HomeMy WebLinkAbout921814 0008j2 RELEASE: OFREALESTAIE MORTGAGE (By Cmporntion) KNOW ALL MENBYTIIESEPRES:ENT5, That l.stBank A cmporntion, afthe Comrty of Lllrcoln mrdStateof Wyonring rlay of .Aprl1 , .docs h=by œrtiiY1hat.aœrtainmortgage., bearing date the IH ]}mdd Jlarber made.and.execute.d by ,AD. 2006 .as mortgage -----' to Ist::Bank aka ¥i:rs1:: li;rr-ý om.. T :Bank-West: .as .mortgagee, conveyingccrtain real estate:th=ID mentioned.as 5eCllrity forthe payment af S 2I8 ~07L.06 ,.as :th=ID states, which mortgage w.as =on:Ie.d m the office afthe Comrty CkrlcandEx-Offu:io Register of Deeds of T.-hTrnT-yr Comrty, State ofWyOIIIÌnb on the z day of 1fay 2006 irrBook 618 ofMortgages,.atpage 559 , .andIIIOrtgagingthe following .describedreal estate m said Comrty, to wit: :P:n-M~T ~p TPR~of Iot: 9 hIm::k 5 of bPif-Fnrñ hIDck- RECEIVED B128L2000 at4:13 PM RECElVING# 921814 BOOK: 631 PAGE81Z JEANNE WAGNER UNCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEM~, WY is, with.a.noæ.secnredtfæreby, .andthe.aforemen:tioned.debt,fully paid,. o;;mi<:fiPrl. relp"'''PIT, .andrli""h",~rI.anrLmcoTTo;;idPrntion thereof the said mortgagee: rlocs h=by Tclea.se.and quitclaim llITto thesaidmortgagorthe·premises thereby canveyed.andIIIDI!ga.geLL lNWTINESS WHEREOF, the 1st Bank b.as caused these Presents to be.signed by its Bnmch President 23 Day of Angrr¢ ,AD. 2006 BY~~~~/ Its- Branch . cashier. Note: lfitisnot!fesired to .described lands mspaœ!herefor,..insertthefollowing: "All lands .describedmsaidm~ TIffiSTAIE OF WYOMING Comrty of Lincoln } 5.5. On_ .t5 "yof ar Penny Jones ,.20 0 (þ , beforemepcmmalJy.appcarcd tomepcrsonally known, who, bcingby=.duly swom,.did.saytbat.he.is1hc: rstBank Branch President of .andtbat:theseaLa:ffixcdto.said itrommPTtT .is1hc:corpm:al:l:scrl of.said.carpmariOII,-llIIdtbat.said itromm..,.,-rWll£signed: and .""Iffi on behalf of.said ~ corporation by lIlI1hority ofits Board ofDir.ectrJn .and.said to be 1hc:freellCt.and.deed of.said corporation. ~ E.l.EN C PUGIt" 'I ~ C~~~VðF~. t-·-'¡\'~'- oU '"Yof "~¿¿qç~~ My Comrmssiorr Expj~ OctolJer 2l!, 2006 Notary Pu . 1iay crf tfEt~ My commissionex¡rires on1hc: c2.~ ,AD, dLCJoCr TIffi STAIE OFWYOMING, County of } 5.5. This irNrrnm..,.,-rwlISiiledfor:n:cordllt A D.20 , md.duly recorded.inBook o'clock_M, onthe onP.age illly of County ClerlumdEx-Officio Register- oflJeed£ No. Fees,S By Depnty Clerk .,.'....;....¿....'. :;::::;::::::::::;:;:',1