' ellfUIl;t::tllt::tlt at- its- rightsc shall ae<:arne a: part" at the Indebtedrress payaale orrdemand and shall aear irrteresL at" the Wedit Agreerrrent- rate frarrr the' date at-the' expenditure' untif re¡:¡aid. EXperTSe5' <:overed b:y this parngraptr im:fude, wittTcrut limitation; however sutIjectto" any limits under appIic-aale-law, Lender's reasurrabie- attorneys' fees- and Lerrder's-Iegal expenses wtTetheror not" there is- a lawsuit", im:tuding reasanaale- attorneys' fees- after default" and referral to" arr attorney not Lem:ter's salaried emptoyee and expenses for aarrkruptcy proceedings (im:tuding effcrrts to" mudify or vacate any autamãtic; stay or injurn;ticm), ap¡reals, and any anticipated: pcrst-judgrrrenL <:ollectiurr servi<:es-, the <:ost at- searctTíng reoords-, obtaining titfe- reports (im:luding forec1~ repcrrtsj, surveyors' reports; and aµpraisaf ~ and titfe insura:rn:-e, to" the extern- µ.." IIiltt:tl b:y appti<:abie law. Grantor alscr will pay any oot!J"t" <:c!5"ts-, irr additicrrr to" all ottrer surrrs- provided b:y law. . NCITTCES". Any rTOth;e; required tcr ae giverr under this Mortgage;, im:luding withuut" limitation- any rmti<:e at default and any rmti<:e- ar sal~ shall ae giverr irrwritirrg-, and shall ae effecttve wlierr actually delivered, wlierr actually re<:eived b:y tete-facsimile (urneSS' attrerwise required b:y law), wherr depusited wittr a: mntamrlly re<:ognizmt overnight- <:aurter; or; it mailed, wlierr deposited in- the' United Statæf mail, as first- <:Iassc, <:ertified or registered mail postage- prepaid, directed tcr the' aúú, "'''',..... showrr rrearthe' aeginrring-ot this- Mo~. AIr ooptes at- rTOth;e;s at- forec1osure!' frarrr the holder at- any lierr whim has pricrrity over this" Mortgage; shall ae sem- to" Lem:ter's addresS", as shown- rrear the' aegirmtng at- this Mortgage. ArTy persaTT may <:tTangeo hisc or her addresS" for rrattc-es under this Mo~ b:y giving fcrrma writterr noti<:e to" the ather persurr or persuTTS, specifying- tITat. the' ptlrpcrS"e' at the' rmtic;e is to" <:tTangeo the persorr'S" address. FOr rmtic;e purptJseS", Grantor agrees- to" keep- Lender i II fUI "I=' at" all times- at Grantor'sc c:urrerTt"addressc. UrneSS' attrerwise. provided or required b:y law, irthere!' is moTe' tharr 0TTe' Grantar; any rTOth;e; giverr b:y Lender tIT any Grantor- is" deerrred to" ae rmtic;e given- to" all GIëITTtars-. It will ae Grantor's respansiaility to" tell thff others- at-the rmtit:;~ frarrr Lender. MTS"CEliANEDUS" PRaVrsyONS". Thefallawingmis<:ellarnrous provisians are!' a pareat-this Ma~ A.......d¡.."'