HomeMy WebLinkAbout921693 ~l*~~~!~;Wi;r~··:J. :t. .lor..;!r'¡,;.,~í;.i i..~ ·'~ij'jl~I.~i.I. h-¡!1~j :~:¡~r:;:;:;s.~:;:::,~ :::;;~:;:;:~::!!:;:;t;:: ~-,:,"''.",::',''. T ';~; ..ua..~:t.:r.;:t;:I1~~;:r".....:mJ"';9Øl1Jt...~.XI..!it~~~",IoIF.'èA;¡~~-rY_~..7.J":t.....~,,;<j:,. : i . -~.... ,:,.,....; ¡~.'.~j!;i·i:-rj:t:.:;:.:m:t;·i~.·' ..-' ",' '. . ~,~~'..: '¡!~:i;m~n'..1iA!:'7< 't"~.>oI"J:!;;!I!!»'t':,,1·i't'.;t,)·'i~,· . < ': ....;;. -:,~".,..~li':P¿t.~r¡-:.t1'!.,C",·,<:·!· '~·'~...~tJ;"":.""'''''' ...:,t.;o-~~,"'.;I'.'.~. ,- : P.02 307 877 9602 AUG-15-2006 15:42 ALLIANCE TITLE AND ESCROW Pile No,; 6010615555¡ I WARRANTY DEEr>' Ronald 'E. HackJin and Jeanette Marie Ihck11n Husband and Wife, grantors of Crook County, State of Wyoming, ior and in cönslderation of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration, in hand paid. receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do Convey and Warrant To Terry DixoJa and Monette Di10n , husband and wife grantees, whoso address is: ß{) 13¥ lfó 2 ~ ú!J. ~~'fJowingdeSCribed real estate, situate In Lincoln County and State 0 yo C, to wit: That part of the Northeast Quarter oUhe Northellàt Quarter of Sei:don 7, TOWDShip 26 North, Range 112. W, Lincoln COÛllty, Wyoming described as follow.: Beginning .t I. point South 44°J.S West, 72.6.0 teet front the Nortbeut comer of said Section 7 where i, found a 2" galv. steel pipe with bndS Cftlp Inscribed ''PIíN R1UW" ~ 1962 wltb mound ohtone to West, thanee North 00°14' Eut, 2.70.5 feet to . polllt Oft the Soutb lltle ot land noW belonging to the Wyoming Bighway Department ofreeord in the Omee ofthe Clerk of Lincoln Coppt)' in Book -39PR on page 545; thence West, 610.0 feet along said Department land to its Southwest cornel', a point on the Eàlt I'lght-of-way line of.Hlghway 189_; thence South 00°14' West. 268.0 feet along laid righf.-of-way IiDe to a point; thence South 89°46' East, 610,0 fact to the poiut or beginning. Hereby releasing and waiving all fights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. Witness our hands tills I ~~ day of A uq lAd .20..s2.!:£.. /?~¿, ~ ..BQnald B. Hicklin State ofWyom1ng ) ) 5S. County of Crook ) I ~iit day of ,20.!l..k.. I+-t-t 7 /As£. The foregoing instrument was aCknowledged before me this by Ronald E. Haddin and Jeanette Mllrie Hllcklin. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: '~\.!Q.",^,\oUL ~ JOO\..Q. ~ (t~ iJ~J Notary Pubì\c ~ Sb-nmLint Deed - W.runty WY 0 I\.C\', 71311200<; >~c).1iE.t~ ". NOTl«(p.ueUC ..' 81.".\(#. . . _.' .. COUNTY. oF WYOMtNG' "" CROOK ì My Com~.lonExpk8. November 7,2006 RECEIVED 8/24/2006 at 4:25 PM RECEIVING # 921693 BOOK: 631 PAGE: 511 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY '.;'.:: ;'-;"'I'~nfr ~ ~.."j , . ~¡. ~: i-~¡~V - J ~; {ì1":.t Ei:þ~j:~,:J.i~~~~Ð.f;J 000511 TOTAL P.02