HomeMy WebLinkAbout921728 i;':!~,li;' .,........'.....'.'\' ;~:::>I¡I¡~: 000588 ~ >. . ..0 bl) . ¡::: '"ö .~ d.) E "20 0>, ~~ :>.. ..... t.o- t3 ~J º 0 "åJ ~ ~ 'f;G~ '--:-" V,) ::J ~ ¡¡,J 0 ~ -a U E ;§ '" Ô '-' ~ 0';::: :;~ :.a ~ F-< § :;:¡: FileNo.: 6010615730 QUITCLAIM DEED REBECCA PETERSON, A Single Person, grantor of Lincoln Cowrty, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration ofTen Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration (-$10.00-), in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby Conveys and Quitclaims To ALLYSON BILLY D. PETERSON AND':'\:t,fSf>N PETERSON, H sband and Wire as Tenants by the Entireties, grantees, whose address is: 0 0)1.. "-/5 L ~ C,..,.) '" '8'11 all interest in the following described real property, situate in Lin oln County and State of Wyoming, to wit: A portion of the Peterson Office/Home property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 591PR on page 234, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming within the Northwest Quarter of the NOJ1hwest Quarter of Section 11, Township 34 Nortb, Range 119 West oCtbe 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the metes and bounds being more particula.-Iy described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the Easterly Right-of-Way line for U.S. Highway 89; said POINT OF BEGINNING, being 618.33 feet South 15°19'58" East from tbe Charles V. King PEILS 590, location for the Soutbwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2 of said Township 34 North, Range 119 West; thence North 59°02'51" East, 59.54 feet; thence North 51 °39'15" East, 338.50 feet; thence South 32°06'35" East, 205.85 feet to a point in the North line oCthe Rocky Point Business Park as shown on Plat No. 2-E witb Instrument No. 878471; thence South 78°31'04" West, along said North line, 426.89 feet, to a point in said Easterly Right-Of-Way; thence North 22°07'35" West, along said Easterly Right-Of-Way, 20.19 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. "I Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. day of August, 2006. Stateof~ W:p.,s [-lltJ~íóµ' ) County of Ie ~ ~(C'o ~ ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thiS.d1 day of August, 2006, by Rebecca Peterson. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: IÄ. L{., /1 \ ifCJ:lj N_~~ \\\\,"11""'"11. :\\\"~ :<\1\ :t"".-. ~~ ~~ .......... ...~ ~ ~J .., ". 'T. ~ oS' -S' ~.., ..,~U .... Q.,~ ~ . ......' ~...-- ~ ~~"""".a. .....,-::. :: ~: ~ iii;' ~ "'" ~ == >- is? :'Or I 2 -Hi: = =z:= :; ~ !:::0:; ::: 0\... _ ~:~::: ~ 5-... ~ q: /-iE ~ '<.;~" ~" ."!c. $ ~...... ..~~ ~~'--...-S1~~~ ."'f.~~ iJII \þ\\" RECEIVED 8/25/2006 at 4:08 PM RECEIVING # 921728 BOOK: 631 PAGE: 588 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Page I of I ~ StreamLine Deed - Quit Claim WY CI Rev. 8/1512006