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Effective 11/86 Board of Land Commissioners Return to:
Fo,,, ML-2 Oil & Gas Lease Interest Assignm~mt
(Revised 4-96) State Land & Farm Loan Office
Filing Fee - $25.00 Non-Refundable :' 122 West 25th Street
Herschler Building, 3 West
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600
Wyoming Oil & Gas Lease Serial Number 00-00425 Assigmnent Apprm<i Date
ASSIGNOR, with name and address at,
Baseline Minerals, Inc.
1645 Court Place, Suite 422
Denver, CO 80202
being the owner of 100 percent LEASEHOLD
(Type Interest: Leasehold/Operatir~i; Rights/Overriding Royalty)
interest in this lease, described in particular if less than the total leasehold as:
_T0wnship 21 North, R~ag~ge 119 West, 6"'P,M.
Section 16: All
Lincoln Cmmty, Wyoming
640,00 acres, more or less
For good and valuable consideration, hereby assigns to: .... .
Condor Exploration, LLC
7538 South Sallda Court
Aurora, CO 80016
100 percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above.
2) ASSIGNEE, with name and address a~:
percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above.
3) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at: r
percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above. :'
4) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at: .
percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above.
5) ASSIGNEE, With name and address at: ,
percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above.
and reserving unto ASSIGNOR, 0.5000% Overriding Royalty Interest
This assignment is subject to any existing overriding royalties previously reserved. Reservations of overriding interests must be approved by
the Director, and any such approval is subject to the condition that overriding royalties-n'm.y be canceled by the Board of Land Cmmnissioners if
it finds that such overriding royalties create a burden 'on the lease which prevents or Unre?onably interferes with its development.
ASSIGNOR certifies by signature on reverse, that ASSIGNOR is the owner of the intere:s",'. above herein transfen'ed, and ASSIGNEE(S)
certit}f(ies) by signing on the reverse that this assignment constitutes a binding acceptanc~..!of all the terms, conditions, stipulations, restrictions
and statutes governing the lease described above, and of the Rules of the Board, at Chapter 6, Leasing of Subsurface Resources.
?his.form may be duplicated.
If space is needed for additional assignors or assignees submit copies of this form only.
Page 1 of 2 of Lease # 00-00425 assigmnent dated November 27, 2000
SIGNED AS TO TRANSFER AND ACCEPTANCE this 27th day of November 20 00
By- Nixon Lar:ge ~' ~'/'' /'
~itle - President Title - Manager
Attest -
Attest -
Assignee (2)- OST~ Og.O
Title -.
Attest -
..';: ~,~ ~, . .... ~ .
Fh'se~strum,'n ~n~wledg~db~foremethis~dayof ~ '~L~2000
X ~.. ~.. ~ , _: ~ :., - , ~ ~,~ , , b~ ,~..,~p,, W. Thames, President of Baseline Minerals, Inc.
. ' _ ~.. ~ '" . '[/ ' My commission expires:
1~ Otal'y
This inst,'unl, e~as acknoMedged bbfore me this 2,J/t~' day of (j-j.f,f~/Ul)~_~,, 2000, by Nixon Lange, Manager of Condor Exploration, LLC.
- ' -
- ~ ~
NotqryPdblic ~ .... 5 ; ' -
AssB, mnent Requirements
Note: ^s~jgnments are not V~0roved byg!!he D vector ' '
-- ----- . , State Land and Farm Loan Office as per Stato 0il
as wan'~al any p~to Ihi~si~nment bo ds ~ or e~nitable interest b thi~e. ~sigaments which do not me~t the reauj~inents ste~elow m~d those h~ the Le~e ~d R~fl~ ~11 be ret~ed anan~roved.
1. This form must be completed m~d suN~tted for ~y assi~ment of State Oil & Gas Lease leasehold intevest,'undivided or d:M~d as to sepmate ~acts, Formations zones or deposits, and for ove~ding royal~
2. Assi~oments of less lban a 100% leasehold interest, do not relieve fl~e assi~or of lhe obligations as a lessee nnder Ibc terms of the lease regarding the ifilerest conveyed unless Ibc S~ale first has in band,
a wnl~eu agreemenl to be bound as lessee for ail obligations nnder lhe lease for the assi~ed potion ~mn lhe assi~ee. ThitJrequirement should not be construed in ~y my as a refuse or recision of the
obligations of any sure~ boodiog parlies under lhe reqnivemenls of the State Oil and Gas'E0ase, Board Rules. or tiffs asii~,me~t. (~1 lessees are ulli~nately respo ~sible for the perfonnmce under Ibc lease,
aad dehull subjecls tl~e entire lease lo forfeiture not jnsl Ibc inlerest related ~o any perfomance obligation considered to be in deholt.)
3. A signed origiual and one copy of each assi~ment mast be filed w/th the Wyoming State Land and F~ Lo~ Office. '
4. Each assigument, if approved, is recognized by the State as effective as of the date of approval by the Director. Adeqoate bond must be furnished covering any and all productive zones prior ~o approval
of any assignment of ioteresl in an operating State oil and gas lease, whether wellbores exist on llle leased lands or not, and in no ease.can drilling operations, including ~o prospectively productive zones
trader operating leases, begin witbont a bond first being in place.
5. If Ihere is more Ihan one pafly ia interest to tiffs assigumeut, lhen all such pa~ies in interest must si~l the document befor~ .~ssi~ent approval will be given.
6. The appropriate legal description of the conveyed lauds iuterest must be given.
7. Assignments creating a separate (reissue) lease subject to the roles ~d regulations governing all State of Wyoming Oil & C'::b Lease do not change the terms and conditions of the ofig hal lea~ the lease
amfiversa~ date, nor the obligations aod anniversa~ date of the lease created tbeve~om being considered as if it bad been i:~soed on the effective date of the original lease. (See Board Rules, Chapter 6,
Section A.)
8. Co~orations, limited liability companies, and limiled p~nersldps mnst be qnalified will~ the Wyoming Secret~ of States Gtfice, ~d genlral pamiersblp papers are req~red
and Farm Loan Office prior to, and as acond on of Board approx al of any assi~ment, to be filed with the State ~ud
9. Assignments will oot be considered for approval wbeve assi~or or any assignee cn~ently has a delinquent (late) royalty. )r :eotal payment obligation(s) for ~y State sobs~face resonvee Ieee.