HomeMy WebLinkAbout876021 State of Wyoming Effecdve 11/86 Board of Land Commissioners Return to: Fo,n M~2 Oil & Gas Lease Interest Assigmmmt (Revised 4-96) " State Land & Farm Loan Office F/ling Fee - $25.00 Non-Refimdable 122 West 25th Street Hersc der Building, 3 West Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600 o 001 Wyolning Oil & Gas Lease Serial Number 00~00416 Assi~unent Appm.., ~Date ' ASSIGNOR, with name and address at, Robert J. Kenney 3064 South Dahlia Denver, CO 80222 ~" being the owner of I00 percent LEASEHOLD (Type Interest: Leasehold/Operati:'.:i~ Rights/Overriding Royalq,) interest in this lease, described in pa~icular if less than the total leasehold as: Tow~_~North, Range 114 West, 6d' P.M. ' Section 29: Lots 3-5 Section 30: Lots 3, 4 lSncoln County, Wyoming For good and valuable consideration, hereby'assigns to: ******************************************************************** I) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at: Baseline Minerals, Inc. 1645 Cou~ Place, Suite 422 Denver, CO 80202 100 percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in pa~icular above.:: 2) ASSIGNEE, with nmne and address at: percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above. 3) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at: percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above. 4) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at: per~/ent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above. 5) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at: percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above. and reserving unto ASSIGNOR, NONE ' This assigmnent is subject to any existing overriding royalties previously reserved. Reser,,ations of overriding interesti must be approved by the Director, and any such approval is subject to the condition that overriding royalties m~! y be canceled by the Board of Land Commissioners if it finds that such overriding royalties create a burden on the lease which prevents or Unre~::onably interferes with its development. ASSIGNOR certifies by signature on reverse, that ASSIGNOR is the owner of the intere:sr above herein transferred, and ASSIGNEE(S) certify(ies) by signing on the reverse that this assignment constitutes a binding acceptanc~ of all die terms, conditions, stipulations, restrictions and statutes governing the lease described above, and of the Rules of the Board, at Chapix~: 6, Leasing of Subsurface Resources. This form may be duplicated.' If space is needed fi;r additional assignors or assignees submit copies of this form only. i! . Page 1 of. 2 ofLease # 00-00416 assignment date? .November 16, 2000 i' SIGNED AS TO TRANSFER AND ACCEPTANCE this 16th day of__Nc, vember 20 00 By - l~ooert J. Ktmn c -.-', ~' o :2,', L J_oseph W ham Title- Title - Presid~:nt / ~__~ Attest - Attest - Assignee (2) - Title- ! J~ ,4 0 Attest - STATE OF COLORADO CITY AND COUNTY OF ~DENVER llns ,nstrument wfl.,i.[tck~'l~le.l:tiged before rne , ~~..~ ;' ~*. 40 ' this _~-- day of 000, ~:y .ioseph W. Thames, President of Baseline Minerals, Inc. Nbm~y Public *,;','- C} ' 'c '"~ My Commission Expires: . Aasianment Requirements Note: A_ssj~un¢ 1 s ar~ not~v_alid untd al~prov¢d~rector, State Land an Fa_d~a~_L_ogt.3 Office as l~er State Oil & Gas Lease Tenm and approval is soM¥ for a_~ministrative ptkq~oses and shonld not be interpreted as warrauly ~l_aLa v mt~.assig nent bo ds l_¢gal or equi ab e interest in tld%lease. A:~$ignments which do not meet the reqt~ir_e i ents listed below and those in the Lease and Rules will be relu~ed unapprov~d. 1. This tbnn must be completed and submitted for any assignment of State Oil & Gas Lease leaseho d i lterest tmdivided or di;4~ :d as to separate tracts formations, zones or deposits, and for overriding royalty interesL , 2. Asslgaments of less than a 100% lease ~o d interest, do not relieve the assignor of the obligations as a lessee under the terms of the lease regarding the ioterest corn,eyed unless the St:~te first has in band, a wrhlen agreement to be bound as lessee for all obligations uoder the lease for the assigned po:lioa frown the assignee. Tiff:; ;equirement should not be constn~ed in any way as a release or recision of the obligations of any surety bonding parties nnder the requirements of the State Oi and Gas Lease Board Rules or this ~ssig::m~ ut. (All lessees are nltimately respooslb e for tile performance under the lease, and default subjects the entire lease to forfeilore not just the inlerest related to any performance obligation considered toie n default.) ' 3. A signed originnl and one copy of each assigmnent must be filed w/th the Wyoming State Land and Farm Loan Office. 4. Each assigmoent, f approved is recognized by the State as effective as of the date of approval by the Director. Adeqna~.- b::-nd'~nnst be fumisl~ed covering any and all prodoctive zones prior to approval of any assigoment of interest in an operating State oil a d gas lease, whether wellbores exist on the leased lands or not, aid :n no case,can drilling operations, inclnding to prospectively productive zones under opera g leases begin withoot a bond first being in place. 5. If there is more than one party iu interest to th s assignment then all such parfias in interest must sign the document before ~ ~signmenl approval will be given. 6. The appropriate legal descrlptioo of the conveyed lands interest must be given. 7. Assignments creating a separate (reissne) lease subject to the ndas and regulations governing all State of Wymning Oil & G: :; Lease do not change tile terms and conditions of the original lease, the lease anniversary date, nor the obligations and anniversary date of the lease created therefrom being considered as if it bad becl: :;ued on the effective date of tbe'originaI lease. (See Board Rnles, Chapter 6, Section A.) ~ 8. Coq~orations, limited liability companies, and limited partnerships mast be qnalified with tile Wyomiug Secretary of State~, r, :. ' ~ m~d Farm Loan Office prior to, and as a condition of Board approval of any assJgoment. ~ I .,ce, and general partoership papers are required to be filed with the State Laud 9. Assignments will not be considered fo; approval where assignor or any assignee currently has a delinquent (late) royalty x ental payment obligation(s) for any State subsnrface resot roe lease.