.I::.. What" is writterr irr this Mo~ and ¡rr the Related: Doc:uments is' Grantur's' ef1tire; agreement with- Lender <:am:erT'Iing- the matters <:overed b:y this Martgage'. To ae effective, any <:tTangeo or a, 11t::t 'Úlllt::t Il to" this- Mo~ must i:Je irr writirrg- and must ae signed b:y whoever will aeaourntoroaliga:ted: ay the<:tTangeoor""I",,,úl""'''l. C;éIJ'timr 11....di..~. Caµticrrr headings ¡rr this Mo~ are!' for oonveniem:;e; purpuses- onty and are!' not" to" ae- used to" irTterpT'et or defirre. the prnvisiansat-this Mortgage. Go v..., ,¡, 'If Law-. ~ MO!'tgagtF wilT bIF governed by fedeTat law- appIicabflF tcT Lender amt, tcT the extent:" nat µ,...... ,µLcd by fedeTat law-, ttnF I~ ofttnF Stam of W~ wi1:hout- regard tIT ïm- confIi~ of law- µ'UV;";UI ,,,. ~ Martgage' hæ£ beerr à......µt..d by Lendørirr- the Stam err W~ Jaint-amtS"everat Uabirrty. All abiigati~ at-Grarrtarunderthis' Ma~ shall ae jaint"and several, and all referem:escto" Grantcrrshall rrrearr eac-tT and every Grantor: ThiS" means- that ea<:tr Grantor-signing b:elaw is respansiale- far all oaligatians irr this Mo~. Na Waiver by Lender. Grantor understands- Lender will not give- UIT any at Lender's rightsc under this Mortgage urness Lender does sa irr writing. The fart tITat. Lender delays or oT1'Tits- to" exercise any right- will not" rrrearr tITat. Lender has giverr ulT tITat. right-. If Lender does- agree' irr writirrg-tcr give UIT orrec at-Lerrder's rights, thãtdaes- not"rrrearrGrantor-will not"lTave-to" <:omply wittrtheather provisions- at-thts Mortgage. Grantor alsa understarnls tITat. it Lender does consem- to" a: request; tITat. does- not mearr that. Grantor will not" have to" get" Lender's <:OrTSenL agairr ir the situatiorr happens- agairr. Grantor further llJ ,út::t '" l", "hi that. just ae<:ause Lender <:ansents to" one or rTTUre- at- Grantor' S requests", that does- not" mearr Lender will ae required to" <:0TTSerTL to" any at- Grantor's future requests. Grantor- waives- pre5"'lll"",,,t, demand for payment; pratesl; and rmti<:e of dishonor. Grantor- waives all rightsc at- exemptiorr frarrr executiorr or similar law irr the' fTrnperty, and Grantor- agree-sthatthe' rights- at Lender irrt!;e; fTrnperty underthisc Mo~ are pricrrto" Grantur's rightsc while- this Mo~ remains in-efffict ~~~~~~~f(l' ; 09~1.~40 . MORTGAGE (ContiruJed) 000051. PB!Je :5 .severability. 1f.B 1:OIJTtiinds-ttm1.Bny .pwvislon uhhis MurtgBfIE is 11D1 \Œlill Dr sho.uJ.d nD1.