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Effective 11/86 Board Of Laud Commissioners Return to:
Form ML-2 Oil & Gas Lease Interest Assigning:it State Land & Farm Lean Office
(Revised 4-96) 122 West 25th Street
Filing Fee - $25.00 Non-Refundable Herschler Building, 3 West
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600
AUG $ 0 200i
Wyoming Oil & Gas Lease Serial Number 00-00420 Assimment Approv'~l Date
ASSIGNOR, with name and address at,
Baseline Minerals, Inc.
1645 Court Place, Suite 422
Denver, CO 80202
being the owner of 100 . percent LEASEHOLD
.(Type Interest Leasehol~Operatir~5 Rights/Overriding Royalty)
interest in this lease, described in particular if less than the total leasehold as:
Township 21 Nodh, Range 118 West, 6m P.M.
s~,io,, 4: Lo, 7, S~NW
Lincoln County, Wyoming
78.94 ames, more or less
1) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at:
Condor Exploration, LLC {] (J ~' ) ........
100 percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in pagicular above.
2) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at:
percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above.
3) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at:
percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above.
4) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at:
percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above."
5) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at: . '",
percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above. '
and reserving unto ASSIGNOR, 0.5000% Overriding Royalty Interest
This assignment is subject to any existing overriding.royalties previously reserved. Reservations of overriding interests must be approved by
the Director, and any such approval is subject.to the condition that overriding royalties nr~y be canceled by the Board of Land Commissioners if
it finds that such overriding royalties createa burden on the lease which prevents or tmre~:~onably interferes with its development.
ASSIGNOR certifies by signature on reverse, that ASSIGNOR is the owner of the interes!, above herein transferred, and ASSIGNEE(S)
certify(les) by signing on the reverse that this assignment constitutes a binding acceptancelof all the terms, conditions;stipulations, restrictions
and statutes governing the lease described, above, and of the Rules of theB om'd, at Chapt,:~:'r 6, Leasing of Subsurface Resources.
This form may be duplicated.
If space is needed for additional assignors or assignees submit copies of this form only. '
Page I of 2 of Lease t~ 00-00420 assignment dat:d~'t . November 27, 2000
S~ day of lx.!~vember 20 00
Assignee (1) :- C, ondor Exploration, LLC
By - Nixon
Title - President Title - Maria:er ./'~ &' /
Attest - "
Attest -
Title -
Attest -
~ '~ '4 '
COUNTY [~ ,b~', ~"
' - ........... h~¢~ ,:.,, ,,,~ ·
This,instmmen[,~s a~{Jegg~d b~rore m~ this.:X /' day of ~'j~v[~ '
?~'; 2000, by Jo> eph W. Thames, President of Baseline Minerals, Inc.
!'i '"- '. r ~t'.~" '
~:fa,'y Public - ..,, My Commission Expires'.
... . :,, ....
Thi~instrumem ~vas [¢a'km~w[edged before me this ~
/) ': c, ~. m ¢ :'-{ day of 00, by .N,xon Lange, M~ager of Condor Exploration, LLC.
t~6tary PubliO; ,, My Commission Expires: -g"' 7-:
Assignment Requirements
Note: ~n_ents are nol valid onlll a~J._o_yed by the Director, S~gEe Land and Farm Loan Office as per State 0il & Gas Lease Term md op r_0j~val is solely for administrative pt~r°oses and should not be inte!l~rete~d
as wa~lantv that a~ls assimungnt ho[q~llal or eou [a~ c ~nterest in tl~ leas~. Assignln_~nts which do not meet the reutFre' ~ents listed below and tlloso in tile I.~a$¢ and Rules will be returned
[. This form must be comp eted and submitted for any assignment of State Oil & Gas Lease Ieasebo d inter~st, ondivided or divic ~'d as to separate tracts forlnations zones or deposits and }'or overriding royalty
2. Ass/gnlneots of less than a 100% leasehold interest do not relieve tile assignor of tile obhganons as a lessee tinder the te~m~ of tile lease regarding tile interest conveyed unless the State first bas in band,
a written agreement to be bonnd as lessee for all obligations under the leas~ for the assigned portion from the assignee. Thi:; requirement shoold not be construed in any wa5' as a release or recision of the
obligations of any safety bonding parties onder the reqnirements of the State Oil and Gas Lease, Board Rules or this.ass g~ br. ~nt. (All lessees are nltimate y responsible for the performance tinder tle lease
and defaolt snbjeets the entire lense to forfeiture not just Ibc interesl related to any performance obligation considered to ye n defanlt.) . ' ,
3. A signed original sad one copy of each assignment mnst be filed with tile Wyoming State Land and Farm Loan Office.
4. Each assigm neat, if approved, is recognized by the State as effective as of the date &approval by the Director. ' ' '
Adeqnat, bbnd mast be fimlished covering any and all productive zones prior to approval
of any assignment of interest in an operating State oil and gas lease, whether wellbores exist on tile leased lands or not :,.ad in ilo ease can drilling operations, including to prospectively productive zones
under operati lg leases, begin without a bond first being in place. '
5. If there is more than one part), in interest to this asslgmnent, then all such parties ill interest must sign the document befcle ;llssignment approval will be given.
]'lie appropriale legal descriplion &the conveyed lands interest lnust be given.
7. ' Assignments c~eating a separate (reissne) lease subject Io the roles and regnlations governing all State of Wyoming OiI& G;:s Lease do not change the terms and conditions of the original lease, the lease
amnversary date, nor the obligations and anniversary date of the lease created tberefi-om being considered as if it bad beert i:soed on the effective date of the original lease. (See Board Rules, Chapter 6,
Sectioa A.)
8. Corporations limited liability co npanies and limited partnerships mnst be qnalified with the Wyoming Secretary of State~, Ohlce, and'general partnership papers are required to be filed with lhe State
and Farm Loan Office prior to. and as a condition of Board approval of any assigmnent. .
9. Assigmnents wiII not be considered for approval where assignor or an), assignee currently has a delinquent (late) royalty ;r :ental payment obligation(s) for any State subsurface resource lease.