HomeMy WebLinkAbout921595 tmmi!mm~mm ~,~"..~!....~q-~_..~...:.,".. , L1 000257 VERIFICATION OF SUCCESSOR CO-TRUSTEES WAYNE J. CARLISLE, ALEC D. CARLISLE and JON S. CARLISLE, being first duly swom upon their oaths according to law, certify and state as follows: 1. That on the 18th day of May, 2000, CHARLOTTE M. CARLISLE, acting as Settlor, and CHARLOTTE M, CARLISLE, acting as Trustee, entered into an agreement creating the Charlotte M. Carlisle Living Trust, which trust, for formal purposes, has heretofore been referred to as: . , CHARLOTTE M. CARLISLE, sole Trustee, or her successors in trust, under the CHARLOTTE M. CARLISLE LIVING TRUST, dated May 18, 2000, and amendments thereto 2, That Charlotte M. Carlisle died at Billings, Montana, on the 18th day of February, 2005. 3. That upon the death of Charlotte M. Carlisle, Wayne 1. Carlisle, Alec D, Carlisle and Jon S. Carlisle succeeded to the trusteeship of Charlotte M. Carlisle under said trust, all in accordance with Section 3.a, of Article Twelve of said trust. 4. That for purposes of holding title to trust assets, beneficiary designations, transfers directly to the trust, and formal correspondence, said trust shall hereafter be referred to as: WAYNE J. CARLISLE, ALEC D. CARLISLE and JON S. CARLISLE, Trustees of the CHARLOTTE M. CARLISLE LIVING TRUST, dated May 18, 2000, an~ any amendments ther~. , W(I,'f ~ Œß1b, 00 ) g &LL Wayne . C Isle, Trustee of the Alec D, CarlIsle, Trustee of the Charlotte M. Carlisle Living Trust, Charlotte M, Carlisle Living Trust, dated May 18, 2000 dated May 18, 2000 RECEIVED 8/23/2006 at 10:14 AM RECEIVING # 921595 BOOK: 631 PAGE: 257 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Jon S Carlisle, Trustee of the Cha otte M, Carlisle Living Trust Dated May 18, 2000 .. -- O ("~. ~:;'1. rq r:;; ~..F~.¡; .._,t......J'·...¡~ 000258 The State of Montana ) : ss. County of J Q. \\" ,tIc;-\..?'" ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this S-ls, day of .~rif, 2005, by Wayne 1. Carlisle, Trustee of the Charlotte M. Carlisle Living Tmst, dated May 18,2000. /. '2.. OIJ 7 Notary lblic t '; "'" ,~ Br¿w;^.1-' ...... The State of Wyoming ) : ss. County of Lincoln ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this \S~~ day of April, 2005, by Alec D. Carlisle, Tmstee of the Charlotte M, Carlisle Living Tmst, dated May 18, 2000, Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: tUo("ùa.) \'5_ ~oo1_ ~~~V Notary Public J ·JE.w~HOOŠ8t;RGÎ~~~OíAÂY púâLJC COtMY OF STATE OF lJNCOlN WY 100 by COmmission Ex,¡:~~ º mml~l~~~¡i[i~Iii ~f~mjmm~~m;!~:l. .-..'<., ."'........d...'...· ,.....,....,'_.,..'~.....~,.,......."-""'-.._ ."'j',.>....,'., . . .'........,""'-'---'--"'....,¡,.;. ,..."-...,"....,........ . ....:·,.'~·-"<r·,..~'O%..,..>L~...-··,I·.-." ......."'...V!'¿.,-:"..."...,,.., ,,;, O· G·Þ1.~'(.~t::~ . .::J 4.., . '.. t "'" . .'. 000259 The State of Wyoming ) : ss. County of Jo1mson ) " The foregoing instmment was acknowledged before me this ß day of April, 2005, by Jon S, Carlisle, Tmstee of the Charlotte M, Carlisle Living Tmst, dated May 18,2000, Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ~jd- ~ / ()~ I I ~ê7 ' I '~~(J ~~L-£~~ Notary Public LORI SCHRE 8E~~:.NOTARY PUBUC County of " State of Sheridan Wyoming My Commission ~ires May 23, 2006 \.. Q"j<;'·l"-C·.· f- ilii . I..r ~. "', \.I~ -''''f ""-<" ,..t.....·, i:I EXHIBIT A 000260 Township 21 North, Range 115 West, 6th P.M..Lincoln County Section 8: S1IzNE% ¡i~~~ilii~lli¡¡¡~U