ÍJfHmfor.cM, -ttm1-fac1: by itself will 11D1mean-ttm1 ~ r~ Dfmis MDt1:gBBe wHl nD1.:œ v.alid Dr%!nfDr.cerl. ¡tler£fuæ,..a 1:OIJTt will cBnfurr:e ihe T~ Dfihe .pwvislons Dfmis MD11:BBfIE-£\f£m if .B .pWVislo1'Ì'~ge-m:aYbe-iDm1d:tD·De"¡'¡'VBiid Dr -lmenfDrneBÍJJe. :f. ~~ '!;;\ ;';'q¡¡ii'iit,,;, ';,,;¡í.!Ì", ¡,.,.,."""""" bV""' M._.. wi""nv""." -""'", """'" in""" "'~,,"~nv 1:ÌT11€ . Id by ~~~ .:œ+m~ J..,eruJë:r'~ :a~~ity, without~ written ..cDnsen1 Di J..,ender. pí1::t ~:., y\'t "", :, .,:) i1~' ',..I! L . ¡SQG.~ ~~.;..._B'.J~f;:~..it~ ~~nsf'tBted in ihis MDr;tBlIfIE Dn1:r.ansrer Df .Grllntor'.s inter~, mis Mortg~ lffiall.:œ binding J.JPDn¡}m~!6'·1iIiê'bEiieftt~~J..tñéir ~r:es.5ors .and ..assJBns. If Dwner.shlp Df ihe f'ru.perty.:œ.cDmes If£Ste!j 1n.B ..per.sDn mher -ttmn t'rimr'o~naè1;"wJffia'íñ:"ñEl'ii:t'1D"r;'œ~ìfik:"ri'fuÿ Lieal with .Gœntor'.s .sw:œssors with Ti!ieænce 1:0 ihis MD11:BBfIE.Bnd ~ JnœJJterjness by WllY Df fD1DeBœrn:e Dr cBxtenslon without releasing .Grantor-trDm ~ DbligBtiDns Dfmis MDrqµ¡ge Dr fuiliility .!Jrn:ier ihe JnœJJterjness. 'Time js ~Hbe £ssence. ¡ÌT11€ is Df ihe cessence in ~ .peTfDTTTUlnc-e Df'"this MD11:BBfIE. WBÎver ~Hiomestead1:xBmptÍDn. .Gr.Bntor tleriiliy T-eJeases.Bnd w.aives.B1I Tights .Bnd.:benefits Df~ TIomeste.a.d cBxemptÌDn laws Df~:S!:ate Df WYDminB.i!S 1:o.B1I JndeDte.dness .se.c.urM by '"this MD11:BBfIE. JJEFJNITJDNS. ¡tie fDllowinfj wDrds .shall tuiVe ihe fDJlowinfj me¡¡nÌnfS when.used in mis MortgBfJe: ..BorrDwsr. ¡tie word ".BurrDwer" means])A VID B1TH-IARDT.Bnd VAJ.:ER1E cmrrtiARDT.Bnd iru::JucJes .B1Il:lr.Signers .Bnd .I:D-mBkers .sifTIin,g ~ LrMit Agr-eemen1..and.B1I :their .5J.J.CœSSor.s.Bnd ..assÎfns. I:r~it Ãgr-eement. ¡he wmds "LrMit Agreemem" me¡¡n ~ .crMit .Bfjr-eemem mned A.ugu.s1 lB, 200£, with .x:r:e.dit limit Df ~7 ,500.00 -trom Erllntor 1:0 .Lender, wgether with.B1I Tenew..aJs Df, -extensions Df, modifi.c1nions ~f, Ti!financings Df, .consolidatirms Df, .Bnd .5UbS1i1utions 'fDr~ .prDmissory T1D1e Dr ..agr-eemen1. ¡he TnBlUTity.IiBre Df'"this MDrqµ¡fIE is A.ugu.s11B,20l£. JllDTlCE'TD l;BANTDR: .HE I:BEDIT AGBEEMENT I:DNTAlN5 à \lARJABŒ JJ\~ I RATE. .EnvÍTDJ1JJ1ØJttaI.aws. ¡he wotlis "£nviwnmerttal .aws" me¡¡n ..any .Bnd .B1I state, -reaeTllI .Bnd Jo.c.al .:statures, Tegulations.Bnd DrLJinarn:es r-elJnillfJ w ~ .pwter:tion Df ilumBn i1eBJth Dr ~ -enviwTIment, iru:JudillfJ without Jimitation ~ ÛJmprehensilfB žnviwnmerttal Respunse, LDTnpellSBtion, ..and ..LmbHity AI:t Di lBBO, .i!S .l!mended, 42 lJ££. .5e.ctirm B£Dl, m: .Be!¡. ("I:ERI:LA").ihe.:Superfund Åmendmertts.1lnd Belwthurization AI:t Di lBB£, 'P~.l.. No. .B9-4BB (".5ARA"). ihe +1B:zar.dilllS MateriaJ.s I r.anspDttatÎDn AI:t,4B lJ.5£..5=tlon lBD 1 , -m:.5eq., ~ fresm¡rr:e ÛJnsenœtlon .BOO R£colfBry AI:t,42 lJ££. 