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HomeMy WebLinkAbout921758 / . . __ W'O, _. ~_. _~ . _ ..~__ ._..~"___~._.. .._.....~..... . ~'_~~.. _'~'." - -"-"'-'~-'-'..&..,. "~--..--...-",,_._........,,._...... ..""',.·.~..'..,U."n".._, .- ,....."' _.... __, ".,....." 4'.,""_ ,h_' 000700 UCCFINANCING STATEMENT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY A. NAME & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optional] Oiligenz, Inc. 1-800-858-5294 B, SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) f21463423 Prepared By: Oiligenz, Inc. 6500 Harbour Heights Pkwy, Suite 400 Mukilteo, WA 98275 I RECEIVED 8/28/2006 at 11 :14 AM RECEIVING # 921758 BOOK: 631 PAGE: 700 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY L Filed In: Wyoming Linco~ THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 1. DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME -Insert only = debtor name (1a or 1b) _ do not abbreviate or combine names ! L/ I ' --.) 1a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME PPS COMPANY, INC. OR 1b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 1c_ MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE rOSTAl CODE COUNTRY PO BOX 627 SOOA SPRINGS 10 83276 USA 1d, TAX ID #: SSN OR EIN I ;DD'lINFO RE 11 e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 1(, JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 19, ORGANlZATIONAllD #, ~ any g~;¢o~ZATION I Corporation 110 I C53775A o NONE 1.1 2. ADDITIONAL DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME - insert only = debtor name (2a or 2b) - do not ebbrevlate or combine names 2a_ ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR 2b_ INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 2c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE I POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 2d. TAX ID #: SSN OR EIN ;DD'lINFO RE 2e.TYPEOFORGANIZATION 2f, JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 2g. ORGANIZATIONAllD #. if any . g~¢~~ZATION I I I n NONE 3. SECURED PARTY'S NAME (or NAME of TOTAL ASSIGNEE of ASSIGNOR SIP) -Insert only = secured party name (3a or 3b) 3a, ORGANIZATION'S NAME ZIONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OR 3b, INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 3c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE rOSTAl CODE COUNTRY POBOX 220, 902 WASHINGTON STREET MONTPELIER 10 83254 USA 4. This FINANCING STATEMENT covers the following collateral: All Inventory, Chattel Paper, Accounts, Equipment, Machinery, General Intangibles, Instruments, Furniture and Fixtures; whether any of the foregoing is owned now or acquired later; all accessions, additions, replacements, and substitutions relating to any of the foregoing; all records of any kind relating to any of the foregoing; all proceeds relating to any of the foregoing (including insurance, general intangibles and other accounts proceeds). 5, ALTERNATIVE DESIGNATION [if applicable]: 6. X E~~A+E ~EC~RDS Attach ~J~ebned~i~ 8. OPTIONAL FilER REFERENCE DATA 7434782-9007 TR52999 'e":' Debtor 2 21463423 FILING OFFICE COPY - NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT (FORM UCC1) (REV. 07/29/98) ~m~~~~;if~m: ~Il¡mj~im~~!~j'¡!~i ..-.~,,,,~,~ I:::::i::¡:~~:::::' :':':I..!fi;:f:;i'= :~ ______ .___"n _ ..... ~-._.,--._._...--. . .._--........ -- .__.-.. .....- -- --. .~" .?_. '._-. '.