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HomeMy WebLinkAbout921861 ~§ ~bÕ ~.S ,..g E ~ 0 8;>-'· ,ð> E:: z;> ,"".... = LbO 0 0 .;.'5 ~ ;>-, ~·e :a .~ u ~ .,- <i'J ::s ... ,U;¡ 0 ú"Ou 'E ¡:: œ ::s œ ~ u u O'¡: "0 .... ",E-o .... u F§ ~ ~/ , I ( \ L\ AUG- 23- 2~¡~~¡j¡¡¡j¡¡¡¡¡::Ut: 27 ALL lANCE TITLE RN 1:::' " ,. RECEIVED 8/29/2006-at-4:1 ri¡¡¡~[ill¡mm¡~ RECEIVING # 921861 BOOK: 632 PAGE: 32 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY File No,: 6010615703 - - -~ - .. QUITCLAIM DEED 000032 Bryan Lee Gail and Melissa Ann Gail, grantot(s) of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration. (-$10.00-), in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby Convey(s) and Quitclaim(s) To Melissa A. Cram, Trustee of the Melissa A. Cram :Family Trust dated May 3rd, 2001 , grantee(s), whose address is: 288 County Road 127, Bedford, Wyoming 83112 , 1111 interest in the following described real property, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyomine, to wit: A portion of the Cram property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 354PR, on Page 686, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County Wyoming, wi thin the Ell" of Section ", T33N, Rll8W, of the 6th P,M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the metes and bounds bein9 more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a Point in the Eamt line of the NW1/4SE1/4 of said ~ection 4, said Point of Beginning, being 825.72 feet SOo13151"W from the Marlowe A. Scherbel PLS 5368, 1994 location for the Northeast Corner of said NWl/4SE1/4; thence S7So52151"E 85.20 feet; thence NB9{1006123"E 171.39 feet; thence N80010'45''E 152.56 feet to a Point in the West line of the Kenneth and April C~am property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 449PR, on paqe 129, with 'aaid Office; thence S26°24120"E, along said Wemt line and a West line of the F&T Partnership property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 460P~, on Page 217, with said Offioe, 191,56 feet; thence S26°24'20"E, along a Northerly line of said F&T Partnership property, 628.89 feet to Point in the Center Line of the Bedford - Turnerville County Road 12-123 Right-of-Way; thence Northwesterly, along said Center Line, the following: S63°35'40IlW 811.28 feet to the beginning of a 1,432.39 feet Radius Curve to the Right¡ Northwesterly, along said Curve to the Right, through a Central Angle of 14"12'15", an arc length of 355.11 feet, from which the radius point bears N40030'OO"E, said C\1rvø having a chord bea.ring N34°23'52"W 354.20 feet, N27°17 1451'W 186.03 feet to the beginning of a 572,96 feet Radius Curve to the Left, and Northwesterly, along said Curve to the Left, through a Central Angle of 17°14146", an arc length of 172.46 feet, said. curve having a chord of N35"S5'08"W 1'71.81 feet, from which the Radius Point bears S4So27'29"W to the Southeast cornsr of tho Lewis, Barber, and Hayborn property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 572PR, on Page 707, with said Office¡ thence N45"04129"E, along the East line of said Lewis, Barber, and Hayborn property, 27.03 feet to the PI of said Curve to the Left; thence N34°30'47"E, continuing along the East line of said Lewis, Barber, and Rayborn property, 572.73 feet, to the Point of Beginning. Hereby releasing and waiving aU rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. 1!:}L~ ~ (j~ ·'P~NNY JONES .NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 18. 2007 State of Wyoming ) ) $S. ) County of Lincoln The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this z.J.rsIday of Bryan A. Gail and Melissa Ann Gail. ATTC::TT~'f . 20 --P6-. by Page 1 00 {E Sttell1l'lLine Deed - Quit Claim WY @ Rev. 8/23/2006 / AUG-23-2006 15:27 ALLIANCE TITLE AND ESCROW 307 877 9602 Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 09/18/07 ~ StreamLine Deed - Quit Chú¡n WV @ Rev, 8/23/2006 ~illill~;iI~~j~i; P.04 cf 000033 peNNY JONES 'iorl,RY PUBLIC COUNTY r,o. '\ ~,TATE OF LINCOI.N\~ WYOMING MY COMMISSiON EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 18.2007 0321~b1 e~gkM Page 2 of3 :;:i;::;::::::;:~::;¡:¡ :;2;::;::tr::::~:!B!, --1