HomeMy WebLinkAbout921815 , U;;'0:8::7-- RELEASE 0.?::~:;< " ESTATE MORTGAGE (By Ccnporation) I ì KNOW ALL MEN BYTHESEPRESENTS, That i 1st Bank A l:cnpm:atÎoIT,-of1fre County of Lincoln ¡ :,¡f ¡;¡~;;W¡~;!¡¡;: ~: ~j . p;:rrt-f;rT ... ~Tp;rc:e ~00081.3 œrrifÿthat.aœrtain=rtgagI; bearing.date1fre m"etpc "net .executed by David ::Ha:rhe:r .amLStan: of Wyoming IB .day of .ApriI. , does-lrereby 2006 ,AD_ .as mortgage. --' to Ist .Bank æœ. :First:: l\f;rt-inmrT .Bank~ .as ~ ronveyingœrtainreal.estate. thercin:TI1f!TIrinnM as:secmity:fur1:he-paymcnt ofS2IB, 0TI_06 therein.states. w¡lli:¡nTIn~!¥, w.asrecordt:d.in1he.afñCe of1fre County am mnt Fy-O:fficio Reg:isterofDeeds: of T.Tnr-nT-n Z -'-v of Jfa:y County,.stare ofWymni:ng...on1fre .ll4-J ,.as: 2006 .inBook fîIB ofM mtw'!¥''', .at__pllge .559 , .amhIlmtgaging1he:following: rl,.<:I"TÝft~ real.estate..in.saíd County, to wit: ·.:;p:~#T ll.pTp~. of Iot .10 hIoclc 5 of])edford hIock- RECBVED Bl2BL2DDfi m-4:13 PM RECaVJNG# 921815 BOOK: 631 PAGE B13 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMf=t.tt:tt, WY is withll.IIOte.5.eClITed:thereby .IDId1fre.afomn,.nrinnM..debt. iWlypaid.. ".!Itim,.et J"I")"~ :met cii=h:rrgprt.IDIdirr mTT<OirtPTminn ! ~1fre.saÍd:IIIDI'!gageerlo~l=byreJease.IDId cpritdrnnl!IIÍD ~~,.".:therebyamveyffl :mrhTI~,.rl .IN WITNESS WHEREOF,1fre I st Bank .and Ít5 c BraIIchPresinent 2I .day of AngJT~ ,AJJ. 2006 of BY Its: cash:i.e:r. Note: If it is not.desÏred to .describedlandsirr .space::therefor, inscrt1frefullowing: "Alllands desc:ibedirr.said:moI1gage- THE STATE OF WYOMING County of Iirtcoln } z. D. "'" ~ I """ of ~ Penny Jones ,20 0 (0 ,befure=persunally.app=d: to mep=anaJly known, who, bci:ngbyme.duJy 5Wom,.did.53)'thatheis1he 1st Bank Branch President of -=d1:hat:the.sealÄÍfixedío.said ;, "I, "" ~"I is1he.cmpm:a:æ.scal of~that.said ;, "I, ""~" I =.sÏgm:d!!TTrf .,."IM on behalf.ofsaid .corprnrimr by.authority of.its:Bœ:rdof:Di=tnrs..and.said ~ .J lLCknowJedgcdsaidIDs:tmmentto be 1he:fTce 1tCtæId.decd of.said l:IJI XmItimr. ElLF#iÇcf~t~al this ~! dayof a~ AD.d.OOb C~~~%t;f 0 ~~ _~!í)~ é-Q ¿, My ComrrnSSlorr EXpire!> October 28. .2006 . Notary ~c: My c:ommissimr=µires on1he eft f? day of tJèi &()..¿u . AD.~O 0 TBESTATE OF WYOMING, Crnmty of } 55. This.instrument WlIS: filed for=ardllt A. D..20 ,-=d.duly =m:rlcdiILBook o'clod: _ M.,. on1he: err p~ flay of County Clerk-=dEx-Offic:io 1ù:gistcrofTh:cds: No, Fees,S By Deputy Clerk