~ ' .. .",. . ._,."...... u·_~v~._..'..~ ~_ '_'"._ 0921'-758 000701 1 UCC FINANCING STATEMENT ADDENDUM FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS IIront end beck~ CAREFULLY 9. NAME OF fiRST DEBTOR (1a or 1b) ON REI-ATED FINANCING STATEMENT . 9~, ORGANIZATION'S (IIAM~ PPS COMPANY, INC. OR lib. INDIVIDUA\.'S LAST NAME ARST NAME r100le NAMt:!, SUI'F ) 10. MISCELLANEOUS: THE ABOVI: SPAce IS POR. FII..INQ OFFICI: use ONLY 11. ACCITIONAL DEBTOR'S EXACT fULL ,-gOAL NAMe ·In,ert only 008 "1"'8 (11~ o¡ 11 Þ) . del nen Ibbravllle Dr COmbfná n~mo. - 11 H, ORGANIZA'rION'S NAME . OR 11Þ. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST N~¡;¡ FIRST N~¡;¡ MIODLe NAME SUFRX 11c. MAI~INGAODRE5S CITY STATe rOôTAL COOE COUNTRY 11d. SEE INSTRUCTIONS .1 :00'1. INFO RE .'11e. TYpe OF ORGANIZATION 11/. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 119, ORGANiZATIONAL/DIU, hny . ORGANIZi\TlDtt'1 nNON~ DearOr'! I I 12. 1 ADDITIONAl. SECURED PARTY'S Qr n ASSIGNOR SIP'S NAMe -IMert o~IY ane nemo (12q or 12b) 12~. OAI3ANIZA110N'S NAMe OR 12b, NOJVIOUA~'S u,sT NAMe¡ FIRST NAMIi MIDDLE N"'MI: SUFFIX , 121:. I.1AII.ING ADORES6 CI'I'Y STAT¡;¡ ro:;r^~ c;ooe COUNTRY ! I 13. This ANANCJNG STA'rEM¡;:NTccllllrs JJ~mb8r!ll be cut or DaHxlIlll1led 15. Addl~onol callaløral do,QrIptJon: I'Dllaterlll., ð/' Ja nlad ... a 8 1bcI",. fl rI . 14. p.,.Dripl~ of relleetata: EXHIBIT ,"A· I I I i , 15. Nlme 10d Iddlee8 af a ReCORD OWNER Ol8bð\lo"¡eSDribød rill 881111 (II Debtor dDIIS nol hAVO I 'ICOrllll\lere8!): 17. ChoQk.!!!!bl hpPIlClblelnd choak2.!Jb:onl box. Debtor 18. 0 TIU&! or n T/UtIIDo acting wIIh l1I'pecl !II propelty held In trim Of n Decedonl'. ~þto 18. ChIck!!!!!\! Ihpp''''''ø''' And Ql\eøk~oo. bO , r- ~ D8bIM 'II . TRANSMI1TING U'rILrTY ¡. "lied In COnnac ¡on wilh . Mln"fal:Med-Home TIDn..¡¡¡Ion _ o/Jo"l/vo :w yel,. FIled In IIOnnoclJon with. P"blig-Flnanoe Transaction . e!f8c~"" tor 3D ye.,. FILING OFFICI:; copy - UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AODENDUM (FO~ UCC1Ad) (REV. D5122/02) 1 -I l1erlenc Financial Solutlohli ..00 S.W. 6th Avenue, I'ortllnd, Oregon 97204 . I! ',: . , ;41 Eiliìbit A FUt f)Ot06f5~96' besertptlon ~ 000702 .¡ $ . 'I'hð J!Dd rcf'mJtd to in thia document is s~d' þ1 the S"tau Qf Wyamix1gj Cc:nmty of Lincoln, and ÎII ål!scn"bcd as fonows: Apol'ttol1 Qfthe East Half oftbe SouthwesHJuarter ofSectfOD 11$, Township 34 North Range 119 West oftbe 6" P,M., in the Town o(Th"'Q!, Llnccln County, Wyomirt¡ being mo1"e partieuIarI1 desc:ribed as toJlows~ . \ THE TRUE POINT OF :BEGINNJNG being. an fro!! Pipe aet 302.6'7 feet North 41)41 '30" .Eart from the: Statt HighwAY MODUD1ent (Dune! rqarldnt SCI4S4-f56.5, !O feet rigbt, ¡aid pDint "'0 bela¡ 333.05 feet, :along a 1859.86 t'tet rAdius cm'\I'e tþ tha RJ~ht (dtt.lrd bW'f North JOOJ7'13" West¡ 331.61 f.à!!t), through a eemtt'1langla·oflO'l5'3G" 194.71 North 8S01'''~~J'' tastfront slid Monumeft.t . .. '. I .:. ..~~ .,.. ~ . '. ~. ..t" \.. . thence North 4-30'0.3" West, 266.!)4 reet þ .N;L J'1'oo Flpe Jet; "\ thenee South 881147'35" Ean, 314.12 feet. to In Iron :Pipe set, thence Soutb, 23g.~1 feet to an I"fln Pipe Jef, theme South S~7 23 J Wè!t, 294.02. feet· to ~é 'fR11E 1-0INT OF ~EGINNING. ~f>ttLœ.\5 .J \1..- ~L.\\4 - 14-";- Çl- b....'4.D,\ '. \ '1..... 'b'·W'!" \'.¡-- ~ :-!,I- 0 Y4 ~.~ ,': .:' ! .. ,': ... .: . ,'. ~: ~ . . " I , ¡ ,t', I ,I ~ '-~ 1tJTAL. F'. 89