5fll:tion £BD1, cBt .5eq., Druther ..appli.c.abl€ .srate Dr ierær.al laws, "I.I.JJes, Dr r-efµl1atlons..aclopte.d .pursuant iher£!tD. £vent m DBfautt. ¡he wDrlis "£1fBn1 Df DIrlauJ1" me¡¡n .Bny Df ~ %!1fBTI!s Di IJefauJ1 .5e1-tDrth in "this MD11:BBfIE in,~ %!1fBTItS Df IJefauJ1 .se.ctirm Df ihis MD11:BBfIE. . .bisting jrllmhT..rI~';5. ¡he wDms ".Existing lru:lebte.dness" mean ~ indebtedness .described in 1:he .histin,g 1Jens .pwvislon Df 1:his MOrtgiiflE· .ûr.antor. ¡he wDrn "Erllntor" me¡¡ns])AVID BUTtiARDT.Bnd VAJ.:ER1E BUTtiARDT. -HazarDous.Bubstan.ces. ¡he wDrrJs "tilwmlous 5llbst.aru::es" me¡¡n TIUiteriaJ.s -ttm1, .be.c.a.use .of ~ir .quantity, .I:Dru:entœtirm Dr .physi.c.al, .chemi.c.al Dr inf£u:tioJJs .char.BI:teristi.cs, mBY ..c&!Se Dr :pœB .a .pr$Sn1 Dr .pDtential biiziirn w ilumBn i1eBJth Dr ihe -enviwnmerrt when impwperly .used, 1:r£!l!ted, .5tOr-ed, LJispDSBd .of, !enerlited, 111i!TlUÍiiI;:Wed, ~nspDTted Dr D:therwise bandied. ¡he wDrlis "+:lm:inDrws 5llbst.aru::es" .Br-e.used in iheir IfBry brD.aCiest.sense.Bnd iru:lJ.Jde without limitatlon .BnY.Bnd.B1I biiziirLioJ.Js Dr wxic .5J..Ibst:aru::es, 1TliIteriBIs Dr w.aste .i!S Ilefined :by Dr listed .!Jrn:ier~ znviwTImerttal.aws. ¡tie 1ETm "t:iaz¡¡rLioJ.Js.5!Jbsn¡ru::es"..alsD iru:llJries, without limitation, .petrDJewn .Bnd .petrDJewn by-.prDducts Dr .Bny -tr.BC1ion ihereof ..and .asbestos. Jrnpr.ovements. ¡he WDrn "!mprDvements" me¡¡ns .BII-existing..and 'ÍU!!Jre impwlfBmeTI!s, .buildings, .5tI!JI:1ur£s, mobjl€ iIDmes liffbæJj Dn~ 'Reiil 'Property, -mcili:ties, .Bdditions, Ti!.p1BDements.Bnd Dther .I:DnsttJ.JI:tion Dn ~ 'Re.al 'Pru.perty. Jndsbtednes.s. lhe wDrn "Jndebtedness ,. me¡¡ns .BII .priru:iµ¡¡I, inter~, ..and Dther .BTnOlJTtts, .I:DSts .Bnd .,expenses ~y.Bb1€ .!Jrn:ier -me Lr-edit Agr-eement Dr BehnerLDu.c.uments, Wgether with .il1I r-enew..aJs Df, -extensiDns .of, modifi.c.ations .of, ..cDns.olidatiDns Di ..and .5J..Ibsti:wtiDns -tDr~ LrMit Agreemen1 Dr Belated DDJ:uments.Bnd .Bny .Bmaunts -expended Dr ..ad\Œrn:ed by J..,enrler 1:0 LJischarfIE ETlIntor's Dbligations Dr.,expenses iru:JJrrM :by J..,ender W cenfDr.c-e Er.antor's DbjigBtiDns .J..m!:Ier '"this MDrtgBge, Wgether with inter~ Dn -5.U.ch ..amaunts .i!S .pwvided in '"this MDrtgB.Qe. J..,ender. ¡he worn "J..,ender" means :¡:irst Inters:tate .Biink, its ,.. ",,,..,,,,,nrs.Bnd ..assi,gns. ¡he words "'sJ.JCr:es.50Œ Dr ..assigns" me.an J:ny ..person Dr ..cDl'11pl!ny-ttm1..B.cQJJir£s Bny inter~ in~ LrMit Âfjr-eement. Murtsage. ¡he wDrn "MD11:BBfIE" means mis MD11:BBge :be1w-een Eramor ..andJ£nder. P.eI5Dl1ilI f'ru.perty. ¡he worlis "'PcBr5Dnal f'r.operty" mean.B1I cer¡uipmen1, fixtures,..and Dther Br:tir:Jes Df ..per5Dnal .pwpertYnDW Dr i1er~r Dwner:J by .Gr.antor, Bnd nDW Dr hereB1ter .lIttar:herJ or liffbæJj 1:0 ihe 'Re.al f'ru.perty; 1:ogether with J:II BI::L:eSSlons, .parts, .Bnd ..aDditions 1:0, ..all rceplar:emeTI!s uf,.Bnd ..a1l.5LJbstitutlons 'for, .1Iny .of .5lJ.ch .property; Bnd Wgether with.B1I .pwD£;e¡:¡¡ Oru:Judinfj without limitation..all insuœrn:e .prur:eedS.Bnd T-efuru:Js Df .premiums) fwm .BnY.5iJe Dr Dther IlispDsition Df ihe f'ru.perty. f'rnperty. ¡he wDrLJ "f'rDperty" me.ans .cDJJer:tilfBly ihe 'Re.al f'ru.perty..and ihe 'Personal f'wperty. BBaI 'Pr.operty. ¡he worlis "Be.al f'ru.perty" me¡¡n ihe t-eBl.property, inter-est.s.Bnd Tights,.iIS iurther .described inihis MDt1:gBBe. 1ieiated.Doc.wmm1:s. ¡he wDrds "Related Du.c.umeTI!s" mean .BII .pTDTnissory runes, .credit .Bgr-eemeTI!s, lrom .B,greements, %!nvironmen!ill .B,gr-eement.s, !t!Jiir.Bnties, .se.c.urity J:,gr-eemeTI!s, mortgBges, ..deeds Df~, .ser:J.JThy .dee.ds, =JJ.a:œr.a1 mo11:BBges, .Bnd ..all mher instwments, .Bgr-eement.s.Bnd IÍD.c.uments, whether 11DW Drtleæafrer ilXÏStillfJ, -£xe¡:,uted in =nneC1ion with ihe JnœJJterjness. Bents. ¡he worn "ReTI!s" me¡¡ns .il1I .presem.ilnd il.1ture Tents, relfBnues, iru:Dme, issues, WYllh:ies, .prDiits,.Bnd Dther .:œnefits Ileriveri-tTDm ~ f'wperty . £ACt! .ûRANTDR ACKN!)WŒDßES iiA\lJNG E;AD ALL .HE :pßQ\lJSJDNS DFJ"-HJS JlßDHT.GAEE, Ã1IID £.ACt! ERANTDR ABBEE5 J"D JTI) J.ERMS. .ûRANTDR: ~~,.-() ~ .DA. \lID RUTHA1IDT J( ~ßJ~ \lAJ..:EHJE RUTHAHDT :!ji!:i¡i!I~~~!~; r~rJi?"" C-':' 0 tv ,~¡ '\4 ~!1....1:_1- ~' MORTGAGE ( Continued) 000052 P"age ff INDrVrDUAL ACKNOWlEDGMENT /~ I STÄ-TEOF L L{ Ov-.!\ I COUNTY" OF ~fL -f.o '-"".. ss- ) RICHARD L~JR. -NOTARYPUBUC Countyc:l it.· StIDd TetarJ . Wyanq MyCOl'.J"~' EXpIrwJuly2f, 2QJI IT rr ~ day befum rTre', ti1e' undersigned Notary ~ubJi~, persuna!ly ap¡:reæred [JAVI[J RUTFfARUI and: VAlERIE RUTFfARIJr, tcr rTre' knuwrr tcr bff. ti1e' individuals- ~hriKWrr arn:t whuexecut!!d ti1e' Martgage', and- a~knuwledged: ttrarthey signed ti1e' Martgage' as- thcirfree. and vafuntary act and deed, fcrr~.. Se!r a~ r¡:roses- thereirr ri'rerrtta~. A Œverrum::le9fÍ'rrl ~/.. seal ttmr day or :t:t'4 v"f +- , ZII 0 b ... ( ,~J>/ ~J I. ..-"" v~zt1z' l'latæT~~rramUi:JrttÆS A./ 1 0 ~ lWy,-ullu";""iu,, ~ ~ (oÇ/ hJv / LAS8'Fp,ro-Lending; Ver. 5".JZ.10.0IJ:r Copr-. ~'~ Sol\rtkrnr. I".C'. 1997: 2rXJI5: All Ff"tghtrR--..d-. _ \NY C;\~CFFRPUGD:I:~ TI1-4.1CIJZB5!" PR=~ i~~!~~1r:(J< '::