HomeMy WebLinkAbout876026 State of Wyoming Effective 11/86 Board of Land Commissioners Return to.' Form ML-2 Oil & Gas Lease Interest Assignm~at State Land & Farm Loan Office (Revised 4-96) 122 West 2511~ Street F/ling Fee - $25.00 Non-Refimdable ..' Hersehler Building, 3 West Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600 AUG 1 0 2001 Wyoming Oil & Gas Lease Serial Number 00-00421 ^ssigment Approv!:il Date ASSIGNOR, with name and address at, Baseline Minerals, Inc. . 1645 Court Place, Suite 422 Denver, CO 80202 " being the owner of 100 percent LEASEHOLD (Type Interest: Leasehold/Operatin.g Rights/Overriding Royalty) interest in this lease, described in particular if less than tile total leasehold Township 21 North, Ran~,e ~ 18 West, 6"' P.M~ Section 4: E2SW Lincoln County, Wyoming L I r',g ¢ ()L,'! (¢ 71 !..J !' ! T Y For good and valuable consideration, hereby assigns to: *****************************~***************************************** I) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at: Condor Exploration, LLc ~,.* ~,".~..,. "~.- ~'~,~..,,~ ~'' ~-r' ~.'" ,'-~,, '', ': 7538 South Salida Court Aurora, CO 80016 100 percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above. ' .. 2) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at: percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above. 3) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at: percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above. 4) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at: percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above· 5) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at: percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above. and res.erving unto ASSIGNOR, 0.5000% Overriding Royalty Interest '. This assignment is subject to any existing overriding royalties previously reserved. Reset :rations of overriding interests must be approved by the Director, and any such approval is subject to the condition that overriding royalties m~:;.~, be canceled by the Board of Land Commissioners if it finds that such Overriding royalties create a burden on the lease which prevents or unreal;;onably interferes 'with its development. ASSIGNOR certifies by signature on reverse, that ASSIGNOR is the owner of the interes~ above herein transferred, and ASSIGNEE(S) certify(ies) by signing on the reverse that this assignment constitutes a binding acceptance 0f ail the terms, conditions, stipulations, restrictions and statutes governing the lease described above, and of the Rules of the Board, at Chapt(r 6, Leasing of Subsurface Resources. This form may be duplicated If space is needed for additional assignors or assignees submit copies of this form only. Page . 1 of 2 of Lease it 00-00421 assignment dated November 27, 2000 SIGNED AS TO TRANSFER AND ACCEPTANCE this 27th day of N,>vember 20 00 A, ~ ~.- ,. ~N Basel Is, Inc., ,. ........ .! i'i Assignee (1)'Condor ExPloration, LLC By Title ~sident . Title - Manager ~ ~/' Attest - Attest - By- Title - Attest - NS[dry'Public -- - . . My Commission Expires'(?, ' O P. STATE OF COLORADO CITY· AND COUNTY OF DENVER 'I"his instrument was acknowledged before me this P c/d(&_ day of 0~/'{{.. ~L&/~_.~ 2000, b.x; Nixon Lange, Manager of Condor Exploration, LLC. Assignment Requirements Note: _AssignmantS m'e not valid until appro¥_ej:t by the Director. State Land and Farm Loan Office as per State Oil & Gas Lease Terma~ and approval is solely for administrative vumoses and should n0 be htte~prete_.d a_~.wavraq~[¥ that any oath; to this assi~,nment holds legal or ennitable interest in this lease Assiemnents wh/ch do not4neet the requh'otfiep, ts listed below and those in the Lease and Rides w/il be ret~rned tmanarow,-l~ interest.This fonu must be completed attd submitted for any assigmnent of State Oil & Gas Lease ease mid interest, tmdivided or di~,ic?~d as to separate tracts, formations, zones or deposits, and for oveniding royalty 2. Assignments of less titan a 100% leasehold interest, do not relieve the assignor of the obligations as a lessee tinder the tendril, of tile lease regarding the ioterest conveyed unless the State first bas in hand, · a written agreemen! to be boond as lessee fo'r all obligations nnder tim lease for the assigned portion from the assignee. Tl~i:; requirement sbmlld not be construed in any way as a release or recision of tire obligations of any surety bonding parties nnder the requirements of the State O and Gas Lease, Board Rales or this assigmnent. (All lc6sees are ultimately responsible for the performance onder the lease, and default subjects tile eh(ire lease to forfeiture not just the interest related to any performance obligation considered to be :n default.) ' 3. A signed original and one copy of each assigmnent mnst be filed with the Wyoming State Land and Fam~ Loan Office. 4. Each assigmnent, if approved, is rei:ognized by the State as effective as of the date of approval by the Director. Adeqnate b.>nd mnst be fi~misbed co~,erJng afiy and all productive zones prior to approval of any assignment of interest in an operating State oil and gas lease, whether wellbores exist on rite leased lands or not, and n no case can drilling operations, including to prospectively prodoet ye zones under operating leases, begin withont a bond first being in place. : 5. If there is more thm~ one pmly in interest to this assignment, then all such parties ht interest must sil,m the document before ~ssignnnent approval will be given. 6. The appropriate legal description of the conveyed lands ioterest mnst be given. 7. Assignments creating a separate (re sst e) lease subject to the roles and regulations governing all State of Wyoming Oil & C'.s Lease do not change the terms and conditions of the original lease, the lease Sectloaaan/versarYA.) date, nor the obligatious and mmiversary date of the lease created therefi-om being considered as if it had been :!'sued. on the effective date of the original lease. (See Board Rules, Chapter 6, 8. Coq~orations, limited liability companies, and limited partnerships must be qnalified widt the Wyoming Secreta.,y of State~ t):See, and l~ener'al pa~ership papers are reqnired lo be filed with the State Land and Faon Loan Office. prior to, and. as a condition of Board approval of day assigmnent. 9. Assignments will not be considered for approval where assignor or any assignee cnrrently has a delinqoent (late) royalty ct' i ental payment obligation(s) for any State subsurface resource lease·