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AUE·2ó·2006 9:04AM ÅlliancB liilB ònd Iscrow
"F.ileNo.: 6010615274
No·6902 p. n
Troy A. Wfun.and Bernadine.P. Wfun, Husb.andJUld Wife,
D/Ultor(s) of .Preston, State of ldaho, for lIIld:in .comidcnl1ion of Ten Do.llars .and Other Good.and VlÙuahle
Consideration, :inJumd paid, receipt whereDi is hereby.acknowledged, rlo(es) Convey lIIld W.arrant To
TOd~. Oark.and P.a~~îBusb.and.and Wife, .
pantee(s), whose address is: ()ß~' 'ì ~~ ~l( 0 the foTIowing lÙ:scribed real
:estate, $Ïtuate:inLincoJn County .and State of Wyoming, to wit:
Lot.2 of Red Top Subdivislon,.LiDcoln County, Wyoming.as Jfescr.ibed on the officla.l plat 1Uet! on August B,.2002
.as.Ìnstnunent No. 883070 ofthencords ofthe.LiDcoJn County Clerk
Bereby rcleasmg lIIld w.aiving .all rights under .and by virtue of the homestead ~ption laws of the' State of
Jumd(s) this ;l5
lIay of AilEust, 2006.
.J..A. 1
B"",orline]'. W.inn-
RECEIVED 8/3012006 at4:38 PM
RECEIVING'll 921931
) BOOK: 632 PAGE:.225
State ofldaho
County of :FranKl;" ) ,L. .LINCO~N ~~UNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY
Tbt: foregoing .ins!nunent w.as .acknowledged beforeme this 2.r; .day of August, 2006, by Troy A. Wfun.and
Bernadine P. Wfun.
W.i1ness my Jumd lIIld DfficiaJ liea1.
My.commission expires: If t/t; í
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