HomeMy WebLinkAbout921740 , . ~,--~,.- ;:';;;¿-:i I::' 000643 [[J U-\ [r:1~~~[~~~ijI: File Number: 60578lo-L) i WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Name: Address: Peter J. Burtness 437 Stinson A venue Pismo Beach, CA 93449 RECEIVED 8/25/2006 at 4:40 PM RECEIVING # 921740 BOOK: 631 PAGE: 643 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY :1 II II 11 ¡PETER J. BURTNESS, a single man, MATTHEW L. BURTNESS, a single man, án(I CHRISTOPHER G. BURTNESS, a single man, with an undivided 1/3 interest each II I, GRANl'OR(S) oO:Jnl.tJÌ) County, State of Cql¡fb(l\ì4, hereby QUIT CLAIM t8bi~fo QUIT CLAIM DEED (Individual Fonn) ~ -', \ ./' ./ PETER J. BURTNESS, individual GRANTEE(S), whose address is, 437 Stinson Avenue, Pismo Beach, CA 93449 for the sum of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: See "Exhibit A" attached hereto also known by street and number as: 490 Airport Drive, Alpine, WY 83128 Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. Tax ID No. 37181920301200 Z{ :St- day of A~4-~.{- ~ð¿~ MATTHEW L. BURTNESS ,2006. PETERJ. BURTNE S ~ CHRISTOPHER G. BURTNESS STATE OF C&t\í{orr)/tY,,^, COUNTY OF tJa~lJ¡i~ OrJl"¡;V " ( The foregoing instrument was aCknOWleMed before me this d I day of August, 2006 by PETER J. BURTNESS, ~~TTU¡¡~~ TRnm~ AND CHRISTOPHER G. BURTNESS the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. ~ ~ ;-'..: ~ ~ ~ ~ M~J.poNòER " ~ ~ (!) " COMM. #1460021 > K! II>.... :: NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA ~ , 4 · SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY 0) j '~ ,,- _", My Comm. Expires JAN. 31, 20~ '" '-'" -.....; .......... ........ '-r " .....,.. '-' ......,... '-' ....., ---- Land Title Company File Number: 60578 Quit Claim Deed - (Individual) Page I of2 ~ "- i 1" ~-,~:¿;.. ¡-, ':1. Ie Jd 4.A. Ii LV 000644 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF Lincoln I The finbgOing ins~rument was acknowledged before me this 22 day of August, 2006 by MATTHEW L. BURTNESS ! . the signer of the within instrument who dul ackn 1 WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFÌCIAL SlAL. ow edged to me that he executed the same. ~~.~ Notary Public: My commission expires IV 1--7~ (' ~ 1/ .. ~ '.' l^ J.:r.-, I' :- M'¡' Cr.:,',¡',: , -'>~,_.""' .- _., .''',. o· ."' ,-,-/,F~ ":JTA>:1':,PL1f:1.1_:? --·1 f""~""~' : -KARENT.~J.' County of .' S1 t 1 ,....;, a eo $. Llncof~ :;j;'\ Wyoming t~E~~~~~~19£~~,~, EXHIBIT "A" LtGAL ÒlSClUPTIO~r SOUTHEASTERLY HALF OF Lot 45 . ALPJNE VILLAGE SUBDIVISION The: Southeasterly one-half of lot 45 of Alpine Village subdivision No.1, recorded as i!Jsmunent # A:S 1666 \)'\ Uncoln County, Wyoming, further dcscrlbéd as follows: Bcgil\ßÍ»;g at a found 5/8" iron rod on the So'U1h comer' of said lot 45, said point being 589034' 59"E616.68 fcc' along East-Wl:i~t c~ntC1line of ~r,cti()n 19 and North 407,11 fcc-.t from the Cent~1 Weat 1/161'A cQmer (bcing a Bn'lS5 Cap Monument) of Section .19, Towtl5hip 37 North, Range 1 \ 8 West 01 the 6V1 Principle Meridian LINCOLN CO\JJ'lTY, WYOMINGI Emd running thence NJ603~' 5\"W 300.24 feet to a set 5/8" iron rod with an aluminum cap P .L.S- 3520; thence N530\)'49"E 443.63 feet 10 a ge\.SI!~11 h:on rod with en ah.unll).u,m cap P.LS. 3520; the-nce S360~l4'40nE .300.04 feet tQ n found SIB" iron rod with an ahuriinUn'l ca.p #526; thence: 55}" \1' \ TW 444.049' to the point of beginning --' -----.-------""'" ~~_. _.~, .__.+_.".._.,.._~.~.~~.........-...................,-~"> Land Title Company File Number: 60578 Quit Claim Deed - (Individual) Page 2 of2 1 ",1 ~i~fillllig~ '·';·~J~;mi¡!:~;~i;_:·,·~