HomeMy WebLinkAbout921911 0. U ....J ...J .... . .Db/} -0.9 ~ S ~o 0>--. ~~~ ¡,... t.;...o c:: b/}OO .9 :s Q C1) 0 Q.) ~tt: "'_ r.I') .:j. -¡::~ 8 ~ -g '~ t: ('j ~ ~ C1) C'.1 10"::1 -.:¡¡~ .!EO,) .,:!;u t- .§ ~ {( QUITCLAIM DEED 000.169 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that MANDY SCHWAB, a single woman, GRANTOR, for .and ID consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good .and valuable consideration in band paid, Ieceipt of wmch is herebyaclmowledged, remises, releases and forever v. quitclaims llllto JEREMY SCHWAB, a single man, GRANTEE, all right, rifle, interest, claim and demand that she.has or ought to have, in and to all of the following described Ieal property situated in the County oflincoln, State of Wyoming, to-wit: T34 R116 810 SE4NFA, more ¡;ommonly described as 793 County Road 121, .Bedford, Wyoming, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Together with and including all .improvements thereon and all appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject 10 all covenants, conditions, Iestrictions, easements, reservations and rights-of-way of sight and/or record. hereby Ieleasing.and waiving all :rights llllder and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. ,WITNESS my band as of this :;¿&, dayof ~, ì ,2006. Mandy Schwab, a single woman f/l~d;j ~)O~ I COury OF 1~íõN STATE O~ /,JY(')M/Nb RECEIVED 8/30/2006 .at 12:02 PM RECEIVJNG:# 921911 BOOK: 632 PAGE: 169 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ) ) ) ss The~~o~QuitclaimDÅ“d~saclmo~~ro ::5rJL'( , 2006, by MAAlr>Y ~J.lLJAD aclmowledged before me that she was M~t.t~~ 'S.C./tlv AR her signature hereto. before me this U1l1- day of , a single woman and who and she signed and affixed ! WITNESS my hand and official seal. (seal) /~C~_· NeráÍy Public My Commission expires: 7/7...~/o{¿, TREVOR P GARNE8R . NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF TETON WYOMING ~~~SION EXPIRES AUGUST 13,2008 -'..''"',' ! . ~~¡~ : :. ~ !!Iì1fj¡¡:¡¡¡"·'·¡"¡ir~· 1f!it,~'r.r.~I~¡~ , ~~~'~f~'~¡';~D o~;¿1.~1.1. Exhibit A :File 6010615767 Description 0001.70 The.land Ieferred to in th.is document is .situated in the State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, .and is described.as follows: A portion of the Schawb property referred 10 in the Deed recorded in Book 487PR, on page 526, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County~ Wyoming.and.a portion of the W.arren property referred 10 in the Deed recorded in Book 274PR, on page 655, with said Office, within the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 34 North, Range 118 West, of the 6th PM., LincoIn County, Wyoming the.metes.and bounds beingmoreparticul.arly described .as follows: BEGINNIN G .at the Spike found .at.a point in the East line of .said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter .marking the Southeast corner of said Schawb property, said Point of Beginning being 440.00 feet North 0°26'33" East from the Referenced Spike marking the .P.aul N. Scherbel BLS 1986 location for the Southeast Corner of .said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence North 89°42' West, .along the South line of said Schw.ab property, 304.12 feet to.an Iron Pipe set .at .a point in .an existing North-South fence; 1hence North 1°55'29" East, .along said fence, 166.55 feet to .an Iron Pipe set; thence South 89°42' East, par.allel with said South line, 299.81 feet to.a Cotton Gin Spike set .at .a point in said East line; ihence South 0°26'33" West, .along .said East line, 166.48 feet, to the .Point of Beginning.