HomeMy WebLinkAbout921786 000749 RECBVED 8/28/2006 at 2:Z1 PM RECBVING ~ 921786 BOOK: 631 PAGE 74!J JEANNE WAGNER UNCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Document Prepared By: DOCX¡ LLC 1111 Alderman Drive Suite#:J50 Alpharetb4 GA 30005 Wñerr recorded retnm to: DOCX¡ LLC 1111 ALDERMANDR.7 ~UITE 350 ALPHARETI'"A7 GA 30005 770-753-4373 MIN #: 100060800000248094- VRUTeI.#: 888/679-MERS This spzce for-Recorder's use only- Project#: 708MERS ReferencefÞ. 708-0199898701 IIIIIIII~~ I~ III~ III~ 1IIIrl~rlll~ II~rl~~ I~III~ 11/111 1m ~T08-01ggSgSTOT~ Secondary Reference #:20060825 (R043) PINIrax: ill fÞ. Property Address: 4597Bn .fERCREEKROAD AFrON, WY 83110 WYMRSDJ-5 04118/05' MORTGAGERELEAS~ SATISFACTION. AND DISCHARGE IN CONSIDERATION of the payment and fu1l satisfaction of all indebtedne$ secured by that certain: DeedofTmst described below, the- undersigned. Mortgage EIectroni~ Registration Systems7 me.,. whose-address is 2701 WELLS FARGO WAY. MAC X9901-0267 MINNEAPOLIS. MN55467, being the present legal owner-of said indebtedness and thereby entitled and anthorized to receive said payment, does herebyrelea&; satisfy. anddischa:rge said DeedofTmstirr fuII and does hereby-consentthat the- same be- canceled and discharged of record.. Borrower(s): MARKCWESTON AND HOLLY.TWESTON OrigiDat Beneficiary: THKBANK OF STAR VALLEY LoanAmount: $151,200.00 Date Re-cm'ded:: lIJ23/Z365-- Hook: ~05 Legal Description (ifrequìred): NA Comments: DateofDeedofTmst: 11/16/2005 Page: 683= fu:.-imment;Nãmber.91395D and recorded in the- official records ofIJncoln County, State-ofWyomingaffectingReal Property andrnoreparticuIariy described ot[ said MOrtgage referred to herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF; the undersigned has caused these presents to be executed on this date of 08/18/2006. MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS. INC. w¡me.kJ;~ ~ LINDA GREEN VICE PRESIDENT ~:iu:t= JESSIC LEETE ASSISTANT SECRETARY Ii II " !I State 0 II County of FULTON , On this date of 08/18/2006, beforemt; the-undersigned authority, a Notary Public dulyconnnissioned. qualified and tct/IIgwithirr and for the aforementioned State and County, personally appeared the-within named LINDA GKEEN and JESSICA L!E1!:TE, known to me (oridentiñed to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) that they are the VICE PRESIDENT andASSI$1tANT , . I SECRETARY respectively of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS,. INC:. ("MER:S'ì), and were åuIy authorized in their respective capacities to execute the- foregoingins1rnment for and in the- name- and on behalf of Said corporation and that said corporation executed the same, and further-stated and acknowl edge d that they hadso signed,. executed and delivered said ins1rnment for the consideration. uses and purposes therein. mentioned and setfortlL N¡;¡h+7~-~Sd- ':':;~:;~:;:;f.:;:::'~ iB~ili;j~:2~~;~