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When Recorded mail to:
Larry F. Dahle Trust
995 Fairway Drive
Preston, Idaho 83263
RECEIVED 8/22/2006 at 9:55 AM
RECEIVING # 921556
BOOK: 631 PAGE: 103
Escrow No. 237018ML/6010615402
Warranty Deed
Northern Utah Partners, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, organized
and existing under the laws of the State of Utah, with its principal office at 175 East 400 South,
SLC, Ut. 84111, as GRANTOR, hereby conveys and warrants to Larry F. Dahle, Trustee
of The Larry F. Dahle Trust, dated June 13, 1980, and First Amendment
dated January 16,1982, and Second Amendment dated June 17, 1996, as
GRANTEE, of Preston, State of Idaho
for the sum ofTEN DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration the following
described property situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming:
See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference to made a part hereof.
For reference Purposes Only: Tax Parcel No. 12-3218-19-3-03-003.00
SUBJECT TO all easements, covenants, restrictions, rights-of-way and reservations
appearing of record, and taxes for the year 2006, and thereafter.
WITNESS the hand of said GRANTOR, this Æ- day of ttuj? Lt s7· , 2006.
regory A. Stuart, Manager/Member
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On the ~day of t1~/t5.J-~ 2006, personally appeared before me Gregory A. Stuart,
who being duly sworn did ay, for himself, that he a Manager/Member, of Northern Utah
Partners, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company and that the within and foregoing instrument
was signed on behalf of said Limited Liability Company by authority of its Articles of'.
Organization and duly acknowledged to me that said Limited Liability Company executed the
My Commission Expires:
Residing at:
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Exhibit "A"
The part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 32 North
Range 118 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the North Afton Annexation
to the Town of Afton, Wyoming it being the intent to redescribed that tract of record ip the office
of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 278PR on Page 47, as follows: .
I ¡
Beginning at the intersection of the South line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest
Quarter with the East right of way line of U.S. Highway 89, South 89°25.9' East, 50.54 feet ITom
the Southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, found as described in
the Certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate filed in said Office; thence continuing South
89°25.9 East 299.31 feet, along said South line, to a point on the East line of said Annexation;
thence North 00°14.6' West, 220 feet, along said East line to a bathey; thence North 89025.9'
West 299.15 feet, to a bathey on said East right of way line; thence South 00°12.1' East, 220 feet,
along said East right of way line, to the point of beginning.