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Effective 11/86 Board of Land Commissioners' Return to:
Fonn ML-2 Oil & Gas Lease Interest Assignm~mt State Land & Farm Loan Office
(Revised 4-96) ·
Filing Fee - $25.00 NoniRefimdable 122 West 25th Street
: Herschler Building, 3 West
' Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600
Wymning Oil & Gas Lease Serial Nmnber 00-00419 Assigmnent Appro,;ai Date
ASSIGNOR, with name and address at,
Baseline Minerals, Inc.
1645 Court Place, Suite 422 i!: '
Denver, CO 80202 ~.i
being tile owner of 100 percent LEASEHOLD
(Type Interest: Leasehold/Operati?:ii Rights/Overriding Royalty).
interest in this lease, described in particular i~ less than the total leasehold as:
T~o~nship 22 North~ Range I [7 West, 6"' P.M
Seotlo,,.,8: SWN~--
Liocoln County, Wyoming , !.
40.00 acres, more vi' less
For good alad valuable consideration, hereby assigns to: * ********************************************************************
Condor Exploration, LLC
7538 South Salida Court ,
Aurora, CO 80016 .
100 percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above,::
2) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at:
percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above.
3) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at:
percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above.
4) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at: . ;;
percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above.;!.!: .
5) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at: :
percent interest in the total leasehold, or'as described in particular above.
and reserving unto ASSIGNOR, 0.5000% Overriding Royalty Interest : '
This assignment is subject to any existing overriding royalties previously reserved. Reser.~ations of overriding interests must be approved by
the Director, and any such approval is subject to the condition that overriding royalties rn~:y be canceled by the Board of Land Commissioners if
it finds that such overriding royalties create a burden on the lease which prevents or Unreasonably interferes with its development.
ASSIGNOR certifies by signature on reverse, that ASSIGNOR is the owner of the interes'.t above herein transferred, and ASSIGNEE(S)
certify(les) by signing on the reverse that this assignment constitutes a binding acceptanc{i of all the terms, conditions, stipulations, restrictions
and statutes governing the lease described above, and of the Rules of the Board, at Chapt~:r.6, Leasing of Subsurface Resources.
This form may be duplicated.
If space is needed for additional assignors or assignees submit copies of this form only~~' .
Page I of 2 of Lease # 00-00419 assignment da'!i~:d November 27, 2000
SIGNED AS TO TRANSFER AND ACCEPTANCE this 27th day of~.._b'pvember 20 00
ASSI NO~Baseline ' a nc .... Assignee (1) ~- Condor Exploration, LLC
title - P~ent Title - Manage:
Attest -
A~est -
Title -
Attest -
Fluhmstrument~,s'~i~l~ged before me
{'~/? :' "~[ ';~' ,~;~Z~'~20 ., _ ,2000, by Jo's eph W. Thrones, President of Baseline ~inerals, Inc.
~gtary Public ' · · .
.~' %, ,, ~..,,,~. day of.. ~'~ ,-'~; 2000, uy ~ixon Lange, Manager of Condor Exploration, LI.C.
' ~' ' ' /E~ My Commission Expires:
. AssDninent Requirement~
Note: _A~:menll~ are not valid uotil approved_~.v t :e Director, State Land and Farm Loan Office as per State Oil 8LGas Lease Teri~s {md approval is solely for adaninistrative purposes and should not be hg.erprete~dd
as wa_~anty th2lkt any party to Ibis a~.s~i.e it/lc, Ids legal 0r e_q!!itable iai.eros_! n this lease. Assig neats whiCh do n~t the reqt:iT_e/~n.t$ list.ed below and {bose in the Lease and Rtdes will bq~ returned tm~!pproved.
This form most be completed and suNMtted for any assignment of State Oil & Gas Lease lease lo d/nterest, undivided or di'~/t: ~d as to separaie tracts, formations, zones or deposits, and for overriding royally
2. Assigunmnts of less thai: a 100% leasehold in:et:est, do not relieve the assignor of the obligafians as a lessee under the telin:~ of the lease regarding the interest conveyed onless the Siate first has in band,
a writ:an agreement to be bound as lessee for all obligations nndei' the'lease for the assigned portion from :be assignee. Thi.i {'equirement shoold not be construed in any way as a release or recision of :be
obllgat/o,s of any surely bonding parlies uoder the requlremants of the State Oil and Gas Lease. Board Rules or this assigr:ml nL (All lessees are ultimately responsible for the performance onder the lease,
and default snbjects Ihe entire lease to forfeitore not jnst the interest related to any performance obligation consider&d to )e .n default) '
3. A signed original a id one copy of each assignme,lt must be filed with lbo Wyoming State Land and Farm Loan Office.
4. Each assignment, if approved, is recognized by tile Stale as effective as of the date of approval by tbe Director. Adeqnai~i b.md mnst be fiunisbed covering an), aud all productive zones prior to approval
of any assignnlent of interest it: ao operating Slate oil and gas lease, whether wellbores exist on the leased lands or not, mid n no case ,can drilling operations, including ~o prospectively productive zones
noder operating leases, begin wilbont a bond first being in place. '
5. If there is more than one party in hlterest to tiffs assignment, then all §ucb parlies in interest mast sign the docnment befor~ '~isignlnent approval will be given.
6. The appropriate legal description of:be conveyed lands ' :
Interest must be given.
7. Assignments creating a separate (reisst e) lease subject to the rules and regulations governing all State of Wyoming Oil &IG !'s Lease do not cbange :be terms and conditions of the original lease the lease
almiversaD, date, nor the obligations and aaniversary date of the lease created therefrom being considered as/fit bad bee ~ u sued on the effective date of:be original lease. (See Board Rules, C lap:er 6
Section A.) :
8. Corpo 'ations, limited liability compmlies, and limited partnersblps mnst be qnatified xdtb the Wyoming Secretary of States, OiSce, and general partnership papers are required to be flied with the State Land
and Farm Loan Office"prior to and as a condition of Board approval of any assigmnent
9. Assignments will not be considered for approval where ass/gnor or an), assignee currently has a delinquent (late) royalty or ~ ental payment obligation(s) for an), State subsnrface resonrce lease.